September 1,· 192B WILMETTE ·LIFE SimtJlicity Marks Ideal Season to Visit Northcott-Lusted Forest Preae"e Spots Wedding Ceremony' The bJ;ight Fall days jus·t ahead are At high noon on Saturday, August 25, Miss Elizabeth Northcott, daughter of James M. Northcott of La Grange, became the bride of Stephen Lusted, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lusted of 921 Thirteenth street. The Rev. E. A. Thompson Of the La Grange Congregational church performed the ceremony in the home of Mrs. Silas P a1 mer an d her daughter~ Mrs. Blanche McKinnie, before an improvised altar banked with palms and ferns. Roses ·and delphinium were arranged through-: out the house. · In keeping with the simplicity of the service, there were no attendants. The bride, charming in h~r wedding gown of velvet, and carrying rosebuds, descc:nded the stairway to be given in marrtage by her father. Mrs. McKt"nnt·e Played the uLohengrt"n" weddt"ng must·c. . At the close of the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served and Mr. Lusted and his bride departed immediately for a trip through the North. They will be at home after October 1, at 4035 Woodland avenue, Western Springs. The bride attended Knox college and New Books , at the Lihi'U'7 Wilmette book lovers returning from their v~cations will find the following new books at the public library, according to an announcement by Miss· Anne L. Whitmack, librarian : Aldrlch-"Cuters" and "R1m of the Prairie." Beck-"Treasure Ho." Benefteld-..Short of Turns." Bisho1>-"Altar of the Legion." Borden-"Three Pilgrims and a Tinker." Buckan-"Rungates Club." Deland-"Dr. Lavender's Farjeon-"Green Dragon."People." Fotherglll-"Flrst Violin." Gtlbert- "Tragedy at Freyne." the finest time in the year to spend f a wonder ul day in the woods, say the Forest Pireserve commi1;ioners. Some of the more interesting places to motor to just now, both for grown,.. ups and the children are : . Palos Hills, in the vicinity of Keane avenue and 123rd street; - The bu ffa 1 os, on Keane avenue, one mile south of Aocher avenue; ~the Yetlowstone Park elk-a herd of twentysix--:-at Elk Grove on Higgins road:· and delightful Deer Grove, on Dundee road, two miles west of Rand road. All of the above districts can be easily land contforta:bly reached on Cook county cement highways. Free parking places, table:::, benches, ~ ' ·· good well s a nd o th er convemences h b ·d d b h F ave een provt e ' Y t e ord;t Preserve commission. is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Lusted is a ·graduate of the University of Illinois and a member of Delta Delta fraternity and Skull and Crescent. ~~r:be:=;::~WJ"'~!~!s~ragedy." Baker-"Correct English Complete Grammar and Drill Book." McLean-"Gladiolus Book." MiJlay-"Evergreen Tree." Cabell-"Way of Life." Elnsteln--"ltalian Renaissance in England." Miss Marjorie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wood Smith of 337 Washington avenue, is leaving next Sunday night . for Granville, Ohio, where she will enter Denison university. R o m t quality Double Day Btd in. your choice of covu at a sptcial price of ARE HEREThis store announces its readiness to serve you with the needed articles for the opening of the new term. Merchandise, as offered, is of the highest possible standard, fairly priced, thereby making for the best possi~ble values. A full size, well made chair in a cboict of covers. Regular $10 valor, $19 ·50 ~ now TWEEDOROY PLUS-FOURS TOM SAWYER SHIRTS AND BLOUSES WASH SUITS Gooo ScHooL SHoEs QUALITY SWEATERS STURDY GYM SHOES GOOD RAIN COATS GIRLS' DRESSES GYM BLOOMERS Brown ~! ~ Shoes Featuring 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND A COMPLETE LIST OF BOOKS FOR ALL GRADES REAL LEATHER BELTS BOYS, CAPS LINEN AND WOOL KNICKERS SILK TIES ATHLETIC TRUNKS INTERWOVEN HOSE SOFTSPUN HANDKERCHIEFS A splendid 5o lb. all cotton mattress, fancy tick, bisque tofts and roll edge, in all sizes. Rcga·lar $22.50 value, $12. 51 Credit Extended To Responsible Parties 1125 Central Ave. T~!d~m~S~'S -no·w ·"Use Your Credit, But Keep It Good" BBOWM ruu~uuco. EVANSTON Ph. Wil. 1914 Store open from 8 to 6 P. M. Alao Taeadtl.fJ# Thuradti.JJ and Saturday Evening·