September 14, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE You can't c!ean your teeth.without Good Tooth Brushes Hollerin' "Wolf!" .When There Ain't None! , You've . all read about Aesop's Shepherd who liked to get a crowd around so he'd holler: "Wolf! \Volf !" and then sit and e1.1joy watching the villagers armed with pitchforks . cha~e over to lum only to find that the shepherd boy was joshin' 'em. And then one day wh~n the wolf DID come and he yelled "Wolf!" NOBODY paid any attention. You've re.a d about him. I don't know whether there's any parallel or not in this story to TRUTH in ADVERTISing, hut if you'll trip on a few paragraphs more, mebbe I can get over the idea I ha\'e in mind. · Leaving c.ut of the question the RIGHT~ESS and WRONG::\ ESS of ~dvertising TRCTHFULLY. we'll put the problem on a BCSIXESS BASIS. DOES TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING PAY? Does hollerin' "\\'olf ~·· or hollerin' "Quality!" hollerin' "Low Price!" really GET one any place financially when you can't DELI\ ER \\·olves or quality or low price ! ! We'll grant that the FIRST time you'll GET THE CRO\iV"1S. but do you think you can COXTI~UE to get 'em? . · Do you think that this store could have forged such friendships as they have in vears of hollerin' and hoopin' about things they couldn't DELI\'ER? Xossir! · \Yhen you read a price, a statement about an article \Ve carry, you can h ·~t that it's as dtscribed or you get your money back.. 'Yt're SCA.RED to holler "\Yolf" when t.h ere ain't none! Gene. No Taste No Color No Odor + I Select a Good KLENZO TOOT· H BRUSH Art Styles and Sizes Brushes of pure bristles or of goat or badger hair for tender gums. Brushes with or bone. straight or This thorough, gentle, internal lubricant- Pure test Mineral Oil, Russian type -has none of the objectionable features of laxatives and cathartics. Perfected refining removes all taste, all color and all odor. Puretest Mineral Oil is extra heavy, promptly effective a n d absolutely harmless. Phones 28- 2Q bent handles; transparent Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Avea. 85c Full Pint BIG ACCOUNTS NATIONAL BANK of Wilmette From Systematic Savings Grow DEDICArfE a certain part of your income to savings. Never deposit less than what you set out to do, and never stint on clothing or recreation to deposit more. Do not depart from this .procedure and in a comparatively short time your .savings plus compound interest will accrue to an appreciable total. Start your account at this Bank-where personal interest is em· phasized to the utmost degree. ··· · OFFICERS E. B. Knudtson. Preaident C. D. Masters, Vice-President Dan G. Stiles, Vice-Pre~., Cubier N. A. Schwall. ' Aa~t. Ca1biet DIRECTORS E. B. Knudtson C. D. Masters Dan G. Stiles Axel Lonnquist David Nelson Charles F. Reinboth Robert Stoddard A. C. Wolff Frank W. Ketcham FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wilm.ette, Illinois