l WILMETTE LIFE October 19, 1928 News of Interest to · the Church-Goers of · Our Village C.ongregational Church Vere V. Loper, minister William E. McCormack, minister of ~ucatton. The Firat CoDal'ecatlonal church congratulates St. John's Lutheran church and rejolcea wttb Ita members In the celeb~don of tbe Silver Anniversary of the church whlcb will ta!le place during the Wf'ek of October 21-26. of the Roman Empire." The subjects of Scripture Reading and Prayer the other numbers in the series, whlcb Choir"King All Glorious" ... .·. . . . . Bam~y co~inues till December 19, may be had Solos by-Mrs. G. F. Simons on requeat. Mr. H. Woltr Dr. W. Ruesch Sunday morning, October 28, the SunThe Sermon. by the home pastor day school of the Church of the Holy Ofrertory--"Chorale . . . Bach Comforter will be the guest of Union Hymn 468-"1 Love .Prelude" Thy Zion, Lord" Church Sunday school, and a special The Benediction program has been pre1la red for the ocDoxology 578 casion. Postlude . ................ ··· Rhein berger Dr. WiiJett's subject Sunday morning Thursday Evenln,.- at 7:4~ October 28 at 11 o'clo<'k will be, "The (La.dles' Alfl und 1 Uisslonary) Sovereign Citizen." Organ-"Toccata" .... . .... . .... .. Rogers Hymn 67"Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee" Wednesday evening, Xovembe r 7. the autumn Chuu·h dinner will be held in Prayer and Scripture Reading the Guild room of the <'hurch. Full an- The Ladies' Aid Chorusnouncemt>nt will be made n~xt week. "Praise Y e the Father" . .. The SermonPastor A. Ullrich, LaGrangE>, Illinois The ('hUr<·h and Sunday school have lost a \'aluable member and official in Ot'l'ertnry. Saint Saens "Renediction" . . the removal of Mr. Leslie McArthur to Aid Chorusthe east. Happily the family will not LalliE's' "We All Do Praise Thee" l<'ave until spring. Offe ring~ for charitable purpoRes Hymn 362"0 God of Mercy, f:ofl of Might" The Benediction Wilmette and Park a\·enue~. Wilmette Doxology 585 Org-anHt>r'man \V. 1\IE>yer, M. A. paRtor . . . . Guilmant "Grand Tr-iumphalt'" 40G Pr:tir·it> avenue Telephon e 1396 Church telephone :n11 l'rlduy Ennha,.- at i:-&:t (l-oun,.- Pttople) Organ :\ NNIVERS~ Rl. WEEK St. .Jnhn'o:; Lutheran l'hun·h lwreby Hymn 377"Stanfl Up. Stand UJ) for Jesus" wi~heR to extend to all the peoplE> of '\Vilmette and the HUJ'l'Otmding- territory ~<'rinture Reacling and Prayer its :--incere and cordial invitation to its C'hoir-".1\ly D efen!'=E> l!: of God·' . B. Huhn Anni\'ersary Rervfces which will begin next ~unday morning aniJ continue The Sermon-Dean H . Kumnick ~olo-1\'li:-;s Lolita BerUlngthmmdt tht> following wet>k "1 \\Tatted for the Lord" . Mendelsl'lohn The Offering~ for C'hristian Education THF. SF.RYICF;S Sunday at !'I :30: Runday H<'hool and Bible Hymn 353-" ~aYiour. Thy Dying Love" clasReH. BE>n ediction Sunday at !I :4:1: Fit·:--t Hf·r·vic.:.-', the Rev. Doxology, 588 H. Kowert. Sunday at U : Rf'corul !'ervice, the Rev. 'l'he fact that the anniversary services H. Kowert. have been designated by different names Monday nt 7 :4fi: llh;l-iion !'enice. the is not to be f'O underRtood that only Rev. C. Aaron. those particularly interested in this or Tuesday at 7:15: Honweoming service, that pha~e of worl{ are invited. EveryPastor H. W. Meyt>r. body is im·ited to e\'ery service. But we Thursday at 7:45: Ladies' Aid, Pastor are going to renwmber the various un. A. Ullrich. <lertakingR and pha~eR of the church's Friday at 7:45: Young- l't>uplf', the Rev. work at these ~en·ices. H. Kumniclt. The spt·nkers with one exception are Sunday llornlu~ 11t 9:1:. unci 11 all Yisitor!-:. Pa!-:tor H. Kowert is the Organ PreludeFir~t Vice Pref-;irlent of the District of Chorale Prelude . . . .. . Bach Xortlwrn TllinoiH nf the Mo. Synod. Hymn 63Pastor f.:.. ~chue!-:~l er is the President of "Praise to the T. . ord. tht> .