Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 40

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. lfOTICB OP 4 WABD 01' CONTBACT l'or pavtq and otherwise lmprovinc the flnJt alley '-orth of ~orest A venue from Sixth Street to Seventh Street. · (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 238) Olftce of the Board· of Local Improvements, Wilmette, Illinois, August 6, 1928. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons Interested that the blds for gradln' and pavlna with Portland cement concrete ancl otherwise Improving the first alley north of Forest Avenue from the west line of Sixth Street to the east line of Se:venth Street In the VIllage of Wilmette, were opened on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928, and Paul Reschke of Winnetka, llltnois, being the lowest responsible bidder , the contract was a warded to him on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bld Is for the work as a whole and is as follows : 300 cubic yards of excavation @ 75c per yard ................. $ 225.00 860 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement se' en (7) inches thick, as specified In the ordinance, @ $2.43 per square yard . . .. $2,089.80 Total . .. ..... ... . .. .... . . $2,314.80 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said alley wherein said work Is to be done, may within t en days from the date hereof,. as provirled b~ law, elect to take said work and ( nter Into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum less than the price at which same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER, ERNEST C. CAZEL, A. L. GRINNELL, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, C. MILES McDONALD, HANS von REINSPERG, GORDON WILSON. L46-ltc NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT For paving and otherwise improving the ftrst alley north of Oakwood Avenue from Ninth Street to Tenth Street. {WUmette Special Assessment No. 237) Office of the Board of Local Improvements, . Wilmette, Illinois, August 6, 1928. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons lnterestt-d that the bids for grading and paving with ·· concrete and otherwise improving the first alley north of Oakwood Avenue from the " ~st curb line of Ninth Street to the east curb line of Tenth Street in the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 19!8, and Paul ,Reschke of Winnetka, 1111nols. being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded to him on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bid Is for the work as a whole and is as follows : 330 cubic yards of excavation @ 75c per yard .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . S 247.50 988 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement, seven (7) inches thick, a s specified in the ordinance, @ $2.f3 per square yard . .. . .... $2,400.84 Total . .. . . . . .. ... . ... .... $2,648.34 Th e owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said alle y wherein said work is to be done, may within ten days from the date hereof, as orovided by law, elect to take said work and ente r into a written contract to do said work at t en per centum less than the price at which same ha s been awa rded. EARL E. ORNER, ERNEST C. CAZEL, A. L. GRINNELL, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, C. MILES McDONA;LD, HANS von REINSPERG, GORDON WILSON. L46-ltc NOTICE OF A WARD OF CONTRACT For paving and otherwise improving the fir~t alley west of Eighth Street from Lake Avenue to Central Avenue. {Wilmette Special Assessment No. 235) Office of the Board of Local Improvements. Wilmette, Illinois, August 6, 1928. NOTICE Is her~by given to all persons Interested that the bids for grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving the first alley west of Eighth Street fr·om the south curb line of Lake Avenue to the north line of Central Avenue in · the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928, and Paul Reschke of Winnetka, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded to him on the 2nd day o! August, A. D. 1928. Said bid Is for the work a s a whole and is as follows : 600 cubic yards of excavation @ 75<' per yard . . . . .. . . . .... ... $ 450.00 5 trees removed @ $35.00 each . . . . . . ' .. .. ..... $ 175.00 1340 squ~re yards of Portland cement concrete pavement, seven (7) inches thick, @ $2.t3 per square yard . ... .. . . $3,256.20 Total . ........ .. .... ... . . $3,881.20 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the tote and lands upon said alley wherein said work is to be done, may within ten days from the date hereof, as WILMETTE provldP.d by law, elect to take said wprk and enter into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum less than. the price at which same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER, ERNEST -C. CAZEL, A. L. GRINNELL, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, C. MILES McDONALD, HANS von REINSPERG; GORDON WILSON. L46-ltc · NOTICE OF AWARD OF 'coNTR,ACT For paving and otherwise Improving the central 18 feet of the first alley north of Lake Avenue from Sixth Street to Fifth Street. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 233) Office of the Board of Local Improvements, Wilmette, Illinois, August 6, 1928. NOTICE is her~by given to all persons interested that ·the bids for grading and paving W J .h Portland cement concrete and . otherwise .Improving . the . central eighteen (18) feet of the first alley north of Lake A venue from the east line of Sixth Street to the west curb line of Fifth Street in the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928, and · Paul Reschke of Winnetka, Illinois , being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was a warded to him on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bid is for the work a s a whole and is as follows : 370 cubic yards of excavation @ 75c per yard ... . .. . ... ... . . . . $ 277.50 880 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement seven (7) Inches . thick, as specified in the ordinance, @ $2.43 per square yard . .. . . ... $2,138.40 LIFE August 10, 1928, of the first alley south of Lake Avenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improv:ements · of the VIllage of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal wtll be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. , The contractor will be paid in bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when collected in accordance with the pro':isions of the ordinance therefor, and m the manner prescribed by law, which bonds will bear interest at the . rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contrac may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and n,pproval of said Board of Local Im provements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per centum of the contract price, con ditioned for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals will be received for .the con s truction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Boar~ of Local ~mprove ments reserves the right to r eJect any a nd all bids. Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON L46-ltc VILLAGE OF WILl\lETTE PROPOSALS For paving with asphaltic concrete and otherwise improving the roadway of Gregory Avenue from Park Avenue to Fifteenth Street. . (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 239 Wilm~tte, Illinois, August 7, 1928. Sealed proposals for cleaning the old macadam pavement, spike rollir:g or scarifying, removing excess ~atenal, re shaping rolling and preparmg the rna cadam for a foundation for paving, and paving the same with asphaltic c.oncrete two (2) inches thick and otherwise im proving the roa dway of Gregory Avenue from th e west line of Park Avenue to the east lin e of Fiftee nth Street , and the roadway of all intersecting streets ~o the outer lines of Gregory Avenue m thP- Village of Wilm ett~ , Cook C.ounty Illinois, in a ccorda nce wtt_ h t~e ord:nance rt nd s peci fi ca tions for sa id Impro, ement will be r ece ived by the Board of Loc.al . Improvements of s~id Y_illage of Wrl nwtte until seven thtrty o clock P. 1\I. on Tu t>~ da v , th e 21 ~ t day of August. A. J? l!'IZR, a t which tim e s a id proposals wtl be publi cly ope ned, exa mmed and ~ e d a red b,· s aid Board o f Local I~pro\ e ments in th e Counci l Chamher m the Vill age Hall. . . Th e specifications for said . Improve m e nt~ and blank proposa ls . wtll be fur nished at the office of .said. Board of Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furni sh ed by said Board of Local Imt nrovements and must he addressed o th e Board of Local Improvem ents o~ the Yillage of Wilmette, Wilm ette, Illinois, and endorsed "Proposals for improve ment of the roadway of Gregory Avenu P from Park Avenue to Fifteenth Stre~t. and all proposals must be accompamPd l v-·cash or a certified check payable t o tlle ord~r of the President of th~ Board of Local Improvements of the VIllage of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than t en (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be co1t sidered unless accompanied by sue b d check or cash. The contractor will be paid in on s and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when l'ollected, in accordance with the pr? visions of the ordinance therefor, and . m the manner prescribed by law, wht ch bonds will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contrac may be awarded will be required to fur nish a bond to the satisfaction and ap nroval of said Board of Local Improve ment!'l, in a sum equal to fifty (5.0) per l'entum of the contract price, con<htioned for the faithful' performance of the cQntract. Proposals will be received for the con struction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. · EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the V111age of Wilmette. L46-1tc lntereltted that the bids for grading and paving with Po tland cement concrete ano otherwise improving the first alley south of Maple A venue from the west curb line of Fourteenth Street to the east line of Fifteenth Street In the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the 2nd day of August, A. D . 1928, and Paul Reschlce of Winnetka, Illinois, being the lowest reElponsible bidder, the contract was awarded to him on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bid is for _the work as a whole and is as follows : 480 c ubic yards of excavation @ 75c per yard .. .. ....... . ..... $ 360.QO 975 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement seven (7) inches thick, as Rpecified in the ordinance, @ $2.43 per squa re yard .. . ... .. $2,369.25 Total ............. .. ..... $2,729.25 The own e rs of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said alley wherein said work is to be done, may within ten days from the date hereof, as provided by law, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to d o said work at t en per centum less than the price at which same has been a wa rded. EARLE, ORNER, ERNEST C. CAZEL, A. L . GRINNELL, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, C. MILES McDONALD, HANS von REINSPERG, GORDON WILSON. L46-ltc · NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT F o r paving and otherwise improving the first alley north of Lake A venue from Wilmette Avenue to Seventh Street. Total . .. . .. ....... . . .. .... $2,415.90 (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 229) Office of the Board of Local ImproveThe owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and la nds upon