Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1928, p. 64

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~.t~mbe_r . 21,. 1928 Rillat ol Way Ia Settled Escept for Few Pareel,; Roate Grammar Scboot Football Teacher-Dancer Outboard Boatme,. Visit Ef)ery Isle in LtJke Michigan Following i~ the grammar school football league schedule for the Wilmette schools announced this week by The long talked of Evanston-Elgin the Pla1ground and Recreation board : highway is now under contract all theo FIFTH-SIXTH GRADES . way from Elgin to the Northwest highAll games are called at 3:30 o'clock. way, about two-thirds of its length, The first two teams ready to play will play first. and contracts on the balance will be Tuesday, Sept. 18 St. Joseph 6 vs. Central 6B, Wash. Pk.; let shortlY, as soon as a few more Central 5C vs. St. Francis 5, Wash. Pk. rights of way are obtained by the state, Howard 5 vs. Logan 5, Vlt Gr. ; St. Central 5A, VII. Gr. according to officials of the Chicago Joseph 5 vs.Thursday, Sept. 20 Central 6A vs. St. Francis 6, Wash. Pk. ; Regional Planning association, which 5B vs. Howard 5, Wash. Pk.; has taken an active interest in the rout- Central Central SA vs. Logan 5, Vtl. Gr.; St. ing of the road. Joseph 6 vs. Howard 6B, VU. Gr. Tuesday, Sept. 25 Soon aft~r leaving Elgin, the highCentral 6B vs. Howard 6B, Wash. Pk. ; way will strike the section line immed- St. Joseph 5 vs. Central . 5B, Wash Pk. ; iately north of Bode road, which it fol- St. Francis 6 vs. Howard 6A, Vil. Gr.; lows for two miles, and will continue St. Francis 5· vs. Howard 5, Vil. Gr. Thursday, Sept. 27 due east along the section line until St. Joseph 6 vs. Central 6A, Wash. Pk.: it meets Seever road iu5t to the north- Central 5A vs. St. Francis 5, Wash. Pk.; east of the Elk Grove forest preserve. Howard 6A vs. Central 6B, Vii. Gr. ; See_ger road, which curves to the south Howard 5 vs. Central 5C, Vil. Gr. Tuesday, Oct. 2 ack again to the section and then b_ Central 6A vs. Howard 6A, Wash. Pk. ; line, will be followed to the Northwest Central 5B vs. Central 5C, Wash. Pk.; highway. Then the Elgin-Evanston St. Joseph 5 vs. Logan 5, Vil. Gr.; St. road will curve around to the north and Joseph 6 vs. St. Francis 6, Vll. Gr. Thursday, Oct. 4 back again to Golf road, which runs 5 vs. Central 5B, Wash. Pk.; along the section line. The new road StLogan Joseph 5 vs. St. Francis 5, Wash. Pk.; will hit Golf road about a mile and ·a Howard 5 vs. Central 5A, Vll. Gr. ; St. half west of )4ilwaukee avenue. .Tos~ph 6 vs. Howard 6A, Vii. Gr. Oct. 9 Golf road becomes Simpson street Central 6A Tuesday, vs. Central 6B, Wash. Pk. ; at Harmes road and the Elgin highway St. Francis 5 vs. Central 5B, Wash. Pk.; will proceed east on it to Crawford St Joseph 5 vs. Central 5C, Vii. Gr.: avenue, where the State paving ends H~ward 6B vs. St. Francis 6, Vil. Gr. Thursday, Oct. 11 and the county paving begins. The St. Francis 5 vs. Logan 5, Wash. Pk.; county will continue it east to the in- Central 5A vs. Central 5C, Wash. Pk.; tersection of Emerson and Simpson St. Joseph 5 vs. Howard 5, Vil. Gr. ; atr~ets. As there is no bridge ac.ross Howard 6B vs. Central 6A, Vll. Gr. Tuesday, Oct. 16 the drainage canal at Simpson street, St. Francis 6 vs. Central 6B, Wash. Pk. ; .the road wiJI diverge from Simpson Central 5B vs. Central SA, Wash. Pk.; street and enter Evanston on Emerson Central 5C vs. Logan 5, Vll. Gr. ; Howard street for the present. At some future 6A VA. Howard 6B, vn. Gr. d·a te the sanitary district may provide SEVENTH-EIGHTH GRADES a bri~ge at Simpson street, in which All games are called at 3:30 o'clock. event the road will be carried into The first two teams ready to play wlll Evanston on that thoroughfare, as or- play first. Monday, Sept. 17 iginally planned. '" St. Francis 8 vs. Stolp 8C, Wash. Pk.; Following the route as outlined, the St. Francis 7 vs. Stolp 7C, Wash. Pk. ; road will not encroach on the property Howard SA1 vs. Stolp 