Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 56

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WILMETTE LIFE October 12, 1928 ·iJ/ Interest to the Church- Goers of Our Village Scouts meets every 'fhursday evening In St. Augustine's Parish House at 7 :30. Nt>xt Sunday morning the Rev. George Any boy wishing to join should present D. Alll8on <>ontlnues the series of filer- himself at this time. mons from the book of Jeremiah which The Girls' choir meets for practice this has lHOU~ed general intcre:-t in the church. Hi!'~ topic will be "'Seeing It Friday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. Throu~h". or "Wh~n ~lte Goes Contrary." will bf' thE' prel'lent-day parable entitled: "Tht> Story of tht> Fox Who Burled His Wilmette Baptist The 8E>rmonette to the boys and girls Chain." The new l'loprano soloist of the Wilmette Baptist choir Is Miss Olive Arthur of EYanston who is proving a most acceptable and Inspiring singer. The B. Y. P. U. meeting at 5:30 Sunday afternoon will be in charge of EllzabPth Blaylock. The topic will be "Two Words We Must Learn to Use Aright." The young people are enjoying these mE-etings and extend a cordial invitation to any who are Interested. n party Is being given under the auspices Fr·lday evening, October 12, at 8 o'clock, of the B. Y. P. U. This first young Jleopl£>'8 party wlll take the surprlstngfonn of a college track meet. In the mid-week Rervlces next Wednt>:o;day there will be a general diRcusRion of thE' theme, "The Hymn That He>lped Me MoRt." Members of the congregation are Invited to bring a definite contribution of experience to this ·sympoRium. The Sunday Ewning club pree~nt:-; Edward Price Bell, dean of the foreign corre-spondents of the Chtcngo Daily News, who will speak on "The Peace Pact and the Wartime Situation." Madam Edith Bldeau Normelli will sing. The meeting is at the FirAt Congrt>~ntional church nt 7 :30 P. M. ThurRday, Octobt>r 18, Link R. under the lead<>tRhlp of Mrs. W. C. Huggins, will met>t at the home of MrR W. D. Millard, 1721 ForeRt avenue. Thursday, October 18, Link F, under the leaderRhlp of Mrs. .J. Dingle, will meet at the home of Mrs.·J. C. Blaylock 7H Prairie avenue. ' F'rlday. October 19, Link I, under the leadership of MrR B. Taber, will meet at the home of Mr~. W. A. KPndrick 1344 Greenwood avenue. ' Friday, October 19, Link E, under the leadership of Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, w111 meet at the home of Mrs. E. E. McDow, 1615 Highland avenue. Friday, October 19, Link N, under the leadership of Mrs. A. Heerens, will meet at the home of Mrs. H. Burnside, 1515 Lake avenue. Friday, October 19, Link D, under the lE>ad~rshlp of Mrs. J. F. Buckle, wlll meet at the home of Mrs. G. B. Williams 1137 Lake avenue. ' Tuesday, October 16, Link H, under the leadership of Mrs. A. Bremer, will meet at the home of Mrs. G. M. Carlson, 2548 Prairie avenue, Evanston. These Links meet for a. 1 o'clock luncheon. of the Heralds of the Cross; Courage to Follow Christ; Courage to Meet Life's Common Tasks. High School department (Grades VIII to XII) : Adventures in Christian Living. Young People's department: Young Women's Class: "What May 'Ve Believe?" Young Men·~ Class: I...ife of PaulC:urrent, live issues. · ' W"ilmette and Park aYenues, Wilmette · Adult department: Herman ' 'V. :\[eyer, :.\1. A. pastor Two Women's Classes: The Life of 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Paul. f'hur('h telephone 3111 :.\fen.':-: Clnss: Catholic and Protestant in Church History. Services ::\lore and more the emphasis of the ~indeenth Sunday after Trinity church today is placed upon Religious 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and · Bible Education. classes 9 :45 A. M. First sen·ice and sermon Tlw series of Seven Sanctuary services 11 :00 A. :vr.. Second sen·ice and sermon began last .1Y~<;ln.