Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1928, p. 3

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September 14, 1928 WI LME-T-Tll" -1.1P8. MAD ALTERADONS " IN·LiBRARt' SYSTEM · ·Begin Work Soon Doctor of Philosophy on New Addition at Howard School.___ _ _ _ _ _ _..., CoUiaion at Hibbard ..-d Happ Roads Reveala Theft of Car in Chicago Lut July Miaa Anne L. Whitmack, Li- Work is expected to start within the . brarian, Supervises "Houae- next week on the construction of the t}..ew $100,000 addition to the Howard .CJeaning" ~ New Reading Liat school, plans for which were completed some time ago. Contracts for the g~nTwo Wilmette youths received The Wilmette Public library .recently eral construction work and for the msevere cuts and body brui.st:s when. th~ underwent a thorough house-cleaning. stallation of eouipment ·were awarded car in which they were rtdmg coll1~eo The shelf system at the library has at the meeting -of the WilD\.ette school with a stolen car at the corner of Htbbeen reorganized also, and all books, board Tuesday night of this week. bard and Happ roads last Saturday These contracts, all awarded to Chiwith the exception of fiction, have morning about 2:15 a. m. The two heel} shifted. Miss Anne L. Whit- cago firms, are as follows: General youths are: Ralph Ely,. 22, o! 1938 mack, librarian, has prepared a list contract, Strandberg Brothers comSchiller avenue, and Emtl B; r !uch, 19, of suggested readings on various top- oany: plumbing, W. W. Watson; heatof 2011 Birchwood avenue. .They were ics. following is the list. together ing and ventilating,. .John R .. K~hm taken to the Evanston hospital followwith ~iss Whitmack'.s brief summary company: electric w1rmg and hghtmg, ing the acci_ dent, but ~ere able to reof the contents of each book: Wadeford Electric company: lockers, turn to their homes thts week. . . Page's "Training of an American"- Dura·bilt Steel Locker company; and The coupe which they were dr1vmg Letters of Walter H. Page that tell shades George B. Dienhart. east on Happ road. was .completely the story of his earlier life and career The' new addition to the Howard wrecked when it coll1ded ~1th a large as editorJ publisbet::, and educator. An visable later to enlarse the auditori~m sedan going south. on Htbbard road. absorbing study of a remarkable man. unit with two class rooms on each s1de The sedan was also badly wrecked. Pickett's "Soldier of the South"- and will balance on the nor_ t h the gymDmea Stolen Car fn this remarkable collection of letters · nasium unit recently erected on the The driver of the sedan, who was one of the crucial periods of Ameri- south side of the main building. It badly cut, has not been heard. from can history is described from behind wiJI form an integral part of the school since the accident, but the pobce are the scenes with UflUSual vividness and structure. being built as a wing of the on his trail. After the crash he was reality. . main build1ng. Should it be fou!ld ~dasked to go to a nearby f~rmhouse to Chi~f St~nding Bear's "My People, vi":lhle latrr to enlarge the audttortUm wash off the blood from h1~ .~Ut$, and Graeme Canning, 50n of. Mr~ and the Sioux"-An unusual picture of an all that witl be necessary will be to instead apparently fted. . interesting life as well as an illuminat- "..;eak through ·the walls of the class- Mrs. A. P. Canning, 889 Shendan r~ad, Investigation by the police revealed Hubbard Woods, has recently ~ecetved ing study of the American Indian. rooms and make the section one large the degree of Doctor of Phtlosophy that the sedan, a Studebaker model, . Cox's "Art for Amateurs and Stu- structure. . · from Charles Obfrnes, had been stolen · dents"-The author examines and exIn view of the increasing enrollment from the University of Chicago. Dr. 6944 Washington boulevard, Ch1~ag~, hibits the essential structure of art as the new a..ddition was designed to take Canning has won distincti~n in the on -July 21. It carried a 1928 Il.bnots seen throughout the ages. He pro- r.are of the present anti future needs of field of bacteriology. He ts a. me!'l- license No. 716934 issued to Mtldre~ vides intelligible and flexible rules tlpe school system, for the next few ber of Sigma Xi honorary sctenttfic Perkins, 5170 Wabansia avenue,_ Chtwhereby the art contents of all works, years at least. lnve;tigation bv Wit- society. He received his B.~· degree cago, for a Che\·rolet car. Th~ ltcense ancient or modern, may. be appraised. mette ~chool authorities last spring and at Northwestern and his M.A. degree plates had been changed. . Heseltine's "Conversation" A a careful study of the school census at Columbia university. These facts together 'With the disapbright, chatty account of the art of '"r children under six years of age inpearance of the driver, '!ere enough conversation as it has been evolved dicated that new pupils will increase Bowlers to Inaugurate to convince Wilmette poltce th~t the through the ages. the ree'istration at the rate of about Studebaker sedan which figured ~n the Tourney September 27 crash Powy's "Henry Hudson"-Romantic one room each year in the Howard had been stolen, and. they . 1 m~e Official tournament bowling in the diately began a thorough mvesttgatton biography as well as uliknown history. cc-l.ool area. The first section of the Howa~d Wilmette Odginal Business Men's in an attempt to locate the escaped Millay's "Evergreen Tree" - Lyric poetry, lovely in quality and lively in c:,.hnol was com!