8B, VII. Gr.; St. · Stolp 7B, Vll. Gr. of the Glenview Golf club, just border- JoReph 7 vs Wednesday, Sept. 19 ing the southern bltundary of the Stolp SA vs. Stolp SB, Wash Pk. ; grounds, ~cc.ording to the club's presi- Howard 7A vs. Stolp 7B, Wash. Pk.; St. Joseph 8 vs. Stolp 8B, Vil. Gr. ; dent, Charles H. MacDowell. Its pasHoward 7B vs. Stolp TA, VU. Gr. sage ~hrough the forest preserve has Friday. Sept. 21 been provided for by the forest preSt. Francis vs. Stolp SA, Wash. Pk.; serve commissioners for a long time Stolp 7B vs. Stolp 70, Wash. Pk. ; Howard SA vs. Howard 8B, Vll. Gr.; St. Joseph 7 and it will not be necessary to cut vs. Stolp 7C. Vll. Gr. more than one or two trees to accommoMonday, Sept. 24 date it. The bridge. to carry the road Stolp SA ·vs. Stolp 8C, Wash. Pk.; across the north branch of the Chicago St. Francis 7 vs. Stolp 7A, Wash. Pk. ; St. Joseph 8 vs. Howard 8B. Vll. Gr.; river has already been completed. Howard 7A vs. Howard 7B, Vll. Gr. Over six miles of the road has been Wednesday, Sept. 26 paved so far-a se.c tion west of Des St. Francis 8 vs. Howard SA, Wash. Pk.; 7A vs. Stolp 7C~ Wash. Pk.; Stolp Plaines-and the wor:k is going forward Stolp 70 vs. Stolp 7B, Vll. Gr. ; St. Francis 7 rapidly. The pavement will be 20-foot vs. Howard 7A, Vll .. Gr. ,.. concrete throughout its length except Friday. Sept. 2~ Stolp SB vs. Howard 8B, Wash. Pk. ; where it passes through Niles Center, St. Joseph 7 vs. Stolp 70, Wash. Pk.; where it will be 40 feet wide. Howard SA vs. Stolp 8C, Vil. Gr. ; Howard ··~bed After an fD>-mile circuit of Lake . Michigan· in , which they visited every one of the 38 islands in it, three north shore boys returned Friday from a cruise in the motor yacht Susan of Wilmette. They were Franklin Cook, and William Peacock, Jr., and Grenny Older of Wilmette. Leaving . Wilmette Aug. 28, . ~~ey cruised fir3t to Green Bay, vtsttmg Chambers island, Strawberry islands, Ephraim and Washington island. At Gravelly i~land, north of Death's Door Passage, they saw the largest gull rookery in the country and annexed a young gull which thereafter lived on the cruiser'·s deck. Proceeding north they ~topped at High island and lived with an old Pottowatamie fisherman and boat-builder. FiDel Kin· Ben Refu·ee· Here lived a colony of King Ben'.s followers, who were evicted from Benton Harbor recently. At Beaver island, the Irish inhabitants gave a Miss Marian Keeney, daughter of dance in the boys' honor, and the naMr. and Mrs. Parke J. Keeney of 523 tives did a real Irish shindig to the Hawthorne lane, Winnetka, whose type tune of a fiddle and a mouth organ. of dance instruction has created gen- Here, also, the boys investigated the remains of the old Mormon s.tate eral .interest in her Winnetka ·.school which existed on the island until 1853. during the past year, will reopen her The printing office from which King Strang sent his bulletins and orders studios Octc;>_ \>er 6. stilt remains intact. Rumors have it Miss Keeney feels that some degree that the counterfeit money presses of her success is due to the recent were buried ~t. .th~ foot o.f. Mount Phwidely increased appreciation of the gab. Many hi~toric~t · · works so state. benefits of 4iila·ssical dancing and a bet- but the islanders · could not even be ter understandill& of the relation of sure which hill was the Mount Pisgah ballet technique to the higher forms of the Mormons. They gave it as their of dancing. belief that the money presses had probShe is now in Los Angeles where ably l>een de3troyed when the Morshe is taking intensive training with mons were <J.riven out in 1853. Ernest Nelcher, California's famous Visit Uaiahabitecl la~a instructor; Katharane Edson, former From Beaver island the cruiser went national director of the Deni.shawn school, exponen·t of dance drama, pro- to Trout, Squaw and Whisky islands which are uninhabited. At Gull island jection of personality, and the art. of the boys investigated the old legend gesture; a_ rid