Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1928, p. 58

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58 WI~METTE LlfB October 5, 1928 News of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village day meeting Tuesday, October · 9, at the church, beginning at 10 o'clock with sewing. Spok~ 5, Mr·s. 0. A. Nash, BeneWilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette volent chairman, will have charge. ExHerman "\\r. Meyer, M. A" pastor ecutive committee meeting at 11 o'clock. f06 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Luncheon at noon served by Spoke 7. Church telephone 3111 Spoke chairmen make reservations with Mrs. Chas. H. Kraft, Wilmette 275. All SenJ~es members and friends are invited. The 18th Sund.a~ after Trinity 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible misisonary and business meeting wlll be held at 1:15 P. M. Mrs. George Turner classes. . will lead the devotional exercises. Mrs. 9 :45 A. M. First service and sermon. 10:45 A. M. Confessional service for Fred R. Quayle will have charge of the program, with the topic "Japan." communicants. 11 A. M. Second ser:vice and Holy ComMid-week meeting, Wednesday, Octomunion. ber 10, at 8 P. M. Sermon: "Our Lord as a Teacher." t' St. John's Lutheran club for this Sunday is Fred B. Smith Phllathea class-Mrs. F. A. Buck. of New York. The meeting is at 7:30 at Friendly Circle-Mrs. Thomas H. West. the Cof1gregatlonal c;nurch. Young Men's class-H. C. Kinne. Young Woman's class~R. G .. Kimbell. The Boy .Scouts will hold their regular The Men's class in patJCular 1s stud~ing a theme of vital inte_rest to all at th!s weekly meeting Thursday evening at particular time. The toptc of Dr. Nagler s 7:30. discussion is, "Catholic and Protestant in Church History." The choir meets for rehearsal Thursday evening at 8. The First division will hold a bakery sale at the Woman's exchange, 1024 The Wilmette Baptist is the 4ahurch of Lake avenue, Saturday, October 6, from the lighted cross at the corner of Wil10 to 1. mette and Forest avenues. The Official board will hold its organization meeting Wednesday evening at n.ine o'clock, following the SanctuarY' ServiCe. SEVEN SANCTUARY SERVICES The first of this anticipated series comes next Wednesday night. The program will combine these features- Bible Study, Visual Education, Literar~ Interpretation, Devotion and Fellowship. The pastor believes with all his heart that this series of services constitutes both a privilege and a responsibility for every friend of the church. We may, if we will, make this mid-week hour the very h eart of our church life. The time schedule·, which will be closely followed is as follows: 7 :45- Devotional Period with Hearty Singing. S :00- Biblical Interpretation. 8 :20-- Vil:;ual Education for Widening Horizons. 8 :35-A Great Book Considered. 8 :50- Illustrated Hymn -Illuminated Picture. 9 :00- B enediction. The Book Studies are : "The Bridge of San Luis Rey"; Scenes in "Pilgrim's Progres:s" ; "Bare S~uls" ; "The Cathedral" ; "A Repsectable Lady" ; Characters of "Pilgrim's Progress"; "A Glorious Adventure." The Bible Interpretations center around these toP-ics: "A Wayside Well"; "Enthusia:sm and Action"; "A Miracle Explairred" ; "An Accent that Betrays" ; "Social Pressure" ; "Keeping Men on Their Feet" ; "The Insight of Love." The Pictures to Widen Horizons come under the following titles: "The Abundant Life" ; "Where the City Thins Out" ; "A Shoestring Republic" ; "Our Phillipine Islands" ; "Southern Highlands Schools"; "Japan Faces Christward"; "American Shrines with New Neighbors~" These are the Illustrated Hymns: "For the Beauty" and "Ninety and Nine"; "Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life"; "Let the Christ That Is Living Reigh Over All"; "Jesus Shall Reign"; ··God of the Earth, the Sea, the Sky" ; ··o Master Let Me Walk with Thee" ; "America, the Beautiful." These Sanctuary services may be made great events in your life and in the life of this chun:h. Reserve these seven Wednesday nights. Invite your friends and neighbors. St. Augustine's Church Sunday October 7, will be the · eighteenth S~nday a{ter Trinity. There will be Holy Communion a~ 8 A. M., Church Schools and Bible Classes at 9 :45, and Holy Communion with address at 11 o'clock. Next Sunday being the first Sunday in the month will be Corporate Communion Sunday f~r the Boys' and Girls' Communion leagues. The women of the Associated Guilds of St. Augustine's will give a ".Tea" to all women of the parish on Friday afternoon, October 12, in St. Augustine's Club House, 1136 Wilmette avenue. There will be a business meeting at 2 P. M., to which all are invited, and the "Tea" will follow. A meeting of the Acolyte's Guild was held in the church offices Monday evening, October 1, when several new m embers were added and arrangements made for the work of the Guild during the coming season. Any young men in the parish wishing to help in this work shouid - apply to Robert Smith, president of the guild, 706 Elmwood avenue, to Fred Favor, secretary, 243 Linden avenue, or to the rector. St. Augustine's Boy choir provided the music at a wedding in the First Baptist church, Evanston, Wednesday e:vening. St. Augustine's Boy - choir meets regularly for practice Tuesday and Friday evenings at 7 P. M. There are places for several young bqys who wish to join