Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 36

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WILM E TTB· LIFE October 12. 1928 ·North Shore Society Falls Into Busy Autumn Activity 1 o'clock luncheons during the month of October as follows : Link R-Mrs. One phase of activity among women · W. C. Huggins, leader, at the home of of the nortl1 shore, which as the seaMrs. W. D. Millard, 1721 Forest avesons advance, seems to become more nue, Thursday, October 18. Link IMrs. B. R. Taber, leader, at the home firmfy organized and more extensive, of Mrs. W. A. Kendrick, 1344 Greenis the work of bringing both material wood avenue, Friday, October 19. Link comfort and cheer to those men still E-Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, leader, at the suffering from the ravages of the home of Mrs. E. E. McDow, 1615 HighWorld war. The organization for this land avenue, Friday, October 19. Link N-Mrs. Alfred Heerens, leader, at contact with ex-service men starts the home of Mrs. H. B. Burnside, 1515 with special committees in the wornLake avenue, Friday, October 19. Link an's clubs, but extends to the outside D-Mrs. J. F. Buckie, leader, at the as the club groups do not debar their home of Mrs. G. B. Williams, 1137 Lake avenue, Friday, October 19. work from those who are not memLink S-Mrs. J. D. Dingle, leader, at hers. They but give it impetus and the home of Mrs. ]. C. Blaylock, 714 invite all interested to join them on Prairie avenue, Thursday, October 18. Link H-Mrs. A. Bremer, leader, at their errands of beneficence. One who the home of Mrs. G. M. Carlson, 2548 has reported . these activities for sevPrairie avenue, · Evanston, Tuesday, eral years sees the interest in the work October 16. among ex-service men becoming more Gioe Last of Affairs The evening link, I, with Mrs. C. P. firmly entrenched in the life of north · for Miss Jean McCallum Dubbs .and Mrs. G. D. Allison leaders, shore women and this season, unless Ampng the last of the affairs given will meet at the home of Mrs. H. H. our memory betrays us, an innovation for Miss Jean McCallum of Glencoe Dernehl, 1010 Linden avenue, Friday, comes, "Tenth District Day at Great before her .marriage on October 13, to October 19, at 8 o'clock. Lakes," on November 5. Wallace Wesley Mcilwain of Highland A resident of the north shore, Mrs. Park, were the miscellaneous shower Eastern Star Plans Joseph Joyce of Kenilworth chairman given by Miss Eleanor Thiede of Evof ex-service work for the Tenth dis- anston, the dinner given by the bridefor Bazaar and Dance trict, Illinois Federation of Women's elect's grandmother, · Mrs. M. C. Lytle .. \Vilmette chapter 753, · 0. E. S.,. has clubs, has conceived the idea and is of Evanston, and the hosiery shower set apart Friday, L ·tober 26, for a anxious to make the day memorable. at which Mrs. Lawrence Boyden of bazaar and dance at the Wilmette All chairmen of the committees for Evanston (Helen Lorch) was hostess. Masonic temple. Booths will be arco-operation with ex-service men of Miss McCallum is the daughter of ranged for the sale of fancy work, the clubs of the district are invited to Mr. and Mrs. Alex N. McCallum of house dresses, aprons, lingerie, chilan all-day session on November 5. Glencoe, formerly of Wilmette. She dren's clothes, candy, and home made They will meet in the Red Cross House attended Northwestern university. Her bakery goods. A chop suey luncheon at Great Lakes at 10:30 o'clock in the fiance was graduated from the Uni- will be served from 12 :30 o'clock until morning. Each one is asked to bring versity of Illinois in 1925 and for three 2, and in the evening a barbecue supher own luncheon and coffee will be years played on the varsity football per will be available. served. Each chairman may bring one team under Red Grange. A style show will be staged at 8 :30 or two members of her committee with o'clock and the Blue Dragon orchestra her for the day, the others are rewill play for dancing during the eveWeds in Highland Park quested to join them at 1 o'clock. ninJ;r. Miss Marie Levi, daughter of Edwin After the morning business meeting Mrs. Emma Hartman is chairman of and luncheon the groups will visit all ]. Levi of 730 Forest avenue, and the affair. Irving Schwarz, son of Mr. and Mrs. units of the Great Lakes hospital and will be taken to the