>leted in 1924, while m Bowling leag~.e will begin Th~rsday driver. evening. Sept em her 27, a~cordmg to ln..-eatiaate Clue phrasing. · 1926 six rooms were added. plans outlined at a meetmg of the Siegfried's "Post-war Britian" Chester Grunders, 23,. of 5120 ~en league Wednesday nf this week !n .the derson street, Chicago, a truck . dnver Fair and unbiasted analysis of the reGoodwin AJleys in the Brown bml~t!lg. for the counta·, has been the obJect ~~ cent politcial and economic situations "Organized Business" Ia in Great Britian. · C. of C. Meeting Tooic Eight teams will be in the compehhon a police search this . week. <;aptam Smith's "Psychology for Executives" . Brautigam, of the W Ilrnette pobce deAbout thirty-five Wilmette Chamber this season. Officers of the l~ague for the ensumg partment and Officer Bloss searched --Psychology applied to the manage- of Commerce members attended the ment of men. regular September meeting of tha~ or- season, elected at the Wednesday con- his hom~ Monday night . and found Ball's "Landmarks in Nineteenth Jr<~nization Monday night. Consider- fere!lce, were,. Dr. \Valt~ I!'· Schu!, blood-stained clothes. Hts father adCentury Paniting" - A provocative able enthusiasm was shown by th<;>se prestdent; Emtl A. Nordt vtce-presi- mitted th;;a~t he had a. Stud~ baker study of painting from David to oresent as this was the first meetmg dent; William D. Leary, treasurer, and sedan, but members of h1s fam.·ly d~ Cezanne. tor tw~ months, the August session A. F. Whitehead, secretary. Team cap- clared that he had ~one to .Cabforma, ·. having been postponed on account of tains were chosen· ..e.s follows : Tom according to Captam Brautigam. He Wilmette Dav. Clifford E. Ankeney, Klehm, Emil A. Nord, Dr. Charles H. is still at large. Highway Commissioner M. pt the United States Chamber of Com- Eldred, William Smith, Harry Gets Bids on Tenth St. .;;orce, spoke on "Org-anized Business Bachman, Henry B. Gates, Roy Good- Push Improvements in ]. A. Williams township highway From the National Viewpoint," stres- win and John Drynan. Laketon Subdivision · commissioner. reported to the Kenil- sing- the desirability of business being worth Village board at its regular organized. The Wilmette Board of Local I.mmeeting Monday evening on the proprovements at ~ts adjour~ed me.etmg· posed paving of Tenth street from last Tuesday night authortzed VIllage James Kennedy Rescues Sheridan road south to Chestnut street Engineer Roberts to prepare plans and in Wilmette. Commissioner Williams Wilmette Beach Bather specifications, for pro..po~d ·sewer and stated that he wa~ receiving bids for water development m t~e Laketon James Kennedy, who has been actthe township's share of the project and ing as life guard at the Wilmette beach subdivision of Wilmette, lymg south of that contracts for the work would be the latter ,part of the su~mer, proved Lake avenue and west of Ramonfl let within a few days. Contracts for himself worthy of his pos1hon last Sunro~;. and Mrs. William S. Hedges of Wilmetfs share were let at the meet- dav afternoon when he rescued a ing of the Wilmette Village board last woman who had been carried out by 1768 Washington avenue left last week. Wednesday to motor to New York the undertow and was clingit!St" to the city. They will be gone two weeks. life line unable to swim in because of HEAR MISSION LEADER the rough water. The woman's name probabilities The Rev. E. F. Schueler of Mil- was not known. Mr. Kennedy is the ViUagers Vote Soon on . waukee, secretary of the Lutheran son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A .· Kennedy, of a~d possibilities Sunday Movie Question Board of Home Missions in North Evanston. formerly of Wilmette. and South ' America, will conduct the Wilmette voters are awaiting the services at a mission festival to be held summons tc the polling places Tuesd~y, become realities in St. John's Lutheran church Sun- Name Concert Dates September 25, the date of .a. spect~l day morning, Septmeber 30. The Rev. election in which two propos1ttons WI~ for Little Symphony to the user of Arthur Werfelman of Glenview wilt receive decision at the hands of the Dates for the Little Symphony preach a similar service in t~e evening electorate. . orchestra concerts to be given in the of that day. Of considerable intere~t 1s the pr~p the classified New Trier High · school auditorium osition to permit operation of mot1on this season under auspices of the WINS <!OLF TITLE AGAIN tJicture theaters in the village on SunNew Trier Orchestral associlttion, section Miss Mercedes Bush of Evanston, day, as proposed by a large num~er of ag-ain has wrested the golf champion- have been announced as follows: citizens several months ago. The ?ther · Monday, November 12 ship for women at Westmoreland proposition sponsored by the V tllage Monday, Dece~ 10 Countrv club from all other contest· board, ask~ expression . concerning !he Monday, J_,uary 14 ants. This. pa·$t match gives her the issuance of bonds· for and constructt~ Monday, February 18 title for the fifth consecutive year. of a municipal incinerating plant 1D Monday, March 11 Mrs. Homer C. Chapin of Glencoe was liiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiijiiiiill. the village. . . ... - .. runner-up. *

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