AUiU~f 17, ·1928 WILMETTE LIF .E · Shore Theat~rs r -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- -·-·-. ·-·-·-·--·-·-·-·-·-~ News Norahore '111eater Yo·'ll alw&JI 8al ·leaQ' of Parklaw 8paee · DRIVE TO THE Indian Love Film Conrad Nagel'"Falls" for Barthelmess' Best "Ramona" to Play Greta Garbo in This One Picture Booked for Greta Garbo fans will like her latest at T eatro 2 .D ays offering, "The MysteriOU'3 L~<)y," which varsity Next week -~-~-~-~~-~-·- .... "Fleetwing," a thrilling story of love comes to the Norshore theater SunA Hollywood fire recently razed over and adventure amid the sands of Ara- day for a week's run. Conrad Nagel, one hundred Indian homes to the -StartiDa Saadaybia, ·will be ·shown at the Teatro del who pia~ opposite l:!er as a captain ground and provided the film city with Lago this Saturday, August 18. It was in the Viennese army, looks grand in one of the big,aest thrills of the year. adapted to the screen by Elizabeth his fancy military uniform. The pic- ·In a short time over $100,000 went up Pic~ett. .Ben Bard, Barry Norton, ture is Russian. in smoke, attracting thousands of rooDorothy Ja~is, Erville Anderson, Tania, played by Miss Garbo, is not torist~ from the highways to the scene and COLL·E GIANS In James Anderson, and Robert Kort- all ~he seems to l?e, pr rather, she is of the blaze, several mile5 from the man portray the principal roles. more. She i-3, besides a delightful center of Hollywood. Edwin Carewe, A g~y pJ10toplay which merits classi- playmate, a Russian spy, and chum- directing "Ramona," starring Dolores fication as eith~r a ·sparkling, efferves- ming with her proves disastrous for del Rio, engage4 three hundred Indcent comedy of youth, or a·s a stirring the captain. Whe_ n they both take .a tans to participate in the scene. The drama of and the race track, cert~i.n train for Berlin, and certain fire will form a brilliant part of this comes to the Teatro del · Dago this import~nt papers are missing from the ptcture, which will be shown at the Sunday. It is "Hot _Heels," starring captain's dispatc~ case, and Tania Varsity theater this Saturday, Au-On the ScreenGlenn Tryon. For the third successive turns up with them in the offices of gust 18. · time Patsy .Ruth Miller play~ opposite the Russian secret service, Captain You're not taking ~ chance on "The him. She is exceptionally · pretty . and Karl (Mr. Nagel) is promptly demoted, Wheel of Chance," Richard Bartheldemonstrates her talent at every op- demedaled and debuttoned. At this mess pic!ure coming to the Varsity with portunity. point everything looks mighty dark. for three day.s beginning riext Monday. COMBAD MAGEL Show "Ramona" Two Days But, meanwhile, in Russia, Tania is Critics have declared that Barthelme'3s "Ramona," the Indian love story feelin!: sorry for her duplicity. She does the greate·5t work ·A his career In which has been winning the hearts of tries to get out of the secret ·~e-rvice m this picture, which is an excellent Ch. th t f k . but is told uonce you take the oath daptation of Fannie Hurst's story, tcago ea ergoers or wee s, 15 of a Russian spy, only death can release ~R 1 " Th · h b to be the chief attraction at the Tea- you." Her life is ma_de doubly hard ou ette. e ptcture as een tro del Lago for two days next weelc splendidly directed, ·s taged, and photoMonday and Tue·sday. The picture i~ because she is loved by the important grap}:led. Ot1tsta1_1ding charscterizaGeneral Alexandroff, head spy for tions besid#>s that of the star are those a dap..t~d- f rom t h e story b Y H e1 en H unt Rus·sia, and too important_ to flout. ""' Jackson, which is regarded as ·one of However, Conrad makes a reappear- of Margaret Liv_ i ngston, Ann Schaefthe present day American classics ance, this time _ in Russia. His ambi- fer, and Bodil Rosing. Attend the Bargain Week · a ta1 ·a tion is to find Tania and "wring her Bebe Daniels and Neil Hamilton are 1 0 r 01 D&J Matinees. · "R