Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 22

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/ Latest ·School News VOL. 1 NO. 36 d and Recreation Board. Publiahed weekly by the uhool chtldren of W ilmdtt undu 1upervision of Wilmette Plaul}roun WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 12, 1928 THE INQUIRING REPORTER (Asked by Ronald Fuerman, SA Howard) Snlith Question : Who are you for, Al or Hoov.er, and Why? Because he was better educated.-Bill Grant, SB Howard. 2. Al Smith: Because he is the best man.-Martin Herberholz, 8B Howard. · 3. Hoover: Because I han talked with him, seen him, and he is dry.-John Martln, 7A Howard. 4. Hoover: Because he has 1. Hoover: JU NIOR LIFE Dr. Rufus B. Stolp gave us a ~alk D B C Stolp about his father, r. yron ·. , one of the oldest citizens in Wtlmette, Tuesday, October 2, at ~tolp. school. . His father was born 111 thts state m 1851 and went to school here when there was only one room and one teacher. He moved to Indiana ~nd married in February, 1874, after wht~h he moved back to Wilmette. The vtllage was just two year.~ old then, having been incorporated 111 1872. . He died in 1917 in an automobtle accident. Dr. Stolp was very studi<;ms, and a hard worker who fought agamst great odds. This was the man our school is named after. We all hope he will be our inspiration and guiding light.-Marjorie Houghton, 8B Stolp. 'Told by the Pupils Central-Howard Gridders Battle to Scoreless Tie September 27. Central 6B played Howard 6A in football. The score' was 0 to 0. · We kicked off to Howard and they got the ball on the 30-yard line and got about a ten-yard gain. A cross buck was made by Howard on the third down but did not do any good. They tried a punt in the fourth down and Central got the ball on a fumble. Billy Stackhouse grabbed the ball but was tackled. It was fourth down. Howard tried to pass but failed. Then Central got a penalty of five yards for off side. Central recovered the ball but did not kick the fourth down. Howard gotJ the ball, kicked on the fourth down . Central was doing- prE>tty badly for four downs. Howard got the ball and then it was half. The second half was very short. Howard kicked to Central. Central got a }'lenalty for off side. On the fourth down, Central kicked but Howard lost the ball. Bill s ·tackhouse grabbed the ball and took it for a pretty good gain. Then Frank Hooper took it for a little loss. Central trled to punt the first down and got a good gain. . . Then Howard got a touchdown but it didn't count. It was last down for Central. Central tried to pass but missed It then it was Howard'l'l ball. .. On Howard's fourth down they tried a center rush but the Central center held. The ball was Central's when the game ended. -Da \'id Cre:sl'y, 6B Central. Children Hear StoryI of ' L.f Byron tops I e c. s Powerful Stolp Grid Team Trims Pride of Howard Monday, October 1, SA Stolp played a scheduled game with 8A Howard, and defeated them 33 to 0. Howard SA kick ed off to Stolp. The kick came directly to me and I took it for a couple of feet gain. The first phy was a touchdown for Stolp. It was a long pass from Bob White, Stolp's right half, to George Fackt, the left end. The try for additional point 'vas successfull~· made by Cecil Williams on a long end run, making the score 7-0 in Stolp's favor. The next touchdown was made after the ball had been in play for about fiv (' minutes and was made by Bob White of Stolp, with splendid interference from "Chuck" Knapp. The try for goal was missed making the score 13 to 0. Just before "Hap" Gathercoal called time, Cecil Williams went over for anothC'r touchdown for Stolp. The try for goal failed. The next half started with SA Howa ··() ki cking. Briggs v.rho had been put in aR quarterback in place of WerdPn tool< tlw ball for a ten yard gain. Bob White then scored his second touchdown, making the score 26 to 0. The try for goal was missed. After the kickoff to Howard, Howard tried frequent center rushes, finally Jr,sing the ball to Stolp on downs and Brig-g); got the ball to take it over the line for another touchdown. The try for goa I was an end run by Cecil Williams, and successful. Afte r the ball had exchang-ed hand s :1 f"' w timeR more the game was called. 8:\ Stolp has won all her games this ypar with the ~xception of onE>, which was n tif, 0-0. The team .has not bee n scon·d on during the season.-Chester Hanson . SA Stolp the intelligence to be one of America's greatest preslde nts.-Henry .von der Hoff, SA Howard. is the best man.- John Brumbaugh, 7B Howard. 