Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1928, p. 36

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WILMETTE LIFE Howard Preston Is·· to. ·Sing at Last Skokie ' Talented Baritone Selected for Last Afternoon Musicale BY RUTHEDA L. PRETZEL Howard E. Preston, baritone, is to give the last of the Sunday afternoon musicales of this sea5on at the Skokie Country club on Sunday, September 16; at 4 :30 o'clock. Mr. Preston has appeared before audiences here and abroad, and is especially well known for his work in English opera. He is the possessor of a great, natural, rich baritone voice of wide range, and is endowed with rare dramatic instinct and talent. He is an American by birth. of Scotch and Fren-ch ancestry. aud has received his education in ChicagO', Paris, Berlin:- London and Vienna. He now resides in Wilmette. His program .will be as follows : On I!oneymoon Mephistophete·s Prologue . . . ... ... , Botto Wolfram's Eulogy of Love, from "Tannhauser" . ...... .. ... . .... . .... . .Wagner ·'Nocturne" ..... .. . . ... .... Cesar Franck· ::~s Cloches" .; ........ .. . .. . . ... Debussy. une Prison ....... . .. . . .. ...... Hahn "L'Isba en Flammes" . ...... .. Fourdrain "Danny Deever" (by request) . . Damrosch .IV. "Allerseelen" .. . ....... .... ... .. .. Strauss "Cacille" ................ .. ....... Strauss III. II. I. v. ~~~~ "The Blind Ploughman" (by request) ... · .. . . . ....... . ........ . ..... .. .... Clarke "The Crying of Water" .... ....... Tipton "Ballad of th(> Bony Fiddler" . . Hammond "Captain Stratton's Fancy" . . . . .Taylor Charles Lurvey is to be Mr. Preston's accompanist. His excellent work as accompanist for Miss .Helen Hedges at the last Skokie muicale will be remembered. Garden Tea and Program to & for Writers Club A large event of the current month is to be the garden tea and program on \Vednesday afternoon, September 26, at 2:30 o'clock, when Mrs. Charles Holg will open her home and garden at 250 Laurel avenue for the Friends of American Writers of Chicago, a club founded by her sister the late Mrs. Nettie Bohr. ' Several artists of prominence wi11 appear on the program which will be given in the garden. Mrs. Lillian Pringle. concert soloist, Miss Edith Salvi, harpist, and sister of Alberto Salyi world re.nowned harpist, now a restdent of WJlmette. and Miss Maiti Charlotte, sopr~no, will offer the music se~ect.ions . Marie Agnes Foley is bnngmg her cast to play 11 Sing-Song Man." whose author is Mrs. Florence Crocker Comfort. known for her writing of "Topsy-Turvey Times." The ~rst production of her plays was given m the Lyceum theater in New York and at the Children's theatre in Peekskill, N. Y. Miss Foley is producing the play at the Jack and Jill theatre in the city. · Photo by Nieto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Fitch whose marriage took place last Satur~ day, sailed Wednesday ' on their wedding trip to Bermuda. 'The bride was Miss Lucille King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving George. King of Rogers Park. Mr. Fitch is the son of Col. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 Elmwood avenue. The ceremony was read at 8 :30 o'clock in the evening, at the King residence, the Rev. Horace G. Smith officiating and an informal reception for the two families followed. The bride wore a frock of flesh-colored chiffon fashioned with a long, full skirt and with a bow and long streamers of French blue. She carried liliesof-the-valley and pale pink rosebuds. Her only attendant, her sister, Miss Marjorie, was in a period gown of French blue taffeta. Her bouquet was of pale yellow roses and valley lilies. Philtp Vaughan Bright, Jr. served as best man. St. Francis Foundation to Open Season Wednesday The Foundation for St. Francis hos . . pital will have its first meeting of the Sfason Wednesday, St-ptember 19, at the Nurses' home in Evanston on Ridg; avenue. Mrs. Frank Jones ·Jf Evanston, who is president of the organization. has