Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 51

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- 192S . 87 AuKUU 31, 1928 P, O B BENT BOOMS WILMETTE 17 FOR BENT-APARTMENTS LIFE FOR BENT-APABTMENT8 51 71 FOB 'B1UfT-P11Blfi8RBD R0118B~ 17 1Mwing tenoil see BEAUTIFUL FURN. ROOM FOR 2 girls or married couple, 1 block to transp. Ph. Wilmette 1272. 66L49-1tc I&w &liillft(Q)IIil ------------------------------~· FOR RENT - MODERN 6 RM. 'BRICK A]p)!lrtlrimceimft~ .OB BENT-APARTMENTS li~li~ ·. 934 1 9-ltc TO t mas ,ercy ~ekly · Ill. EVANSTON TOWERS 114-HJ Sheridan Bquan : 4-1-1 room apt& Elec. Refr. a motor ooacb aervlce to echool a ebopplq center IDcL 1D rentaL A home overlooklnc lake. Moderate rentals. 4 rooma, St6 to $106 ; 8 room11, ·zoo : 5 rooms. '125 to '175. New blctc·· IJO Judeon Ave. 4 nne. C&Dvu wall11, elec. ref·· tile bath and shower. Southern exposure. Rental '90. 9-ltc - [ OR Sun698. 9-ltc ~E JUDSON CASTLE ABBEY-GARTH !AID Five ered, 1hed. Ada 9-ltp CAL ·oom and 400 Lee St. a: 140 Juclaon Ave. Lunrl· ou an4 mo4ern I rm. &pta. I b&tha. woo4bumlnc ftreplacu, elec. · retr. an4 many other desirable features. 5 nns., $165-1175. . H. W. Cor'. Oak Ave. a :r.ke St. A 41· tlnctlve blq.. with all mo4em conYenlence~t an4 ftneat appolntmnta. 4, 1 a I rm. apta. with rental from $100 to ····. ~rite ~-2tp THE CHURCHVIEW L>RY ~ -ltc )AY Wil- l-Up CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Church 4: Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. apt&, newl,. decorated. all outalde rma., ·tto. I RM. API'S. 1641 Prairie Ave. .. .............. 1 ll.oe . I lUI. AP1'8. 1111 Prairie Ave. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10.00 llfZ Maple Avenue . .. .. . . .......... '11.11 111'1-lt~ OR 'e xel -ltp S& l-tf(' call inn. tiES tefs. -ltp KE Ph. -ltc liLt of f -ltc -ltp ~ EK. ;-- JAL oist 7 J.B. 094. -2tc !NG on ess ·ltp ~ L ES as any ook, -ltp OF ed. ten- IN 4 RK. APTS. Prairie Ave·· Ina4or 170 6 '11.10 108-8herl4an R4., Elec. Refr. . . 85.00 '114 HIDIII&D AYe.. Elec. Refr. .. .. 15.00 1111 Maple AYe.. Ice. Rm8. .. .. · · to.M IU~ Jrorut Ave., Roll-a.wa,., Elec. Refr. . ........... ... .. . $95-105.00 615 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref., coach service ... . .. . . . ... . . .. .. . . . ..... .. . . $90 1454 Oak Ave.· wood bum. ftrepl., elec. refrigeration .. . .. . .. . ...... ..... . . . $100 596 Sheridan Square, fuml11hed ... . $1&0 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new bldg. elec. ref., ln-a-dor .. .. ... ... $90 676 Sheridan Square . . ...... '9i---t105 Michigan-Lee Apts. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . .. 140 IRK. APT8. M4 8ber14an Rd., elec. refrtc. ·. uo.oo lilt~ Prairie Ave. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · U.M 71t-J1 Hinman Ave., Ice. Rma. lii.M 1111 Maple Ave., lc. rm& ·..... · ·... 116.00 614 Michigan Ave., elec. refrlg. . ... $135 U64 Oak Ave.. wood-bum. ftrepl., elec. refrigeration .... . .. $140-$150-$175 7%4 Hinman Ave., elec refrlg. . ... $125 710 A. Hinman Avenue .. : . . ..... $100.00 134 :Main Street : .... .. ... . .... ... $110.00 Michigan-Lee, new bldg., elec ref. 940-950 Michigan Ave. . ...... . .. 155-170 Abbey Garth Apts. refrig. Included. 940 Judson Ave....... ... .. ..... 165-175 8 RM. APTS. 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms. garage available . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 170.00 tll 8heri4&D R4., J batlul. ID 3 apt. bldg.· unobstructed view .. 225.00 MORE THAN JUST A PLACE 726 Seward St. <Puplex), Inc. gar. $115 IN WHICH TO LIVE 744 Hinman Avenue ...... . ....... $1%5.00 home that you might well be proud 717 Hinman Avenue .............. $160.00 A of. Smart in every detail ; yet digni1144 Maple Avenue .............. . $160.00 fied in its conservative richness. Com1107 Lake Street . .... . . . '17H180-f215 plete in comfort and convenience. lllchl~ ~e Apts· . . ...... . ...