Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1928, p. 4

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lli' . I WILMETTE .LIFE August 17, 1928 Vaa easen · SELLER OF, GOOD FOOD Ceawal Aveaue aad 12.tb Staaeet Paul A. Rensch WILMEnE MERCHANTS · Acquires Warble · · OFFER BIG BARGAINS Storage cone ern (Continued from page 1) Paul A.' Rensch, ·s ecretary and manager of the Evan~ ton Fireproof warehouse for the last ten years, has bought the \Varble Storage and Furniture compam\ in \\'ilmette from Jol"\n P. Warbie. He took over the property last Thursday, August 9. The company will henceforth be known as the Rensch Fireproof warehouse. · ~Ir. Rensch has had twenty-one ycars' experience in the warehouse bu iness, having been connected , ·..-ith the Hebard warehouses for ele\'C n years in addition to his ten year~ with . the Evanston warehouse. He also served on the board of directors of the Illinois Furniture \Var ehouse Men's association for t\\'O years \rhile ')·ith the Eyan-?ton company. "I intend to operate an up-to-date fireproof , \rarehouse including starage, moving, packing, shipping, and chair and table rental departments in Wilmette," ~[r. Rensch stated when asked concerning his plans for the management of his warehouse. :\fr. Rensch will be president oi the new concern. ~Ir. and ~ln. Rensch plan to make their horne ·in \Viln1ett e soon. ] ohn P. \Varbl e, manager of the \Varble Storage and Furniture company during the entire fourteen years he ha~ lived in \Vilmett e, state that his plans for the future are indefinite. ~ot having had a vacation for fourteen years he feels that he now is entitled to a rest. ~~ r. \Yarble left with his famih- on \\" ednesdav for YellO\\·:;tone- park.- They e~p-ect to be gone a month, after \vhich they will return to their home at 1315 Central avenue. \Vilmette. · ies, bread, rolls, small cak~s a_nd ,,·hat not, as Dollar . Day bargam ttems .. Her bon Brothers . come along w1th the startling news that they'll be hai?PY to wash up your car or sell you ~even gallons of "gas" for a "Buck." \Volff-Griffis are to make a spedaltv of vegetable bins on their Dollar Day listings. A ~ew of the _other attractive items are 1ce cream treezers. household scales, aluminum ware, and, even stepladders. . \\ orthen-Carrico will lead · off with exceptional bargains on pongee goods, and my. oh my, what an arr~y of other things for milady-to·wels, lmen, apron frocks muslin, silk hose. sheets, rugs, just 1 way of mentioning a sc_atten:.d . few. A. S. Van Deusen, the grocer. will literallv fill vour car with Dollar D'ay · · bargains in that line. The l]nique Style shop 'is offering si lk hose and other attractive goods, as welt as One Dollar reductions on purchases from an extensive choice of garments. The \Vilmett c Filling Station-not a restaurant-is to match 0\·erdose of gasoline, oil, etc., against your Doltar Bill. Taylor's Drygoods store i to he one of the stop s. for there are to be found a myriad of real values in men's, women's. boys' and girls' wearing apparel and sundry appurtenances. \ Y e note, drygoods. rag rugs, gym shoes, bargains in odd sizes in dresses, si lk ho . ien· and other items too numerous to mention in this brief perusal. , Phones Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meats 514 Dollar Sale---Au1. 20 and :&I APPLES· . Perfect Fruit. For Cooking and. Baking. 20 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . cJ · SUGAR. The finest quality of Cane Gr&nula ted. 14 lbs. . .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ·· AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP. Large 10 oz. bars. 16 bars . . . . · Cl'l Sl ·OO Sl 00 ~~!!~~ct.-:·~~-~~~~-~~~~~·... SI.OO 2 bars Cocoa .Hard Water Castile Toilet Soap Free Kl~~~~~- ~~~~ ~~~~-~~- ~?~~· ..... s 1.00 w;~;~~1~!~ ~~;L~. . ~·.·~~~~~·.... SI.OO u~:~:~n~ ~~o~~ -~~-~~: SI.OO RONDEL IMPORTED SARDINES. SI.OO Boneless. Large size cans. 3 cans c~.!,~t. ~~- ~~-~~~~- ~~~·.... :·.... SI.OO MJ~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~-~~~·. .......... s I. 00 Equal to any coffee in cans at 63c per lb. LIPTON'S YELLOW LABEL TEA. sI ·00 Orange Pekoe and Pekoe. Two lb. cans · FANNING'S BREAD and BUTTER Sl · oo PICKLES. 16 oz bottle. 5 bottles 0 oo ;Y ............. ~~ 0 Lawn Sprinklers on List :\nd }.