Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 3

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October 12, 1928 WILMB.TTE LIFE BEST DECORATED SHOW WINDOWS GET PRIZES William Taylor, Patty Shop, and The ordinance permitting operation of motion picture theaters in Wilmette Wolff-Griffis ·Place after 12 o'clock noon on Sundays probFirat ably will come up for the official approval of the Village board at it reguPrizes in the window decorating lar meeting next Tuesday. Preparation contest held in connection with Fall of the ordinance was ordered by the Opening, September 29 to October 6, board last week as a result of the speand sponsored by the Wilmette Cham- cial election on September 25, which her of Commerce, were announced this showed that a majority of the citizens week. favor Sunday movies. Meanwhile, Sam C. Meyers, of the In group one-stores selling- wearing apparel and dry goods-the William Teatro del Lago in "No Man's Land," Taylor company was awarded first is continuing }lis negotiations for a site place on the basis of the consistency to erect a theater in the central busiand balance of its window display. The ness district of the .vi11age. Mr. Meyers \\rorthen-Carrico company placed sec- stated this week that the choice of sites ond. N. A. Hanna and company, Misty was now limited to about four, and Shoe ~ervice, Burns toggery, Hoffman that definite announcement of the site Brothers merchandise and dry goods to be selected will be made next week store, and Schultz and Nord, tailors, Preparation of plans for the new received honorable mention. theater will begin as soon as the site The Patty Shop won first prize in the is announced, Mr. Meyers said, and second group-stores which sell food- the foundations will he laid as soon as stuffs. Attractiveness, daintiness, and the architects can get the plans com· tastiness won for the Patty Shop in the pleted. A unique theater building, enopinion of the judges. The Blue Goose tirely in keeping with the residential Market was given second prize in this tone of the village, is planned. Mr. division. The White Ca:-'· market and Meyers contemplates the erection of a the Dutch Mill Candy shop received structure that will be one of the most honorable mention. attractive of its type on the north Wolff-Griflis Di'aplay Lauded shore. In the third group, consisting of drug At 'the present time the Teatro del stores, hardware stores, and stores sell- Lago, in "No Man's Land," is the oniv ing similar merchandise, the Wolff-· motion picture house on the north Griffis Hardware company took first shore from the Chicago city limits prize. Wolff-Griffis's middle window, north to the ·Lake county line which showing the fireplace and other fireside shows pictures on Sunday. articles, was particularly effective, the judges said, because of its simplicity and its suggestiveness of the home and Must Stop Burning of fireside idea. The Renneckar Drug comLeaves-Police Order pany was awarded second prize in this Warning has . been issued by Chief division, and Terminal Hardware comof Police Charles W. Leggett that the pany got honorable mention. Mrs. Gordon Wilson, chairman of burning of leaves in the streets of the the art department of the Wilmette vitlaj:!e must stop. Chief Leggett \Voman's club, Mrs. Marguerite Cal- states that numerous complaints have kins Taylor, art teacher at the National come in from residents because of Kindergarten and Elementary college, the smoke annoyance caused by the and Miss Anne L. Whitrnack, Wil- improper disposal of the leaves. Leaves mette librarian, judged the contest. left in the street will be picked up by. They based their decisions on the class the village rubbish conveyances, Chief of merchandise displayed, the general Leggett announced. ' attractiveness, background. arrangement, and the number of articles in the windows . . Fire Department to Give Jud.rea Criticize Displays Play Early in November The principal criticisms of the judges The Wilmette Fire department will were that manv of the windows attempted to display too much and that present a play, "Bless His Little Heart," what was displayed was not in accord at the Howard school auditorium on with any general theme or idea. They Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Novadvised against brilliant backgrounds ember 8, 9, and 10. The proceeds of as detracting from the general effec- the play will go to the department. A. E. Wolff is chairman of the comtiveness of the display. Miss Whitmack, the librarian; has mittee in charge of arrangements for announced that there are several hooks the play. in the librarv on window displav. and that more will be bought if sufficient interest is shown. · The prizes were awarded to memAnnounce Winners of bers of the Chamber of Commerce Free Ticket Contest onlv. although several merchants not members received honorable mention Interest in the Football Ticket for their display§. contest sponsored each week by WILM£'l"f£ LIFE grows as the contest progresses. A large number Former Pastor Is Named of replies was received by the ConDistrict Superintendent test editor last week. The winners The Rev. L. L. Hammitt, former were determined · after considerable pastor of the Wilmette Parish Meth- effort on his part and are announced odist church, has been appointed sup- as follows: John D. Low. 1706 Forest avenue, erintendent of the Joliet district of the Rock River conference. ; The Wilmette; Theron Smith, 20s· appointment was made by Bishop E. Woodbine ~venue, Wilmette; and H. Hughes. at the sessions of the con- Hugh Carrington, 1426 Lake avenue, ference held · this week at the Morgan Wilmette. Reserved seat tickets for the Nor.t hwestern-Ohio game toPark church. morrow have been mailed to each of the winners~ St. Francis P. T. A. to · Winners of the contest for next Hold First Card Party week, as described on Page 21 of The St. Francie; Parent-Teach~r this issue of WILME'l"f£ LIF£ will association wilt hold its first card par- receive tickets for the Northwestern-Kentucky game to be played ty of this season Tuesday afternoon, October 