WILMETTE LIFE · October 19, 1928 News of the North·Shore aubs Club to Present Club Building Committee College President Called to First Meeting At the Neighbors S k t 0 ClU b The first meeting for the ·building to , pea All-Day Program committee of the -w·oman's club of ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Woman's Club of Wilmette ing. October 23, at 9:30 o'clock, at the bors was held on Tuesday of this week, Rev. J. W. R. Maguire to Address Catholic Club on clubhouse. At this time the members with the program of the day in charge Offering Lectures, Plays, and . ~'Modern ,, "' will select their chairman. who, in of Mrs. Joseph White, chairman of Superstattons Music· Wednesday Wilmette is called· for Tuesday mornThe regular meeting of the Neigh- I I . I "Ropes" Paul Whalen (Ket>per of the sec' ond class light on Black Blow Ledge) .... . ............. .. Charles :McReynolds Jen Whalen (his wife) . .Agnes George Pauline (their child) . . . Betty Phillips Jlni Paine (the district Inspector) .. ....... .. .... ... .·... . ..... John Marsh The Chicago Art Theatre company II Music ' k Polonaise ....................... GUn a Russian Air . . .... . .. . ...... Balaklren Kame not Ostrow .. ... ...... Rubenstein Waltz from ballet, "Sleeping Beauty" . . ............ Tschaikowsky The Swigart Trio III "The Flattering Word" ~Irs. Mary Wrigley .. ... Agnes George Rev. Loring Rigley (Pastor of tht! East Hillcrest Grace Reformed Church of Youngstown, Ohio) . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles McReynolds lfrs. Zooker (a church worker) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maud Myers Eugene Tesh (a dramatic star) ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Marsh Lena Zooker ........ .. ..... Ethel Ellis . The Chicago Art Theatre company I A day replete with varied appeal is offered to members of the Woman's club of Wilmette on Wednesday, October 24, commencing with the morning session at 10:30 o'clock, and continuing through the afternoon, with tun. cheon served at 1 o'clocK. The program wilt open in the mornJtlg with a talk on 'The Value and Crades of Canned Goods," given hy Miss J. Bartle under the auspices .of the Western Canned Goods assocta ~ tion. Miss Bartle will make known to her hearers much about canned goods. She with tell them how to purchase them. In addition she will demonstrate and open all of the new kinds of canned foodstuffs on the market. Members will then be switched from their household interest to one in drama, for at 12 o'clock Martha Linn of 214 Fifth street, WHT announcer, will talk on "What to Look For in a Play." Mrs. Linn has been interested in drama and early in the fall of 1927 ·introduced a novelty in radio programs when as the "daytime voice of WHT'" she started her Woman's Exchang~ of Ideas, a men.tal . shop in which she exchanged wtth her audience epigrams, bits of verse, and helpful hints sent to her by members of her daytime audience who were, for the most pan, hou.;ewives. For the afternoon program at the club Wednesday, the Chicago Art theatre company, under the direction of han Lazereff, will present two short plays, "Ropes," by Wilbur Daniel Steele, and "The Flattering Word," b,· George Kelly. ~ I van Lazereff, who was for twenty years an artist of the renowned Moscow Art theatre, brings this idea to Chicago; "Theatre is the life of the human spirit on the stage; not the clever imitation of this life, but the actual living itself, upon the stag~. In addition to the plays, The Swtgart trio, George Swigart, violinist; Estelle Swigart, 'cellist; Frances An'derson, pianist, will entertain the members. The appearance of these young artists has particular interest as they are 'residents of \Vilmette and Winnetka and recent graduates of New Trier High school. The complete program \Viii be: - · IV Mualo Waltz-Scherzo ......... . Oscar Strauss Celebrated Andante . .. ... .... Reaslger Salton· Cborua from "Flying Dutchman" ........ . ......... Wagner The Swigart Trio turn will appoint sub-committees. Dur- - the art and literature department. After the usual business and a.ning 'the morning p_la.ns will ~e disThe next meeting of the Woman's cussed for the ~chvrtr of. thts new nouncements, . Mrs. Kelso Farley a.nd Catholic club of Wilmette will be held group ~or. the . ~vmter. It IS. plann~d Mrs. Edwin Bluthardt gave very lll- at the Woman's club 'I'uesday afterthat bmldmg writ commenc~ 111 Apr~], teresting and complete reports ?f th ..~ noon, October 23, at 2 .o'clock. "Th.e to be completed the followmg fall m meeting of the Illinois Federatton of occasion is to be EducatiOn day. Illitime for the first cluh meeting of the Women's clubs held last May at the nois" will be sung by the members, a~ season. Stevens hotel, Chicago, too late to be companied at the piano by Mrs. \VtlThose who have been appointed by reported during the last . club year. liam Otter. the president of the club, Mrs. Hayes Both reports gave a very vivid idea Rev. J. \:V. R. l\~aguire, C. S. ~., McKinney, to sen·e on this committee of the interesting programs offered president of St. Vtator ~<?lleg~, ~·11 are Mesdames Harvev A. Bush, Her- at these meetings. One of the notab!e speak on "Modern ~upershttons. ¥tss bert B. Mulford, Thomas C. Mould- facts reported was the growth m Dorothy Rohol will gtve several pra~o ing, Nathan P. Colwell. \Villiam A. the. Junior branches of the Women's selections. and Mrs. George Beaudm Durgin, 0. E. Thaleg. R. E. Pattison clubs. These branches have a member- will give a talk on "Citizenship." Kline, Arthur ]. Dixon, C. P. Evans, ship of several thousand al!eady. and The Rev. J. W . R. Maguire, it is anGeorge W. Kibby. !Jalsey E. Poronto, have raised over $10,000 111 phtlannounced is noted for his activity beJ. C. Mannerud. C. P. Berg, F. 0. thropic funds the past year. fore th~ Illinois State legislature on Ebeling, Arthur H . Howard. F. ]. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Scheidenhelm. Leslie F. Gates. Ralph C. R. Erwin, vice-president. introduced behalf of social welfare legislation. He T. Huff, Fred B. Parry, David Ander- the speaker of the day, Mrs. Eth~l is director of the Catholic Legislative Service of Illinois, chairman of the deson. Colson Brazelton. Mrs. Brazelton ts partment of economics .of the N.a~ional too well known in Kenilworth and Chi- Conference of Cathohc Chartttes, a Baptist Church Links cago through her association wi.th the member of the executive committee of · T d prominent newspapers and l!ter.ary the department of social action of the H 0 ld M eettngS 0 ay publications to need other than JUSt National Catholic Welfare council and Friendship li11ks of the \Vilmette a formal introduction and there was a former vice-president of the State ConBaptist church meeting today arr: large audience eager to hear her. ference of Public Welfare. Link I, with Mrs. B. R. Taber the Mrs. Brazelton chose as her subject The ---Reverend Father Maguire was leader, at · the home of Mrs. W. A. ·' Box Seats at Living." It was at~ Kendrick, 1344 Greenwood avenue; intriguing subj ect and from the first actively engaged as chaplain in the Link E, Mrs. A. Y. Gruhn, leader, at ~·ord the speaker held the interest of World war and at the conclusion of the home of Mrs. E. E. ·McDow, 1615 every one present. With a se~ies of that service he resumed his office as Highland avenue; Link X, Mrs. Al- sketchy, snappy. and clear-cut ptctures dean of sociology at St. Viator college. fred Heeren s. leader, at the home of she gave the drama of the pageantry He was appointed vice-president of the Mrs. H. B. Burnside, 1515 Lake ave- of life from a "box seat" as it were, college in 1921 and held that office unnue; Link D, Mrs. J. F. Buckie, leader, or "at close range ·· in other words, and til his recent appointment to the presiat the home of :Mrs. G. B. \Villiams, though the writer did not hear her dency following the retirement of the 1137 Lake aveune; Evening link, I, conClusions. it is without d.9ubt that Rev. ]. V. Rheams. The hostesses for the afternoon will with Mrs. C. P. Dubbs and Mrs. G. she left her listeners keener and more D. Allison leaders, at the home of alive to the dailv dramas in the con- be Mrs. P. M. McKay, Mrs. Leroy