Publiahtd Wttlclfl bu tiH tchool ehrldrm o1 Wilmttll UIMier auperviSJon_ of Wilmtttt Plov rround and RecreatiotJ Board. VOL, 1 NO. 37 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 19, 1928 Howard Grid Squad Helen Tells About ·Her Katherine All Set for Stolp-St. Joseph's Summer Trip to Sweden Big Ten Football .Games Defeats Stolp Team Play 12-12 Thriller I crossed the ocean on the DrothningThe · beginning of the Northwestern at Village Green season brings good news to our holm ·this summer. Six times a day we of Foof !Jall Season football family, as we have season tickets. The had something to eat and drink. At S Konday. October 8, St. Joseph played a echeduled game with Stolp SA. tying 1!-12. The first half started with St. .Joseph receiving. 'nle ball exchanged hands ·a few times when Cecil Williams, SA's fullback, got the ball and went over tor a touchdown. He had splendid interference from ..Chuck" Knapp and Bob White, SA's halve& The try for a goal failed. After the kick oft by Bob White, St. Joseph's fullback went over for a touchdown. They aleo failed to make goal. The ball was received by Stolp on the next play, who lost It on the fourth down. St. Joseph's full back took the ball twice when he was replaced bec&UIIe of Injury. The half was called and both teams were pretty well tired out. St. Joseph's injured fullback came back In the second half. Stolp received the ball. Cecil Williams took lt for about a 10-yard gain. When there was about a quarter to play a fumble was made by St. .To~ph and ..Chuck" Knapp picket} up the ball and dodged over the line for a touchdown. The goal failed again. When there was about four minutes to play. the full back of St. Joseph went over for a touchdown. The goal failed. The score was now tied 12 to 12. Monday, October 11, SA Stolp will play SB Howard for the championship. Both SA Stolp and 8B Howard are tied for the champlonship.-Chester Hanson. 8A Stolp. schedule seems to be a very good one. It Is as follows : October 6. Butler at Evanston ; October 13, Ohio State at Evanston ; October 20, Kentucky at Evanston ; October 27, Northwestern at Illinois ; November 3, Minnesota at Evanston; November 10, Pudue at Evanston; November 17, Northwestern at Indiana; November 23, Dartmouth at Evanston. There are eight games in all. They are mostly home games. Last year we had season tickets also. They were very good. They were on the 45-yard line, third row from front. The Illinois-Northwestern game makes me wish I were older so I could see that game, although I don't know which side 1 would sit on as father is from Illinois and my mother from Northwestern.- Katherine Thompson, SA Stolp. o'clock we h::ld breakfast. at 11 we had bouillon and crackers. At 1 o'clock we had luncheon ; at 4 we had tea; at 6 we had dinner. and at nine we had coffee. They had all kinds of amusements, such as ri1oviel'l, horse races. dances. deck tennis, tug of war. and potato races. They also had pillow fights, sack races, and many others. I "a w a whole school of fish. When we passed Newfounland banks we had fog. The fog horn kept blowing. We arrived at Sweden July 2. I had a very pleasant journey.-Helen Peterson, fifth grade, Central Girl Scout Troop Enjoys Treasure Hunt and Supper ·Wednesday, October 10, Girl Scout Troop 2 had a Treasure Hunt. We had four groups each starting out ten minutes apart. We had a very exciting hunt. Tt began to get dark so we had to go home with the treasure hunt unfinished. We went back to the Methodist church we were to meet the rest of the J;!'roups and have our ,.Pot Luck Supper." We foun<l that two groups had gone the wrong way and had only found the first note and our group and group four were a tie as neither of us finished. We then had our "Pot Luck Supper" which was very good. After we had cleaned up we were told by our captain a ghost story with the lights out which made it all the more scary.