Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 35

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August 10, 1928 WILMETTE ·LIFE Mrs. Gor_don Hannah and daughter, Virginia, of 1120 Elmwood avenue, spent several days last week' in Madison, Wis., ~here they arr.a nged for Miss Hannah's entrance in the uniMcGuire and Orr report the sale of versity. She wql enter as a junior the Thompson Ross home at 435 Sheri- having gone two year~ to Depaw unidan road, Winnetka, to George E. ver.sit~, Greencastl~, Ind. Frazer. This is a Colonial home of --oMr. and Mrs. G. F. Iliff and family twelve . ~ooms, four baths, large garage w1th gymnasium above. The of 924 Linden aven1,1e, and the Rayproperty extends from Sheridan road mond W. Armstrong familY. of 1001 through to L.ake Michigan, a depth Linden avenue, left the middle of the of about 500 feet, with riparian rights. week for Holland, Mich., to be gone The frontage is 75 ~eet. Miss ]. L. abotJt a week. Floyd was co-broker m the sale. Pam --oand Hurd were attorneys for the seller Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Struven of and Carl Latham· for the purchaser. 112 Linden avenue have left on a it~o o&)operty had been offered for three weeWs' lake trip stopping at Mackinac and the Washington Islands. ·.. · \Vt!ham Otter, formerly of Wilmette, Mr. Struven i~ the caretaker of the has. JUst purchased an English type Baha'i temple. --o~estdence. located on Eastwood road Dr. Alice D. Tuttle of Wilmette has m ~c9?·re and. Orr's. Skokie Heights subdtvtston. Thts ~es1dence was just just returned from a motor trip to c9mpleted l~st sprmg .by Thoma~ I. Kilbourne, Ephraim. and Green Bay, ?·mpson, bualder, and ts very umque Wis. She took Miss Jane Doig' with Th floor plan and .mode~n c~nyeniences. her on the trip. --oe actual consa~erat10n ts not ~is 1 Miss Betty Marshall of 1040 Elmchosed but Mr. Stmpson was offermg be property at $49,000. McGuire and wood avenue, left \Vednesday of this rr re~resented both parties in the week to spend a week in Richmond, Ind., visiting a Laselle classmate. tran~actJOn. . Mtss Amy and Miss Evelyn KletzLng, d~ughters of J. F. Kletzing of 522 A WITHOUT Washmgton avenue, returned · home A COMMISSION last S~turd~y from a four weeks' trip On Desirable Homes and Apartment to Caltfoqua. · Buildings John Hancock Mutual Life Insur-oance Company Mrs. H. S. Griswold of 619 Seventh A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent stre~t leit last Wednesday for (ali111 w. Adams St., Chl~ago forma. 35 HENRY J. BURT D I E S George E. Frazer . Internationally Famous Structural Engineer and Former North Shore Reaident · Stricken in Wheaton Home Henry Jackson Burt, nationally prominent consulting engineer an<f former resident of Wilmette, died at his home in Wheaton early Saturday morning, July 28, after an illness of · a year. Hi.s death was due to cerebral hemorrhage and paralysis. The Wheaton Ma.sonic lodge conducted services Monday af~ernoon, August 30, at the family home, 416 Ellis avenue. Burial was at Wheaton. .. Mr. Burt was born February 6 1873, at Urbana. He was graduated from the University of Illinois in 1896 with the degree of Bachelor of Science and awarded the degree of civil engineer in 1914. During the time he attended school he was engaged in mapping and modeling a relief map of Illinois for the Columbian Exposition. For several years he was a designer of structural steel, then a professor of civil engineering at Iowa State college. About this time in 1901 occurred his marria_ge to 'Edith Fl;ming of Champaign. . Noted Bridge Builder For ten years he served as contracting manager for the American Bridge company of New York at Salt Lake City and Denver, having charge of the designing, e3timating and supf!rvision of erection. In 1911 he be~ame chief structural engineer for Holabird and Roche, architects. His work included all designs for buildings erected by this firm, among which are the Palmer house, Stevens hotel, Morrison hotel University of Illinois stadium Sol~ die:s~ Field stadium, and Univer'sity of Ch1cago stadium. Engineer and Author As consulting engineer he had c~1arge of the Tribune Tower, foundations of the Cleveland library, design of .the