4 I ; · ·-· · WI .L METTE LIFE Augus, t 10, 1928 Announce Newest Books at Wilmette's Library The Wilmette Public library has put into circulation fourteen . new books this week according to an announcement by Miss Anne L. Whitmack, 1!brarian. The new books are: Harker s " Really Romantic Age," Robins' "Time Is Whispering," Baldwin's "Psychology' of the Pre-school Child," Watson's " Psychological Care of Infant and Child" Kavanaugh's "Criminal and His Allie~," Johnson's "Principles of Ocean, Transportation," Page's "Everybody's Aviation Guide," Drake's "Contemporary European · Writers," Kaufman's "Royal Family," Hoffenstein'~ "Poems in Praise of Practically Nothmg," Tynan's "Twilight Songs," Strachey's "Landmarks in French Literature," Walpole's "Anthony Trollope," and Hall's "High Adventure." WILMmE DAY PROVES GAYEST OF FESTIVALS (Continued from page 1) Jones was second and Betty Janc Stinson third. Two hard-fought and exciting ball games marked the <lily's events. In the playground baseball game a~ no~n the Ridge Electric nosed out tts old rival, the Wilmette Ice compa~y, 5 t~ 2, in a tight game. . Followu~g the races in the afternoon the Wtlme~te village team evened the count ~th the Simmons team of Kenosha by wmning, 8 to 4, after Ke_no~ha h~d taken the lead in the early mnmgs. Kenosha had defeated Wilmette earlier in the season. J. s·uoRTRIDGE Muon COntr.ctor Porches General Repair Cement, Stone Walks and 421 Ricluaoad Phoae Kenilworth 2735 Employes Trim Bo11e1 Try one of our * GREEN APPLE PIES - and also PEACH, BLUEBERRY and BLACKBERRY PIES rn individual, medium and large sizes The tug o' war between employer 5 Postoffice in Throes of and employes was a special feature of the afternoon contests. It was a hard Vacationtime Maneuvers struJ[ile under the boling sun. The Four carriers and one clerk returned employes -wgn. Results of the races, to their duties at the Wilmette post- which began at 2 :30, were : office yesterday morning ·after their Racing Results annual vacations. Six other pos toffice Balloon race, 25 yards, for boys and employes began their. vacations at t.he ~iri s under eight years-1. Jack Welter ; same time. They are: Emmett K.tv- 2. Graham Finlayson ; 3. Donald Hoff. . land, Peter N. Schopen, Paul Kivland, man. Girls' race, 25 yards, under mne yea rsand Elmer E . Leis, carriers, and 1. DorothE>a Davis; 2. Betty Todd ; Jennie D. Shantz and Meta E. Von- 3 Adelaide Koenen. race. 25 yards, under nine yearsGiahn. clerks. Those who have re- 1.·Boys' Warren Ruff; 2. Richard Maly; 3. turned are: G. W. Steffens, Harold Oscar Brockmeyer. Girls' race, 40 yards, eight. to t en years Cook, John J. Schmitz, and Jonh P. Steffens, carriers, and Ernest F. inclusive-1. Dorothea Davis; 2. Florence Snyder; 3. Margaret Lively. Meyers, clerk. Boys' race, 40 yards, eight to t en years Play Club, Class Champ Events at North Shore The first round in the Club and Class championship events will be played at the North Shore Golf club this Saturday. The sixteen players in each class with lowest handicaps as of August 1, this season, will be eligible to compete. Other features of Saturday's play will be the final round in the President's trophy event, and the prize for winner in low putt s, 18 holes. The annual Silver Tassel Invitation tournament will be played at North Sh ore Wednesday. August 15. ORDER YOURS NOW The PATTY SHOPPE Th e Rev. Hubert Carleton recentlv !eft Wilmett e to go to Canada where he will spend a week with his sister Crowd in Evening a t Toronto. Ater that he will go ~o 115 3 WILMETTE AVENUE H eart of the Pines, Pelican Lake. The evening program began at 7 Wis. where he will spend the rest of o'clock with selections by the drum Opposite Former Village Theatre hi s vacation. He plans to return to and bugle corps of the American Le\Vilmette in another week and drive gion. Open air dancing on a pavilion con structed for the purpose on the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~rs .rest Carleton and Phyllis ;: .__ the of the vacation time.back for Village Gree n was one of th e chief attraction s from 8 t!J1.til 11 o'clock. The grounds became crowded in the evening and remained so until the close of the celebration at midnight. WE LL.1 I cu-r M'i H~ND Free transportation wa3 provided COME AL.ONG WITH everv thirty minutes after 1 p. m . beON A 11N CAN-THE GA~G ME DEAR-1"HEV'LL f\)( tween the downtown district of \¥1 1SMOKE 0 ALL M.'( C 'GAQS UP ALL OF '(OUR mette and the Village Green. inclusive-1. Billy Wade; 2. Howard Ball : 3. Frank Koenen. Girls' race 40 yards, eleven and tw{'lve years-1. Eise vonReinsperg; 2. Lucllle Hoffman ; 3. Marion Mitchell . Bovs' race 40 yards, eleven and twelve years-1. J~ck All worth; 2. Ed Moony: 3. John Vizine. Wilmette business men's race , 50 ya rds - 1. r.... P. Stachel; 2. Ed Hoffma n ; 3. John Barges. . Fat men's race , 50 ya rd s, waist mea s ure 43 inch es or over-t. Loui s Young: 2. E. C. Ca zel; 3. John Barges. . Young ladies' open race, 75 yards , s ixteen years and over-1. H elen Randa ll : ~ - DeElda Grant; 3.· Hazel Holl. . . Young mP.n's open r a ce, 100 y a rd s , !:" IXteen years and over-1. L . P . Stach el ; ~ - ·willia m Ander son; 3. Joe O'Neill. Cripple race, 40 yards, ~ Ieven and twelve years - 1. Else vonRem sperg; 2. Jack Allworth; 3. Leonard Procknow. Peanut race, bOfS and girls under fi f teen vears-1. Colin Finla y son ; 2. Geo rge. Boyl ston; 3. Florence R ead. AND l GOT tNOl6E.STION TROUBL£; AT PLAN GOLF TOURNAMENT The Kenilworth club has announced its second annual golf tournament scheduled for Thursday, September 6, to he played at the B~rrington Hills Country club. H. B. Taylor is chairman of the committee in charge of the event. TheRtOOE AVE PHARMAC't ~-----------·-·······----~ Of course you are glad to get back home. We join in welcoming _you. Theretll be ~any little items which you'll need in replenishing your Medicine Cabinet and Toilet Table. M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY Opposite St. Joseph School C. C. Renneckar Phune Wihnette 316 1030Greealeaf Phoae2764 ~--··················--···