5. Hoover: Because he Elect Room Club Officers Howard Eighth Graders and Begin Season Program Elect Officers for Year 7C Stolp organized a room club on October S. We meet on Thursdays. The president is Marjorie Hecht ; vice president, Dick Preston ; secretary, Bernard Saxon; treasurer, Francis McNulty; chairman of program committee, Katherine Idler. On the program for this week was Berna,rd Saxon, Paul Soule, Warren Young, who gave a talk on iron ore. They had lots of iron ore and other things to show the group. Last week we gave some chemicals. We made rotten eggs, chemical snow, and changed wine to .water. Two weeks ago we had talks on our vacations. Lots of them were funny. -Paul Soule, 7C Stolp. The SB pupils of Howard school hav.e elected officers for their club. They are as follows: President, Lee Blaylock ; vice president Bettye Kirwan; secretary, Jane Sundlof; treasurer, Billy Grant. · All of the officers have promised to do their duty and I am sure that th ey will keep their promise. In our nex t meeti~g \\'hkh will be l<'rida:v, October 5, we will disc u~s our duE-s. WP think they shall hE> t('n ce nts a month.-Fl ee ta Freeman, 8B, Howard . Seek Applications for Places on School Band If there are any boys or girls who would be interested in the band and who are in the fifth grade or up, will they please be at the Central school music room Tuesday or Friday at 12 o'clock, or at the Howard school gymnasium Wednesday at 12 o'clock? The band fee is five dollars for twenty lessons. As the band is quite little this year we would appreciate more members. Members will not be taken in after October 12, until eight weeks have passed.-Bob Klemm, SA, Howard. 8-A Kickball Squad Out to Multiply Victories David and Tom En]·oy Monday, September 2.1... the SA girls of Stolp played the 8C girls· of Stolp in a St. Joseph's Football Program at Norshore .g-ame of kickball. The SA girls won with a score of 34 to 12. June Kehl is the Team Defeats Central Saturday, September 29, Tom Finlay- captain of the SA team. The positions of the team members are as follows: June Kehl, pitcher; Eileen Burke, entcher; Lucy Claggette, 1b; Janet MeNulty, 2b ; Frances Ellis, 3b; Katherine Thompson, Eleanor Moulding, shortstops; Alison Burge and Beth Macllraith, fieldPl'K \Ve are going to play a game again~t fiB ·wednE>~day, October 3, and w e hope we will win.- FranceR Elli~. SA Stolp. Stolp 8-A Grid Team Looms as Tough Outfit son and I went to see "Out of the Ruins," with Richard Barthelmess in the leading role. The show was not so good but the stage act was very good. It was Al Kvale in "He llo, Northwestern." 1t was very good, especially the Ritz Brothers. In one part Al let one of th em lead hi:s orchestra. H e started to lead them. He was jumping up and down leading lik e everything but the orchestra just posed like they were playing but they were not playing a note. After the SA Stolp has had Rotne luck in foot- show; we we nt home. 'fom and I both ball games this year. The first game was had a good tlme.-David Cressey, 6B with SB Howard in which we ti ·d them Central. 0 to 0. Both Howard and Stolp have good teams. Our second game was with Stolp 8C and we won from them 20 to 0. The members of SA Stolp team are as follow~ : Hubert Pelott and George Fackt, ends; "Hap" Gathercoal has taken charge of Edward Schmidt and Charles Leonard, the patrol boys of Howard school. Since tackles ; Allen Rossman, Chester Han- Ridge ave nue has bE-en closed the streets son and Roger Palenske, guards ; Philip near the school have much heavy traffic Osborn or Roger Fridman, center; Don nnd as many as se\'enty cars pass a corBriggs, quarterback ; Bob White and ner in fifteen minutes. W e were to haYP "Chuck" Knapp, halfbacks; Cecil Wil- only four boys but this heavy traffic call!'; liams, fullback.-Allen Rossman, 8A Stolp. for more so the number waR ir.l·reased tn nine boy~. The boy~ are Fayette Lil:v. BEGIN NEW BUILDING The new p2.rt of Howard school was Albert Ackermann, Herman ME-yer, Richstarted today, October 3. The first ard Haugsness, Frederick Leason, Billy shovel full was dug out about 10 :15 Grant, James Kraft, Charles Moreauo'clock while classes were In session. We Albert Ackermann, SA Howard are glad to get it started so we will have SJo~ES PURPLE DRILIJ more room next year. Some of the chilSaturday, September 29, I went down dren are not going to have lockers when the building starts. 'l'hat is the only to the Northwestern stadium and watchE-d part we regret.