·.. $235 Wood-burning fireplaces, large elec602 Sheridan Square . .... .. . .. .... . $200 trical refrigerators. Garages and 7 lUI. APTS· . maidR' rooms available. Strikingly 1116 Hinman Ave., I baths ......... 1116 beautiful architecture, enhanced by its ttl Michigan Ave., 11lpc. pch. A: BUn setting of trees and gardens. Located ~~&r. . ... .. ..... . .................... $175 in one of Evanston's finest residential 927 Michigan Ave. large llv. rm. . . $225 sections, near Lake Michigan ~nd park. Convenient to transportation, churches, Michigan Lee, new bldg. . ......... $285 and good schools. Southwest corner OJI'II'ICJDB of Michigan A venue and Lee Street, 1'111 Sherman ATe., Stu41o Bl4c. ·· up Evanston. Ready for occupancy. Open 8TOIUD8 ·11-41~ Prairie Ave. .. · · ··· · · · ·· IO.M for Inspection. Six rooms (3 master chambers) 2 baths. $235. Seven rooms, GARAG:m& 1711 Shennan Ave (heatecl) · · · · · · U.M 3 baths, $385. All outside rooms. §mm~rtt & ca(Q)n~p 722 Clark ·S t., 2 rms., el. · ref. . ... $62.50 1305 Maple Ave. 2 'rms 60 1945 Maple Ave. · 3 r · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 818 h Forest Av~ .· 3 't?~s. ,' ·ga~age : :~ (JUST SOUTH OF DAVIS) 1242 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. . . . .... . . . 75 551 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms 65 THERE IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE finest- apt. bldg. in Evanston one 6 & 71 FOR RENT-8TOBES 6 OFFICES 1100 Grove St., 4 rms. el., 'rei ·:::: : :: : i15 7 room unfurn. apt. Elevator service 730 Hinman Ave., 4 rms. el r ef 75 with doorman in attendance will assist 2131 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. , free.'gas ~~d. ·· you in making you enjoy living at this el. ret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 convenient address. The rooms are all STORE OR OFFICE IN THE LINDEN 1901 Sherman, 4 rms., encl. porch · · · · ·80 very large. Beautiful colored tile baths Crest bldg. Suitable for notion store 1119 Maple, 4 rms., sun par. . ... . . : : : :85 a re connected with the bedrooms 925 Forest Ave., 4 rms., elec., ref. or gift shop. Reasonable rental. through spacious dressingrooms. The 82.50-87.50 apts. are equipped with incinerators & 803 El mwood, 4 rms. . ............... 85 elec. refrlg. Gas and window washing 424 Linden Ave. 828 R eba, 4 rms. . . ....... . .... . ... . ... 70 WII. 460 included in the rental. Re1lresentatlve 624 Austin St., 4 rms. . . .... ... .... . 62.50 73LTN49-1tc on premises at all times. 67LTN49-ltc 908 Dempster, 5 rms. . . . . . ........ . .. 100 834 Reba, 5 rms. . ..... . . ... . ... . . . .. .. . 90 OFFICE F.OR RENT-LARGE SPACE 925 Dempster St., 5 rms. . ..... ...... 115 on main fioor, · desirable location, 22'hx17'h. Tenant can sublet space. 834 ·washington St., 5 rms. . ... . .. . .. 115 Ph. Winnetka 201 or 2555 73LTN49-ltc 83.0 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms. . ..... . ..... 110 931 Forest Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. . ... 125 FOR ~ALE-HOUSES 736 Hinman Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. . ... 120 FOR RENT IN SOUTH EVANSTON 77 near transportation, ideal 5 room ---------------------------------· 2121 Ridge Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. . . . ... 1 0~ apa rtment in duplex, hot water heat, 834 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . ............. SO first floor $80 per month. 901 Washington St.., 5 rms. . ......... 115 928 Chica g:o Ave., 6 rms. . . . ........... 65 ALSO CHEERFUL 6 ROOM APARTment In nearly new building $90 per 740 Hinman Ave., 6 rms., el. . ref . .... 155 month. 123 Kedzie St., 6 rms., el. ref. . .. . . ... 175 848 Ridge Ave., 6 rms., sun pa rlor .. 125 &lf 194 7 Maple Ave. , 7 rm s. . . . ........... 65 A CHARMING FRENCH TYPE OF 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 68 hnme located with splendid view of 67L49-ltc lake in a properly restricted environ ment which al':RureR permanent value. 