the choir. They should present themselves on Tuesday ~venings at 6 :45 and ask for Mr. Fullerton. choirmaster in St. Augustine's Parish House. The Girls' Vested choir meets for practice in the Parish House Friday afternoons at 4:15. Girls of fourth grade and over in the public school are eligible for memben;hip, and should apply to Miss Winnifred l\Iickey at 4 :15 at the Parish House. Scout meetings: Boy Scout Troop 5 will Meetings meet Monday at 7:30 P. M. Girl Scout Monday at 4-Classes for children. Troop 5 will meet Tue12day afternoon at Monday at 7 :30-Choir meeting. Tuesday at 7 :45-:Meeting of congrega- 3 :45 at the church. tion. . Wednesday at 7 :30-Boys Scouts, Troop Tag D a y for the Children's Benefit 6. league, Monday, October 8. The PresbyWednesday at 7 :45-Bfble Hour. terian organizations that will benefit by 'V~dnesday at 8 :45-Sunday school this are Howell Neighborhood House, Oliteachers. vet Institute and Erie Chapel Institute. Friday at 4-Classes for children. A goodly number of women from the Wilmette church will tag that day. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated In the 11 o'clock service on Sunday mornTwenty-five women from the Wilmette ing, next. Those desiring to receive the cimrch are attending the ali-day PresbySacrament are requested to make this terial meeting at the beautiful new River known to the pastor on Friday afternoon Forest Presbyterian church this afteror evening. The confessional or prepara- noon, Friday, October 5. tory !'; e tvice for communicants will begin Rebecca Spoke will give a play Octoat 10:45 o'clock and the regular service at 11. ber 26. The first BIBLE HOUR for the present season will be held on Wednesday evening next at 7:45 o'clock. Hereafter it will be held on every second and fourth Thursday. It wlll have the regular features of song, lecture and question periods. We hope that many of our members will attend. Notice: The church office is open daily, except Saturday, from 9 :30 to 11:30 A. M. Calls for service of any kind, including pastoral service, can be furnished at all times by communicating with the church secretary, phone Wilmette 1575 or 'Vilmette 688. The SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' MEETING will follow the Bible Hour at The . Rock River Conference of the 8 :45 o'clock. The pastor will speak on the Methodist Episcopal church is holding lessons for the coming two Sundays. A its annu:.l session at Morgan Park this short period on Bible geography will also week. This is one of the conferences bf' given. All Sunday school teachers and over which Bishop Hughes presides, and officers should be present. it is the body to which the pastor of this local church reports. It is composed of A number of new children enrolled in· over three hundred and fifty ministers, the clasess for children held for the first repre~ents a membership of nearly a time this fall. However, we feel that hundred thousand with property valued there are still a great many of our mem- at $2,500,000. Last year the total giving bers a _ n d friends who would like to of the Rock River Conference toward avail themselves of this fine opportunity benevolent causes was $840,000. for giving their children an early and a thorough education in Biblical teaching. The Woman's Foreign Missionary SociSend your children to our classes on Fri- ety will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock at day next at 4. These classes are offered the hoine of Mrs. B. C. Davison, 1437 freely to all. ForeRt avenue. Assisting hossess, Mrs. H. 0. Crews. Devotions will be led by The new chancel furntture whose dedi- Mrs. Lee English, and the lesson will cation is to be one of the features of the b e in charge of Mrs. C. A. ~eeler. News coming anniversary services at ·st. John's from the District Meeting and "Mystery will be shipped by .the American Seatin~ Box" from the September "Friend" will Company on October· 8, and will very be the other features of the meeting. probably be installed during the same week. At the present time the church is The Senior High School league will meet undergoing a few changes in preparation Sunday evening at 5:30 in the Young for this installation. People's House. The topic for discussion will be, "What Are the Facts About Prohibition?" Margaret Bickham will be the leader. All high school students are invited to attend this meeting. Corner Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue Thi~ church cooperates in promoting Always a cordial welcome for everyone. the Sunday Evening club, which meets Regular morning- worship . October 7 at at 7 :30 o'clock in the Congregational 11 o'clock. ::iunday school at 9 :30 A. M. chur<'h. The speaker this week Is to be Dr. W. Gwynn Jones of Detroit, Mich. a distinguished Y . . M. C. A. worker and will preach. Following is the musical business man by the name of Fred B. program to be given at the church serv- Smith. ice Sunday, October 7: Organ Prelude The World Service and Benevolent gifts "Marche Religieuse," Guilmant; Anthem' "He Shall Come Down Like Rain," Buck; reported to the Rock River Conference Anthem, "God Is Love," Shelley; Organ by the pastor are as follows : Otrertory, "Ave Maris Stella," Grieg; Solo World Service ... . .. . . .... ........ . . $4,955 85 "This Is My Commandment," Olarke: Children's Day Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Gannon; Organ Postlude, "March" Woman's Foreign Missionary Society .. .. . . - - ' ........... . . - . . ... .. . .. . . 1,454 (Suite for Organ), Rogers. Catherine Bushouse, soprano ; Rose Woman's Home Missionary Society 1,685 Lutiger Gannon, contralto ; John B. Mil- Garrett Biblical Institute . . . . . . . . . . . 602 ler, tenor; Edward Otis, bass; Erma E. Wesley Foundation (Univ. of Ill.) . . 400 Lake Bluff Orphanage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716 Rounds, organist and director. Other Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 All departments of the Sunday school Chicago City Missionary Society . . 550 340 are well organized and we are now start- Lincoln Street and Halsted Street ing on another year of work with bright Good Will Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 prospects with an efficient corps of Deaconess Federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 525 teachers and officers under the leadership Anti-Saloon League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the following superintendents: Mrs. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,096 Charles L. Morgan, Cradle Roll ; Mrs. Grand Total . ......... _. $13,240 F. H. Hollister, Beginners; Mrs. R. H. Henderson, Primary ; Miss Sarah BrownThe Communion sen·ice will be held lee, Junior; llr. Stanley M. Peterson, Intermediate; Mr. F. H. Hollister, Senior next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At and Young People ; Mrs. E. L. Schulz, that time new members will be received into the fellowship of the church also. Home. The Adult department has the capable leadership of E. G. Low and Mrs. E. L. The Church school is carrying on a Schulz. Mr. R. H. Rice Is General Super- program of Rells:ious Education that will Intendent. Monday, October 8 at 7:30 P. commend itself to those who are seeking Jl. Sunday school officers and teachers the best instruction for children as well will have a business meeting at the a~ adults. There are classes for all ages. church. Special mention Is here made of five adult classes. The W~man'e society will have an allMen's class-Dr. A. W. Nagler. Methodist Church En~lish Lutheran Wilmette Baptist THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Sunday, October 7, 1928 Presbyterian Church On Sunday morning the Rev. G. D. Allison continues his series of sennons 9 :45 A. :M. Sunday school. Joseph Johnon present day messages from the book son, superintendent. of Jeremiah with the topic, "Three 11 A. M. Morning Worship. 'l'hings Men Like-Three Thing God Sermon: "Using the Lord's Day." Likes." NEXT SUNDAY IS RALLY DAY Jt is RALLY DAY in Sunday school. The subject of the Children's sermon for Sunday wil\ be, "The Story of the It is RALLY DAY in church. We invite the children to church and we want the Raft that Broke Up." older people in Sunday school. The serF. A. S. holds its first fall meeting mon will be a children's sermon. It will Sunday afternoon at 5 :30 at the home of be in simple words which every child Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Clark, 2513 Park should understand. Older people will have place, Evanston. no difficulty understanding the preacher next Sunday. The B. Y. P. U. meets at 5 :30 in Children's hall Sunday afternoon. Last FRIDAY NIGHT IS J,. L. NIGHT Sunday's attendance was ·1-te largest in The Luther league will meet at the many months and the president, Eliza- church at 8 p. This is the meeting beth Burns, invites all the young people which will decide about the Hallowe'en of the congregation to attend. Social and the 6 o'clock Sunday Teas. Every member of the League should be On Tuesday, October 9, the Mission present. Bring your friends. Union of the Baptist churches· meets at the Oak Park church from 11 A. M. to FOR MEN ONLY-That is the word 3 P. M. A large delegation from the Wil- that has gotten out concerning a meetmette Baptist society is expected. ing to be held Wednesday evening. October 10. The men of the church and their A new series of midweek meetings be- friends are urged to attend this meetgins next Wednesday, October 10, calling ing. It will get under way about 8 p. m. for the participation of many members. There will be no set program, no tireThe theme will be, "Good News in the some entertaining. We want the men Newspapers" and all are invited to clip to get acquainted and enjoy themselves. from the daily p ress inspiring and help- Bring your smokes if you have a faful notices. and articles of Interest show- vorite brand or take a chance on geting the brighter side of the newspaper ting some here. A buffet lunch will be makeup. · served in the course of the evening. m: Friday, October 12, all the young people of the Wilmette Baptist congregation are invited to atend a young people's party at the church. The party will take the form of an indoor track meet, the program will be very interesting and none of the boys or girls should miss it. THE S. S. ATTENDANCE CONTEST closed last Sunday. There were eleven or twelve who made· a perfect record during the month of September. Their names will appear on the honor roll next Sunday and they wtll be publicly commended by the superintendent during the Rally Day program for the Sunday The speaker at the Sunday Evening School. ·wm your name be one of them?

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