Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1928, p. 51

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Au&tJSt 17, 1928 t7 WILMETTE . a7 FOR RENT-APTS. LIFE FOB .RENT-APT. ~------------------------ FOB BENT-APTS.' ... FOB BENT-HOU8E8 Cllnoiice-Apa.rttmmeunb ' EVANSTON TOVvERS H._IOJ CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Sheridan Square : ._i-1 room apts. Elec. Refr. A motor coach eervtce 722 Clark St.. 2 rms., elec. refr. . . $62.50 to school 4: shopping center tncL In 1305 Maple Ave., 2 rras. ·...... . .... . $60 rentaL A home overlooking lake. Mod- 1945 Maple Ave., 3 rms. . . ... . .... . ... $40 erate rentals. 4 rooms. $95 to 1106 : 8181h Forest Ave., 4 rms., garage .. $90 1242 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms . ........ . . $75 -· 6 rooms, $200: 6 rooms, $125 to $175. 551 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. . .......... $65 1100 Grove St., 4 rms., elec. refr., gar. $115 New bldl'·· 820 Judson Ave. f rma. CaD- 738 Hh1man Ave., 4 rms., elec. refr. $95 vas walls, elec. ret., tile bath and show- 730 Hinman Ave., 4 rms., elec. refr. .. $7-5 2131 Ridge Ave., 4 rms., free gas and er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. elec. refr. . . . .................... . . . $80 1040 Asbury AYe., 5 rms., garage .... $100 908 D~mpster St., 5 rms. . .......... $100 fOO Lee St. A 940 Judson Ave. Luxurl.. 925 Dempster St., 5 rms. . .......... $115 ous and modern & rm. apte. ! batha. woodburnlng ftreplacea, elec. · refr. an4 834 Washington St., 5 rms. . ....... $115 830 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms. · ........ . . $110 many other dealrable feature·. 931 Forest Ave., 5 rms., elec. refr. . . $125 736 Hinman Ave., 5 rms., elec. refr. $120 2121 Ridge Ave., 5. rms., elec. refr. . . $1 o:; N. W. Cor. Oak Ave. A Lake St. A 418- 834 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . $80 tlnctlve bldg., with all modern conven- 901 Washington St., 5 rms. $115 Ience· and ftnest appointments. f, I 928 Chicago Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . . $6!'i & 6 rm. apts. with rental from 740 Hinman Ave., 6 rms., elec. refr. $155 $100 to $190. 123 Kedzie St., 6 rms., elec. refr. . . $175 848 Ridge Ave., 6 rms., sun par: .. $125 l 947 Maple Ave., 7 rms. . .... . ...... $65 Ew!l.llil~1t(O)JID A n»&Ir1tmmceim1t~ I Mln<elhlii!&IffiolL<e<e A}P)bo Evanston EXCI.U81VE APARTMENT HOMES. Located in the quiet charm of Evanston's unsurpassed residential section. Excellent CfJnVenlences and appointments, Including wood-burning fireplaces. 5 rooms with 2 baths, $150 to $170 6 rooms with 2 baths, (3 master chambers) ...... . . ....... $235 7 rooms with 3 baths, all outside rooms .......... $286 Constructed to meet the requirements of the discriminating. Electrical refrigeration and gas Ineluded In the rent. ,__ Located at the southwest corner of Michlgan Ave. and Lee st. Representative on premll!leB. WINNETKA 7 RM. HSE.; GAR.; steam heat, near schools and transp. Poss. Oct. 1st, reas. rent, no agents. Write Wilmette Lffe A-112. 69LTN47-ltp FOR RENT-IN WE. S T KENILWORTH, 6 rm. stucco house, 2-car gar. PI}, K~nilworth 1178. 69LTN47-ltp ;3 .F OR BENT-STORES & OFFICES 2 STORES JUDSON CASTLE ABBEY-GARTH 20x8(i ft. H72. WITH FULL BASEMENT, 996 Linden Ave. Tel. Winn. 73LTN47-ltc THE CHURCHVIEW :2R D~tvls St. AGENTS FOit SALE-CO·OP. APTS. a ----------------FOR SALE-BY OWNER, LOVELY 5 rm. co-op. apartment. Canvas walls, real fireplace, tile bath. Unusually light and well-ventilated. 