October 19, 1928 WILMETTE . LIPB '--'------:---..,..----------------..1 ··songlands of the World" I RBCOVEilllfG FROM OPEitATION Mary Jane Elder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Elder of 135 Church street, Winnetka, is recovering rapidly from a serious operation performed last Wednesday at the Evanston hospital. The Elder family resided in Wilmette for a number of years. KOTB BXTBamli'ATIO. Uah"enltJ' . . . S T 0 B A .G B A Beautiful Portrait · · in Oils for Only $15 (RegultU price $ 35) Photography by· Toloff, enhanced by our own color artist. JosEph D. Toloff Lehle Photo The Fine Arts Department of the Women's Catholic club of Wilmette pre3ented a prog·r am of high merit last Friday afternoon at the .home of Mrs. F. ]. Oelerich, 1201 Greenwood avenue. "Songland·3 of the World" was pre3ented in costume. The picture shows the leading characters. They were (left to right) Mrs. Walter Bermingham, Mrs. Robert R. Fontham, Mrs. Charles Broad, ~rs . Charles Norf!lan, Mrs. M. B. Morris, Mrs. F. J. Rothing, Mrs Harry Bettmghaus. The Fme Art·.:; Department gives a program each month. Our Photograph· Live Forever 518 Davis Street Phone Univ. 2178 Motor Club Safety Expert to Speak at Howard School A representative of the Chicago Motor club will speak to the pupils of the Howard school next Tuesday morning at 11 :30 on safety. Traffic on Seventeenth street, traversing the school entrance, has decreased greatly since the opening of Ridge avenue, according to Lowell F. Todd, principal of the school. Ridge avenue had been closed temporarily for sewer installation. Cards have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Merle G. Nutt of Moline, Ill., announGiu,g the birth of their daughte_!r-Wno will be called Martha Louise. Mrs. N utt is the former Phyllis Small, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John . D. Small of 411 ~laple avenue. For An Enjoyable AFTERNOON TEA Our Excellent Fountain Service Where the best is served, your afternoon tea will be a pleasure. Our Fountain Service is a success. because we serve our own Sauces, Sundaes, Chocolate Sodas and a great variety of the best Ice Creamvastly better and different from the commercial products. All Ices are made from pore, fresh fruits, li~ewise our sherberts. We know that our Fountain Service will please the most discriminating. ;j + ----------------------· - -------·---------------+ Austin Techau & Co., Inc. WISH TO A N NOUNCE THE OPENING OF A NE\V SHOP AT 930 SPANISH COURT WILMETTE, .ILL. At I THE VERA MEGOWEN success is based upon a sincere effort to provide the choicest quality . of food obtainable. We suggest you take Luncheon or Afternoon Tea with us. Enjoy the service of highly trained employes, best of all-quick attention! Saturday, October 20, 1928 ·-· DRAPERIES FLOOR COVERINGS IMPORTED WALL PAPERS ANTIQUES CHINA GLASS GIFTS EXCELLENT FOUNTAIN SERVICE SANDWICHES· - CAKES - CHOCOLATE SODAS . SUNDAES OF ALL KINDS ·~For The Beit There Ia In Food,, PAINTING and INTERIOR DECORATING TELEPHONE GREENLEAF 4585 +------------------------------------~----------+