~sday night. The respOll!J;f' in :~· and attendance was ~ufficient to guarantee the success of Meethigs 'l\Ionday and Friday at 4-Children's the whole series. N'ext Wednesday night, in add:1tion to the devotional service, classes the pastor will speak on "Scenes in PilMonday at 7 :~ 0-Choir r ehearsal grim's Progress." Pictures will be shown Tuesday at 7 :45-Ladies' Aid chorus Wednesday at 7 :30-Boy Scouts Troop 6 illustrating the theme, "Where the City Thin:-: Out." The illustrated hymn, Friday at 7 :45-Junior 'Valther league "'Where CrosR the Crowded Ways of The final preparations are now being Life." will be sung. made for the celebration of the twentyfifth anniversary of our church, which The .annual Churrh Homes dinner will will take place during the week of October he served by the ladies of the church 21 with the following services: Sunday Friday, October 26. Reservations should morning at 9:45 and 11, at which the be made at an early date with Mrl'. main celebration will take place ; on Sun- E. M. Stafford, Wilmette 700-M, or day evening at 7 :45 the newly installed through the Church office. chancel furniture will be formally dedicated to the service of God; Monday eveThe <.'hurch ext0nds its greetings to ning wlll be devoted to missions since our itf.; former pastor, the Rev. L. L. Hamchurch was for so long a time a mission : mitt. who, at the recent session of the Tuesday will be homecoming night with Rock River Conference, was appointed a service at 7:45. All those who have SuperintendPnt of the Joliet district. been or are today members of the .church This i:-: 1. very distinct promotion, richly are particularly expected at this service. de~ernd by the long nnd faithful service On Thursday evening a special service rende red by the Rev. Mr. Hammitt. will be held for the Ladies' Aid and Missionary society. The women of the surThe Young 'Woman's Missionary society rounding Lutheran churches have been will meet on Tuesday evening at 7 :45 specially invited to this service. On Fri- ::tt thP home of Edna Davison, 1437 Forday evening at 7 :45 there will be another e!"t awnue. Dr. Horace G. Smith will special service, this time fo_ r the young gin· n reYiew of the book. "Friends of people of the church. Invitations have Afl'ica." An interesting program has gone out to all the young people's societies been planned and all young women are In the North Shore Zone of the Walther in\'ited to nttend. This is "Dues Paying" league. Following the services on Tues- Month. day, Thursday and Friday there will be a The \Voman's Home Missiona1·y society reception In the Sunday school rooms. A detailed order of the sen·ices will be \\'ill meet with Mr~. Lindblad, 720 Green"·ood a\'enue, Thursday, October 18, at given out next week. 2 o'clock. MrR. G. M. 'Mathes. president A little booklet has been prepared on C'f the Christian Citizenship Council of the history of St. John's up to the present C'hicngo, will be the speaker, and will day. This will be more detailed than the JdYe information on the coming election. little sketches which were given out ten We nre asking the women of other years ago and again five years ago. This churches to join us at this meeting. All booklet will be profusely lllustrated, and aJ'£> welcome. will hP worth while having. Several hundred c·opit>s of this booklet will be HESERVE TUESDAY EVENJ~G. NOJH'inted. YE~IBER 6. St. John's Lutheran ter, Frank B. Reynolds, who has just recently returned from several months spent abroad. Girl Scout ·Troop 5 wtll hold their regular meeting at the church Tuesday afternoon at 3 :45. The church office is open dally, except S'a turday, from 9 :30 to 11 :30 A. M. Calls for service of any kind, including· pastoral service, can be furnished at all times by communicating with the Church Secretary, phone Wil. 1575 or Wil. 688. Congregational Church Vere V. Loper- minister \Villiam E. l\IcCormackminister nf edu cat ion The Woman's Guild b meeting- at the church today. The Board will meet at 12 o'clock and lunch eon will be f-:erved by the East End Circle at 1 o'clock. Mrs. L. L . PN'l'Y will lead the devotions and the budget will be presented at the afternoon mE-eting. l\Irs. E. H. Lunde will addresl:i tlw meeting on :'The Importance of Voting' ' and, following the ~ame line of thought, 1\Ir:-;. J. H. Stackhou::-e will read a short play, "A Block Captain'~ Adventure," by E. E. Brown of Wimwtkn . On Sunday the Church :-;c;ho0! meets in the following departments: !) ::~o A. M.Primary department; Junior d epartment. 