Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1928, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE October 19, 1928 .., · the years go by. They come to have a ~eat SHO.RE LINES fondness for ·sitting down and readtJ?-g· IIIUJID ·:amAY o· .ACB W.·K They seem fon~ taking .lif.e .e asy. Wtth w 'LLOYD BOLLI8'1'11.. llfC. this difference tn tnterest ts tt any wonder IN1'ERESTING IN THE EXTREME IS THE 1111-1111 Central A·e.. Wilmette. DL that the more mature sometimes lose CIRCUMSTANCE THAT THE SCENE OF c.1aaco ollce: I N. lllchlpn Aft. '1'eL 8t&te aM patience with their less weary contempor- THE NATIONAL POLITICAL ARENA HAS ~IHMie ···························· 1Jibaette till SHIFTED TO WINNETKA, A COMMUNITY · j) artes. . WHICH USUALLY MANAGES TO DO A But the gap can be narr.owed. ~lders PRETTY GOOD JOB OF THRESHING OUT ~DeC&IPI'Io· ··c·............. ..... A u.a.. can either keep their early po1nts .of vtew or THE ISSUES IN ANY CONTROVERSY OF M eammuDicaUoM mut be accompanied b~ tbe by sympathetic imagination can come .to NOTE HERE ONE IS PLEASED TO WIT..... aacl a4clna of tbe writer. ArtlclM for publlclatlon m118t naeh tbe editor b~ W4Mtn..aa~ DOOD to see things as youth sees them. One frutt- NESS .A GLORIOUS BATTLE OF WIT AND ._,. ..........- In curnnt bne. BRAINS AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE GUIDful way is to read what children, young and ING .a-JuUoBI of ooDClolenee, carcl8 of tb&Db, obltaFACTORS OF THE OPPOSING CAMPS. ....., aottcee of entertainment. or other dalra wben very young, write and to try to understand . IT WOULD APPEAR TO HAVE RESOLVED aa admlttaaee charp I· pab11Bhe4, will be eharlecl at Read the Junior sections in our papers, ITSELF INTO A HAND-TO-HAND ENCOUNI'II«U1&r acl~ertllllllA' rat· for instance. See what the youngsters a~e TER WHAT WITH BOTH THE DEMOAND REPUBLICAN HEADQUARThere can be no doubt in anyone's mind up to what they have on their minds. Dtd CRATIC TERS LOCATED WITHIN THE' SAME BUSIthat the Atnerican people want movies. As y.ou know, for example, that during the NESS BLOCK, OR, WITHIN SHOUTING DISa source of good and inexpensive entertain.: week oeginning September 24, the boys TANCE AS IT WERE. REGARDING THE ment what is there that wore hanging pant legs and open coll!lrs SITUATION FROM THE STANDPOINT OF A WE HAVE BECOME INcan compete with the and that during the same week the gtrls ··FOREIGNER," ~eople . Want TRIGUED TO THE POINT WHERE WE reflections fron1 the silwore one earring and stockings rolled down SHALL NOT REST CONTENT UNTIL WINMooies ver scretn ? 'i'he soto their shoes? .:You didn't know it? Well, ~ETKA HAS REGISTERED ITS ULTIMATE c a 11 e d " legitimat,e" then, how can yd'u hope to understand school . DECISION. dran1a has its ardent devotees, but the cbst children? Sounds Ominous of one attendance at this latter form of I-Iere's an editorial written hv an 8th grade Rumors to the contrary notwithstanding, there is amusement is five or six times the cost of boy: "When you play football never cry said to be no special significance in the fact tha~ a seat at the tnovies. when you get hurt, for . if you do ~he others the Winnetka Democrats h_ave open~d headquarThere are good tnovies and bad, just as always think you're a baby. Don t let any ters in a dyeing and cleanmg estabh~~ment, and there are good "legitimates" and bad. If big fellow scare you. Get in and get after that the Republicans have set up pohttcal housekeeping in a barber shop. But, draw your own an adult will be ten1perate in his attendance him for the larger they are the harder thry conclusions. at the film houses and fairly intelligent in fall:" Study this and you ·will discover· his selection of pictures that are really considerable about the mor~l code of the And the Congressional Record? . worth seeing, we are sure that his life Dear Mique: Why I've quit reading Sh~re Lmes grammar school boy. If you do read wh~t have taken up Fit's editorials exclustvely: wiJl be happier, more restf~l, and doubtless the boys and girls write, be sure !.o read tt and Headline in a Chicago Daily-"Laughlng Adds longer. We cannot, however, give our full sympathetically and thoughtfully. By so Years to Life, Medic Says"; and the story readsYou can laugh your ills away and add years to your approval to those who pay fifty cents to doing you will become as a little child and .. life One woman regarded as doomed to die at 37, see a picture and then sleep during the most. Jive.d to be 103 by laughing and enjoying herself. Dr. perhaps fit for the kingdom of heaven. .r. w. Torbett cited her case In, ~n address before thrilling portions. Why not ~Jeep at hon1e? thl' American College of Therapy. -Augle. The educational films of former days used It ,von't be long now before the N. o rth to show us wild animals apparently in their Why Not?