U. S. Veterans' Lee S. Schwarz of Winthrop avenue. hospital, 105, at North Chicago, which Chicago, were married at 6:30 o'clock Dance for Club Fund is for the care of psychopathic cases, Thursday evening, in the home of the The second subscription dance of the and will learn of the work and needs bride's uncle, William Eisend~ath of season for the benefit of the building there. The women are asked to bring Highland Park fund of the Woman's club of Wilmette At the wedding, which was a small, will be held at 8:30 o'clock Saturday cigarets, chocolate bars, anything else they wish for general distribution quiet affair for the immediate members evening, October 20, in the Woman's of the family, Dr. Louis Kopald read clubhouse. From now on, the dances among the men. Among our own club chairmen lend- the service. The maid of honor was \Vill be given on the third Saturday ing their interest to Tenth District the sister of the bride, Miss Frances <?f every month throughout the winter day will be Mrs. Willis H. Hutson of Levi, and the best man was the broth- season. The committee in charge of the Woman's club of \Vilmette, Mrs. er of the bridegroom, Herbert Schwarz. the dances is headed by Mrs. Earl D. Mr. and Mrs. Schwarz will be at Lyon. Peter J. McGurk of the \Voman's Catholic club of Wilmette, Mrs. Frank home at 554 Orchard lane, Winnetka. Nason and Mrs. James H. Prentiss, after October 21. Tea Opens Guild Today co-chairmen of the Neighbors of Winter work for the Associated Kenilworth, Mrs. Norman H. Camp Club Bridge Tomorrow Guilds _of ~t. ~ugustine's Episcopal of the \Voman's Library club of GlenA Saturday evening card party is coe, and Mrs. Peter Prato of the scheduled for 8:30 o'clock tomorrow church 1s bemg mtroduced with a tea North Shore Catholic Woman's night in the clubhouse for the mem- for the women of the parish this afternoon at the clubhouse, 1125 Wilmette league. bers of the Woman's club of Wilmette avenue. A brief business session at 2 Interest in the work and wants at and their guests. The hosts and hos- o'clock will acquaint those attending these two hospitals need not be con- tesses for the evening wilt be Mr. and fined alone to the many clubwomen Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, Mr. and Mrs. E. with the nature and ·purpose of the who feel that what they can give is not Arms, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldwin, work as well as the winter plans and ' concerned with charity, politics, or Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholomew, Mr. will precede the tea hour. religions, but with their endless grati- and Mrs. Charles Moody, Mr. and tude. Any one who feels as they do, Mrs. Will Rehfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bridge Benefits Charity may do her share through the club Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parry. ;Mr,s. J. P. Budinger of 1731 Walnut committee in her own village. avenue is opening her home WednesEllen Fitz Pendleton, president of day afternoon, October 17 for the Card Party Opens Season Wellesley college, is coming to the second of a series of card pa~ties given The North End branch, Friends of city and will be guest of honor and as a benefit for the philanthropy deChicago Junior school, is beginning its speaker at the luncheon the Chicago partment of ·the Woman's Catholic fall and winter activities. The first Wellesley club will give Saturday, club of \Vilmette. October 15 is the event of the season will be a card October 20, in the French room of the last day for reservations, the commitparty at the home of Mrs. Ernst Drake hotel, at 1 o'clock. tt>e announces. Winn, 5429 Lakewood ayenue, Chicago, Friday, October 12, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. R. R. Marquardt, 218 Wood}.Jrs. Lyman Manley Drake was The regular monthly meeting wilt be bine avenue, entertained at bridge at hostess at a tea from 3 until 6 Thursa dinner given at the Sovereign hotel· the North Shore Golf club last Sat- day afternoon at her home 933 Lake Monday, October 15. The affair is to urday in honor of her niece, Miss ave'nue, Wtilmette jn hon~r of her be a Chatter party as well as amateur Mildred Evans, who will be a bride daughter- in- law, Mrs. Lyman M. night. of this month. Drake, Jr. of Glen~oo. . BY JEAN TEN BROECK New Gift Admits Every Member a