LI.FE October 19, 1928 Ball and earnivill"NoVeinbeT 30 fs ·Arden Shore Benefit Annual Arden Shore BY JEAN TEN BROECK &II and Carnival to Be Gay Affair I L-------------;...________, Bride and Bride-to·& ·I Touch of Autumn Contributes Charm . to Recent Wedding Miss Mary-Louise Fenton of Winrietka became the bride of Gerald Horton, son of Mrs. E. B. Horton ~f Wilmette at one of the most beautiful of th~ fall weddings, last Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. R~v. E. Ashley Gerhard read the servtce at the candlelit altar in Christ church ~hich was decorated with a profusion of white chrysanthemums. At the small, reception which followed at the home of the bride's father, Howard Fenton, yellow flowers of the . same variety were used in the deco~attor:t· The bride's gown was made m Ehzabethan style of ivory velvet with tight bodice and long full skirt with a train. There was a yoke and bits of d'Alencon lace at the wrists which matched the veil of the same kind of lace. The' veil hung from a Juliette cap of pearls. The matron of honor, Mrs. Stanley Morrill, wore a gown of brown tulle over gold cloth, cut extremely long on the left side. Her slippers were gold and she carried Gaiety roses. The maid of honor, Miss Honore White, wore a wistaria colored gown which had a large yellow velvet bow in front matching her gold slippers and carried a shower bouquet ·o f yellow roses. The four bridesmaids, Miss Louise Sherman, Miss Pauline Wolff, Mrs. John A. Thompson of Chicago, and Miss Vesper Getman of Evanston, all wore gowns fashioned of chrysanthemum yellow chiffon · made with bouffant skirts short in front and very long in back. ·The green artificial flowers on the shoulders of the dresses were matched by the green satin slippers which they wore and the coloring of their dresses was found in the bouquets of yellow roses and lavender sweet peas which they carried. Kenneth Horton served his brother as best man and the ushers were William W. Miller, John A. Thompson, C. Winslow Tarbet, Charles Milton McCrae, Craig ·c. Velie, and Howard M. Sharp. Gayer, more comprehensive, more brilliant than ever before, is to be the Arden Shore ball. on ~ Friday evening, November 30, if the present plans of the Chicago committee of the Arden Shore association, which is sponsoring the affair, are true prognostications. · Tickets were 1 ut on sale Monday for the event, which, this year, introduces something new, carnival diversions as well as dancing. The Palmer House will be the locale for the event, always a large one on society's calendar. The Red Lacquer room will provide the colorful . background for the carnival, the Grand ballroom for the dancing and the fashion r'evue staged by one of Chicago's smartest shops whose evening gowns aqd evening wraps will be displayed by a group of about twenty Chicago and north shore debutantes. Arrangements underway for the .\rden Shore ball are these : Bright balloons and bunting will Miss Marian Black further enhance the Red Lacquer room Mrs. Henry Lustgarten to provide a carnivalesque setting for Miss Marian Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley Black of many booths, booths where games of skill may be played, ·a golf booth Glenco~ becomes the bride of Walter Ernest Welge of Evanston, Saturday October 20. The wedding ceremony will take place at Christ church, where a putting clock will be put to even:ng, . use, one for a grab bag, one for tin- Winnetka, with a reception following at the home of the bride's parents. Mr.;, Albert A. Faupel, 230 Catalpa place, Wilmette, has announced the types, and one for a fortune teller. Various Chicago stores and shops are marria~~ of her daughter, Alyce Marie, to Henry Lustgarten o~ Maywood, donating the prizes to be given for Ill. Thf' marriage took place last June but was not announced until Saturday, the .games. Octohe.r 6. Mrs. Lustgarten was graduated from the Wilmette Public school From midnight. u'ntil about 1 :30, and ar1.ended New Trier High school. She and her husband arc Plaking their the Carnival will close so that the home with Mrs. Faupel at present. guests may assemble in the Grand ballroom where the fashion revue will Arde.n Shore Board Jean McCallum Is Bride take place. of William W. Mcilwain Next Meets at Camp Mrs. Herbert S. Xock is chairman of the ball this season. Miss Bertha The Wilmette Arden Shore board Yellow chrysanthemums and autumn Pal me·r is in charge of boxes, the first leaves were arranged about the home opened its winter activity with an ailof which already has been sold to of Mr. and Mrs. Alex N. McCallum, day meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred~frs. Rockefeller McCormick. 