-Phyllis Carleton, 7, Stolp Robert Willis Directs Junior Police Officers The Howard Junior Police patrol boys have been chosen and are working in connection with the Village police. Now that they have their ambulance, any patient can be transported to a hospital with ease. There are two patrols with four boys In each patrol at Howard. The officers are as follows : Robert Willis, captain ; James Kraft. lieutenant of the first patrol; and Billy Grant, Charles Moreau and Albert Ackerman, patrolmen. Fayette Lilly Is lieutenant of the second patrol and the patrolmen are Herman Meyer. Richard Haugsness, and Edwin Colgrove.-Frederick Larson, SA Howard Expert Addresses Children on Fire Prevention Topics Tuesday morning from 11 :30 to 12 o'clock, F. J. Budinger, who was authorbed by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, talked to the children from fifth to eighth grades of Howard on F:lre prevention. We were told that eighty percent of the fires were due to carelessness and 40 percent due to electric appliances. He told us if .we wished to prevent fites not to leave greasy rags lytng around and to step on all the lighted cigars and cigarette stubs that we found. He gave us a fine talk and everybody appreciated ha vin~ him here to talk to us.-Betty Hurtt, SA Howard ST. JOSEPH WINS 7A Howard had a football game with St. Joseph, Friday, October 5. The final ecore was 20 to 8 in favor of St. Joseph. We started the ~arne with four boys. By the end of the first half, the score was 13 to 0 in favor of St. Joseph. When we started the second half we had a full team. Our captain could not play because of a sore back.-Bob HermanS\)n, 7A Howard ELECT CLUB OFFICEBS Howard 7A has a club. The following oftlcers have been elected: President, John Osborne; vice president. James Chamber; secretary, Janet Wright; treasurer, Elaine Anglebeck. We also have dlfterent committees, such as errand boys, who run errands for the teachers. In the club treasury we have about $2.60.- Mary Loulee Moreau, 7A Howard FINISH WILMETTE MAPS We. the 7D class of Howard school, have just finished our maps of Wilmette. Sonte are very neat and others are not. Mrs. Vernon is going to correct our maps and we wlll get them ln a few days. Some of the maps were put around the room and others were piled on the table. - Arlene Conrad. 7D Stolp WATCH NORTHWESTERN The boys of all the football teams were ln\ited to the N. U. football game on ~aturday. It was between N. U. and BuUer. The Purple won 14 to 0. The game was very exciting. Then there was a game between Loyola and Northwestern. In the first halt it was 7 to 6. · -Paul Leach, 7d Stolp. SELECT CLASS' COLORS Last Monday the eighth grade SA room \ 'Oted upon its room colors, which are white and light blue. There were many nominations for green and gold, silver aD4 cold. etc., but blue and white received the most votes.-Dorothy Yetter, SA Howard. ALICE 18 NEWS BOSS lA voted Alloe Nord as room editor to .rather news for the Junior I...lfe.-VIr-'Dia llabae.&A Howard 7C Football Aggregation · I 7D Classmate Squad TriDl The 7D Stolp boys played the 7C Stolp boys In football, Monday, October S. 7C won 12-0. It was a good game from start to finish. The first part of the game . 7C was winning 6-0. The second llalf Preston broke away for a 50-yard run making the score 12-0. 7C's favor. 7c got to fighting and got within 20 yards of 7C's goal line with a minute to play. 7A passed and Preston intercepted it and ran clear but was caught by Jack Allworth and the whistle blew. Preston made all the touchdowns.-John Bartholomew, 7C st0 1 ~*":-- ~on October 3. It look~ like a pretty L:u~t Satm'day, October s. at 2 o'clock . J,':'ood year for SA. Our first ~chPdUl"tl I Wf'nt to thP Lake ViPW football gamf? I'!':-~ me Waf; with St. Francis at 3 =15 o'clock. at New Tri or. ,'.t the b eJrinning it wa~ Wf" played thret" . innings and the scorP verv dry bf?can~, L"kf' View ctid not was 2S to 1 In SA's favor. The girls who mn kP a ~core. 