10:45 A. M. Cradle Roll department; Beginners department. 12 :00 Noon-Senior department; The Forum for Adults. At the morning worship se n·ice at 10:45 A. l\I., Mr. Loper will preach on "Contagious Religion.'·' This church cooperates with the ~unday Evening club which meets in its auditorium at 7:30. Edward Price Bell, dean of the foreign corerspondents of the Chicago Daily News will speak on "The Peace Pact and the Maritime Situation." Mr. Bell delivered the commencement address at Northwestern university last spring and has written a number of books on international topics. Madam Edith Bideau Normelli will sing. Glenn .Jackson, forme1· member of the National Committee of the Y. M. C. A., will be the leader of the Forum which begins its meetings this Sunday at 12 o'clock in the Junior room. This is a Forum for adults and civic, social and religious problems will be discussed. On Tuesday the Neighborhood Circle, Mrs. A. N. Clagett, chairman, will be entertained at the home of Mrs. L. M. Drake. 933 Lake avenue. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. C. N. Roberts, Mrs. James Crossley, and Mrs. Henry Pope. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. The Wekeacaftla Camp Fire Girls will meet at the church at 3:45 under the leadership of Mrs. W. E. Cook, guardian. Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will meet at the church at 7 :30. W. Ewart Cook is Scoutmaster. Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will also meet at the church at 7 :30. Mr. Robert Casterline is Skipper and Mr. Charles Crocker is Mate. The Boys' club will meet at the church on Thursday at 4 o'clock under the leadership of Mr. McCormack. The Junior choir for Girls will meet for rehearsal at 4 o'clock under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. The Senior choir will meet at 7:30 for rehearsal under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. To our fl'il'nds nnd neighbors of Wilmette>. Kenilworth, Winnetka, and E\'anston: St. John's herewith extends to you tlw cordial invitation to celebrate with it on the occasion of its twenty-fifth .mnl\'ersary, and to attend the anniversary services. 'Ve believe that you will enjoy the message delivered from the pulpit as well ns the oth£>r parts of the services. The Evening Link~nder the leadership St. John's choir will take part in all of of Mrs. C. P. Dubbs and Mrs G D thP ser\'lct>R. . AlU~on, will meet at the home ·of Mrs: H. J. Dernehl, 1010 Linden avenue, Friday evening, October 19, at 8 o'clock. At the beginning of another Conference A delegation of t-;elve women of the year, the pastor and people of this church church attended the Baptist Mis~ion extend greetings to the Wilmette comUnion services at the Oak Park church munity. We also proffer all our resources on Tuesday. Nearly a thousand women for such ministry as any may care to were present and participated in the in- seek. In common with the other churches spiring program which was conducted in of this community, our fellowship reaches the new Baptist Community House in out beyond denomina tiona! lines, and we Oak Park. accord the hospitality of a church home to all tho~e who do not ha Ye other church The Boy Scouts will hold their regular homes in Wilmette. weekly meeting Thursday eYenlng fn the church at 7 :30. Under the head of "Our Teaching 1\flnistry," the bulletin of laRt Sunday The choir rehears~ will be ht>ld Thm·s- morning carried the following statement: Pnrent (at Children's House): "Tell me, day evening at 8 o'clock. what do you and your helpers propose to do with my child, only four years . The Wilmette B;j;tlst church is the old?" church of the light~d cross at the corner Superintendent: "Take him by the hand of \VUmette and Forest avenues. and lead him to the Father, and whlle God listens nnd helps, we shall teach him through appropriate stories and a<'tiYities to help the Father to grow Sunday, Ocfober 14, will be the ninepretty fiowt>rs nnd care for the birds teenth Sunday after Trinity. There will and squirrels