[illen's Hardware store. ~fan. oh, man. would you look at this! Johnson's \vax as a Dollar Day specialty. .>\!so, favor for all. refunds oi a Dollar on many purchases. And here we find on the bargain list lawn sprinklers, together with a veritable maze oi household necessities and appliance:-.. Hoffman Bros. up on the Ridge. hring the interesting ne\\'5 of special bargains in go\vns in a \vide variet~ of pastel shades. Here's a store-full of bargains for the Dollar Day shopper. Klinge and \\.hite, the grocery and market. \\rhat's thi . ? ~~ ust he some mistake. Yet, here it is-one parlor broom and a scrub brush done up in a single package, and the price tag reads One Dollar. Then. there are all those fine bargains in groceries and meats. Fruit of Your Labors \\" e cannot forget Papantony's Fruit store. Better hire a .truck when you carry away the Dollar Day purchases from this beehive of bargains. Read the announcements and vou cannot fail to get your share of these unprecedented Dollar Day selections! ~[onday and Tuesday, August 20 and 21-all day long and two days of it. Kenilworth Votes Share Toward Grade Separation ) Grade separation of the Chicago. Xorth Shore. and ~Iilwaukee railroad and the Chicago and 1\orthwestern railroad right-of-\rays through the north ~hore villages was ginn added impetus ~~on day evening- when the Kenihvorth Village board at its regular meeting passed an ordinance which is aimed to provide funds for Kenilworth's :;hare of the work. Other north shore villages are working on the project, the purpose of which is to eliminate the present railroad ~radc eros ings by mean of track elevation or depression. ~ GOLDEN GATE CANNED FR· UIT These are all Richelieu quality and a wonderful bargain. Yellow Free Peaches. No. 1 can. 7 cans Sliced Apricots. No. 1 can. 6 cans . . . . $ Muscat Grapes. No. 1 can. . 7 cans .... Green Gage Plums. No. 1 can. 7 cans .. BEAUTY TOMATOES. Large No. 3 can. Unusually fine quality and flavor. 5 cans · t · s I oo c~~;,~~~E~;~A~~~~. ~ui~!~ -~~-~~~· Sl.OO RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE FINGERS. No. 1 can. 5 cans . . . . . . . .. . . BEAUTY HAwAllAN SLiCED PINEAPPLE. Large No. 2 0 can. 4 cans PLYMOUTH ROCK · CALIFORNIA BABY STUART MELBA PEACHES. . Large N~. 2 0 can. Large halves. Rich syrup. 3 cans ... .. .. . . .. . .. . . . B~A~n~~ -~~~~~ -~~~~ -~~~~: ... sI oo Sl ·00 s I · 00 SI.OO Sunday Closing Subiect . at Realty Dinner Monday Sunday closing of real e:;tate offices associated \Yith the Korth Shore Re'!l Estate board will he a subject of dicu..s sion and possible action at the next regular dinner meeting of the board scheduled for ~fonday evening. August 20. at the Glen Gables Tea room in Glencoe. Included in next ~fonday':; program will be reports Jv· delegate s to the recent Illinois State Realtv convention at Joliet, and a brief talk by G. \\'. Arnold of the Telephone company. ~f rs. "~:~~~A~~~~~~~-~·-~~-~~~~~~: SI.OO SI.OO NONE SUCH STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. ! ~~·~·. ·s·o-~ ~~i_t: ~~~0-~~~~~· SI.OO s~=~~~~~~~~~· SI.OO ~~R~~"7c~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~·...... ··...··. ...... Charles \Varner who has been the home guest of ~fr. and :Mrs. Orville S. Cavanah, Earl E. Bates. Charle3 F. Donahue of 907 Eltm~·ood violinists, aud 'Mrs. Charles avenue for the past month, left the Jr., earlr part of this week for her home Brooks. organist, will appear a a trio in Oakland. Cal. at the Highland Park Presbvterian church Sunday morning, Augu's t 19. at -o1£ rs. Frank Gresuel. who has heen 9:45 o'clock. the house ~nest of 1[rs. Tohn A. Dun~fr. Cavanah and 1Ir. Bates \Yere splendid reception recently can of 237 Cumnnr road. Kenih,·orth. accorded a.__ left the earh- part of the \\·eek for her when they played the first movement home in Milwaukee. of the Bach Concerto for two violins at the \Vilmette ~Iasonic temple. The -oM r. and ~f rs. George Browning and violins were well blended with lovely family of 423 Ninth street are touring tonal quality which aroused enthusi\i\'isconsin on their vacation. They asm ft.om the audience. will be gone about two weeks, spendMr. Cavanah is a well kno\vn north ing a oart of the time visiting at Mer- 3hore musician and a teacher of viocer, \Vis. lin at New Trier High school. Trio to Entertain at Highland Park Church

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