-\lmi~hty" the large EngliRh Di~trict and pastor of Liturgy to and including the Gn!'pel the mo~t beautiful of all Luthemn Choir- <·hurche!-: in thi:-- vicinity, Redeemer "The Heavenl'l Art> Tt>lling··· Rt'+:>tlwv+:>n ('hurch at 64th and Harvard avenues. The Nicene Creed Pa~tor C. Aaron i~ a fullblooded Indian Hymn 454who was f'dU{'a ted for the ministry "Christ, Thou .A rt the Sure Foundation" at one of our Lutheran Seminaries, and The Sermon by l'a:.:tor I h·m·y Kowert of who is now in charge of a flourishing Fh·Rt St. Paul':-: Indian MisRion in \Viscon~in. Pastor A. Offertory . . . . . . . . ... Rizet Ullrich is the President of the District Solo-Dr. William Utwschof Northern Illinoi~ of the Mo. Synod. PrnYer lliller anfl the Re,·. :\fr. Kumntck is dean of Offerings ~tudents at Valparai:--o university. DurSunday School mg· the war hE- waR a chaplain ~tationed '·My Church. llv f'hur<"h" at Great Lakes Xaval Training station. ')'he B.:nedic:tion · Doxology 591 The chaneel furnitur·t> iR now being- in~tallecl at St . .John's and will be ready r<?~tlude-: . ·.. r anta~ra 111 b I hahoi:-: for the serviet>:-- Sunday morning. Since th er·e is a good deal of symboliRm Sunda)' 1-: nnhaac- ut i : .. :. worked into the desig-n we ~hall let you Org·anview the altar and reredos before we 'ex"l<'inalt- f1·om 6th Sonata" .. ~lt>JHlt'l~~ohn plain th e symholic <lesignR. Hymn 76"0 Bit·:--:-: tht' Lorcl, )lv Soul" 1t is with l'=incert> and lwartfelt thanl{S Sl'riJ)tm·.-. Heading· · to God that St. John's <:ongreg·ation C'hoir-··s:uaC'tus" . c;ounod rounds the qua t·t<·r <'entury mark The ThE' Sernwn- Pn:-:tor Uuido ~l'hut·:-:-lt·r of Yf'nrl'l past han· hE>{·n filled with <'OuntRedt>t-mt-r Church les:-- blesRin~s of the Lord. and though Offt>rtorvWE> hi~hly value and appreciate the de"A ria ·from Suitf' in J)" . Bach voted labors of those who have minisOffering·:-; for the Chaall'el .Fund tered at its altar and worshiped in its The f'hoit·Pt>Ws, yet it is to Him above all from "1 Sought the Lord" . ~tt·\'t·nson whom nll bl e::,:~ ing-~ flow that we lift up Solo- nr. W. Ruesch our hearts atHl voi<'es in pra ,·e··s of 'l'ht· nt>di~·atiou of tlw Chaned Furniture thnnks and praise and say: · Pastor H. W. l1eycr SOI. . I DEO GLORIA: 11 ~·;1~ it · 4u!l~~ .. Lon 1 of tlw "·orlds Above" Th e Benediction At . .John's Lutheran church is a nwm1 loxology 594 l.>t ·r of the Missouri Synod, and i~ affiliPostludeatecl with the Lutheran Synodical Con"March in F" Guilmant terence of Xorth America. The anniversary of our church offers occasion ~luntlu~· l~n·nlng ut i:l;; Olission ~iac-ht) to declare the do<'trinal po::;ition our Organ--PreludeOuilmant ehurch take s not for purpose of conHymn 104tron~ rsy but rather that all may know "Crown Him 'Vith )Jany Crowt1~" the things for which we stand.' They Tlw Scripture Reading· arf': The v erbal inspiration of the Bible: \'o(.'al nuetThe doc tr:ine of the Holy Trinity; The "Tht· King of LoYc )fy ~he-ph rd I~" . . natural ~mfulnes~ of man and his in... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slwlley nhility to !:ave himself; The need of Mtss Marie Meyer and Dr. \V. Huesch the R:n-ior. Jesus Christ the God-Man· The Sermon-Pastor C. Aaron of the Sal\'ation not by works' but by gl'ace: Lutheran Chippewa-Oneida Indian 1\lls- for -!eF:us' ~ake, through faith ; Holiness :::ion. Pastor Aaron is a fullblooded of hfe a~ a necessary fruit of faith· Indian of the Stock bridges 'fhe Do<'trine that every true believer i~ Otrertory·-"Andantlno" Liszt .Jes~s . Christ is a member of the Holy Hymn 471Chnstlan Church; The efficacy of prayer; "The Morning Lig-ht Is Dt·eakin~" Baptismal regeneration ; The real presThe Benediction ence of God in the Sacrament; Close Doxology 589 communion ; The resurrection of the Organbody ; The coming of Chri~t to judg"Postlude in F" .................. Gade ment : The preaching of Christ Crucified ; The sacrednef;ls of marriage ; The Christian Home; The Christian educaTuesday Ennln~ at 7:-&o (Homecomin~ Night) · · tion ot children ; Separation ot church and state; Good citizenship; The sure ~~~5Prelude . . ...... . ...... Rogers hope of everlasting life; A cheerful and "Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty" active Christianity. St. Autustine's Church Sunday, October 21, wlll be the twentieth Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church schools and Bible classes at 9 :45 and Morning Prayer with address at 11 o'clock.· Sunday, being the third $unday in the month, will be Corporate Communion Sunday for the Daughters of the King. The Wom~n's Associated Guilds opened their season last Friday afternoon with a business meeting followed by a "Tea·· for the women ot the parish In the Club House. Our Church schools are enrolling n ew members every Sunday morning and have a larger attendance than ever before. Parents should enroll thetr children as quickly as possible in order that thev · may get a good start in the year's work. · New boys wishing to join the Boys' Vested chl:>jr should apply on Tuesday or Friday evening at the Parish House. Mt·. Fullerton. choirmaster, still needs morE> boys to keep the Choir up to its full strength . The Girls' Vested choir practices Friday afternoon at 4 :15 in · the Pari::;h House. The Kedroff Russian Quartet, perhapH the finest male quartet in the world, wil) provide the program at the Sunday Evening club in the Congregational church next Sunday eYening at 7:30. Part of the program will consist of Russian chur<'h music. i The Church sc'bool wl11 meet In all departrnenta on Sunday. 9:30 a. rn. Primary department;· Junior deps.rtment ; Intermediate Clepartmerit; 10:45 a. m . Cradle Roll clepartment ; Beginners' departm~nt: .12 noon Senior department; Forum for adult.. : · morning worship service at Loper : will preach un "A RE>sldue God." · 10 :45, 1\Ir. - .. ,..... its At the The Forum tot Off to a good start last Sunday with a large and intt:-rested group Jn attendaJlce. llr. Glenn Jackson, leader of the · group, was in charge of the discuulop ;a.!ld many stimulating question~:~ 'Wert' pu~ before the group as possibilities for future disctlssions. The general ·.subject f()t the coming mee tings of the Forum Is · "Problems that Every Christian Faces." : This group meets immediately (ollowitig the Morning Worship Ser!Jce tn ;thr Junior room. This church co~Qperates with the Wilmette Sunda)' Evening dub which meets In its auditorium ·at 7 :30. The Kedrotr Russian quartet, one of the finest organIzations of Its kind in the world will present a program of Russian ~usic. This . will be one of the finest musical evenlnge ever presented by the Sunday E\'enllig club. On Monday at 6 :30 p. m. 'l'he Wilmette Busine88 and Proff'ssional Women's club will hold ita regular dinner and meeting at the church. On Tuesday the Wekf'aca fila Camp Fire Girls will meet at the church at 3 :45 under the leadership of llrs. w. E. Cook guardian. ' Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Hov S(.'outs will meet. at the church at 7 :30·. W. Ewart Cook Is Scoutmaster. · The Sea Scouts will meet at the church at 7 :30 under the leadt·rship of 1\lr. Robert Casterline, skiJlptor, and :\Jr. Charles Crocker, mate. .on Wednesdn~· tht.> llid-wet·k meeting w1ll be held at 8 o'clock. It is Jllanned at these meetings to mal<t> a study ot "Personal Prayer Life" and the topic for discussion next WE'dnesday will be "An Invoice ()( Personal Prayer." The Boys' dub will met-"t at 4 o'clock at the chun·h unde-1· the dirt>ction of 1\Ir. .l\l<:Cormaek. ' The Junior choir will meet for rt>hearsal at 4 o'clock. Amy Leslie To~kt·y is director of music. a,t 7 :30 P. ll. unde r thE> direction of Mrs. St. John's Ltttheran · i English Lutheran 'tWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 9 :4iJ a.m. Sunday, October !1 Sunday school, .JoReph .Johnson, l'luperintendent. 