and to make others happy be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church by helping them, sharing pleasure~ with schools and Bibl classes at 9 :45, and them. making gifts for them, and doMorning Prayer with AddreRs at 11 Ing things a child can do at home and o'clock. ·~ elsewhere to make God and folks happy." Next Thursday is thE> day set apart by the Historic Church to honor the Themes for October : Nursery and Kindergarten departments memory of St. Luke. There wtll be Hflly (Pre-School children): Helping the Communlo~ at 8 A. M. chfJd to discover God in his relationship with his father, mother, sister, Today, Frida)', th;-Women's Associated brother, and with his church school. Gutlde are having a business meeting In Primary department (Grades I to III): ~.he <?,lub Ho~se at 2 o'clock, followed by Tea at 3 o clock. E\·ery woman tn the Learning to Live in God's Friendly parish Is Invited. World. Junior department (Grades IV to VII) : St. Autll'Wtlttne'fJ Troo., No. 4 of Boy Coura.ge Jnlllplred by Faith ; Coura~e Presbyterian Church f'orner of N'inth street and Gt'Penlenf avenue '1-'!.t'Y. John R. Crosser, D. D., a man of rich experience, having been in the ministry for over fifty years who filled our pulpit so acceptably last' Sabbath morning, . will prt>ach for us again at the regular morning worship at 11 o'clock. October 14. All are welcome. We eRpecially f'Xtencl a cordial invitation to strangers in the village and to all who have not a church home elsewhere to attend the ~ervices of this church. Splendid mu~ic by th Quartet : Catherine Bushouse, Soprano: Rose Lut'iger Gannon, contralto; John B. Miller, tenor; Edward Otis, bass; Erma Rounds. organist and director. Methodist Church Kenilworth Union St. Augustine,s Church Kenilworth avenue and Richmond road Orgnn Prelude. "Festival Hymn," BartKenilworth lett; Anthem, "Comes at Times a StillDr. Herbert L. Willett, minister ness," 'Voodward; Anthem, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," Schnecker; Organ The subject of th_e sermon next Sunday Offertory, "Plantation Melody," Smith· Solo. "'Vhen They Ring Those Golde~ morning at 11 o'clock will be, "The MesBeliR," DiMarbelle, Mr. Miller ; Organ sage of Tolstoy," a sermon appropriate Postluile. "March of the Priests," Mendels- to the Tolstoy anniversary. sohn. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all, and all welcome. The Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. There are material used in the classes is the re!'eYen departments of the Sunday school: vised International graded lessons. C'radle Roll, Beginners, Primary, 'Junior The Ladies' Guild meets for its benIntermediate, Senior, Young People: Adult and Home. Do you attend Sunday evolent work l\Ionday morning at 10 o'clock. The members are ask'ed to come ~chool'? lf not there is a class with a welcome for you in our school. We will in for as much time as they can devote to the work. ~l::ldl:r Rhow you your class Sunday mornmg. Wednesday evening the Sunday school council meets in the Guild room at 7:17 :.\Iid·wet-k meeting enry 'Vednesday at o'clock. 8 P. :.\1. ~t 8 o'clock Wednesday evening Dr. Hebecca Spolie will ha \'e their regular Wtllett continues his lectures on "Great meeting at the church. Tuesday, October Poets of the Centuries." The subject for 16. Dinner at 6 :30 P. M. Miss Sarah the evening will be, "Virgll, the Poet of Brownlee will have charge of the devo- the Roman Empire." tionals. Business meeting will follow. Twenty of the young people from this Rebecca Spoke extends an invitation to church and Sunday school have entered the community to attend their evening '"At H~me" Friday, October 26, and will college or university this autumn. Sunday, October 21, the ordinance of t>nte_rtam you with a playette "When the :\Umster Comes to Tea." Baptism will be administered, new members received Into the church and the Bo:r Scout Troop ~·ill haYe their regu- Co~muni<!n wlll be observed: ' Dr. Wll· lar meeting Monday at 7:30 P. M. The letts subJect will be: "Two CommandTroop welcomes ·horne their Scout Mas- ments."

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