said alley ments, Wilmette, Illinois, August 6, 1928. NOTICE is hereby given to all pe rsons wherein said work is to be done, may within ten days from the date hereof, as interested that the bids for paving and provided by Ia w, elect to take said work otherwise improving the first alley north and enter into a written contract to do of Lake Avenue from the east curb line said work at ten per centum le::;s than of 'Vilmette A venue to the west c urb line the price at whi ch same has been of Seventh Street (except across the ce ntral twenty-two feet (22) of Tenth awa rded . Street , Ninth Street and Eighth Street EARL E. ORNER, respectively) in the Village of Wilmette, ERNEST C. CAZEL, were opened on the 2nd day of - August, A. L. GRINNELL. A. D. 1928, and Paul Reschke of WinPAUL A. HOFFMAN, netka, Illino is, being the lowest reC. MILES McDONALD, s ponsible bidder, the contract was HANS von REINSPERG, a warded to him o n the 2nd day of GORDON WILSON. L46-ltc ..\ ugust, A. D. 1928. -----------------Said bid is for the work as a whole and .YOTICE OF A WARD OF COXTRACT I ~ s..,~s fol~ows : . F ot· paving and otherwise improving ,.>aO <;.~bi c yards of exca va t iO n @' ? .... the full width of the first alley north of _ 4 oc p er ya rd ............. . $1 , 01~.a0 Maple Avenue from Fourteenth Street to 3, 400 square yard s of P ortl a nd a line 246 feet west of Fourteenth Street, ceme nt c 01~ c re t e pa_vement and the central 18 feet of that pa rt of seY~ n (7) mches .thick, a!'; said alley lying between said line 246 s pecified m the ordma nce, @: feet west of Fourteenth Street and $2.43 per square ya rd ...... $~ . fl 9 1.00 Fifteenth Street. Total ....... . ...... .. ... $10,00 3.50 (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 231) Th e own e rs of a m a j ority of th fr ontOffice of the Board of Local ImproYe ments, Wilmette, Illinois, Augu st 6, 1928. a ge of the lot s and la nds upon sa id a lle y NOTICE Is h ereby given to all p er son s wh erein sa id work is to be done, may· interested that th e bids for pa ving and within t en days fmm the da t e h e r eof, as otherwise improving the full width of the provided by law, elec t to take sa id work first alley north of Maple A venue from and enter into a written contract t o d o the west curb line of Fourteenth Street said work at t en pe r centum less tha n to a llne two hundred and forty-six feet the price a t which same h as bee n west of Fourteenth Street, and the central a warded. EARL E. ORNER, eighteen feet of that part of said alley ERNEST C. CAZEL, lying betwee n said lin e two hundred and A. L. GRINNELL, fnrty-six feet west of F ourteenth Street PAUL A. HOFFMAX, and th e east line of Fifteenth Street in C. MILES ~1 c DONALD , the Yillage of 'Vilmette, wer e opened on HANS · Yon REINSPERG, the 2nn day of Augu st, A . D. 1928,' and GORDOX ""ILSOX. P a ul R eschke of Winnetka, Illinois, being th e lowest r esponsible bidde r, the contract L-1.6-ltc was awarded to him on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928. VILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE Said bid is for the work as a whole and Is as follows: PROPOSALS 370 cubic yards of excaYation @ 75c per yard . . ............ .. $ 277.50 For grading and paving with Portland 730 square yards of Portland cement concrete and otherwise improvcement concrete pavement, ing the central sixteen . (16) feet of the sH en (i) Inches thick, a s first all ey south of Lake Avenue from specified in the ordinance, @ Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street. $2.43 per s quare yard ... . . .. . $1.773.90 (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 234) Wilmette, Illinois, August 7, 1928. Total .. .. ....... ......... $2,051.40 Sealed proposals for the improvement The owners of a majority of the front- of the central sixteen (16) feet of the age of the lots and lands upon said alle y first alley south of Lake A venue from wherein said work is to be done, may the west curb line of Fifteenth Street to within ten days from the date hereof, as th~ east line of Sixteenth Street by gradprovidf:d by law, elect to take said work ing and paving with Portland cement conand enter into a written contract to do crete and otherwise improving the same, said work at ten per centum less than in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, the pri ce at which same has been Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance a warded. and specifications for said improvement EARL E. ORNER, will be received by the Board of Local ERNEST C. CAZEL, Improvements of said Village of WilA. L. GRINNELL, mette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tues-· PAUL A. HOFFMAN, <'lay, the 21st day of August, A. D. 1928. C. MILES McDONALD, at which tiJ!.le said proposals will be HANS von REINSPERG, pub.licly opened, examined and declared GORDON WILSON. by said Board of Local Improvements in L46-ltc the Council Chamber in the Village Hall. The specifications for said improveNOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT ments and blank proposals will be For paving and otherwise improving furnished at the office of said Board of the fir~>t alley south of Maple A venue Local Improvements in said Village Hall. from Fourteenth Street to Fifteenth Proposals must be made out on blanks Street. furnished by said Board of Local Im(Wilmette Special Assessment No. 230) provements and must be addressed to the Office of tl:!e Board of Local Improve- Board of Local Improvements of the Vilments, Wilmette, Illfnois, August 6, 1928. lage of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, and NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons endorsed "Proposals for the Improvement

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