Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 3

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Augus_t 31, 1928 W,l L MET T .E·· ·L lP B Ju~t· Village Clerk Lea J. Orr luaea Formal Notice of MoYie, Incinerator Vote Official announcement is to be found Wu. M~TTt Lntg of the special election to J>e held Tuesday, Sept~ber 25, on two important propositions affecting our community. In accordance with this notification issued by Lea }. Orr, Wilmette voters on that day · will express themselves regarding the proposition to permit operation of motfoit picture theaters in the village on Sundays after noon and will also decide whether. or not bonds in th~ amount of $50,000 shall be issu_ e d by the Village for the purch; se of a site for and the construction of a municip_a] incinerating plant. Petition Asks MoYie Vote The Sunday movie proposition, as most villagers know, is the outgrowth of sentiment expressed several weeks ago in a petition signed by more than 1500 voters and presented to the Village board requesting a special election on the question of Sunday operation of movie theaters. The proposition to secure a site for and construct a municipal inciner:ating plant had its inception in deliberations of the Village board covering a period of several years. The method now empJoyed in disposal of garbage-that of letting annual contract to have the refuse carried to farmland west· of the village-is proving inadequate and the Yillag:e is faced with the necessity of finding some other means <,>f disposal, the most modern and logical plan being th_ a t of incineration. Favored by Health Experts The establishment of an incinerating plant does not entail unpleasant conditions, it is explained. In the modern type plant such as is proposed for Wilmette, the refuse is disposed of without any objectionable features, it i~ explained. The structure, moreover, would be of such design as to be in perfect harmony with the mo.;t acceptable type of municipal building. Such a plant is highlv recommend~d by national and state· health authorities. All refuse handled would he conveyed in covered vehicles, it is pointed out. ~n this issue of a Red-f!ot Playground Band THS118RE OYIEI ART THEAJER DRWS IYaD Luareff to toire Company . to Winnetka arm. Reper- Commtmity Hoaae Ivan Lazareff, director of the Chicago 'T heater company, which is playing, in repertoire at Winnetka Community Hou3e during September, was for twenty years an artist of the Moscow Art theater, as well as founder and director of the ~ f 'lXim Gorky Studio in Moscow. Playgoers will remem_. her him as the Mad Emperor in "The Miracle," a role which he created. When the Moscow Art Theater company returned to Russia after its enthusiastic reception by American audiences, it left behind with regret one of its oldest and most important member3, Ivan Lazarefl, because Mr. Lazareff wanted to build in America a theater based · on the method and ideals of this Russian group. After playing in "The Here we have the syncopators who have been keeping things hot in Miracle," with Laurette Taylor in her the Kenilworth Summer Playground school. Reading from left to right : New York production of the pantoTop row-Ellen McArthur, Lewis . Walton, Jr.; Thomas Ellis, Billy Taylor, mime "Pierrot the Prodigal," and in Dick O'Connor, Joan Ketcham, Barbara Burch, Suzane Erwin, Ralph Starr. a revival of the dramatized "Cricket Bottom row-Helene Kimball, Buster Starrett, Buster Farrar, Charlotte on the Hearth" (Dickens) in New \Vills, Dorothy Starr. York, in order to learn ~he American audience and the American taste, he Eastern Pastor Will Give decided upon Chicago as the location of his theater which should represent Sermon at Baptist Cburcb perfection in art and a repertoire of · The Rev. Ray Abrams, pastor of the the best in ~r~ma. Actually "LiYe" Play Olivet Baptist church of Westchester, In the Chicago Art Theater comV ernette Lewis, winner of the first Pa., will preach at the Wilmette Bappany, as well as in the Moscow Art award in fancy skating at last winter's tist church Sunday, September 2. On theater, it is explained, each actor is Wilmette Ice Carnival sponsored by the ·wilmette Playground and Recrea- the following Sunday, September 9, an artist, each play a unified entity. tioin board, has added another medal to Dr. George D. Allison, who accepted a The idea which is its ideal is : "Theaher collection, namely, the award as call to 'the Wilmette Baptist church ter is . the life of the human spirit upon women's tennis champion of the. vil- this summer, will be back after a few the stage, not the clever imitation of weeks of vacation · spent at Pelican this life, but the actual living itself, lage. Lake, \Vis. The complete church pro- upon the stage. The play, itself, we Mrs. Lewis, who lives at 1420 Lake gram will be resumed with Dr. Alli- know, is fiction. But the interplay of avenue, defeated Marjorie Thorsen son's return. Communion services are human