1 block to park & beach. all transp., shops, churches, scho~ls. Sacrifice $6,000 cash or $6,500, terms--$2,000 down, bal. like rent. 810 Michigan Ave., Greenleaf 1624. 74LT47-ltp Greenleaf 1855 67LTN47-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSES Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. apta., newly decorated. all outside rms., $190. ! RM. APrS. I&U Prairie Ave. .. .............. $ &&.00 3 RM. APTS. 1636 Prairie Ave. · · · .. · · .. · · · · · · · · IO.ftO 1142 Maple Avenue ....... ... . . .. ... 7!.60 4 RM. APTS. !537-39~ Prairie Ave .· Inador 170 4: 71.60 600-Sherldan Rd., Elec. Refr. . . 85.00 724 Hinman Ave., Elec. Refr. . . . . 85.00 1138 Maple Ave., Lge. Rma. · . · · · · to.oo 8%2~ Forest Ave., Roll-a-way, · Elec. Refr. . . · . · . . . · · · · · . · · · · . . · 106.00 613 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref., coach service ..... .. ...... . ....... ....... . . $90 1454 Oak Ave., wood burn. firep1., elec. refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 534-540 Michigan Ave., elec. ref. $90-$100 536 Michigan Avenue .......... . .. $87.50 6 RM. APTS. 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrlg. . . 120.00 !637~ Prairie Ave. . . . . . . . . . . · · · · 85.00 719-21 Hinman Ave., Lge. Rma. 105.00 1136 Maple Ave., lg. rms. . ......... 115.00 746 Hinman Ave., Lg. 'Rms. . . . . 116.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. refrig. . ... $135 1454 Oak Ave., wood-burn. firepl., elec. refrigeration ....... $140-$150-$175 724 Hinman Ave., elec. refrig. . . $100 720 A. Hinman A venue ....... .. . $100.00 134 Main Street ........ . . . . . ... .. $110.00 600 Sheridan Road ...... . ... . . ... $135.00 570 Sheridan Square . . .... . . . . ... $135.00 534 Michigan Avenue ... . .. . . ... . $135.00 6 RM. APrS. 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms., includ. gar. . . . ...... . . .. ... ... ... .... 185.00 911 Sheridan Rd.. I baths. In 3 apt. bldg., unobstructed view .. 225.00 420 Church St., 2 baths ... . . . .. ... $140 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc. gar. $115 744 Hinman Avenue . . ........ . . . . $125.00 717 Hinman A venue . ............ . $150.00 1144 Maple Avenue .... . .. . ..... . . $150.00 1107 Lake Street ............ $170-$180.00 7 RM. APTS. 1636 Hinman Ave., 2 baths .... . ... . $186 916 Michigan Ave., slpg. pch. & sun par. . ... . .. ..... .......... . . ... . . . $175 1641 Hinman Ave., 2 baths ......... $190 OFFICES 1711 Derman Ave., Studio Bld&'. $4& up STORES 1535-tH' Prairie Ave. . . . · . · · · · · · · &0.00 GARAGES 1'111 Sherman Ave (heated) · · · · · · 11.00 JJ ©liDiril IF JHI ~Ihum ~ llim ~ o LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 3, 4, AND 5 ROOMS HE't'E' Northbrook Offers You A o l617 Sherman A\'e. Gr. 2700 67LTN47-1tc [ W!).Jiil~it(O)Iril .A JP) ~Iritmm<errnit~ FOR IMMED. & OCT. 1ST OCCUPANCY 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. . .. . .... $52.50 941 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . . . . 60.00 1320 Chicago Ave., 2· rms . ..... . . . .. 65.00 524 Lee St., 3 rms. . .......... . .. . . 70.00 2110 Sherman Ave., 3 rms . ... . . .. .. . 70.00 910 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms. . . ... ... 70.00 2204 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . .... ·... 72 .50 2249 Ridge Ave.. 3 rms . . .... . ..... 72.50 804 Seward St., 4 rms. . ...... . . .. . 72.50 806 CJar.k St., 4 rms. . .... . ... .. . 75.00 1309 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . . . ........... 82.50 1125 Davis St., 4 rms . ............ . . 90.00 1617 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . ......... . . 