Penobsco.t building in Detroit, ChJ.Cago Methodist temple, the Baha'i temple!. Wilmette, and appraisal of the Parliament buildings in Winnipeg. He served a~ director of the Celotex company for several years. He had charge of their manufacturing plant at ~ew Orleans, and preparation .of' techmchal data on veqtilation and development work on the problems of heat insulation. Mr. Burt was the author of a book on steel construc.tion which is widelv used as a text and reference book for engineers, and as chairman of the committee on the state structural en gineer license law, he paved his way to election as president of the Western Society of Engineers in 1917. Veteran of World War During the World war he served as a maior in charge of the Construction · division of the United States army at \Vashington, D. C. He was later promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel which position he held at the time of hi3 death. Mr. Burt moved to Wheaton with his family from Wilmette in 1923. He . was a member of the Wheaton Sanitary district board until his illness pre!'e11ted the continuance of his dutaes. He was also chairman of the board of the Presbyterian church. ~r. Burt has been president of the myersity of IIJinoi~ Alumnae as so; ~1at10n. and a member of the AmerIca!' Society . of Civil ,Engineers, the ~htcago .Engmeers club, the Universtt~ cjub. the Illini club, t_!le American soctety for promotion of Engineering ~ducation, American Society of HeatIll~~Ventilatin~ Engineers, American Socaety for Testing Materials Tau B.eta Pi.. and honorary member of Stgma P1 fraternity. Purchases Large . Winnetka Estate ·W e~tn.~oor Trail in Winnetka One of the ·very few beautiful sections rematntng in Winnetka available for home-sites. All of the lots purchased to date have been acquired by parties who have resided in Winnetka for from two to five years. Each plot purc~ased to date has been acquired for the purpose of building a home,A tribute to its beauty, location and reasonablen~ss in price. Overlooking the beautiful Skokie Valley. Convenient to schools and transportation-yet far away from the noise, dust, dirt of traffic. Adjacent to community golf course-deadend street assuring privacy. No lots with a frontage less than 12 5 feet and building restrictions assuring that no house shall be built nearer than 60 feet of your next door neighbor. Improvements now going · in. T ree.s to be preserved in parkways; all improv~ments underground. Beautiful · new home already started and two or three others contemplated yet this Fall. A neighborhood you will be proud to live in. Find out aUl about Westmoor Trail and learn the many advantages it offers. Information cheerfully given without obligation. Telephone Winnetka 1016 or Central 6970, or your own broker. L0 If S Rental Listings Wanted tena~ts fr~m our long list of applicants. Immediate information will assure a quick rental. We offer this form for your convenience 'to supply the desired information. By listing your property now you can select desirable RENTAL LISTING COUPON (Please fill out in lull) House Number Construction: ....................................... 0 Brick Tile . . . . . . Size 0 Stucco Living Room 0 Frame Sleeping Porch 0 Lot size . . . . . . x . . . . . . Baths . . . . . . Bedrooms ..... . · · · · · · X · · · · · · Dining Room . . . . . . x ..... . Kitchen ·.·.·· x Size Breakfast Room o· Nook 0 Sun Parlor ..... . Porch 0 Gas 0 .... nr garage to ....... .' ......... . Size H. W. Hut 0 (air) Oil 0 Coal 0 Will rent from . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . at $ · · · · · · · · · · · · per month. Is the above home for sale? Owner o No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 0 Yes Address ................... . .............. . Telephone No. . ........ . (All information atrictly confidential) l! CrosLy & McKendry 566 CENTER ST. WINNETKA GLEN C. BULL 2032 Miss Loraine D. Kirtland ente~tained eight little friends last week at her home, 420 . Washington avenue, on the occasion of her sixth birthday. TEL. WINN. 500 Maple Avenue Winnetka, Illinois or 11 · South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois

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