asked that the members of the board meet at 1 and the general meeting will be called to order at 2 :30. This is to be an interesting meeting at ·which all members are asked to be present and bring guests. Reports, financial an4 otherwise, of the Festival which was held last spring will be read for the first time. Hostess at Skokie Mr. and Mrs. Hayes McKinney of 1035 Chestnut avenue entertained Sat- urday evening, September 8. at Skokie Country club, for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coggeshall. Mr. and Mrs. Coggeshatt are relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F: Potter, 925 Chestnut Rockford Luncheon Today avenue, and have been their houseMrs. Frank H. McCulloch opens her guests since returning from South home at 2236 Orrington avenue, EvansAmerica where they have been living ton today for a luncheon given by the for the past two years. North Shore branch of the Chicago Rockford Coltege association in honor Engaged of the twenty-two girls from Chicago Mr. and \frs. }. M. Krafthefer of and its suburbs who are entering RockWilmette am.ounce the engagement of ford college this fall. Luncheon wilt their daughter, Virginia Loratta, to be served at 1 o'clock. Eugene ~. Schwartz of Naperville, Ill. Miss Krafthefer is a graduate of The Wilniette branch of the Infant St. Mary's-of-the-Lake w hi I e Mr. Welfare society met Monday afterSchwartz is a graduate of Notre Dame qoon at the home of Mrs. N. P. Coluniversity. well, 520 Gregory av·enue.' · Mrs. William D. L~ary of 430 Tenth street has bee.n ap~oin.ted general chairman of a benl:'fit bridge party which wilt be given at 2 o'clock this afternoon in tl)e home of Mrs. J. F. O'Neill of 1033 Sheridan road by the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette. The p_ arty will benefit the school ~uilding fut:td of the organization.· Reservations for tickets mav be made through · the hostess, Mrs. O'.Neilt, or through Mrs. Leary before the party. The women who have· been apnointed to assist Mrs. Learv are Mrs. Selling Tickets Here E. G. Sieber, Mrs. H. Davies, Mrs; T. F. Wiedlin, Mrs. H. L. Baker, Mrs. for Sousa Band Concerts T. G. Chambers, Mrs. A. C. Ohlendorf. Each week new groups are added to and Mrs. P. J. Joyce. the list of those selling tickets for the two concerts to be given Saturday, Celebrate Christening September 22, by Sousa's band as a henefit for the Northwestern Univer- . Mr. and' Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng of sity Alumnae association and the Ev- 401 Lake avenue, who recentlv reanston League of Women Voters. turned from their summer home at Tickets are being sold in Wilmette by Land O'Lakes, Wis., gave a dtristenMrs. Shelby M. Singleton, Mrs. Le- ing- partv last Sundav nig-ht for Wenland Pierson, and Mis·s Helen Evans. delin Seng'. 1IV. The Rev. Father In Winnetka, in addition to the Magner of St. Mary'c; church, Evansmembers of the Winnetka League of ton, officiated at the -ceremony for the Women Voters disposing of tickets q)n of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Wendelin Charles those wishing to attend the concert~ ~eng- of 605 Hinman avenue. Evanston. may procure them at the Adams' Nearly 150 guests were served afterPharmacy. '"rards at a buffet supper. Tickets also are on sale at the Harkness Byrn Real Estate office 8 North Married Sheridan road, Highland Pa;k. Miss Margaret Fuller Austrian. r!aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Opening Fall Season Austrian, was married last SaturdaY The Junior auxiliary of the Infant at 6:30 o'clock to Dr. L. Benno BernWelfare society is opening its fall heimer at the Austrians' summer resiseason with " meeting Monday Sep- dence in Glencoe. The ceremonv was tember 17, at 2 o'dock, at the' home rearl in the oresence of only the imof Mrs. H. ]. Smith, 236 Linden ave- mediate fam'ily and was followed hv a nue. Mrs. B. C. Bowen, Mrs. G. lar!Je ·dinner dance. Mr. and Mrs. Bu~ke, and Mrs. Louis Condy will be Austrian reside at 53 East Division asststant hostesses. street, Chicago during the winter se_ason. The Wilmette G~rden club held its flower show Friday, September 7, at the home of Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue. Preceding the judging, the regular meeting of the club was held during which Mrs. F. W . 