Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1928, p. 14

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ISc~~ewsl Publia#Hd JUNIOR LIFE WHiclfJ Told by the Pupils ·1 bv tiH athool chtldrtn of Wilmtttl untl1t auptrvilion of Wilmtttt Plaflatound and R«rtation Bottrd. VOL. 1. NO. 35 WILMETTE, · ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 5, 1928 Monday, September 2.f, SA Stolp played SC Stolp. The game was a very one~lded affair, being mostly in SA's favor. The score was 20-0. The first touchdown was made by Cecil Williams of SA in the first five minutes of play. The try for goal failed and SB chose to receive. The ball was in play a f~w minut~s when the half was called, the ball in possession of 8C. The next half began with 8C kicking. The ball had changed hands a few times when Bob White of SA got the ball and with splendid interference made another touchdown for SA, making the score 12 to 0 in favor of SA. The extra point was scored on a pass from ·Cecil Williams to Charles Knapp. The ball was kicked by SA. The ball exchangE'd hands a few times when Bob White again went over for a touchdown for SA. The extra point was scored by "Chuck" Knapp on a wide end run making the score 20-0. The game had but 45 minutes to play when Otis Gooch of 8C was given the ball. The game ended with the ball a foot from SA's goal llne.-Chester Hanson, 8A Stolp. 8-A Stolp Grid St. Joseph'a Football Squad Wins From 7dcwsotno~oPne;m.as ~~:~~eS!~!~~~::: "" 8-B Team 20 to 0 We thought we would win every game .-_____ WITH MRS. AGN}~S CLARK but we lost our second game. Lots of Q. Where were you born? our players were out. A. In Chicago. It was the hardest battle. It was with (She wouldn't tell me how old s he St. Joseph and we lost 26 to 0. But when waR.) we played St. Francis we beat them 25 to 0. Our lineup was: Q. Have you always played the piano? Bennie Saxon, captain, LE ; Russell A. Yes, since a very small girl. I Wyle, LT ~ Bill Burrill, C; James Me- have always liked to sing. Clure, RG; Warren Young, RT; .Jack Gaither, RE; Ho\\·ie Herbon, QB; Paul Q. Have you alway::-; taught muRic Soule, LH; Dick Preston, FB; ~orton sine(:' you began teaching? Potter, RH. A. Yes. I have been teaching twelve Won l..oHt Percent yearR. 1 taught 4:'ighth grade. Then I 1 1 500 was supervisor of music at a township - Paul Soule, 7C Stolp. high school, and now eighth grade again. Q. A. nub~. an I __ A n_J_n_t_e_r_v_ie_w ____ Is Junior Police at Stolp Tlhe to p sc oo . e o cers were · picked out of a nu~ber of seventh and eighth grade boys who volunteered. There are five ·patrols of four boys · in each one. One of the four boys is a lieutenant. They are stationed at Ninth and Central avenue; Lake and Tenth street.; Ninth and Lake . avenue, and on the play ground. The school has a new jungle bar and a couple of policemen have to watch to see that the older boys and girls don't hurt the smaller ones-Laurence Buckmaster, 8B Stolp. J~hn~olr~":Tlh!e ~tama:!C:al~~~:!: .... I . . . Howard 8-B Grid Squad Trounces Howard 8-A's Pupils Greet New Science Teacher at Howard School Howard school has a new General Science teacher this year. This is the first time Miss Stevens has taught in Howard. She taught tour years in Stolp md Central. Eighth grade was taught by her in Stolp and sixth in Central. Miss StE>vens studied at the University of Illinois this tmmmer, taking work for her ma~ter's degree.- Jean Dunning, SA Howard. Stolp-Howard Griddera Battle to Scoreless Tie The Howard 8B football team had a hard fight with 8A Stolp the first game at Washington park. After a hard struggle for the entire game the score was a tie, 0 to 0. Our second game with 8B Howard at the VIllage Green was won by Stolp by 12 to 0. Our third game with St. Joseph 8 .was also a tie, 0 to 0. We hope to ~et the shield this year.Lee Blaylock, SB Howard. HOWARD FOOTBALL TEAll Wednesday, September 26, the boys of the Stolp school of 7D class had a game of football with Howard school 7B. They played the game at the Village Green. "Hap" Gathercoal was the scorekeeper and Mr. Jlyan was the referee. A boy by the name of Dan made the first touchdown. They tried to drop kick the goal but failed. The second touchdown was made by a boy by the name of "Hank" and that time he tried to run it Instead of the drop kick but also failed. But Stolp didn't get any touchdowns so that made the score 12 to 0 in Howard's favor.