95.00 830 Gatfleld Pl., 5 rms. . ..... . . . . . . 75.00 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. . . . .. . .. 80.00 800 Seward St., 5 rms. . . .. .. . .. . . . 85.00 729 Seward St., 5 rms. . .... .. ..... 90.00 912 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms. . .. . ...... 95.00 811 Simpson St., 5 rms. . .... . . ... 100.00 1305 Oak Ave., 6 rms. . ..... . . . ... . 115.00 2000 Harrison St., 5 rms. . .... .. . 135.00 1116 Maple Ave., 6 rms. . ... .. .. . . 140.00 1009 Grove St., 6 rms. . ......... . . 110.00 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. . ..... . ... . . 130.00 in "\\' ilmette's ·most convenient and exclul'iYe location, you will find well-arranged apartment!;. All apartment~ have outside room~ whic-h provide an abundance of light and air. Ample clar-et 8pace. Schools, churches, and !"hopping facilities within immediate a c<·e!:'l'. See th'8e a.2_artments today. Ag-ent on premi~E'~. Linden A n ·. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Wil. 460 67LTN'47-tfc FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc For further particulars regarding the above or any property in or about Northbrool{ phone or call at !IS FOR RENT-FUBN. APTS. ----------------FOR RENT-AT LOWEST POSSIBLE SHEHMER AVE. AT WAUKEGAN RD rate, for Immediate occupation, cool, NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS CPmfortable Orrington hotel apartment, Phones: Nort~brook 181 ; Northbrook 156 summer or longer. Complete hotel · Glencoe 1486 · · service. Ice and electricity free. 77LTN47-ltc Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or tenant evenings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 636. 68LTN38-tfp NEW ENGLISH BRICK TWO story two bedroom house with attached garage on a 55 ft. lot, 3 blocks from station and shopping center on easy terms. Price $8,975. · Remodelled 5 room, white clapboard bungalow on wooded lot, 77 feet front age, with l-ear garage. A bargain at $5,750 and AT YOUR OWN TERMS. Old 6 room frame house on 1 acre of ground, 3-car garage, $7,000. Reason able down payment. 8 room brick house on lot 50x125. $7,500. Lot 50x135 at $30 per front foot, im provements in. Only $300 cash down~ Balance over 5 years. Seven acres at $3,000 per acre; hard road frontage. Northbrook Realty Con1pany 564 Sherman A venue Baiircdl&Wll.lfml<elrPllnnco 628 Davis Street Greenleaf 1R61 67LTN47-ltc li5li~ IHliiiiDmro&Ifil A w<emnw<e (Just south of Davis) THE FINEST APT. BLDG. IN EVANSTON. There is now leasing at 1519 Hinman Ave. a beautiful new 7 story fireproof nnf<'lc building. It . Is equipped with Otis elevators attended by courteous operators. A doorman also will serve you. The apts. are 5, 6 and 7 rooms ; every room is commodious. The Jiving rooms EXCLUSIVE AGENTS are 27x17 with wood burning fireplaces. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 The baths are large with beautiful 77LTN47-1tc colored tile. The apts. are also equipped with incinerator and elec. refriger~a tlon. DIRECT BY OWNER, 6 ROOM HOUSE, Gas and window washing arP fursun and slpg. pchs. Ex. lav. 1st ft. nished. A fireproof garage adjoinl! the Close to transp. ; schools and 00111· building. !i RM. LOWER FLAT AT 1109 GAGE FOR RENT-6 FlOOM HOUSE. 1529 munlty golf in Winnetka. H. W. heat, PHONE SHELDRAKE 4R~1 St. , Hubbard Woods. Reasonable rf'n'\ Elmwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4043. 2-car gar. Price $13,000. Ph. Wlnn. 67LTN47-ttc 69LTN47-ltp 1430 or 2300. 