atnona " ts e 0 f ear1 Y C a l'f in the days of the Mission Indians neck until she tells me the truth." the principal actors in "Hot News," Complete De· l·xe Program C The P._lot is concerned chiefly with the Conrad finds Tania, but wringing comedy drama which will be ·5hown at for H a tl n e e , _ half-Indian maiden, Ramona, (Dolores isn't what he does to her neck. I the Varsity next Thursday and Frip r I e e to t:lt del Rio), who is in love with two men, shoJJld ·.5ay not. day, August 23 and 24. Jf you ~~ e h P. )[. one of them the Indian, Alessandro, The Norshore is also offering a stage played on the screen by Warner Bax- show next week entitled "Stop, Look, " Thomas Meighan has completed ter; the other, Felipe, the Spanish Listen," with Frankie Masters and the The · Mating Call," and is now on vaDon, played by Roland Drew. Jazz Collegians. cation in Long Island. Mary As~~ Uoyd Hughes, and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Loui·se Fa~~nda are .featured at the "The Imperial Temptress" head of a splendid cast in ~'Heart to Heart," First National's lively romanIs Booked for Playhouse tic comedy which is the Wednesday Raquel Meller, the Spani5h songoffering at the Teatro del Lago. Mary stress whose golden voice and charmAstor is an Italian princess who re- ing mimicry have enraptured all of turns to her American small-town Europe's noJ>ility. will be seen on the home and is mistaken for a seamstress screen at the Chicago Playhouse, 410 who is expected to participate in eta- S. Michig_an avenue, beginning Sunborate reception plans. So she works day, August 19, in her latest motion to further preparations for her own picture, "The Imperial Temptress," a arrival, creates a scandal with her girl- drama of revolution and unleashecl hood sweetheart, Lloyd Hug-hes, and oassions during the reign of Empress .fTenerallv uosets the town. "Heart to Eugenie of France. Heart" is packed with the sort of clean "The Imperial Temptress" opens in comedy, romance. and touche5 of pathos Seville, a city beautiful and quaint, tl1 at should delie-ht fami~~ folk." where La Meller, an orphan supportDouble Bill Wednekl·v ing two younger brothers, ·sells the "The Chaser," Harry Lan~don ·pic- most gorgeous violets in Spain. ~h, ture. is also on the Teatro bill for next -oWednesdav. It is the storv of a man Mrs. Fred \Vard, Jr., of 354 Elder <~ wife. a - mother-in-law with one of lane, Winnetka, has returned from two those "vou-can't-insult-me" disoosi- weeks spent in Peoria. tions. an·d a bevy of beautiful g-irls! \Villiam Haines. who heretofore has f'c::t~blished himself as a wise-cracking ;~thlete who always learns better =n Seventeenth Season t 11e next to the last reel, has broug-ht June 23 to September 3 t() the sc~een in hi:; new producticm Box Offtee Open 9:30 A. M. Until Thurs. and Fri., Aug. 16-17 "Telling the World." an entirely dif10 P. M. Dally & Sunday ferent type of character. As the newc::Telephone Highland Park 1117 n~ner rf'norter who doesn't recn1mize love tmtil he h<~,s almost lost it . Haines is morP human and admirable th~n August 18 ~,·er before in his starring career. The 1\clding- 1adv is Anita Page making h!.>r first aopearance on the screen. PRAiftUB IIASTBBI '"STOP! LOOK! LlftEII!" GRETA GARBO Mystel'loas ""The Lady" 25 11 Raviuia Opera and Concerts SATURDAY ONLY COMMUNITY HOUSE Dog Rln·Tin·Tin ~lnrvel DOLORES DEL RIO MAKR PICTURE AT SEA Corinne Griffith and a comoany of ~ctors <~nd actresses have returned to C'alifornia after several weeks soent on thP Pacific making- battle scenes for "The Divine Lady." screen version of the romance of Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton. Billie Dove has just finished wrhc Night Watch." . ID Tues., Aug. !1 Fri., Aug. !-1 W. C. Fields Chester Conklin "RAMONA" Monday Tuesday Wednesday Aua. 20-21-22 ··Rinty of the Desert" ··Fools for L'1ck" RICHARD BARTHELMESS in a dual role that'· wonderful ""'WIIBEL ·OF ·CHAliCE"