Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 7

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October 12, 1928 WILMETTE LIP.E ., Women Indulge in ·· Wil·mette ~elegates Political Meeting Attend JJieeting of All by T~emselves Credit Secretaries Mrs. Jacob Baur, republican, and Secretaries o.f the State Credit Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, democrat, dis- bureau formed a permanent organizacussed the various issues of .the cur- tion at a meeting held Monday and rent political campaign before about Tuesday of this week at Elgin. The meeting was attended also by mer1.50 women at the Wilmette Baptist chants from many Illinois municipalichurch Monday, October 8. The oc- ties. Miss Irene StrickleJ;, secretary casion was the first fall luncheon of of the Chamber of Commerce, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Eldred, and Mr. and Mrs. the · Wilmette League of Women Vot- William Taylor represented Wilmette. ers and the large attendance indicated The Wilmette delegates drove to unmistakably the keen interest Wit- Elgin in time for the banquet Monmette women are taking in national day evening, at which Guy H. Hulse, politics. secretary . and educational. director of The tables were detorated with bowh the National Retail Credit association, of fall flowers and yellow candles. A spoke. The Tuesday sessions were delicious luncheon was served. given · over to round table discus5ion. The charming personality of Mrs. It is the plan · of the State Credit Baur, who was introduced by Mrs. bureau organization to cooperate with Merle Snyder, program chairman, won the national credit a;ssociation and for her the immediate attention of with similar groups in England and her audience. She arrived a tiittle other foreign countries. At the presearlier than Mrs. Fairbank and distri- ent time more than one thousand buted. little metal elephant' pins, which _ cre~it bureau.s .are members . of the practically overy one wore. In her natt.o nal assoc1ahon. talk she touched upon the attitude of the Repu~lican party regarding "Farm George E. Boyd Killed Relief," "The Tariff," "The St. Lawin Fall at Rail Station rence-Gulf Waterway," and the charGeorge E. Boyd of Wilmette, a radio acter of Herbert Hoover. Mrs. Fairbank, after being intro- manufacturer, died early Saturday duced by Mrs. John B. Boddie; ad- morning when he dropped from the mitted it was very depressing to see elevated railroad platform on Waball the little elephants being worn but ash avenue near Jackson boulevard, in spite of this she gave a very con- Chicago. No one could be found who cise and instructive plea for the Demo- had seen his plunge to the street. Ancratic cause. She denied that the drew ]. Hanreddy, platform man for country was prosperous at the present the elevated lines, declared that he time and stated that it was her belief had previously noticed him sitting that politics did not affect 'the busi- asleep on one of the benches and that ness trend of the nation. She wa5 he had awakened him. Boyd, accordquestioned c o n c e r n i n g Governor ing to the Wilmette poliee, lived at Smith's stand on the prohibition ques- 1220 Lake ·avenue, and was associated tion and replied that prohibition was with the Parts Manufacturing compnot a success as it stood today and any at 869 West North avenue, that Governor Smith felt .that some Chicago. definite action wa5 necessary to remedy the situation. Both speakers were enthusiastically applauded. THE BEST CANDY ON .THE NORTH SHORB + Increasing patronage at our new candy shop em.phasizes the fact :that Dutch Mill Candy is the best candy on the North Shore. Over 101 Varieties - of Dutch Mill Candy Fresh ever)' Day. Cotne in and sam.ple FREE any or all varieties, then tnake y·o ur choice. wOrlci Chrlatmu in the Holy Land, New Year' · Eve In llvelv Cairo, -etc. "Dream-ship Empress of A.,.. 70 portll and SP.lect Y out Fut Coat NOW! A large variety to choose from. Liberal allowance on your old furs. cruise ol eveats ,plaul. The new Dutch Mill Candy Shop is Jocated just across the street from the Village Hall . . . 1187 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2140. 136 daya. Cruise ~:C:~~v:k,~:b: · ( ' Medlterraneaa 4, Empras of Sc:otLmd. ~ low aa$900. C8.ci...lca ,.....,_ .~ daiaJc. AM mdfa, from New York, Dec. 1. A.. low u $1900. With our large variety to choose from, our more than reasonable prices, it is to your advantage to purchase your fur garment at Okean's ··~:> local Steamship Ag.,nt. R. S. ELWORTHY, Steamship General A gent, 71 E. .Jackson Blvd., Chlea~o. Ill., Telephone Wabash ltOf or any { ·CLEANING } GLAZING REMODELING REPAIRING RELINING :<~·· DUTC 0 V E R Canadian O..M=-··· M. B. OKEAN CO. Manulactuting Furrier WINNETKA 56 7 LINCOLN AVE. PHONE 101 TEMPTING VARIETIES 75 . 1f-ANOONE 't DOLLAR THELL zmlk.o·fi( ~re~ z 75 z snt. SlaiD...SShare

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