1617 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Gr. 2700 Ten room~ well laid out- large studio · 67LTN49-ltc - living room. The dlninJl' room offers nermanent view (,f lake. J...ar~e recrea tion room- 3 master bedrooms and hMhfl. Two car garage attached. Prtce 2, 3, 4, AND 5 ROOMS $6!1 000. Terms. Write Wilmette Life Here In Wilmette's most convenient and A-129. exclusive location, you wlll ftnd well-arranged apartments. All apartments AN ENGT.T~H TUDOR HOME WHOSE have outside rooms which provide an construction is immediately ap~arent FOR IMMED. & OCT. 1ST OCCUPANCY abundance of light and air. Ample Jt has every reqni~fb~ for convenience 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm . ...... $52.50 closet space. Schools, churches, and and comfort. Dell~htfu11y situated in 941 Chicago Ave., 2 rms . . ......· 60.00 shopping facllltles within immediate !':PlPcted cnmmunitv. Ten roomM well 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . 65.00 access. See these altartments today. llrrangefi-lnr~e livfn~ room with ad 524 Lee St., 3 rms............. 70.00 Agent on premises. inining Ubrary-deli~htfu1 dlnin~ room 2110 Sheman Ave., 3 rms... .. .... 70.00 The master bPdroom has attractive 2204 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. 72.50 hnth l'lnrl dre~sing room. Three other 2249 Ridge Ave., 3 rms.·......· 72.50 largp h~droom~ and bnths. For one who Wll. 460 804 Seward St., 4 rms. · . . . . . . . 72.50 424 Linden Ave. appreciates the sen~e of good living 67LTN47-tfc 806 Clark St., 4 rms. . ......... 75.00 nt $65,000. Write Wilmette Life A-132 1309 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.50 1125 Davis St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 CHANGE IN PI..ANS REQUI~E THE 1617 Ridge Ave., 4 rms . ·......... 95.00 Immediate di~l)osltion of mv 8 room 830 Gaftleld ,Pl., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . 75.00 WILL SUBLEASE MY APT. IN GLENBrick nnd stucco House built for my 2020 Sherman Ave., 6 rms.·... · · 80.00 coe ; janitor service, private entrance. own home. Delf.:;htfullv situated in 800 Seward St., 5 rms. . · . . . . . . . 85.00 3 blocks from lake. near school and restricted communitv. Price $43,000. No 729 Seward St., 5 rms. · . . . · . . · . · 90.00 transp. Also will Rell attractive furnibrokers. Write Wilmette Life A-135 912 Elmwood Ave., 6 rms. 95.00 ture of the 6 room apt. · Ph. Glencoe 811 Simpson St.. 5 rms. .. .... 100.00 1491. 67LTN49-ltc A NORMAN HOUSE OF UNUSUALLY 1305 Oak Ave., 5 rms........... 115.00 2000 Harrison St., 5 rms. · ·.·...· 135.00 FOR RENT 2 ROOM LIGHT HOUSE..1 sound conRtruction with every con 1116 Maple Ave .· 5 rms. · ..... . . 140.00 venlence for comfortable Uvin~ In most keeping apartment near Howard 1019 Grove St., 6 rms. . ..... . .. . .. 110.00 rleRirable locati9n. Eight rooms- living !':chool. Ph. Wil. 1183. 67L49-ltc 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms . ......·.. 130.00 room overlookln~ deep ravine. spacious rlining room. rlelightful kitchen and hrea.kfast nook. ThreP large master 4 RM. APT. WITH GARAGE. ALL bedrooms and b::tths. Two car garage mod. i~prov. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reas. attached. Servants' quarters. A home 67LTN49-ltp 564 Sherman ~venue University 285 wen worth the price of $58,500. Write 67LTN49-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~ Wilmette Life A-137. IR FOR RENT-FUBN. APARTMENTS IHinmurrnl®.liil Aw<e~lUl<e ·::: Evanston home, completely fum ··. in one of the most' attractive sections of Winnetka: 3 bedrms., 2 baths, large sun parlor, fireplace, H. oil heat : dble. gar. well shrubbed yard : 3 blks. grammar school; 5 blks. N.T.H.S. & Indian Htll elec'. & steam transp. Owner leaving city. Possession Sept. 15. Oct. 1. Reason1 able rent. Tel. Wlnn. 2290. 