77LTNU-ltc 67I..TN47-ltc Linden A ~e., Just North of Tower Rd. COZY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, LARGE. open, screene~ porch, brand new gaAPARTMENTS AND SHOPS rage; good neighborhood. Death neces~ and 4 rooms with 1 and 2 chambers, sitates sublease at very low rental. "Furnished or Unfurnished." The 3 Make offer. Lei's than $85 per month. room apts. comprise living, dining and Winnetka 1470. 69LTN47-ltc bedrooms, tile bath with shower and Pullman kitchen. The 4 room apts. have living, dining and A ROOMY F Al\IIL Y HOUSE-4 LG. 2 bedrooms, tile baths with · shower bedrms. ; ]g. closet~. shower bath, open and Pullman kitchen. grate in pleasant double liv. rm. ; All equipped with electric refrigeration. room for dancing and young folks' All outside rooms. Agent on premises. good times, will do nece~'>sary .decorat$70 to $85. Ing. Gar. ; best east Wilmette Joe. conv. to transp. and :-:chool. Poss. Sept. 15th or Oct. 1st. $135 rental. Ph. Wilmette 2968. 69L47-ltp 898-900 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Winnetka 1949 67LTN47-ltc FOR RENT-A PLEASING OLD-FASHioned 6 rm. house, wood-burning fireplace, screened pch. off din. rm., white woodwork, good flrs .· modern new bath. gar.; best east Wilmette loc., close to school and transp. Would lend itself to simple Colonial atmosphere. Low rental, Sept. concession with Oct. 1st leasing. Ph. Wilmette 2968. 69L47-ltp 2 BEDRMS., LIVING RM., DINING rm., lg. kitchen, Frigidaire ; Roll-away bed. $100 per mo. Tel. Winn. F'INE 6 RM. HOME, SUN ROOM, GArage, oil burner. Beautiful ground, 1-t72. 67LTN47-3tc good location, ne~r transp. Po~se!':sion Oct. 1. F'OR RENT-6 RM. APT., 1ST FLOOR. C. P. RORICK & CO. H. V-1. hPa t, pch. ; gar. ; near school 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382 and tran~p. Ph. Winnetka 1921. 67LTN47-ltp Ic'OR RENT--HOUSE, 563 GREENBAY Rrl., Glencoe. 7 rms. & bath, lav. on 1st floOJ~ 2 large, screened porches~ 4 RM. APT., WITH GARAGE. ALL Corner Joe. Immediate pol'lsel'lsion. mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reas. Rental $75. Call Mr. Corne!5, Highland 67LTN47-ltc Park 500. 69LTN47-tfc New Building Tower Court Apartments Hubbard Woods FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- 7 ROOM BRICK ENGLISH TYPE ment~ or rooms by the week or month. house, tile roof, colored tile bath, lavaPhone 'Wilmette 2399. 68LTN46-tfc tory, hot water heat. An unusual bu¥ at $18,500. 69 White Colonial, 6 rooms, 100 foot lot,. FOR RENT-HOUSES 2-car garage ; everything new and modFOR RENT-UNFURNISHED, BRAND ern. Only $15,500. new Engh!':h bnck; 5 bedrooms, 4 . Splendid bmldlng lot near lake and "L." baths; hot water heat; breakfast 67x150. Only $7,000. University 285 room; extra toilet and la\·atnry; heated garage attached; 90 foot lot_ ; $300 per month. Winnetka 1470. 69LTN47-ltc New brick Coloniai, 2 colored tile baths. $21,500. Kent.lworth Winnetka New Spanish house near lake; 2 colored tile baths ; 3 sleeping rooms, tile roof. Only $21,000. Hubbard Woods Brick Colonial, 7 rooms, tile roof, 2 baths. Asking $22,500. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 77LTN47-ltc To,ver Court Building li~ li~ A~lbJUJlir:f ~~ W<eo IHIMlblb;&Ircdl W caxaxdl~ _· BEAUTIFUL NEW COLONIAL 6 ROOM home, In Ideal location of Hubbard Woods, very large living room, ultra modern in every detail ; exceptionally well built ; splendid view of Skokie Valley. Out of town owner Is very anxious to sell and has offered this unusually . charming home on very easy terms. This Is a REAL BUY. Keys at this office. A l!-:o lot 50x187 In Winnetka. $3,500. Act N e,v 5 Roon1 Apartn1ents

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