Norma G~mld, pantom.tmist and authority on chtldren s dancmg. that a Scotchman named McDonald Miss Keeney will return to Winnetka had buried his money on this island when he died some 40 years ago. Many about Octob~r 1. pits were found, some of recent digging, indicating that people still hoped to AN ECHO OF TAX REPEAL uncover the treasure. Natives of the An echo of the repeal of the 3 per- mainland contended that it was still . cent government tax on passenger there. automobiles, which was effective May Old Waugoshance Lighthouse, aban29, 1928, is the information that the doned y~ars ago, was visited next. total amount which will be involved The old li~ht tower served as bedroom in credits and refunds under the new to. the boys that night and the next law witt approximate $10,000,000. This day they arrived at Charlevoix and refund is in connection with articles in civilization. Pointing so u t h they the dealers' hands at 8 a. m., e~stern reached Benton Harbor Thursday standard time, on the above date, says night and headed straight across the a bulletin issued by the Chicago Motor lake to Wilmette, reaching home at 4 a. m. Friday. club. Lay Comeratone Sunday of Theological Seminary Laying of the cornerstone of the Western Theological seminary at the southwest corner of Sheridan ro~fi and Haven street, Evanston, will take place Sunday afternoon at 3 :30, and will mark another notable addition to Evanston as an educational center. The Rt. Rev. Charles Palmerston Anderson, LL.D., bishop of Chicago and president of the board. of trustees of the seminary, will officiate. President Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern and the deans of the schools of the university will join in a procession from the deanery at 2145 Orrington avenue to the cornerstone site. Others in the march will be Mayor Charles H. Bartlett, Episcopal clergy of Evanston, BishoP Sheldon M. Griswold, Bishop Anderson, Dr. William C. De Witt, president of tbe seminary; and Dean Frederick C. ~nt. 7A vs. Stolp 7C, Vil. Gr. Monday, Oct. 1 St. Joseph 8 vs. St. Francis 8, Wash, Pk.; St. JosP.ph 7 vs. Stolp 7A, Wash. Pk. ; Howard SA vs. Stolp SA, VU. Gr. ; Howard 7B vs. Stolp 7B, Vll. Gr. Wednesday, Oct. 3 St. Frands 8 vs. Stolp SB, Wash. Pk.; St. Francis 7 vs. Stolp 7B, Wash. Pk.; St. .Joseph 7 vs. Howard 7B, Vll. Gr. ; Howard 7A vs. Stolp 7A, VII. Gr. Friday, Oct. 5 St. Joseph 8 vs. Stolp 8C, Wash. Pic.; St. Francis 7 vs. Stolp 70, Wash. Pk. : ~t. Francis 8 vs. Howard SB, Vil. Gr. ; St. Joseph 7 vs. Howard 7A, Vll. Gr. · . Monday, Oct. S St. Joseph 8 vs. Stolp SA, Wash. Pk.; Stolp 7C vs. Stolp 70, Wash. Pk. ; Howard 8B Vfl. Stolp 8C, Vfl. Gr. ; St. Francis 7 vs. Howard 7B, Vll. Gr. Wednesday, Oct. 10 Stolp ~C va. Stolp 8B. Wash. Pk. ; Stolp 7A VB. Stolp 70, Wash. Pk.; St. Joseph s VB. Howard SA, vn. Gr. ; Howard 7B vs. Stolp 7C, Vll. Gr. Friday, Oct. 12 Stolp SA vs. Stolp 8B, Wash. Pk.; Stolp 7B vs. Stolp 7C, Wash. Pk. ; St. Joseph 7 vs. St. Francis 7, VII. Gr.; Howard 7A VB. Stolp 7D, vn. Gr. Monday, Oct. 15 Stolp 7A VB. Stolp 7:J.J, Wash. Pk. 1 i i """'"";~:::"""~:::~""':;~~~~:-;;::~"l Ttnth Strtet and Ctntral Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES - Wilmette. Ill ~ I = j = SERVICES A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-.-8 P. M. Sunday School Exercises-9 :.f 5 A. M. 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ . Se~!~!:~ ~:al~[y28 I § § = = i Reading Room- 1 1 6 J Wilmette Avenu1 HOURS: Daily (except Wednesd~y and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M ro 1 :41) P. M.: Saturday 9 A. M . too P . M The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy anti all other authorrlt'd Chrtatian Sciencr Literature ma" be read. borrowed . or purcha:wd "lfF PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVlTED TO ATTENO THF CHURCH SERVICBI AND VISIT THE READING ROOM . Ill IUIUIUIIIIII 1111 .·aAU:MA!I 1111-IIIIIIIIIIF II i = = =

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