emotions in its situations, de6-0, 6-1, in the finals of the annual to be held September 9. mands absolute truth if it is to protennis tournament conducted recently duce the highest type of aesthetic by the Playground board. Dean of Girls Invites pleasure to the audience." The women's champion is also a star How successfully this ideal has been basketball player and expert swimNext Week achieved is attested by a statement mer, in fact, an all-round athlete. Miss Elizabeth E. Packer, dean of made by Virginia Dale, dramatic critic girls at New Trier High school, re- of the Chicago Journal : turned from her vacation in the east "The work of the Chicago Art theaWilmette Boy Is National last Monday and is back at her desk ter makes evident the very things for Junior Archery Champion in the high school. She will be there which the Moscow Art Theater was Lowell Comee, son of Mr. and Mrs. every morning until the opening of admired-imagination, resourcefulness, J. F. Comee, of 1612 Forest avenue, school on September 10. Parents or and an engaging naturalness.. . I have Wilmette, won the national junior girls wishing to consult with her are never seen anywhere a less self-conarchery championship at the annual advised to telephone the school office scious group. . . Like the Moscow Art Theater company, Mr. Lazareff's playtournament of the American Archery for appointments. ers preserve and augment the value of association held at the Westchester the lines of the play by keeping in Biltmore Country club, Rye, N. Y., four character, and their silences are filled days last week, . August 21, 22, 23, and with meaning." 24. Chanae in Schedule Lowelt had previously won the junior A change in the schedule of plays championship of the Midwestern Archto be given has been made since last ery association at the two-day . tournaweek's announcement. The new and ment held recently at Washington improved repertoire is as follows : Park, Chicago. September 5 and 6--"The Cricket on A large field of contestants from the Hearth," Charles Dickens. all parts of the United States comSeptember 12 and 13-Sketches of peted for honors in the national tournaRussian and American Life. ment. Lowell took all first prizes in Septell!~er 19 and 20-"The Marthe junior class, including the gold riage of Balzami~off," Ostrovsky. medal for the best all-round Boy Scout archer of America. September 26 and 27-"Wife to a It's not Famous Man," G. Martinez Sierra. whether or not your vaca. · The date of the special children's New Rehgtoua Worker tion is a complete success. matinee of "The Cricket on the Hearth" remain::, unchanged-Wed. Assumes His Duties Some folks order WILnesday, September 26, at 3:30 p. m. ' METTE LIFE sent to them The Rev. Emmett S. Johnson, who while they're away: some sever.al weeks ago. ~ccepted th~ po~t ,. New Trier Student RoD of dt.r~ctor of r~ltgtous ed~catton m don't--but wish they had! Will Approximate 1,&81 th_e Wdmette ~ansh Meth~dtst ~h~rch, wtll assume ~ts new duttes wtthm a Between 1500 and 1600 students in few days . . New Trier township witt resume their Mr. Johnson· comes to Wilmette · studies at the New Trier High school J.ast call oar Circalafrom Chattanooga, Tenn., where he Monday, September 10. or a week from taoa Dtpartman--say has done notable work in the field next Monday. The New Trier teachw h e n and w h e r e. of religious education. He has had ing staff this year will consist of aboat They'll do tht rest. a broad experience in his chosen spJvre 100 members. The names of thetJe of service and is regarded as a splendid teachers will be announced next weelr. adjunct to the staff of the Wilmette together with the subjects they will church. teach. Art V ernette Lewis Captures Tennis Title of Village · Conf~rences Appoint Edward J. Mau to Schild~en Constable Job Edward ]. Mau, of 241 Wood court Wilmette, has been appointed con~ stable to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Schildgen, it was announced thi~ wee~. Mr. Schildgen, who also hved m Wilmette, was crushed to death when caught between an automobile and a truck in Chicago last week. Mr. Mau has had several years exp~rience as ' a constable, having preVIOUsly filled a vacancy. His petition for appointment was ratified by the County board. Mr. Mau's present term of office will expire next spring. New Trier Book Store · to Be Open Next Week The book store at New Trier High school will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of next week from 9 o'cf~ck to 12 noon, daily, according to Davtd E. Johnson, manager. Since school opens Monday, September 10, Mr. Johnson suggests that students purchase their books and supplies next week. all luck POSTPONE MEETU~G . On account of ·the Labor Day holiday, the regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce has been postponed one week to Monday, September 10. The usual meeting time is the first Monday of each month. 1 t

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