Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 10

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WILMETTE LIFE , October 12, 1928 unday Evening. Club Opens Fourteenth Year Brilliant Array of Noted S:Peakers Here This Season T ous occasions in the past, will again be the speaker on this date. Miss Addams founder of Hull House, and long kn~wn as a prominent soci_o!ogist, has just returned from a v1s1t to Hawaii where she . filled a number of ~E fourteenth year's program of speaking engagements. ·Miss Addams, · the Wilmette Sunday Evening during the past year, received the club opened Sunday, September 30, honorary degree of doctor of laws at with orations by six of the finalists in Lombard college, Galesburg, Ill. In presenting her the degree, President Curtis W. Reese referred to her as a The Wilmette Sunday Evening "Citizen of the World, champion of club is supported by voluntary con- peace, friend and servant of humanity." tributions. Everyone, old and Sunday, November 11-Special Armyoung, is welcome to attend the istice Sunday program to be anmeetings. Eight churches in Wilnounced. mette and Kenilworth co-operate in Sunday, November 18-Dr. Robert these popular Sunday evening E. Speer, who is to speak at Wilmette gatherings. on this date, is one of the best known ministers in the United States. As the International High School Ora- secretary of the Presbyterian Board of torical contest, followed on October 7 Foreign Missions since 1891, he has by Fred B. Smith, of New York City, visited the Christian missions in Persia, who had just returned from Europe, India, China, Korea. Japan, South and who spoke on "America at the America, the Philippines and Siam. pe Cross Roads." There are twenty-nine was moderator of the Presbytertan evenings on the schedule for this year, church in the United States in 1927 and the season coming to a close Sunday, is a former president of the Federal April 14. Some of the world's bes· Council of Churches of Christ in Amerknown celebrities are coming to Wil- . ica. He is the author of many religious nlette again this season. The program books. Sunday, November ZS-L owe 11 is nicely varied as to inspirational, educational and religious features and, Thomas, author, lecturer and explorer, according toW. Frank McClure, presi- will give his famous lecture entitled, dent of the club, is probably, all in all, "With Lawrence in Arabia," using both the greatest and best balanced schedule marvelous stereopticon slides and movof celebrities in the history of this ing pictures. Mr. Thomas is the author notable Wilmette institution. Briefly, of "With Lawrence in Arabia and the program for the remaining twenty- Altenby in Palestine," also "The Sea seven evenings of the season is as fol- Devil," one of the best known books of the past year. lows: Sunday, December z..;...Count Felix Sunday, October 14--Edward Price Bell, dean of the foreign corre- von Luckner, "The Sea Devil" himself, spondents of the Chicago Daily News, who is the subject of Lowell Thomas' will speak on "The Peace Pact and the latest book. will give his own story. Maritime Situation." Mr. Bell is the During the war he captured hundreds author of 'a number of books on inter- of prisoners and never killed one. :Ie national topics. He was the com- is one of six honorary citizens of San mencement speaker at Northwestern Francisco and an honorary member of university last June. This is the first twenty-three American civic organizatime he has spoken before the \Vil- tions including one American Legion. He has twenty-seven decorations from mette Sunday Evening dub. Sunday, October 21-The Kedroff his own and other countrie~ Sunday, December 9-E. H. Sothern, Russiai1 quartet will present one of the greatest evenings of music ever heard one of the greatest actors and trage in Wilmette. These singers are also to dians in the world, who has so many appear at Orchestra hall in Chicago times thrilled great Chicago audiences. and at the Union League club. They will come to Wilmette to speak on have been praised and acclaimed by the "The Place of the Drama in Our ModMr. Sothern particularly European press, the queen of England, ern Life." the queen of Spain, the queen of the enjoys speaking before church groups Belgians, in fact, almost the entire as he feels he has a special message European musical world. Feodor about the theater and the art of the Chaliapin has referred to tl)em as "A theater for them. During his stay in Miracle of Vocal Art." The Chicago Chicago one of his principal appearTribune in referring to this quartet a ances will be at the Union League club. year ago S{Joke of it as "A totally new It is a great achievement for the Wilexperience, almost like that of Horo- mette Sunday Evening club to get Mr. witz, to learn to what a high state of Sothern for this season's program. development male quartet singing can Sunday, December 16-Joan London, be raised." Again the quartet has been the daughter of Jack London, will give referred to as "A living organ," so har- the interesting story of the famous monious is its work. They will sing in author and his children, his home life, Russian and in addition to folk songs his adventures, his early days of genius, and the work of Russian composers in the long struggle upwards, Alaska and other lines, will sing a special group of the South Seas. Those who have adreligious numbers. mired Jack London's .. Call of the Suaday, Oetober 28-Dr. Shailer Wild" and other wr!tings for many Mathews of the University of Chicago, years, will want to hear this story by one of the best known religious leaders his daughter. in America, and who has just recently Sunday, December 23-Dr. Herbert returned from an international religious L. Willett, of Kenilworth, well known conference in Geneva, Switzerland, of which he was chairman, will speak. Dr. Mathews also attended, during his recent European trip, a conference at BRING YOUR GUESTS Prague in the interests of international Many people in Wilmette have friendship through the church. Also over-Sunday guests. You are corduring his recent trip abroad, Dr. dially invited to attend the WilMathews was given an honorary de- mette Sunday Evening club and l!"ee by the University of Glasgow. bring your guests with you. Your His forthcoming address will be both guests will appreciate the opportuntimely and interesting. ity to hear the great speakers and s...lay, Not-a.cc 4-Miss Jane excellent music which is presented Addams, who has addressed the Wil- each Sunday evening. -.ette Sunday Evening club on numer.