B . - August 10, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE · ·······················································------~·-················· in Town and Niaht: Comedy on Friday Country V .. Pleat7 of Parkl&l 8taee tor EnQ'Ito4T laaedla&e· IT adJaeea& &o tile Nor· IJbore. · ' ·················································~··················r··········· r S H 0 W WAR PICTURE New Star Will Play G:!~~~r!~~n ~:7:!~~!-a'!~a to inFTeatro del the role in "The Hom~ ' 'fowners" Commuaity Houae Books "Leaion of . Th . S Lago d take originally assigned to Irene Rtch. The tile Coademaecl" for Next Tuesday I1 m tS atur ay screen version of this play by George DriYe Dcnra T oaialat I te n is e. ly !C td In lg ru 's [)£ er to m ... 11- ds. lg .. .,. I . . M. Cohan is being done by Warner· Jeanette Loff, . a recent DeMille disBros. Included in the cast are Robert Fourteen years ago this month the I covery, who less than two years ago McWade, Doris Kenyon, Robert Ede\Vorld War began in Europe, and the Community House is remembering the was an organist in a PortJa·nd, Ore., son, RiChard Bennett, and Stanley event by showing a war picture next theater, is Rod LaRocque's leading Taylor. Tuesday night. woman in "Hold 'Em Yale," which There have been many aviation pic- will be on view at the Teatro del Lago BARNEY COOGLE ON SCREEN The internationally famous cartoon tures set to the screen since the this Saturday, August 11. The story Armistice was signed, but never has· deals with a young chap reared in Ar- strip of Barney Google and his pal, and tbe Colle.rlans Ia aa there been one with such an · impos- gentina and his romantic love for the Spark Plug, wilt soon be seen in motion - ,. exe·rslon &o pictures, it is announced. They are to ing cast of war birds as "Legion of daughter of a university professor. the Condemned." Not only does this He does big things for his college and be brought to theater fans in a series short length comedies, twelve of picture of the air boast of its authen- in doing them provides spectators of which will be produced this year, actic cast, but the production itself was with a few thrills. cording to present plans. directed by a former member of the A "hick" house detective and a be1lLafayette Flying corps, William Well- boy with aspirations to be a Sherlock BARTHELMESS BACK man. A Joy World of F·· Holmes-these are the central characRichard Barthelmess has returned Heading the list of aviators who ters in the ·latest adventure of Karl from a yachting vacation and is occu-And oa Screenfought in the air during the war is Dane and George K. Arthur, heroes of pying much of his time conferring with The Great La·.rJa Cla11le Captain Sterling Campbell, one of the "Rookies·" The name of their new Henry Hobart, producer, and John five ranking aces of the Royal Air picture is "Detective," coming to the Francis Dillon, director, of 41 Scarlet force, who has many planes to his Teatro del Lago this Sunday· The Seas," which will go into production credit. On the enemy side is Lieut. two heroes are working in a hotel, immediately. Rudolph Schad, a member of the fam- both rivals for the hand o.£ the pretty wltla ous Richthofen's Circus, No. 15, who house stenographer, played by MarceRuth Taylor, having completed "Just BUSTER KEATON has twelve allied planes to his credit. line Day, when the mysterious Orloff, Married," with James Hall as the leadERNEST TORRENCE Others who saw service, and who have master crook, starts his depredations. ing man, has signed a new contract more than five planes each to their They begin a race, with the girl as a with Paramount. Come before credit are : Ted Pa, .