October 19, 1928 WILMET"t 'E. ' LIFE 11 . · Funds to Build Your New Home S¥2% First Mortgage Loans · You can get ready assistance. in financing your new home· project from this firm, which specializes in North Side and Nprth Shore propert~es alone. Cash to purchase a site, or to start immediate building, is most quickly available through an organization that covers every district in this section. Complete records of past transactions, and constant daily reports from representatives, make possible a prompt response to your request for a loan . Why delay building your new home another day? Come in and talk over the matter of financing with out oHicers today . ... · For ·· fiHtl lpte~ilt· in . North Shott ttlidentw tmd bruin,., ,.,_ tmd renttala. Firlt mortgqe l011n1 .,d inU11tment1. lnaurtanct of .U tviHI· Chicago, 40 N. Dearborn St., Central 0227 Evanston, Fountain Sq., University 2600 Winnetka, 714 Elm Street, Winnetka 2199 Wilmette, 424 Linden Ave., Wilmette 460 ,.,