Ticket . Friendship Linlu Liat Monday, Noo~mbet 5 Meetings for Octobet Is Campaign . for Benefit . to Economy Shop Ia Tenth District The Friendship links of the WilA ticket to every member of the J>.togram and Tea Day at Great Lakes Woman's club of Wilmette is the goal mette Baptist church will meet for of the campaign Mrs. William H. Holmes, chairman, is launching for the success of the annual afternoon bridge the philanthropy department of the club is giving Wednesday, October 31, at the clubhouse. Assisting Mrs. Holmes in her work are Mrs. Walter c. Farrar, ticket chairman; Mrs. G. F. Iliff. chairman of prizes; Mrs. F. E. McCullin, table reservations; Mrs. Charles Kraft, refreshments, ·as well as Mrs. George K. Webster, chairman of the philanthropy department, and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, Miss Annie Dingee, Mrs. A. ]. Nystrom, Mrs. Willis H. Hutson, Mrs. ]. R. Ludwig, Mrs. Theodore J. Moreau, Mrs. ]. L. Camelon, and Mrs. H. E. Cutler. Members purchasing single tickets and wishing to play in groups of four or more, may do so in their own homes, the chairman announces. A prize will be given for every table. A new gift in one's hand is the only entrance requirement for the annual Economy Shop tea at the Wilmette Woman's club tea on Wednesday, October 17, ~t 2 o'clock. The program for the afternoon will con.sist of a play entitled "Land's · End," and two groups of songs by Mrs. Charles Evans, whose accompanist will be Mrs. Ernau Akely. At the close of the program, the announcement reads, '·Guests may absorb calories at the tea tables presided over by Mrs. Hayes McKinney, president of the club and Mrs. Harvey Bush, the vice-president, and will there have an opportunity to meet the author of the play, the musicians, · the cast, and many others of the great and near great. It looks like a big day, and is open to members and non-members." · "Land's End," a one-act play by Mrs. Shelton Sackett of Evanston, will be directed by the author and pre..: sen ted by Mrs. J. B. Boddie of Wilmette as Jennie Kepper; Mrs. James Cady Ewell of Ravinia, as Helen Dale, Mrs. Charles Henderson of Wilmette as Mme. de Laundre, and by Margaret Dullea of Evanston as, The Woman. Mrs. Evans will sing, "Do Not Go, My Love," by Hageman, and .. What Is a Song" by Pearl Curran. The announcement of the play reads: 41 ·1 think in the lives of most women and men There's a time when all would go smooth and even, If only the dead would find out when To come back and be forgiven.' Is there a play in these lines by Bulwer Lytton? Can the supernatural be ·handled with the requi3ite delicacy and beauty and the play still have truth, strength, humor and punch? Mrs. Shelton Sackett has proved it can, in a play called 'Land's End' which will be given for the first time at the Economy Shop tea. Mrs. Sackett is a playwright of some note, her Chopin play, 'Nocturne,' having won high honors in the Pasadena play contest as weB as in many tournaments. 'Late Spring,' another of her plays, is well known here. Mrs. Cadman and her committee, assisted by Mr. Henderson, are making the setting, an old New England inn, and Chester Lawrence is. painting the backdrop, representing, land'3 end. 'Where the land melts into the sea and the sea melts into the sky.' " League Tea October 19 Friday, October 19, will be the occasion of the next in the series of teas for the membership drive for the Wilmette League of Women Voters. The affair will take place at the home of Mrs. Harvey Craig, 716 Lake avenue. Assisting at the tea witl be Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford and Mrs. F. R. Kilner. Members are urged by the committee to · attend and bring a guest. Anyone wishing to join the league is being cordially invited to come to the tea. Welfare Auxiliary Meeting The Junior auxiliary of the Infant . Welfare society will meet Monday, October 15, at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Robert M. Johnston at her home, 719 Laurel avenue. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. F. E. Parry, Mrs. T. Ferrenz, and Mfls. H. A. Finney. Luncheon for Bride--Elect Mrs. Albert N. Page entertained last Saturday afte.r noon at a bridge luncheon and miscellaneous shower for Miss J ule Lester in her home at 901 Ashland avenue.

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