'Burcky of Evanston gave a talk on "Shrubbery Borders." The show was held under the chairmanship of Mrs. C. L. Hurlbut. One of its notes of interest was provided by the exhibits representing \\'ilmette's four Tribune prize winning gardens. Mrs. William Evans, chairman of judges, and Mrs. R. Cook and Mrs. K. Wild, all of the Evanston Garden club, awarded the rib.bons as follows: Class A-Artistic Arangement. Exhibit I. Garden flowers in vase or basket. a. Large etrect-flrst prize, Mrs. E. L. Davis; second, C. R. Norman; third, Mrs. Gordon Wilson. b. Small effect-first, Mrs. K. Kellenberger; second, Mrs. F. Scheidenhelm; third, Mrs. C. Van Deursen. Exhibit 11. Wild Flowers. · First, Mrs. W. G. Mitchel~; second, Mrs. R. Sonneborn; third, Mrs. A. J. Stinson.' Exhibit III. Miniature Rock Gardens. Mrs. R. Sonneborn, first. Exhibit V. Breakfast Tray for One. First, Mrs. A. E. Gebert; second, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell; third, Mrs. Van Artistic Deursen. Arrangement of Exhibit C. VI. Fruit. First, Mrs. A. E. Gebert; second, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell. Exhibit VII. Best Arrangement of Flower!. bta;;~ld~ff~ct-First prize, Jane Norman; second, Roscoe Sonneborn; third, J. P. Wagner. b. Small effect-First, Hall Schaub; second, Nancy Wagner; third, Betty Ruth Gebert. Class B-Flower Perfection. First prizes-Mesdames Edward Scheidenhelm, R. DaMaeir, A. E. Logie, B. L. Davis, C. S. Ricketts, F. Scheidenhelm, David Cooke, A. E. Gebert, J. H. Dyon, C. G. Smith and Miss Susan Northam. Second prizes - Mesdames W. G. Mitchell, K. E. Kellenberger, Edward Scheidenhelm, William C. Fox, J. L. Mitchell and C. S. Ricketts. Third prizes-Mesdames A. E. Logie, Edward Scheidenhelm, K. E. Kellenberger, R. DaMaeir and W. G. Mitchell. Judges Select Winners 'Friendship Links of Club Flower Show to Hold September L uncbeon M eetr,ngs · · The F.riendship links of the Woman's society of the Wilmette ·Baptist church will meet for I o'clock luncheons duting September according to the following schedule: Link F-with 'Mrs. A. E. Gebert, who will be leader and hostess at her home, 1®2 Linden avenue, Thur.s day, September 20. Link R-Mrs. William Huggins leader and hostess. at her home, 10 Thirteenth street, Thursday, September 20. 'Link I-Mrs. B. R. Taber, leader and hostess at her .home, 1487 Edge ~ wood lane, Winnetka, Friday, Septemb 21 er · Link E-Mrs. A. V. Gruhn. leader and hostess at her home, 1333 Elm- . wood avenue, Fiday, September 21. Link N-Mrs. A. Hierens, leader and hostess at her home 135 Sixteenth ·street Friday September 21 · ' · Link D-Mrs. J. F. Buckie, leader and hostess at her home 1013 Willow w·mnet k a, F n'd ay: s' eptember roa~. 21. Ltnk S-Mrs. ]. D ..Dmgle, leader ~nd hostess at her home, 324 Prairie avenue Th d S b 20 ' urs . ay, eptem er · The committee in charge urges a 1arge atten d ance at t h ese 1unc h eon meetings during which White Cross . sewing will be done. Bridge Benefit Today for Xavier School Fund To Attend Art Tea The Friends in Council <t£ Evanston, which inclt!des many residents of th.e north shor~ among its members, wtl.l attend at tea at the Chicago gal-. len~s. 222 Michigan avenue, Septemb~r at 3 o'clock, fo.r the purpose of vtewmg a group of Albright paintings. ?L Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Woodland of 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth will l!ive a dinner daP.~e 'for their daughter. Virginia, during- the Christmas holidays. Miss Woodland's debut was ori~inalty planned for this month b11twas postponed because of illness in the family . ·

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