11 a.m. l\lorning Worship . Home Mi~~ion Field Day, ProfeRRnt' Eckert. Next Sunday is Home Mission Field Day in all of the United Lutheran churches of the Chicago area. Many of the naston; will preach in other churche!'. Profesl'lor Eckert of the Chicago Luth eran Theological Seminary will be the prea<'her who wlll present the Home Mis~;ion Appeal in our church. Pastor Emp~on will f;peak in St. Mark's Lutheran chm·ch, Chicago. Bring your friendH and hear Dr. Eckert next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. 'Thursday afternoon the Women's Mb;sionar:v Rociety will meet at the hom e of Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park avenuf', for their monthly work meeting. Members and friends cordially welcomed at this nweting. · Thurl-iday evening at 8 p. m. the counc-il of the church will meet in th e accuRtomed place. Inasmuch as the regular meeting did not materailze becaust: of another meeting of great importanc .... thif: will be th e rE>gular October mE>eting. The next Congregational get-to-gt>ther will be held Friday e\·ening October 26. The program will be .supplied by tht" Luther league. Every member and friend of the <'ongl'f'gntion is urged to be present. 'The Luther league i:;; also trying out a new plan for its devotional meeting-o.:. Twice each month the members will meet at a 6 o'clock tea. ImmediatE>lY after eating they adjourn to the chapel for their devotional hour. Sunday, Octoh{ r 14. wal" the first time this plan has been tried. There were sixteen present and the entire meeting was voted a ::-uccess. The next meeting of this kind will be held Sunday evening, October 28. We invite the young people of our communitY. who have no church affiliati r· in Wilmette, to .ioin us at these Luth E> r Lengue Devotional Teas. The Senior choil' will lllt'Ct for r eh earsal 'l oskey. On Friday the J.~ast End Ci rclt·, Mrs. S. R. .l\fason1 (·hairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. J . C. Gaiwn, 919 Elmwood avenue. .l\lrs. D. J. Davis and 1\lrs. H. A. \Vhitman will bt> the assisting host~sses. Luncht>on will be sen·ed at 1 o c lock. The Northwest Circle, llrs. P. N. Redfern, chairman, will meet on Fl'iday at the home of l\lrs. F. G. LaBonte, 1517 Highland avenue. Luncheon at 1 o'clock. l\lrs. E. H. Pearson will be the assiHting hostess. Kenilworth Union K .. nilworth avenue and "rarwick road, Kt-nlJworth Dr. Ht-rbert L. \\T ill e tt , minister. Runday, October 21, Dr. Willett's subject at 11 o'clock ·w ill be, "Two Commandments." The ordinance of Baptism will be administered, m·w membt> rs receiH·d into the church, and the Communion observed. Sunday school at !l :45. lasses for all, and all welcome. Tht:- material used in the classes Is the rHised International graded lessons. The Ladles' Guild meets Monday at 10 for work In connection with Its program of philanthropy. The members are asked to come in for as much time as they can devote to the work. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Dr. Willett continues his lectures on "Great Poets of the Ages." The subject for the evenin&' wlll be "Virgil, the Poet Unitarian Church 1405 Chicago avenue Evanston ---------------~ Sunday, October !l 11 a. m. Sermon : "Moral Issues in the Present Presidential Campaign." 6 ll. m . Young People's meeting; supper followed by the first of a series of discussions on Everyday Ethics. Wednesday, Ottober !f Regular meeting of the Woman's Alliance at the home of Mrs. John R. Montgomery, 15 Green Bay road, Hubbard Woods. Following the luncheon there will be the second of the series of lecturel'l on The .l\faking of Modern Religious Liberalism. Inevitable Awakening: The Realssance smd the Reformation. 1