October 19; 1928 MOTHERS ·. Give the Folks a Good Breakfast It's the right start for a .good day It's g_uite natural for appetite to be keen at breakfast-the breaK: of a I2"'hour fast. 1\nd everyone, authorities say, includ. . ing mother, should eat a substantial meal to lessen mid"'lDorning fatigue and nerve tension. As a part of your "good"" breakfast enjoy plenty of Borden's Cream. It makes the ·cereal delicious and mellows the coffee. Whipped Cream . Makes Even Simple Desserts Delicious Borden~~Cream has f!Ulny delightful uses This is scientifically ripened and ·prepared Soured Cream with a wonderful piquant flavor. Its delicate aroma is an invitation to the appetite. &rot it with vege· table salad, mix it with cottage cheese, blend it with ma-r onnaise, use in any recipe calling for soured cream. Gelatins, chocolate, vanilla or the other kinds of pudding, junket, bread pudding simple desserts like these are simply delicious when topped with a generous helping of Borden,s Cream. Borden's Cream · whips in a minttte BOftDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS CO. of ILLINOIS Wilmette 1 545 ,· I :