Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1928, p. 1

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..... - ~ ' . .... -- - ( WILMETTE VOL. XVII. NO. 47 ; L. I ~ FE PRICE FIVE CENTS 'I · Published weeklu by Lloyd Holliater Inc., 1U!-1U6 Central Ave., WUmeUe, IIJ·ftot.. Bfttered ae aecond claaa matter Jtm·ch 13, .. 1924, at the post olftce at Wilmette, Illinot.t, uttder the Act o! JlaroA I, 1871. SubaoriptiOft ,nee II.OO,.a 11ear. . · · WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 17, 1928 Call Shoppers to Dollar Days Monday-Tuesday FINISH . TOURNAMENT DR. ESTON V. TUBBS Wilmette Championship Tennis TAKES IMPORTANT POST Final Matches to Be Played Next Week; Former New Trier Principal Appointed Director of Curriculum in Chicago Schools Dr. Eston V. Tubbs, former principal of the New Trier ~igh school, was appointed last Wednesday to the position of Director of Curriculum of the city schools by the Board of Erlucation of Chicago. The new department of the Chicago public schools which was created last Werlnesday by the Board of Education upon recommendation of Superintendent Bogan, is known as the Bureau of Curriculum. This Bureau is composed of the director and four supervisors. These supervisors are ·as follows: (1) Supervisor of the phvsical scien~es, (2) Supervisor of language s, (3) Superv1sor of the social sc iences and ( 4) Supervisor of mathematics. ' Aid to Teachers The hureau was created fo; the purpose of providing teachers, principals, and superintendents information demonstrations and advice regarding ·methods of instruction, educational mater_ial and research data. Its purpose ts to lend sympathetic aid to the . teaching force of the Chicago schools. The year after leaving New Trie~ was spent by Dr. Tubbs in graduate · study at the .Unive~sity of Chicago, where he rece1ved h1s Ph. D. in Au: ~ust, 1924. The three years follow- mg, he was professor and head of the pepartment of Education at Lewis I!lstttute. Last September he was asSigned to the principalship of the Salm~n P. Chase school in Chicago, later bemg transferred· to the principalship ~f the Ly~nan A. Budlong school which 1s recogmzed as one of the. Class A schools of Chicago. . ·: Dr. Tubbs is a member of the Nat!on~t Education association, the 11hn<?ts State Teachers' association, the J>h1 DeJta Kappa and Delta Kappa Pi professiOnal education societies. He Is a Phi Beta Kappa and. member of the W~angl~r fraternity at Northwestern umverstty. He has made notable <:ontributions to many professional periodicals. George Boylston Wins Final games in the annual tennis · tournament conducted by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board will be played next week, Dudley C. Stone of the recreation staff and manager of the meet announces. Semi-final sets were nearly all played off this week. In tbf.- woman's division Vernett~ . Lewis lf~1eading the field but has one more match to play. She must meet the winner ot a match between Dorothy Smith and Marjorie Thorsen. The two latter ·were unable to play the semi-final match last week and the tournament was extended until this week. The men's games are still in the semi-final stage. The outstanding contestants thus far are ] oe Thelen last year's winner, and Clifford Dar~ ling. Each of them has two games to play before the championship is · deeided. Fred Quayle is also one of the strongest contestants to last through the preliminaries and will be a contendant for the title. . Ge~rge Boylston won the champion's title. m the boys' division, taking two stratght sets from Claude Hill 6-0, 6-2 last week. Hill, the runner up for the . championship, has played ·good tem11s all through the preliminaries and finals, losing his first game to Boylston in the finals. Aids Teachers Stores and Shops Prepare for Throng of Purchasers; Dollar Has Ita Day "You're not taking the car to the office today, my dear," declares Mrs. Jones, darting a glance across the breakfast table. "And why not?" retorts Mr. ]., who is feeling none too agreeable about the drop in his favorite stocks as recorded in the morning journal. "The answer is obvious," says she. "I'm headed for the Village bright and early this morning to get ahead of the big rush at the bargain counters. It's Dollar Day, you know, and there's so much that I need for the house and garden. Then, too, school is starting soon and Billy needs some things, etc., etc., etc." "\Veil now, ·that's different," says he, brightening up perceptibly, unmindful for the moment of the market's gloomy aspect. ·"Say, and