'Rnt a bont the mirldle of pla>·ed were: Alice Nord, captain; Mar: thP e-a me New Tri ar l"f'OrPd a touchdown . i~'· 14 Iverl"'on. 1b; MuriE-l ~eyer. c!ttcher: madf' bv number 30. Tt certainly wa!'; ex· l~athlyn Welter. 2 b; Vlrgmia Mame. F:S · citing then. The peoplf' on thP bleachor-: .TNtn Dunning, !';S: Betty Hurtt. Elso wE'rE' ~houting as hard ::ls t.h <>v conlrl. f'::trlen. Ruth Genner, Dorothy Yetter, Numbf>r M then made a goal kiek whi ('h fif?lrlerR.- .Jean Dunning, SA Howard made thP ~<'nr<> 26 to 0 in N~>w Trlf'r·~ CA liP FIRE ELECTS · faym·.--Iri!'; White. 7B Stolp school - - - - - -- - The Aihi Camp Fire group had itR elec~C TEAM WINS tinl'l nf officerR. Sentember 1S. Eilef>n Rm·l<P was elected president, Sylvia Central 5C had a game with f':entral P Stot>rk. vi<'e DrP.sident: Martha Gilhofer, fiA October 2. 5C won the game·. The firRt ~ f' f't't>tary and Dorothy Neal. trE-asurer. half the score was 6 to 0. 5C's favor. The ADDITION PBOGBESSES n . Jlraith and Kath~?rine Thomp ~" flr8t of the second half it was 13 to 0 The new addition on Howard school i~ e-n vr· a lunchf>on. SeptPmbPr 15, at thf> and the last of the second half it was coming along fine. There are to be four honw of the former. Svlvia St.oerk :md 13 ·to 6 and only three minute!'! to play. new rooms: auditorium, science, laborat- Eil een Burke gavE> a d·i nner, September 5A kicked the ball and 5C got the ball on ory, and kindergarten. Although there 2'> at the homt" of the former. Martha the 15-yard line. The players of 5A are: is a lot of noise around, the teachers man- Gilhofer and Miss Scott (our guardian) Homer Bonnem. Hall, Clark, Herman age to make themselves heard and we ~~ , .... a dinnE-r on the beach . They were Birlauf, Rowland Davis, Edward Wolff, have to do a lot more writing.-Bettye an working for campfire honors. .Jimmif' Chronis, Roger Williams. Rollo Ka.. Kirwan. SB Howard Ali!"!on Burge and Kath P.rine Thnmt)"'"'~ Gulli<'k~on, BIUy Harvey . .Jack GrammE'r. hn n~ hef'n ho!"teRses for the weekly meet- Ralph Elson.-Herman Birlauf, Central 5. A GOOD IDEA. ings so far thb; senson. One mt>eting W'll" '£he Howard school has appointed hPld on the beach.-.<\ lison Burge, SA FU11BLES COST GAMES Junior Police to see that the small childThe girls of 7A and 7B Howard hafl ren get across Lake avenue without get- Stolp g-ameR last Thursday night. 7A playt:'d ting hurt. 1 think it is a very good Idea Rt . Francis and 7B played St. Joseph. St. JXQFIRTNG REPORTER for it has saved many an accident. The Que:o:tion: ' What dv you like Le::;t in Francis and St. Joseph won because they Junior Pollee from the SB are James caught tlies and they knew whPre thE' ~<'hool? Kraft and Hilly Grant.-Fleela Freeman, Wnlter Mt-rrllJ- Manual training. runner!'! were. That is what the Howard 8B Howard Jrirts ~hould practice on. There WE'rf' Allen Rossman- 1\lllk at rt-cess. about three flies in each grade that both N' obt:'rt Fletcher-Arithmetic. CBUSH 7·B HOPES grades could have caught, but fumblNl Chester Hangon-Baseball at recess. Monday, OctoberS, 7A girls crushed the Wtniams--Foothall when school and dropped.-..tanet Wright, 7A Howard hopes of 7B's second team In kickball Cecil lE'ts out. championship of Stolp school. 7A has Richard Pickard- Arithmetic. WIN FOUR GAMES won all its games and has high hopes of Ed WhitmanStolp SA has played four kickball Manual training. winning the ~ckball championship tor Charles LP.onard-Milk. gamf's and has won all of them~ Our seventh grades. Else von.Heinspere- is our George Fackt, SA Stolp. C'aptain is June Kehl. Last year we won captain and changed our places according all games in kickball. volley ball, basketto Inning. At first the tame was played ball and baseball. We hope to win all 7·A GIRLS WIN with much interest, but it se·e med to die. 7A 'f"irl:-; played 7C girls last night, games this year also.