-George Yeoman, SB the freshmen play the Northwestern team. The r~gulars made the first touchHoward. down. It was made by Walter Homer. The freshmen did not make a touchdown HOLD "SLOPPY" WEEK Boys and girls of eighth grade Howard in the whole game. Northwestern beat celebrated "sloppy" week. It Is a new them 12 to 0. It was a practice game.fad invented In gym. Boys came to Harry Hendricksen, fifth grade, Central. school wearing suspenders. Their socks were rolled ilown and their pants were FINES FOR CHATTER hanging. Some parted their hair in the Betty Kirwan had the bright idea t0 middle and others tried to curl their hair. make ev~ryone who talked too much durThen for the climax, the girls wore sus- ing cla~l'l or made other disturbances p11t penders, too.-Dlck Steen, 8A Howard. :1. penny in a vase on the window sill. This may be a good idea but I'm sure STUDY SHAKESPEARE Alfred Bartnick, the first victim, does The 8B class has started Shakespeare's not agree. The pennies will go into our "Merchant of Venice." We all Uke it class treasury.-James Kraft, SB Howard. and hope to Me the play In Chicago it 1t comes. We have to learn certain lines 'iA GIRLS WIN and about the life of Shakespeare. We Wednesday, October 3, the 7A girls of read and take different parts as we are ·he Byron Stolp school defeated the the characters.-Marshall Doose, 8B How- Stolp 7B girls with a score ot .f3 to 3 in ard. kickball.-Eleanor Ricks, Stolp 7A. St. Francis beat Central 5C 31-0 in a football game Se1)tember 27 . . C:entra.l h:tcl the ball very little. Central only had eight men. St. Francis had 11. Central plays Howard next. Standings in the Fifth grade leag-u e are: Won Lost Pet. St. Francis ....... .. ...... 3 0 1000 Howard ......... ...... . 2 1 750 ............. .. o 3 Seventh Cirader· Inspect Evanston Water Station Last · Monday the seventh grades took a trill to thE' Evanston \Vater \Vorks. Each class went at a different time. We saw how the water is filtered and we saw them wash out a sand bed. A filter will hold 2,000,000 gallons of water and there are 12 filters. It takes 24 hours for 2,000,000 gallons to go through a filt er. We also ~aw some bacteria. I learned a great many things about our drinking water on this trip.-Eleanor Ricks, Stolp 7A. ;;A 5B ... .... ....... . 0 2 00 1l 5C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... 0 2 000 -Roger Williams, Central 5A ONE-SIDED SCORES This week the girls of 0ur room, SA Stolp, played two games of kickball with two other eighth grade rooms. Neither were very close nor terribly exciting. ~'fonday, we played SC a game of threC' innings and won 32 to 12. Wednesday wP pl.,vE>d SB a game of five innings and won 25 to 4.-Beth Mcllraith, SA Stolp PRACTICE GAI\IE oon Increase T raflic Patrol at Howard School House llOW ,\ RD DEFEATS STOLP Friday, S(.ptember 28, Howard SB had a football game with Stolp 8B. This game was not as hard as the other games that we had. · The first touchdown was made by Jerome Nevins of SB Howard. Martin Herberholt:l made the second, third and fourth. Arthur Cramer ST. JOSEPH'S VICTOR made a drop kick over the goal which Friday, October 2S, 7D Stolp foottiall madP the score 25 to 0 in favor of How- team played St. Joseph 7. (n the ftr~t ard SB.-James Dewar, SB Howard .. half, the score was 12 to 0 in St. Joseph s favor ; two more touchdowns were scored 'ill CLUB ELECTS by St. Joseph In the last half but nof!e The 7B club of Miss Perring's room hy Stolp. The game ended 24 to 0 tn had their first meeting last week and we St. Joseph's favor.-Junior Thomas, 7B elected officers. The president is Iris Stolp White. The vice president is Courtney. WhitP. The secretary is Mary Hvld and STUDY LEAVES the treasurer is Regina Swirles. The next Miss McPartlin's room has been studymeeting we are going to vote for the ing about leaves at this time of the year. other officers and expect to have a very We have gone on a nature exc~rsion and nice club-Paul Moore, 7B Stolp it was very nice. We are studying the elm and the dlf'ferent oaks and many PLAN ART TOUR others.-Marjorie Seymour, ftifth grade Pretty soon room 7B Stolp wlll go to Central. the Art Institute with Mrs. Jones and Miss Donnelly.-Lucy Jones, 7B, Stolp HOWARD TRIMS ST. FRANCIS The girls' team of SA Howard played 1A TEAM WINS the St. Francis elgth grade girls in a Monltay. October 3, 7B played 7A sra.me of kickball at the Howard school. Stolp In kickball. There were three tnn- The game was pJa. y ed WednesdaY after ings. 7A won by thP score of 19 to 17.- school. Howard won 28 to 1.-Betty Ruth Sanderson, 7B Stolp Huitt, SA Howard. The girls of 8B and 8A had a pract icf' game of kickball Wednesday. Our teachE-r for our games is Miss Skidmore, whom we all like very well. I think the eight.h g-rade girls have a pretty good team thts year. I hope we win all of our games. --Marjorie Warble, SB Howard.

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