while you're about · It, · don't forget that I belong to this household too. Might Dr. Eston V. Tubbs, former New as well pick me up a few odds and Trier High school principal1 has been ends. I can get along without .the named Director of Curriculum of the old bus for a day." That might conceivably be .the Chica~o Public school.; by the Board of Education of the city. Dr. Tubbs, theme of conversation in any average who is well known on the north shore, Wilmette home next. Monday or Tuesis a prominent educator and a fre- day morning for those days are inquent contributor to various important deed Dollar Days,' representing the semi-annual bargain event sponsor~~ profession~! periodicals. by the Wilmette Chamber of Corqmerce and engaged in by numei~us Lutheran Pastor Lectures stores and shops in the community. No Diaappointmenb · at Walther Summer Camp And Mrs. Jone.s is not to be disRev. Herman W. Meyer of St. appointed when she fares torth upon John's Lutheran church is at Camp her buying expedition, tor there will Cleghorn, Waupaca, Wis., th~s week be bargai~s ixmumerable and . iJt a matdelivering a series of lectures · a t the ing variety, as ·witness the many DolWalther League summer camp. Mrs. lar Day announcements on other pa_ges Meyer and their children have accom- of this issue of Wrut~ng . LIFt. .. ,·.:.::; panied him to Waupa-ea. In Mr. MeyJust by way of..r~vitwiit~ . a :few· er's absence E. Wagner, a student at these choice offerings: Concordia Theological seminary, will There's Sutphen- and Sutphen, for conduct the services at St. John's instance, . offering three enlargements from kodak negatives ··for the price· of church Sunday, August 19. One Dollar, to say nothing of photo stationery, cameras, bridge Highway Commissioner to albums, cards, p~oto ·frames, and . fr_ a med pi~ Motor Through the East tures. For the car the Wilmette Motcir ]. A. Williams, New Trier township highway commissioner and as- Sales suggest· a ·variety of bargains sistant village manager. of Glencoe, ac- in accessories and service items at ·: the companied by Mrs. Williams and their Dollar price. · . Bakeries uad B.U, : son, ] ack, will leave · Monday for . a two weeks' motor trip. They will visit }'he Wilson . B~~~rY. · ~~~~-s., ~1~~ New York . and· various places in the wtth the statement ·that there wtll· be east, going into Canada and return- many, many ~licacies on the countets ing via a circuitous route through marked down, for those two days only, to the price of a Dollar Bill. ~ - · various scenic sections. Over at the First National Bank . they-' have devised a: Dollar D~y stimt WARNING TO THE PUBLIC designed to en· c ourage your saving Burning leaves in streets is a viola- habits. Deposit a Dollar or more and tion of the Village ordinances and the bank will add another Dollar to must cease. This practice if allowed the sum and then, well, just watch . it · to continue will ruin our new asphalt growl streets which are b~ing put in at . Ara~ Mestjian .chiiJleS in' ~ith ~ the cost of the property owners. extenstve assortment of sample rugs Any violations should be reported to cut from carpetings ·that are quoted as genuine bargains at· One· Dollar ea~h. the Police d~partment at once. The Patty Shoppe lists luscious cherC. C. SCHULTZ, Supt. Public Works ry, apple and lemon-cream pies, cooi. (Con~inued .8~ ~· ~~~ ~) . .: , .. .. Dr. Howa.-d Morgan Will Address Presbyterians C.a~pbell. · Dr. Howard Morgan, son of Dr. G. Morgan, the eminent English d1v!ne, wtll preach at the First Presbyterian -church Sunday morning, August 19, at th~ 11 o'clock service. His subject will be "Christ and Impossible People." of No economy rs more fa~-reaching Nelson Laundry Purchases Glenview Cleaners Concern. . The .Nelson Laundry and Dry Cleanmg System of Evan·s ton, Wilmette and Glencoe has pu.rchased the Glenview C~eaners .from Harr): Bohannon and wall contmue that establishment on Glenview road in conjunction with its extensive north shore busiv~ss. One of the pioneer concerns of the north shore, the Nelson Laundry and Dry Cleaning System has enjoyed & remarkable though steady and wholesome growth, th~ territory within the scope of its operations extending throughout the north shore are3. Establishment of its business in Glenview._ i~ in line with the rapid development m that section in a commercial and industrial way. - than buying ~-·_:.. the best PRINTING you can get LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. Prinrtra .nd Publiahn· Wilmette 4300

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