Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1928, p. 30

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.f! WILMETTE LIFE September 14, 1928 25 SHRUBS FREE .With every purchase of 100 shrubs during the month of ~ptember we will give 25 shrubs free. This offe~ ex· p1res October 1st. · Now is the time to have us do your planting. We have a complete assortment of fine evergreens fruit and shade trees and perennials, all carefully grown 'in our own nur· ·sery located on Route 22, one and one-half miles west of Milwaukee Avenue. OUR CATALOG GLADLY SBNT ON REQUEST INeWs of the ·Week . I ~ . . . ., , , ,· · · · · · ##########. .ll#~######l######ll#####l. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., , RETURNS TO COLLEGE · Miss Harriet Mons, 157 Wood$tock · ave~ue, .K enilworth left Sunday, September 10 for Granville, Ohio to enter her sopl}omore year at penison university. She will not return to Kenilworth until the Christmas holidays ~.s she is planning to spend the Thanksgiving week-end with friends in Cleveland. Teltpbon. Bigblatl Pd 1~J IN Landscape Gardenin8 49 PRAIRIE AVENUE HIGHWOOD. ILL. Mr. and Mr~. Courtenay C. Davis of 243 Leicester road, Kenilworth entertained at a large Sunday evening sup per given at the Early American ·Tea room in Barrington in honor of Miss Margaret May Patten and John KirkeDunham Chivers of Nashville, Tenn., whos~ marriage took place Tuesday evenmg, September 4. Mrs. Davis Miss Charlotte, Miss Marion, and who is the bdde's sister, was matro~ Miss Elizabeth Eckart, daughters of of honor ~t the wedding and Mr. Davis the Percy Eckharts of 206 Cumber- served as one of the ushers. land road, Kenilworth have returned from a six weeks' vacation at Yellow:M:rs. James Prentiss, 201 Cumberstone Park an.<J the Diamond "G" ranch in Colorado. land roa~ Kenilworth left last . Mon-oday for New York where she will meet Mr. and ~rs. Thomas Coyne 240 her son Bub, who is returning on Fri Melrose avenue, Kenilworth left on day from a trip through Europe with Monday for a few days' trip to New Bert _ Moritz, also of Kenilworth. They York. On Saturday they are leaving will return home about Sunday. for California to be gone about two -<>-weeks. Mrs. W. B. Fit~h, 416 Cumnor road . -oKenilworth will entertain the Kenil~· Mr. a11.d Mrs. Theodore Moritz of worth Garden club at luncheon at In 2~6 Warwick road, Kenilworth left dian Hill club today. The gue sts will on Monday to .~rive to New York then return to her home for their where the~· will meet their son, Bert, club meeting. who has Qeen traveling Europe this -os~mmer .with Bob Prentiss. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole and --<>daughter, Bernice, of 305 Essex road Miss Bernice Cole. 315 Essex road have returned to Kenilworth from ~ Kenilworth entertained recently at three weeks' sojourn at Lat<e Buc~a luncheon at Club Vista del Lago in toban, Wis. They motored there and hon.or of her guest, Miss Roberta returned by way of Madison. Snuth of <?ttawa, Ill. -o-oMrs. Frederick Dt Breit 422 Essex Tom Gillett, 533 Rosyln road Kenil- road, Kenilworth opened h~r home on worth left this week for An~ Arbor Monday afternoon for a card partv whe~e he will ~ttend the rushinf! cere- for the ben~fit of the building fur.d of !llomes before the University of Wash- ~t. Pa~rick's Academy chapel now bemgton ~pens. mg budt at Des Plaines. M_r. and Mrs. Arthur Mcintosh and ~r. an_ d Mrs. Bruce Crandall and famaly, 521 Rosyln road, Kenilworth family, 515 Warwick road, Kenilworth have re~urned home after spending have returned from their summer the entare season at their summer home at . Three Lakes, Wis. home in Barrington. ·Courtenay C. Davises c·IVe 5upper f or 8 r1de · . -o-- -o- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ----------------- ' . r Why be "a ....u.eowa ~ wbea yoa "lmow your WCII'id" ... - liale u $1900 ··· · baDancl pat of the wadd' 1 . . . . .. trnel .,ami %1 CDUatria at tbdr bat. The Holy l.aDd at Cbri.tmaa time. Cairo'e riotoaa New Year'e Eve. 08idal con~ In m,ari001 IDdia. Japan in plum-blolmm. dme. The "dream· caD. ~ ~~~ AtuerGliG. ~1.136da,.. ..... VwWra to ec..t.ntinople ··· from .. S. ELWOBTBT, 8te&·· Vealce m tbe ~phbm.; ·· without one travel elllp Geaeral Ageat, 71 E. .laek.. a DITd., Cllleago, 111., care. Clab-llb lhip, the Empress of Scot.. Teletlloae Wabaell ltM or loeal 8teameblp Areat. ··r · ::-= 72 daya. All I laada of bip advea.tme ··· ~ ...... lUo, the Ar.aeadDe of "The Four llonemeo," Zala-land, *- 55 ~eldom· 1 1 en placa. Oo. the 11DIIIdoue new Duchess .,Atldi,J~n. 104da:tL Aalowu$1500. ~ tbele 8oatla A··ICa·Airlca For North Shore Weddings The convenience of our Evanston Branch with all tl1e service of a ... Jo~litowt1 store makes it a most desirable place for the purchase of ..... ··· ._, ..... aailine ···eftJ"f lpOrt. 16 Wedding or Anniversary GIFTS ...-.u, &om $900. Feb. 4. expeDJea, includ- .. ·._. ..._T._ ..,... ca:a..r ...~-.~ · .... · e 6 · · 6 c..,c ·· OM 1M W...W o.... ~ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Canadian Pcldfit: Wodd'a 0.. mtmlt n.~ ~ SPAULDING &· CoMPANY CHICAGO jewelers Orrington Avenue, PAR I ·S ......................... .... 1636 EVANSTON

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