WILMETTE LIPS centering upon pian'o playing, is not mcvle under Adolf Weidig, of · the confined to this particular field, as he American Conservatory. He has also has a wide variety of interests and is served as. assistant music reviewer for Earle B. ft..rmil, ~ho is to form a also a versatile musician. An accom- the Chicago Daily ] ournal and Musical class of piano pupils in Winnetka early plished singer, he has sung for Eric America. this fall, is regarded 'by many critics DeLamarter at the Fourth PresbyterThe Winnetka. classes will be held a one of the most versatile of the ian church in Chicago, and for Felix once or twice a week in a centrally younger ~ Chicago musicians. Trained Borowski, .in concert courses presented located studio, announcement of which a a pianist by Rudolph Reuter. Josef by the Civic Music association. He is to be made soon, it is explained. Lhevinne and · Scionti - whose a ·sist- is also a composer. Among his comant he has been for the past five years positions having had 'public perform-M r. Armil, it i . aid, represents that ance are a ' sonata for violin and piano, PLAY ALLEY CHAMPIONSHIP type of musicianship founded equally a string 'qua.rtet, a stri ng quintet, a The second round of the Alley chamupon adherence . to the be t of the mixed quartet, a vocal quartet and sev- pionship event will be played at the classical standards and full sympathy efal songs. He has also written sev- ~orth Shore Golf club Saturday, Sepwith the moderni t trend f mu ic. eral piano pieces for children. Mr. I tember 15. A mystery prize is to be .Mr. Armil' · intere st in music. while , Armil's theoretical studies have been , , ,,·arded. September 14, 1928 w.·nnetka Studio H.-e · Bradley First Foe /or Coach Zuppke's Illinois .G rid Men The 1928 football season at the University of Illinois will have its premiere October 6, with Bradley Polyt~ch_nic of Peoria furnishnig the 'opposition for the Illini for the second successive year. Bradley, Little Nineteen champion, has been producing some of the bcs t college football teams in the Middle west during the past seven years, and their selection as the first opponent for Illinois speaks well of the experience the Peorians furnished the championship Iltini team of 1927. This was the first time Bradley and Illinois had played, Bradley losing 19 to 0. Athletic Director A. ]. Robertson has been largely responsible for the excellence of Bradley football teams of recent seasons. During his seven years at the school, Bradley has won the Little Nineteen grid championship four times, taking three of them since 1925, and placing in the runner-up po sition three times. Prior to the game here last year Bradley had a string of 25 consecutive victories. Another reason for respecting Tech is the presence in the line-up of Capt. William Metzger, a veteran of three years' varsity experience. Metzger is a 175-pound fullback, noted for his speed. In 1927 he .was without doubt the outstanding college fullback in Illinois and was the unanimous choice for that position on the all-Little Nine teen conference team. Metzger is a baseball pitcher of ability and al so holds the all time Bradley javelin record with a toss of 190 feet. four inches. He never played football before entering college. The Illinois corn crop of 1918 \\·as the most valuable ever raise d b\· any state in the union. - TliE f\1()()1 MUUIRNI· by 7oster A Smart "CAMPUS" Model produced in senuine Calcutta Lizard -in Blue, Brown or Black A "CAMPUS' Oxford of real Baby AHigator -in Seal Brown or Black ll~tiC)~\ft.. The "Mode Moderne by Foster" is a style portrayal of the Spirit of Youth expressed in Shoes and Hosiery. The VOGUE OF YOUTH is not affected by time no:r yearsit is the vivid, vibrant style trend of a nation that has never grown "old." The Shoes iUwtrated in this advertisement show the use of GENUINE REPTILE LEATHERS in Foster's "CAMPUS" Shoes. The wide strap and Buckle give smartness to this "CAMPUS" shoe produced in Brown or Black Baby Alligator 7.87oster 8? Company 115 ~o. Wabash Avenue and Community Shops SJ~ti() Foster "CAMPUS" Shoes are featured Your Baby.·w ill Smile for Bernie too! . Better picturesBetter t~alues lr at the EVANSTON SHOP Orrington A venue at Church St. BERNIE'S Studio 1623 Sherman Ave. TeL UDi·~ity . . · -----~