____----------------~------~ SUNDAY CLUB FACTS Sunday Evening club meeting~ are held at the Wilmette CongregatiOnal church, beginning at :30 o'clock. The administrative affairs of the club are under the direction of the president, W. rrank Mc.Clure, and a large executive commtttee. comprised of Wilmette and Kemlworth church and civic leaders. Outstanding among the speak~rs to be heard this season are such mternationally famous people as Edward Price Bell, E. H. S.othern, Lowell Thomas, Count Feltx V<?n Luckner, Capt. Donald B. MacMtllan Burton Holmes, Rabbi Mann. Jat~e Addams, Bishop Franc/s J. McConnel, Dr. Herbert L. V\ tllett, Dr. Shailer Mathews. Dr. Timothy Stone. Dr. Robert Speer, Lorado Taft and others. The club is non-sectarian in character and its meetings are open to every resident of the north shore. - ? author. professor and · preacher, will deliver a Christmas message and the joint choirs of the: Wilmette c~urches will present a Chnstmas oratono. Sunday, December 30-The Fisk Jubilee Singers will close the first half of the club season with a concert of southern jubilee melodies includit~g many religious numbers. There ·wtll be twentv-seven members in this company. I;1 the past, quartets from the universities of the South have appeared · 1b at the \Vilmette Sunday Evenmg c u ' but this is the first time so large a Jubilee organization has appeared here. Everyone loves jubilee music. Sunday, January 6-Dr. A. Ray Petty. pastor of the Baptist Temple. Philadelphia. successor to Dr. Russell H. Conwell, will speak on "Ne\ov Thinking for a New Day." Athle.tic, vital, energetic, earnest and courageous, Dr. Petty. has a great message. In his home city he preaches to audiences of 4,000 and 5.000 each Sunday. Sunday, January 13-Capt. Donald B. MacMillan. who went with Peary to the North Pole in 1908, and who has a record of 20 years of achievement in. the frozen north, has just returned from a new expedition. His subject will be "Under the Northern Lights." and will he illustrated with motion pictures. Sunday, January 20-The Chicago Welsh choir, under the direction of the well known conductor and composer, Daniel Protheroe, will sing the hymns and the folk songs of Wales. Sunday, January 27-Branson De Cou returns for the fourth time to the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, this time with his dream pictures on European Wonderlands with musical accompaniment. Sunday, February 3-Branson De Cou will present his dream pictures of Mysterious India, accompanied br instrumental selections on the Ampico piano. Sunday, February 10-Dr. Simon P. Long, one of the best known Lutheran ministers in America, author of many books, former president of Lima college and who has lectured widely throughout the United States, will speak. Sunday, February 17-This will he a parent-teacher night. The general topic of the evening will be "Health." The speakers will be announced later. Saaclay, February %4--Capt. C. \V. R. Knight will present in ~o1mection with his lecture his great film of the Golden Eagle, which film was made by himself. Captain Knight is England's greatest photographer Qf bird life. This film was exhibited by Captain Knight for fifteen consecutive .weeks in the Polytechnic theater, London. Sunday, March 3-Dr.· Charles E. Jefferson, pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, will speak. Widely America, Dr. known throughout Jefferson comes to Wilmette for the first time. He is the author many books, among them, "Things Fundamental," "Faith and Life," "The Land of Enough," "Old Truths and New Facts." Sunday, March .1 0-The Gotdon String quartet, under the direction of Jacques Gordon, concert meister <;>f the Chicago Symphony orchestra, wtll present a special program. Sunday, March 17-Bishop Francis . J. McConnell of New York City, former president of De Pauw University. author of several well known books, will speak for the third time before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club. Sunday, March 2-t--Burton Holmes. famous for his travelogues, just back from a European trip, will present another fascinating lecture illustrated with beautiful slides and films for which Mr. Holmes is so noted. Hi s ubject will be announced later. s Sunday, March 31-Dr. John Timothy Stone, well known pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church, Chicago. and new president of McCormick Theological seminary, will deliver an Easter message. Sunday, .April 7-Dr. Louis L. Mann. · C · Ch' Rabbi of Sinat ongregattOn, tcago. professor of Oriental Languages at th e University of Chicago, and vice-president of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Movement of America, will . speak on "The Fear of Living." Sunday, April 14-Lorado Taft, well known sculptor, will close the season with one of his inspiring messages. Mr. Taft created the "Columbus Memorial Fountain" in Washington, D. C., the "Fountain of the Great Lakes" near th~ A.rt Institute in Chicago, the "Fountain of Time" on the Midway, and many other notable monuments. of ,· · · New Trier High Clubs Elect Year's o · fficers Several clubs at New Trier High school announced their new officers this week. They are: Spanish club, Bob Stephens, president: Marion Dennis. secretary; Barbara Mearns, treasurer; and Bob Gonsalves, social chairman. Science club, Kathryn Maxwell, president; Richard Buck, vice-president; and Jack Thompson, secretarytreasurer. Service club, Mary Ross, president; Virginia Sandberg, vicepresident; Virginia Conner, secretary; and Virginia Healy, treasurer. The officers were elected at recent meetings of the clubs. . Bill Realt t PI t I Y 0 an Parkways With Bulbs Arrangements have been made by Bills Realty, Inc. with the Clavey nurseries for the planting this autumn in the parkways and at the entrance of Indian Hill estates ten thousand ·o f tulip bulbs, and likewise for successive bloomings of iris, peonies, phlox, delphinium, asters and coreopsis. Perkins rose plantings are likewise being made at all stone gate entrances for the purpose of making Indian Hill estates present a most interesting and unusual profusion of blooms the whole spring, summer, and autumn season of 1929.

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