WILMET1'B LiFE· October 19, 1928 Wm. C. McC. FintandSecond Mortpg~ laveatmenta ·Mrs . . Sam Comly (Helen Cresap) and · her .infant daughter are staying with Mrs. Fannie Cope at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, 535 Warwick road, Kenilworth, while Mr. Comly is on a business trip in California. and Insurance 1609 Shemum Ave. s.ite 114 Lakeshore Upholstering & Refinishing Co. Univenity 569 Mr. and ·Mrs. Leslie McArthur are moving from Kenilworth to Bridge· port, Conn., where they expect to make their permanent. home. They left Kenilworth Sunday. Mrs. McArthur ~iction, .travel b'?oks, and biogra- . expects to return and stay until they ph1es are mcluded m the list of sevsell their home on Oxford road. enteen new books received this week at the Wilmette Public library. Following is the list: Fiction FINE CABINET WORK "Old Forever" by Ollivant, "Death LACQUERING ENAMELING of Ivan Ilyitch" by Tolstoi, "The Children" by Wharton, "Psmith JournalWILMETTE 366 SHOP: 1124 GREENLEAF AVE. (In Rear) ist" by Wodehouse, "Ne~ · Rackgrounds for a New Age" by Park and "On · the Margin" by Huxley. · Travel . "Amid the Forest of Normandy" bY Herriot, "Old Morocco and the For·bidden Atlas" by Andrews, "In Bright est Africa" by Akely, "Loit'!rer in ~e w r,:n·~t ... JHt" by Henderson, "Out Trail" by Rinehart, and "Pacific Trianglf'" h,· Greenbie. · Biography I "George Gissing" by Swinnerton. Greville diary, "Dr. Joh1,son and Hi s Friends" by Lynd, "Days I Knew" Jw Langtry, and "Victorian Amerkan·~· f>y Gorman. The Kenilworth Reading Class md Wednesday, October 10, at Mrs. John Rathbone's, 523 Abbottsford road. Kenilworth. Mrs. McClintock talked 0 11 the new novels and work .to be ac complished for the coming year. --o-- .Biography, Travel, Fiction Comprise New Library List · As a special fall offer, any electrical contractor listed below will Wire and instill outlets at this unusually low price. If more than three are installed, the extra on~ will cost only $5.75 each. Have some installed in y~ home--all three in different rooms, if you like-wherever they will serve you best. An extra outlet should be available in ·every room for quick use of a portable lamp, cigar lighter, cleaner. or radio. Mrs. Clark Casey, Miss Constance Casey, and Miss Agnes Casey of Watseka, Ill. were here last week-end visiting Mrs. George L. Martin of .1046 Elmwood avenue. -oM iss Florence Tideman, 1025 Linden avenue, spent the week-end at Mt. Carroll, Ill., where her sister Edith is attending the Frances Shime~ schooi for girls. -o- The Mallinckrodt alumnae met at the school · Sunday afternoon for a well attended annual Homecoming. -o--:- Lee F. English, 1007 Greenwood avenue, · left Tuesday morning for Galveston, Tex. on a business trip. Personal, B·slness, and Box Assortments XMAS CARDS - !'elepllone Vs roda~ or A~ ·-nl·er of.tile North Shore meetrle l.ealue · Winnetka 3159 and let me you t:nY beautiful line of cards, mcluding etchings and hand colored cards. ~how Phone MRS. IDA DETLOFF ............... ........ Uai"'*Y6842 1 ...11aaBh trkCo. Uaiftnlty 5%%3 .... .. ...?. ......... .,.ShOD OleMoeBiectrlcShop .Monk ad Parker .,. ....... 5801 . m..co. 97 Pak .... 45 01···· ........... W.A.a... ···-·· .,. ....... 4Jt1 OleaYiew llectda 8bop GJ.w~ewue H.D.Saaua. . aDd Co. . Uaiftnlty %37 You May Pay for the Outlets "Little by Little" Tht most important ftaturt in such transactions is quick action. W t art prepared at all times to carry negotiations through without delay and our ftts art vrry · moderate. PUBUC .SERVICE COMPANY OPNORTHERNI~NOW THE WILSHOR£ BOND ud MORTGAGE COMPANY 1150 WILMEITE AVE. ~ '8 1 JOSEPH W. KEHOE, Diatrict Mant~ger 11·1 Central Avt., Wilmtttt Ttltphont Wilmettt 2899 Phone Wilmettt