-:-We Edit Clean Sheets Shore Theater Guild presents its first play native haunts. We saw flowers slowly exDear Mique: We were informed recent~y t~at of the current season. Dozens of families Lloyd Hollister Inc. had a Glenc~ office 1n With panding and were thereby brought nearer and hundreds of individ- the American Laundry, a fact whach prompts ·us to nature's heart. We saw aboriginals of N orth Shore uals are looking forward to ask if the choice of location wu made in various colors going about their daily acto that evening, when accordance with your policy to publish only "Clean tivities more or less aware of the camera's Theater Guild our own actors will hold News?" -P. G. comprehending eye. N,owadays there isn't the mirror up to life in . so much of this, its place being taken largetheir usual skillful way. Bet He Also Has Ba~kbone ly by the pictures with a story, with or ~Iiqu e: Take this for what it's worth-the general This year we are justified in expecting ehairman of the Glencoe Boy Scout committee goes \vithout a plot. that· this first presentation will excel any h\· the name of "Kneebone." · -The Sugar Broker·. Much has been said deploring the effect production of former years. With two diof tnovies on children and it does seem rectors giving their full time to Guild acForewarned Is Forearmed sad that there should be · so many parents tivities there will be a finish to the indi\·idTo date we have been unable to establish any who will allow their young charges to visit .ual and ensemble playing that \yitl put to premeditated C<?qnection be~ween the . fact that the movies more than once a week. We shame many a professional company. Wilmette Rotartans are placmg a premmm of $1G are also sorry to learn that. there are mothNorth Shore citizens are ·to be congratu- upon every child born into a Rotary household in community, and the further fact that, alm~st ers who al1ow their children to see any piclated on having secured the full-time serv- that simultaneously the Wilmette board of education tue that happens to be showing at the local ices of both Mr. Owen and Mr. Woellhof. awarded cont;act for an addition to the Howard house. It is very likely that these same grammar school. children in· their late teens will exhibit "The poor ye have always with you." Our Baby characters that will distress those .who This statement is as true as it was nineteen There he · i s fliying, should have guarded against such uncenturies ago in the Holy Land. And the So pea.ceftd and cmltent, pleasant results. need for emphasizing it is greater now than Dr~aming of the augels As for Sunday movies some communities then. America is a wealthy country, and In the far off firmamen.t. want thetn and some do not. And so they Nothing does his heart desire, the north shore residents are mostly '"ell· Just u·ants to eat and sleep, have them or do not have them. Which is to-do. We forget that which we do not And we are just awaiting as it should be in a democracy. often see. Let us remember that there are To sec ottr baby creep. needy ones in our own cotnmunities. Call J¥hctl he's a.w ake he smiles, and smiles The gap that often exists between young up those . engaged in relief work. Tell And tries so hard to talk, So I guess it won't be very long people and their elders co01es into being and them what you can do to help . Till he'll get up and walk. grows when elders forget that they once were -F. W.E. younger and lose the With all the educational factories in Keep V p With power to imagine what in- America now running on full time the hum Wilmette's electorate-what with prospects of a terested them · in those of culture can be very distinctly heard. red hot wind-up of the current political campaign Young People earlier years and also To parents and others vitalJy interested in. on November 6-should not be too cool toward that lose the appetite for the the mental and physical growth of Ameri- incinerator proposition which the village authorities have so thoughtfully included among the issues of pleasures of youth. can youth the sound is a most pleasing one, the day. Young people like to be active. They are foretelling as it does the progress of our At least one Irrefutable argument for the incinnot over-particular as to just what form great and glorious democracy. · erator should not be overlooked by its proponents, 'their activitj may take. So long as they · namely, that it will make an excellent depository for are doing something they are pretty cerPortions of the broad inter-community campaign literat_ur_e_.- - - - - tain to be happy. They like dancing, playhighway have been and are being c,omAfter "listening in" on the Northwestern-Ohio ing of various sorts, hiking, motoring pleted. When Kenilworth and Glencoe game last Saturday, we are undecided as to who rapidly) eating plentiful~ and often. complete their sections our north shore perpetrated the most fumbles, the Purple stalwarts .. ()Jde~eople!llllbeoome--fond of ileeping as · .· towns will have one strong, unify,ing bond. or ' the radio announcer. , · ·· -Mtqu~. .WILMETTE LIFE o!

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