. WILMBTTB LIP. , Friday October · 19 Here is the proposition-In order to convince · more people of this community that the merchants are really capable of serving their every need, the Wilmette Chamber of Com-· merce has established two days in each month known as OPPORTUNITY DAYS. Each merchant cooperating in this movement will offer on those days unheard of bargains. There is no secret about the idea back of this plan. THEY WANT YOU TO COME . TO THEIR STORES AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THE COMPLETENESS OF Sat·day' Odober ' 20 THEIR STOCK, T H E MODERATE~ NESS OF THEIR PRICES AND THE C 0 U R T E S Y. OF THEIR SALESPEOPLE. Look through the following pages. We know that you will take advantage of the opportunity. Keep in mind that we are working for a Better Wilmette and that Better Business is just as essential as Better Homes. .WiLMETTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE~ · REMEMBER THE DAYS FRIDAY, OCT. 19---SATURDAY, - ocr. 20 TWO DAY SALE ·OCT. 19 OCT. 20 STOCKINGS These Stocking Are All Regular Stock and All Are Silk to the Top -OPPORTUNITY~ 50c KOL YNOS TOOTH PASTE 27c · 25c PALMOLIVE TALCUM . Grade ............ $1.65 $1.50 Grade ... :........ $1.35 $1.25 Grade ............... 95c $1~95 16c · BLESER'S STORE Ridge Ave. at Schiller St. Phone Wil. 411 C ENTRAL ·PHARMACY 1101 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 2560 GROCERY OPPORTUNITIES CASH ONLY PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED 3 ·pkgs. Fould's Spaghetti, Macaroni or Noodles . . . . . . AN ·oPPORTUNITY FOR 3 cans Catupbell's · Soup ......... 18c corn, peas or tomatoes, 2 cans 10 pounds sugar . . . . . . . . . 25C 25C . 25C ·youR CAR A good serviceable49 br.oom . . . . . . . . 3Sc clothes line · · · · · · · . . . . 1 lb. pkg. Honduras rice . . . . . 65C Large Package Chipso . . . . . . . 22C 6 dozen clothes pins . . . . . . . . . . 25C 10C Io C C Semdac Polish 60c Auto Top Dressed $1.00 HERBON'S GARAGE 732 Twelfth Street Phone Wilmette 21 817 Ridge Ave., Near Lake Ave. B. E. BUSSCHER Phone WiL 411