·s, of Detroit, prize and stolen jewels as the object, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ t: I I P. M:. week d ay11 who flew for five years with the and from then on their hilarious ad_ aad 1 e e tlae French ; Ross Cook, Robert de ventures and comical mishaps keep flrst ET~DIIllr Couedic, Tom Watton and AI Johns- the fun going. Del·xe show ton. SeTellteeatll 8ea.oa at m a tl nee "A Shio Comes In." an original prtees. The leads in ··Legion of the Con- story by Julien Josephson, who wrote Jane Z3 to Septela..r J demned" are played by Gary Cooper the scenarios for "The Bat" and "Lady Box Ollee Opea 1:11 A. K. UaUJ and Fay Wray. II P. X. Dally .t S·ad&J' \Vindermere's Fan," will be the atNoted as the portrayer, par excel- traction at the Teatro del Lago next Telephoue Blchlaad Park 1717 lence, of the aristocratic type, Alice Mondav and Tuesday. August 13 and Joyce co-stars with Jean Hersholt in 14. It- is the story of a foreigner's Universal's "13 V\'ashington Square," adoptic.n of an alien land in which he which will be shown at the Community learns to love the nation that proHouse next Friday, August 17. It is vides him food and clothing. The a riotous comedy, but it has also a role is played by Rudolph Schildkraut. serious theme carried by Miss Joyce Comedy on W edDeaday and Mr. Hersholt. The love interest in this picture is Charley Murray, Luc_ien Littlefie!d capably handled by George Lewis of and other comedtans wtll be seen m "The CoJJegians" fame., and Helen "The Head Man"- ;t the Teatro del Foster, a new and very pretty new- Lago next Wednesday. The pictu:e comer. The production was directed is a film version of Harry Leon Wtlby Melville Brown. sc.n's novel, "The Boss of Little ~r cadv." Larrv Kent,. the attractive you~!}g leading man, and Loretta William Haines Will Play Thuraday A Friday Young. fresh and beautiful _little leadAq. 1-11 Reporter in Varsity Film ing lady, supply the romantic element. In response to ·the requests of An unusual combination of male tho·sa·d· An entirely different Clara Bow anct female athletes is presented in plavs the leading feminine role in "Lah( ·nited States Smith," Varsity theater dies of the Mob," to be shown at the fi 1m offering for this Saturday, Aug- Teatro del La~o next Thursday and ust 11. Eddie Gribbon, Kenneth Har- Friday, August 16 and 17. She throws lan, Mickey Bennett, and Lila Lee are off the wiles of the flapper and H. B. WARNER- ANNA Q. all athletes of no me~n abilit~ In the plung-es herself into a powerful porNILSSON - ALICE JOYCE ra s<' of Gribbon and Harlan this comes trayal of a terrc.r-stricken wif~ of _a LOUIS WOLBEIH in particularly handy, since they take gangster. It is by far the heavtest btt the roles of fighting Marines with of acting Miss. Bow has attempted Saturday, Aua. 11 (]\·namite in their fists, and climax the since her work in "vVings," and sh~ film with a smashing heavyweight proves conclusively that she can hanTwo-fisted drama and a riot boxing match. Lila -Lee bears the dle drama as well as the lighter roles of laughs laurels of beauty with her customary which have made her so popular. pci~P and $!race. Richard Arlen is the leading man. \Villiam Haines a newspa~r reporter-that is his r"le in "Telling the \V orlct." The picture will be shown at the Varsity for three days next week -Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. T~1e luckv star never desert~ William Monday, Tuesday, Wedneaclay, Aaa. 13-14-15 P ., ;nes (Don Davis in the picture) Fri., Aug. 17 from the. moment he, as a cub, uncoTues., Aug. U A Feast of Fun vPrs ::t biP" murder scoop for his paper, Daring Drama and ltlystery of the Air tilt the time when over it} Shanghai, "13 ia "The Leaion undaunted and unharmed by the whole Waahinaton of the Chinese army, he saves the blonde Square" Condemnecl" chorusine he loves so well from with Jean Hersholt being unjustly beheaded. "Telling the Gary Cooper Allee Joyee Fay Wray World" is exci~ing and entertaining. Get:~. Lewis by Author of . It is well acted, smartly staged and Zan Pitts "Wings" directed, and abounds in incident that is interesting. FRANKIE· MASTERS "CONEY ·ISLAND" "STEAMBOAT B _ ILL JR." Ritiaia Opera ud Coacerts 25c ··SORRBLL AD SOli" ··united States Smith" Eddie Gribbon and Lila Lee COMMUNITY HOUSE WILLIAM HAINES ··TelliDI the World"