70LTN49-ltc w. TO RENT QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. lF<O>lf §&ll<e lHiil~llnll &1Iilcdl JPJ k J& W&!Ill~tl:©Iffi LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE AJP>&rttmm<eiffitt~ QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Sublease --------------------------------- llimteo --------------------------------- FOR RENT-UNTIL ABOUT FEB. 1ST 7 rm . turn. apartment at 39 E . Schiller St., Chicago. Ph. Winnetka 1910 68T26-1tc lF(O)Ir §£ll<e ~&Wllmlll& ·· --------------------------------------FOB RT:NT-HOUSES Bairdl&wanner' llJmCo Iffi &iilrcdl & w&Irim®Ir pllmlteo Ill Davia Street Greenleaf 1111 67LTN49-ltc 528 Davis St. EVANSTON Gr. 1855 67LTN49-ltc FOR RENT- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, 2 TO 4 BATHS near transportatio11 . Call Wilmette Exceptionally luxurious apartments, lo1800. 67LTN33-tfc cated at 1426-30 Chicago A venue, In the quiet charm of beautiful churches and 5 ROOM APT. FURNACE HEAT, $55.00. parks. So elegant, charming, distinc1730 Walnut Ave., Wllmette or call tive, they merit your Inquiry at the Edgewater 4279. 67L49-3tp earliest possible moment. --------------------------------- 5~6-7-8-9 ROOMS --------------------------------------- Victor C. Carlson Org. 609 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 600 67LTN49-ltc FOR RENT - 5 ROOM FLAT AT 660 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 202 or 2555. 67LTN49-ltc FOR RENT- 509 HAZEL AVE., GLEN- WHITE COLONIAL FRAME HOUSE which Pmbodies the convenience and coe ; attractive 8 rm. stucco; 5 bedRimplicity of the Early American rooms ; 3 baths: lavatory-toilet; hot home. 7 rooms-1ar~e living room with water heat; 2 car garage: all redec~un porch, good ~ized dining room, 3 orated ; facing park ; 1 block Skokie large bedrooms with 2 baths. One Club and school. $210. Highland Park maid's room. Two car garage attached 2418. 69LTN49-ltc Hot water heat. Price $32.500. Terms Write Wilmette Life A-140. -----------------------------------------------------------FOR RENT, BY OWNER : 7 ROOM 77LTN 49-1 te house, nice yard, garage, 1 block from ~chool, 3 blocks from station. $100. Call Sunday at 882 Oak St., Winnetka, or tel. Buckingham 5050, Apt. 512, for Many North Shore peol)le are taJdng. ad app't to view. 69LTN49-ltp vantage of these bargain prices. ~lx room English hrlck ........ $9,350.00 FOR RENT- NEW 7 ROM HOUSE, 4 Eight rm. solid brick ... . .... . . $7,500.00 bedrms.. 2 baths, sunparlor: large lot. Five rm. new colonial ....... . .. $9,150.00 903 Willow Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Kenll- Five rm. ~hingled bung. . ..... $9 000.00 worth 1955. Five rm. frame ... . . . ...... . . . . $8,950.00 69 LTN 48 _tfc Five rm. clpd. . ..... . ..... . .. . ... $5,750.00 Three rm. frame ..... ........ ... $3,800.00 FOR RENT- 6 ROOM HOME WITH Six rm. frame .. .. ... ..... .... .. $8,350.00 garage, east side. Ph. Wilmette 3466. Five rm. frame .. . . . ... .. .. . ... $7.350.00 69L49-lt~ ' ~Pven acres . ... . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... $!0 1000.00 Five acres ...... . .. ............ $1!,600.00 T...ot 50x150 . . .. . . . .. . ....... .. ... $1.750.00 FOR RENT-IN WEST KENILWORTH, Lot 66x200 ..... , . ... .. ... .. ..... $2,875.00 6 rm. stucco house, 2-car gar. Ph. Lot 50x165 ... .. . ... . .. . ..... . . .. $2,250.00 Kenilworth 1178. 69LTN49-tfc Lot 50x125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,375.00 For these and other choice offerings See or phone the 6 RM. HSE. FURN. $150 OR UNFURN. $135: 1 car gar. Wlnn. 2872. 69LTN49-ltp Sherman Ave. at Waukeg~n Road Northbrook. 111lnois MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE $60. 657 W. Phones: Northbrook 181; Northbrook 156 Park Ave., Highland Park. Owner on Glencoe> 1486 premises. 69LTN49-ltp 77LTN49-ttc NORTHBROOK --------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Northbrook Realty Company

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