Mrs. H. H. Dernehl, 1010 Linden ave- stant comedies or tragedies which go McCaffrey, Mrs. .Dennis . Harrison, Mrs. C. F . Foley; and Mrs. Henry nue. at 8 o'clock. In·. carelessly overlooked. or only Prosser. casually noticed, right beside each one. It is a wonderful thing to look at life 0 t b J6 D S t c 0 er ay e with eyes that realty see and listen to Women of Wilmette Sew for Bazaar and Dance life with eager ears. and it is an inspirfor Economy Shop Today Plans for a ·bazaar and dance are ation to have had this contact with a occupying the days for \Vilmette chap- brilliant. keen thinker such as Mrs. \Vomen of Wilmette are invited by ter, 753, 0. E. S. until October 26, Brazelton. the philanthropy department of the The next regular meeting will occur Woman's club of Wilmette at attend when the event \Yilt take place at the Wilmette Masonic temple. on Tuesday. October 30, when Karl its sewing ses3ion at the clubhouse toThe general chairman of the affair is Borders from the Chicagd Commons day for the gift department of the .Mrs. Emma Hartmann, who, with her wi11 speak on "What of the Brew of Economy shop. Work commences at assistants, is arranging for booths the Melting Pot." Mrs. John Wilds, 10, and luncheon, to which school chilwhere fancy work. house dresses, a resident of Kenilworth, will give dren are invited, is served at noon. Mrs. Elmer Berol is chairman of aprons, lingerie, children's clothes, musical numbers. The art and literature department the work in October, assisted by Mrs. candy, and home made bakery goods will be on sale. A chop suey luncheon met last week Tuesdav morning at the E. C. Willison, Mrs. George Rose, Mrs·. from 12:30 until 2, and a barbecue sup- l10ine of Mrs. R. M.- Burns on Essex Claude Mohr, Mrs. A. N. Clagett, Mrs. per in the evening arc included in the road. Mrs. W. A. Moulton gave a re- E. H. Freeman. and Mrs. William ]. ,·iew of Bernard Shaw's newest book, Muehlberg. plan3 for the day. and Mrs. Helen Hepburn gave an acA fashion show will be put on at 8 :JO o'clock. During the evening the count of a current exhibit · of Wedg- Plan Sale, Tea Shop Blue Dragon orchestra will play for wood pottery, adding to the account a ,·ery interesting history of the making dancing. as Benefit lot Home of this china. The next meeting will The Cambridge chapter of the be held in November and the book for Daughters of. the British Empire will Lun~beon for Committee ~:scussion will be Senator Beveridge's hold a fancy goods and food sale comMrCDavid F. H~ll entertained the biography of "Abraham Lincoln." , bined with a tea shop from 2 until 5 The department of music will meet members of the · music committee of Friday afternoon, October 26, in the the Woman's club of Wilmette at on October 25. at 10:15 in the morn- home of Mrs. Thomas H. West, 723 ing, at the home of Mrs. Charles Howe, luncheon Monday in her home at 809 Ashland avenue, Wilmette. The entire Central avenue. Guests of honor were 240. Kenilworth avenue. Mrs. John proceeds of both the sale and the tea Howard Jones, a former president of Mrs. Tina Mae Haines, lecturer, who shop will go to the British Old People's spoke in the afternoon at the Woman's the Neighbors, will g:··e a paper on home at Hollywood. Ill. Those inter"Mozart and his Contemporarie:s." club on the "Beginnings of Opera," ested are urged to attend and a warm Mrs. Hayes McKinney, and Mrs. Harwelcome i3 extended to all. vey Bush. The lecture was unusually To Be Guest of H onot well attended. The Chicago Wellesley club is givLINK MEETiNG THURSDAY ing a luncheon Saturday, October 20, Link F. of the Baptist church will . ENTERTAINS CHURCH GROUP in honor of Miss Ellen Fitz PendleMrs. C. Rollin Smith will be hostess ton, president of Wellesley colJege, meet at the home of Mrs. G. D. Conon October 25, to the Third division who will be the speaker. The affair lee and Mrs. M. C. Lyons, 1044 Forest of the Methodist church at her home, will be given in the French room of avenue, for a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Geb1728 Highland avenue. the Drake hotel. ert is .leader of this link.