30~ at 2 o'clock in the school at Dyche stadium October 20. The contest closes at noon Wednesday, hall. Mrs. Harry Davies, .chairman of the ways and means committee of October 17. Read the contest rules on Page 21. the association, has charge of arrangements for t'te party. Movie Ordinance to REGISTER ON TUESDAY Come Be/ore Board; Cet Your Name oa tlae Poll Liat ia Yoar Preciact, A.dYice From Ofti. Build Theater Soon ciala to Wilmette Voter Tuesday, October 16, will be the final registration day for Wilmette and Kenilworth voters. Qualified voters who are uncertain concerning whether their names appear on the poll books in their precinct are urged to register on that date. The polling places will be open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. One member of the family may register the names of all the qualified voters in his household. · Wilmette's polling places and the names of the election judges are as follows: GUO OPENS DRIVE FOR DRAMA PATRONS Secure Full aDDe Semees ol Coach, Teelmieal Director for Season This week sees the be~inning of great activity in the ranks of the North Shore Theatre Guild, activity centering- around the local member~hip committees in their annual drive for subscribers. In line with its cus tom of the past, the Guild is furthering its cause through the medium of a committee of women in each of the towns in which the Guild operates The committee in Wilmette is com pos~d of: Mrs. Robert J. Stoddard District 17-William Thalman store, chairman, Miss Laura A. Davy, Mrs corner of Lake avenue and Illinois W. A. Durgin, Mrs. W. J. Flynn, Mrs road; John S. Braun. District 18-Hotrman hall, C. W. Braun. R. li. Jenness, Mrs. R. W. Jordan, Mrs District 22-Fire station, D. M. Mickey. E. B. Knudtsen, Mrs. Hayes McKin District 23-VilJage hall, Howard ney, Mrs. L. V. Pierson, Mrs. H. J Bowen. Smith, Mrs. Merle B. Snyder. District 24-Byron C. Stolp school, C. · The committee in Kenilworth is E. Renneckar. District 25-Byron C. Stolp school, T. composed of: Mrs . .'ames C. Murray Slater Gillette. chairman, Mrs. Harold 0. Barnes, Mrs District 26-Logan school, N. P . Miller. Arthur Bonnet, Mrs. H. A. Brassert District 27-Private garage at rear of Mrs. John P. Ole3on, Mrs. Harry ~ 1437 Wilmette avenue, C. E. Welter. District 28-Millen Hardware store, Weese. The general chairman is Mrs J. F. Wiedlin. Sherman Aldrich, Winnetka. District 29-1135 Greenleaf avenue, Directs Guild ExclusiYely J. Hugh Foster. This eighth seaspn of the North District 30-Laurel school, Seventh and Laurel, A. D. Gash. Shore Theatre Guild is being entered District 31-421 Fourth street, Harry upon. with several changes which are W. Hopp. At Kenilworth the registration' for both important. In the first. place. for the precincts in the village will be made in first time in its existence, the Guild the Kenilworth Assembly hall. has a director who will devote his en tire time to the Guild and its work. Owen, director of last season, David Real Estate Board Meets has been retained in this new extent, at Old Style Inn Monday and, in addition to his direction of the The North Shore Real Estate board Guild's four productions, will be avail 3J11nounces that it has changed jt3 able to the Guild subscribers for les meeting place to the Old Style Inn, sons in the theory and practice of formerly Lake Shore terrace, on Sheri- stagecraft m any of its branches. dan road in No Man's Land. The next Thus, as an additian to its regular meeting of the board will be held at schedule of activities, the Guild is vir_ the Inn Monday evening, October 15. tually starting a School of the Theatre Dinner will be served at 6 :30 p. m. wherein its members may 3ecure the The report of the convention com- instruction they desire. mittee will be given, and a prominent A change somewhat similar has been real estate executive will be there to made in the technical director's de speak. partment. Richard Woellhof has come to the Guild from the University of Michigan to serve as technical direc Huerter Legion Post tor, and he too will devote his entire Plans Harvest Party time to the Theatre Guild work. Pos P. J. Huerter Post No. 669 American sessed of the entire time and interest Legion is arranging a harvest party of its two directors, the Guild anticito be held at the old Gross Point vil- pates much in the way of finished and lage hall on Ridge avenue November artistic production for it3 patrons. Guild Opeaa Studio 10. The auxiliary of the post is coOf great importance, too, is the new operati .1{ in the staging of the pal'ty. Huerter post will hold its election of Studio of the North Shore . Theatre o.fficers soon, and plans are under way Guild. Large and attractive quarters for an installation meeting. have been obtained in the Varsitv Theatre building m Evanston, and therein witt be housed the director's office, the · workshops and scene-designing shops and the cla3srooms for the ·dramatic instruction, This fitJst home of the North Shore Theatre Guild is but one block from the central street of Evanston, readily accessible by the commuter or the driver, and will be most useful a3 a headquarters from which all the many activities The only IF in can be directed. A new assistance to the commiHeeclassified ts the members in their campaign for members is a booklet of and by the Theatre advantages yo~ Guild which ha3 been prepared during the summer months. The booklet conmiss IF you do tains the story of t.he Guild, a brief survey of what .it has done in the past, not use and read listing all of the plays presented, and a concise statement of the aims of the the organization and the general plans for the future. It is attractively illustrated with mainy scenes from the Guild productions and closes witll a list of the many who have played roles with the Theatre Guild and a complete list of the Guild's organization and committee members. This book is being sent to a large mailing list which, no matter how extensive, cannot be complete. Any one who is in· (Continued }>n Page 5) classiFied WANT-AD PAGES

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