-Elsie vonReinsperg, 7A Stolp, The second football game of the seaRon was playf'rl last Friday on the Village Green. The e-ame was between 8A and SB Howat·d. -It was a very good game. In the first quarter both teams played hard, but neither team Rcoa·ed. The second quarter was more succE>ssful for SB. Arthur Cramer of SB scored the first touchdown. In the fourth quarter, although our boys played hard, SB madE' another touchdown. making the score 12 to 0 in favor of 8B. The whole game On Monday, Septemebr 24, almost a was played with good sportsmanship.full period was devot(:'d to electing ofAlice Nord, SA Howard. fleers for Grade SA Howard. The offleers are as . follows: President, Dick Steen; vice-president, Alice Nord; secretary, Muriel Meyen:;; treasurer, Ronald Freeman. Alice Nord was also elected <'aptaln 7A Stolp had a kickball game with 7B Rtolp September 24. 7B had thirtPen and Kathlyn Welter as cheer leader for players and 7A had twelve players. The the girls' kickball team and Dick Steen positions of 7A's team are as follows: as captain and Bill Rorsen as cheer Else vonReinsperg, pitcher, captain ; leader for the boys' fontb:Ul team.-VirGrete vonRefnsperg, catcher; Jane ginia Maine, Howard SA. Thompson, first baseman; Betty Smith, second baseman; Alice Ebeling, third baseman ; Flor4:'ntine Strube, left shortstop; Phyllis Carleton, right shortstop; Vivian Grigsby. left field; Eleanor RickR, center field ; Kathlyn . Holoway, right We are in great hope of winning the field ; Alice Fre(:'man, fielder. football championship this year for we 7A defeated 7B by a score of 40 to 0. have won a game and tied the champs And we hope to win the next game with of last YE'ar. Our fellows are confident 7D.-EIRe vonRt>lnsperg, 7A Stolp. althouF;h thf'Y have a hard schedule. Our fifth, sixth. seventh, and ei~hth grades l'lre all making a great showing in footBoys hall. We hope to win.-Albert RoE'mer, ~th grade, St. Joseph. I went to the Norshore theater last Saturday aft.e rnoon for the first time. I think it is a wonder:ful theater. First Q. What instruments can you .play? of all the ushers were very nice and A. Piano and pipe organ. polite, the pictures were good, the vaudf'ville better and the orchestra best of all. 1 was quite pleased with my interview. Last but not least was AI Kvale. He MrR Clark is one of the new teachers at certainly knows how to draw the crowd. Howard but has taught two years at I enjoyed everything.-Fleeta Freeman, StolJ>.- Dick Steen, SA Howard. 8B Howard. What all do you t each? Mul->ie appreciation and the Glee Fleeta Freeman Revels in· Trip to Norshore New Gym Teachers Instill Dick Steen Is President Pep Into Howard Classes of Howard Eighth Grade The Howard school has two new gym teachers thi!<i year. 011e is Mrs. Fanckboner. She is a regular teacher for class work. There is also something new this year. We have a coach for games after school and let me tell you she surely peps you up and you'd better know how t.t> catch a ball or you won'-t be on the team. The teacher's name is Miss Skidmore.-Kathlyn Welter, SA Howard. 7-A Kickballers Crush Hopes of 7-B Athletes St. Joseph's Hooes to Capture Football Title St. Francis Team Wins ·. From Central Grid Squad Miss Fox's room. Central school, had a football game with St. Francis, September 27. The game was exciting. At the end of the first half the score was 12 to 0 in their favor. When the game was over the score was 31 to 0 in favor of St. Francis.-Gordon Keith, Central school, fifth grade. ORCHESTRA IN PRACTICE Last Monday the Senior orchel';tra had its first practice. Though It was feared it would be much smaller than it was last year because of the many members who graduated, quite a large crowd showed up. We have had only two practices but in that short time we seem to have a very good start-Ruth Bersch , Howard 8B. Begin Lessons in Manual Training Course ...I ' We, the boys of 8B Howard, had Manual Training for the first time this year Tuesday, September 25, under our Instructor, Mr. Ball. He started us to work on a project. Some of the boys started to make quite difficult things but others are making simpler things till Mr. Ball gets some lemon wood. Then a few boys are ,.-oing to make bows and a rrows and form an archery C'lub.-Geot·ge Yeoman, Howard 8B. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS There are about seventy-five new boot<~ in the Howard library this year. Books of "Animals," by Sara Bryant ; "Stories of the West" by Laut; "Different LandR" by James Bailcfe. The library has ah;;o BEGIN COOKING LESSONS a new picture of "After the Storm" by Tuesday we had cooking for the first Merker.-Bruce Meaker, 8B Howard. · time Rince school started. Miss Woodley is our cooking teacher. We made fancy HOLD SUSPENDER WEEK baked apples. Although the apples Beginning the week of Septembet· 24 weren't delivered till late, we did some was su:::pender week at Howard. Several hasty cooking and they were good.- boys are wearing suspenders, rolled Doalthy Whitney, Howard SB. socks, open neck ties, hanging pant legs, and open collars. The girls are wearing one ear rill_$ and rolled stockings down EDITORIAL When you play football never cry when to th(:'ir shoes.-Marshall Doose, SB you get hurt for if . you do the others Howard. always think you're a baby. Don't let MAKJo; BOWS AND ARROWS any big fellow scare you. Get In and R"et The eighth grade boys are going to after b,.lm, for the larger they are the harder they fali.-Arthur Cramer, 8B make bows and arrows in Manual TrainIng. Mr. Ball said if we could get Howard. enough boys to make bows and arrows we would have an archery club.-Martin LESSONS IN POISE Heberholz, 8B Howard. ' Tuesday, September 26. the SA class ot tbe~._Howard school ga\18 current events GET NEW BOOKS .Ia JIJI'8. Stalling's room. Some were very Our teacher, Mrs. Stalling, has brought IDtereatlnc and tb& others were Just the ten new books, among them "Oliver OI»PQ8lte. We are trylnc to gain poise Twist," ··From Slavety Up," "With the ·when we atand up in front of the class Indlant~ in the Rockies," and many other aD4 our talk8.-Xarjorle Iveraon, SA good books.-Jane Carol Sundlof SB Hotrahl. Howard. ' at·· GLEE r.LlTR VOICE T·~ST Tut>Rrlay afternoon we had our voices test4:'d for Glee club. We are all anxious t0 know if we are going to be in the GIPe club, for we all had good times laRt year. When we were in the seventh grad(:' we didn't g_o to the Spring con. 11 ASCOT DISAPPEARS cert hut we all would have liked to g-o last year. Now we are in the ei~h-th . The other day a cat came into th{' grade so we can go, if they have i t - Art 'room. After the period was over we took him in our room. Somebody Helen Miller, 8B Howard. brought him some milk during the afternoon. We always took the cat to NEW SCOUT11ASTER different rooms. It was a little kitten. Scout Troop 2 of Wilmette haR finally One day we le!O him go down to th(:' found a new Scoutmaster. Bert Cook basement and we haven't seen him since. was chosen for the position. Three years -Ernest Bostrom, 8B Stolp. ago he had to leave the troop command but now we have him back again. We FOOTBALL STATISTICS are ho~ing that the troop will prosper We have played three games of footunder hts command.-;-Robert Fletcher, SA ball this year and tied two and won Stolp. one. These games were as follows : Stolp SA, 0-Howard 8B, 0 ; Howard 8A, GET LOCKER KEYS 0-Howard SB, 12; St. Joseph, 0-HowThe eighth grade classes of Howard ard SB, 0.-Lester Karsow, Howard 8B. school received their locker keys the f:ec~nd Tuesday of school. Mrs. Stalling · M.\ T WIN NEXT TillE nottced one pupil locking and unlocklneThe SB girls had their first game of his locker to see how smoothly It worked. kickball with SA Stolp Wednesday, SepThe seventh grade got their locker kev<> tember 26. We lost ·25 to 4 but hope to before the eighth because they had thei~ ito better next time.-Jean Munro, SB money In before the eighth grade.- Stolp. Spencer Norrington, SB Howard. SEEK PERFECT BE . ~RD NEW LIBRARIAN 8A girls played a kickball game against Howard school has a new librarian 8B last ~onday. · Our captain is June Miss Grace A. Gayton. She Is very ntc~ Kehl. We beat them 34 to 12. We are and when ever we go down to the library trying to keep up our good record. We she always tells us the best books to did not lose· a game last year.-Eleanor take. We also have 75 new library books Moulding, SA Stolp. -Bettye K. Kirwan, Howard school. ' .FISH STILL LIVE MONET BOLLS IN The gold fish Mr. Renneckar gave the The 8B Howard treasury Is boom- Howard school last year are still living. Ing. They now have seventeen cents' ~rs. Hessfe came down and got some But we hope to get more before the yeat for the kindergarten room ftsh bowl.Is over.-J.~uls Kludy, 8B Howard. · Ollve Blllfmack, 8B Howard.

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