-Eleanor Moulding. The score was 46-G.--Jane Thompson. Octob<> t' 10. for the second time. The score SA Stolp wa~ 15 to 10. The girls playing on the winninJr 7A team were Else vonReinWANT NEW SCOUTS TRIP BIG SUCCESS The Boy Scouts of troop 12 are askh, ,.. sperg. GretE' vonReinsper~. Allee EbPiinJ!' The Boy Scouts of Troop 12 went on a hike to the Glenview Forest Preserve. Phyllis Carleton. Mary A. Hayes, Flor- for new members. If you are interesterl Bob Wilkins of New Trier took us there. entinE> Streube. Francis Schuman, Elea- iP joining a troop come an. d visit us at We were very .fortunate in seeing two nor Rkks. Betty Smith, Betty Palenske thf' Teatro del Lago · at 7 :30 Friday wrecks. The first was not bad but the and Alice Freeman .-Alice Ebeling, 7A nightr-;. You are welcome. Bib Wilkins second one was quite serious. Bob. Stolp it ~coutmaster.-George Fackt, SA Stolp Wilkins rendered first aid to the people who were Injured. We had a very sucEDITOR-IN ·CHIEF HAVE A HARD JOB cessful trip.-George Fackt, SA Stolp. The eighth grades of Howard school deThe seventh grades of the Stolp schoo~ cided it would be a good idea to have an ir-; getting the same medicine we had last editor-in-chief to see that all writeups year. The pupils are having to draw a WIN P. T. A. AWABD Miss Johannsen's room at Central from the Junior Life were brnught over free hand map of Wilmette. I know myschool won the prize for the largest at- to the office at Central school. Dick Steen self by drawing Wilmette you will know tendance at the P. T. A: meeting Tues- of SA, Mrs. Jones' room. was elected.- it bettt:'r, but it Is terribly hard to draw. day night. October 9.-Reeva Golden, Muriel Meyer, SA Howard -George Fackt, 8A Stolp sixth Central. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER PL.o\.Y TITLE GAME · MAKE DISH CLOTHS Monday, October 10, we had our first The boys of the SA Stolp play Howard All of the girls are making dish cloths. r-;ubstitute in the Howard school. She took SB for the eighth grade championshi1l As soon as we get through with our the place of Miss Madsen. The substi- this Monday at Howard school. SA played dlah cloths we will make a towel.-Vir- tute's name was Mrs. Larson.-Helen Mil- St. Joseph and the score was 12-12.ginla McClure, Fifth Grade, Central. ler, SB Howard George Fackt, SA Stolp. Howard Kickball Girls Trirn St. Francis Squad Wa~ches New Trier Grid. Howard sA girls !'tarted their kickb~n Squad Defeat Lake Vtew Howard 8B played Rtolp 8C at thP Vil lage Green, Monday, October S. and won 26 to 0. Howard In the fir~t Quartf'r m:Hl f' a touchdown. Jerome NE-vin!'! carried tlw ball for 20 yards to make the score 6 to 0 and thP.n Crammer rushed the ball fol' the other point. Score ending How a 1'(1 7. Stolp 0. In the second quarter Howar·l kickP<l t o Stolp on their own 10 yard linf'. Rtoln carried the ball for two yard!'!. thPn thPv make first down on 10 yards. It wa!'i Howard's ball on the fifty yard linE>. Crammer makes a beautiful left Pnd ru'l for first down. Howard car,ried the ba 11 to Stolp's four-yard line. Crammer <'arries ball over goal. The gecond h a lf ended Howard ·14, Stolp 0. In the third quarter Howard took the ball to Stolp's 45-yard line. Stoln put ~ in new halfback and score ends Howat·<l 14, Stolp 0. The fourth quarter Howar<l kicked to Stolp and the ball went outl'lide on 2ayard line. Stolp kicked and a high ball into the air bounces Into Jim Dewar·~ mitts and he goes for a 50-yard dash an<l makes a touchdown. Howard mi~"'ed th P kick and the score stood 21 to 0. Howard kicked to Stolp and recovered the ball on the 25-yard line after Stolp fumblt:'<l . Howard marched down the field for another touchdown. The final score wa!> Howard 26. StolD 0. Stolp kicked a~ th e whi!ltle blew.-Marshall Doose. SB Howard ·