888 Sheridan road, Glencoe, last Sat- erick Tilt, 342 Gregory avenue, ThursMrs. Warren Hines Clarke heads urday evening, for the marriage of day, October 4, with sixteen members the advertising and program commit- their daughter, Jean, to Wallace present. tee. Mrs. Phelps Dunham is corres- Vlesley Mcilwain, son of Mr. and The next meeting of · the board will ponding secretary and Miss Betty Mrs. \Villiam Mcilwain of Highland take place Thursday, November 1, at Borden and Miss Dorothy Ranney Par ·c About ninety guests assembled the Arden Shore Winter camp, which head the debutantes who will be man- for the wedding ceremony, which was has commenced its season's work of nequins. ~{iss Elaine Blackwell is read at 8:30 o'clock by the Rev. building up undernourished boys. It in charge of decorations and Mrs. Douglas H. Cornell of Glencoe, and will be a time when board members Richard Gambrill, Jr.. p~blicity and for the reception following. may help with mending, see what is to entertainment. Mrs. Francis Edward The was gowned in flesh done, and lend their assistance in putof 257 East Delaware place, Chicago color transparent velvet with ankle- ting things into shape for the oncoming is in charge of the ticket sale. ~ length skirt trimmed with deep tiers winter. of flesh color tulle and with bodice Mrs. Willis H. Hutson, 1112 Elmwood embroidered in pastel shades. She avenue, continues to be in charge of Entertain for Visitor ~- Mrs. John Campbell of 815 Lake avew wore a close fitting, flesh color cap the collecting of soap wrappers with nue will entertain this afternoon at the to which a long tulle veil was attached, which table silver for the camp is purGeorgian hotel at a luncheon and and carried a bouquet of flesh color chased. She is receiving contributions bridge. .The party will be given in sweet peas and liles-of-the-valley. of wrappers as well as panels fron1 Miss Lois McCallum, her sister's soap chip boxes. honor of her sister, Mrs . .c. Dean only attendant, was clad in a bouffant Klahr of Erie, Pa. gown of apple green chiffon fashioned T H dRdC D · Mrs. Glen Gemmill of \'Vheeling and· 0 ea e ross rn.Je Mrs. F. E. Davenport of 404 Gregory with uneven hemline and trimmed with The Junior Neighbors of Kenilworth avenue will entertain at luncheon and coral and.lavender velvet ribbons. She bridge Saturday. October 20, at the carried butterfly roses and lavender met on Tuesday of last week at the ..home of the president, Miss Bernice latter's home, in honor of Mrs. C. sweet peas. Dr. Charles Bailey Blake of "\Vii- Bulley, on Sheridan road. These young Dean Klahr. mette served a~· best man, while his people voted to take charge of the little son Tommy, a'cted as ring bearer. coming Red Cross drive soon to be Exhibit to Be Benefit The · Mcllwains have departed on a started in Kenilworth and this means The Chicago Public School Arts so- motor trip to Canada and the East. a very important work. Mis~ Estelle ciety will be the beneficiary of an ex- They will be at home after November Farley will be chairman of this underhibition to be heJd by Chester Johnson 12, at 712 Seward street, Evanston. taking. in his galJeries, 410 S'Outh Michigan Out-of-town guests at the wedding The next meeting of the organizaavenue, Friday, October 26. . The ex- were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bosshard of tion will be held on the last Tuesday hibit will open with a tea. Mrs. James Woodstock, Ill., and Mrs. John Geedy of November. Lawrence Houghteting of 731 Prospect of Indianapolis, the bridegroom's sister. -------avenue, Winnetka, is one of the women To Address B. P. W. C. interested in the affair. Membership Tea Today The Business and Professional Mrs. Harvey Craig, 716 Lake ave- Women's club of Wilmette will meet Award Prizea at Club nue, is opening her home thi.s after- at 6:30 o'clock Monday night in the Prizes for the year's contests were noon for a tea given for the member- basement of the Congregational awarded Wednesday afternoon at the ship drive of the Wilmette League of church. Dinner will be served at 6 :30 last bridge party of the season at Women voters. Mrs. Herbert' Mul- for members and their g u e s t s. North Shore Coiunrry club. Prizes ford and Mrs. F. R. Kilner will assist The speaker will be Mrs. Mabel Snywere given for the highest scores in her during the tea hour. Each mem- der of the League of \Vomen Voters. the season bridge tournament as weU ber is urged to come and bring a Her subject will be "The Importance as for other compet~tions. guest. of Women Voting." Add to Building Fund Approximately $1,500 is added to the fund for the Woman's building at Northwestern university by the Associate alumnae of the university as a result of tpe concerts given by John Philip Sousa and his band on the a£~ ternoon and evening of September 22, it is announced.. The benefit was given under the auspices of the Evanston League of Women Voters and the Associate alumnae of Northwestern university. This latter group has now, in cash and pledge.s, a little more than $100,000. Benefit Dance Saturdcy The building fund of the Woman's club of Wilmette will benefit by the second in the series of subscript.ion dances to be ·given tomorrow evening at the clubhouse. Mrs. Earl D. Lyon heads the committee in charge of the3e affairs, which, from now on, wi.ll tak.e place the third Saturday of every month. Chi Omega Party Today The North Shore Alumriae association of Chi Omega sorority will give · a card party at the Chi Omega house in Evanston Friday evening, October 19, at 8 o'clock. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. F. E. Davenport of 404 Gregory avenue, Wilmette. , Club Giues DtUJCe Club Vista del Lago entertained at an informal dance Wednesday evening, October 17. A business meeting at 8 o'clock preceded the dance.