Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 20

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WILMETTE LIFE . August 10, 1928 . · H· · d p ark tn ,gh/an Mr: and Mrs . Joseph E. Winterbothatn, for many years residents of Winnetka, broke ground last week for their new home in W estmoor Trail. The new residence is to be of solid masonry construction, finished in rough \Visconsin limestone. Mr. and Mrs. \¥interbotham returned a few days ago from a trip to Wisconsin where · they made a personal selection of the character of stone that they are to put into their new home, which is to be of strictly Colonial type, after designs b~r Mr. Varney, also a resident of v\linnetka. It is contemplated that the home will be ready for occupancy this Fall. This is the first of two or three homes that are contemplated going into this new \\r estmoor Trail .subdivision overlooking · the Skokie Valley. s~e th~ wonder/Yl new W estempla~ Winterbothams Build New Dawes Pu·rchases Home in Westmoor Trail Valuable Tract t grounds in the Black Hills of South Dakota Improvement Work Well Under Way in Westmoor The H. G. Goelitz Company of Oak Park, which was awarded the contract ~or putting in tlie complete improvements in \V estmoor Trail, expect to have the entire work finished not later than September 10. This includes sanitary sewer, storm water sewer, underground electric lighting and telephones, paving, parkways and side walks. Upon completion of these improvements, this subdivision of Glen C. Bull will commence to build up as a large number of \Vinnetka residents have purchased home-sites, who plan to build homes in the near future. Mr· and Mrs. L. F. English of 1007 Greenwood avenue are vacationing in the west, spending son_1e of the time at Columbine Lodge, Colo. They wi ll return the latter part of this month. Pye c.f 527 \Vashington avenue, left last Monday for Sarasota, Fla. Make This a ,< 1leal VACATION Chicago an&.& North Western offers you ali incomparable variety of places to go and things to do. Let us help you plan your trip. WRITE VACATION HEADQUARTERS Let us show you how inexpensive a delightful western vacation can be. State the region in which you are interested and we wlll be pleased to furnish complete information and illustrated booklets. w. --o- Bernie's Special .All These from Which to Choose . COLORADO-CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORTHWEST YELLOWSTONE ZION NATIONAL PARK GRAND CANYON JASPER NATIONAL PARK BLACK HILLS OF SO. DAKOTA WISCONSIN LAND O'LAKES ·· MINNESOTA ARROWHEAD COUNTRY LOW SUMMER FARES In efFect May JS and June 1, with liberal stopover prlvileaea. Return limit October 31. For information and mu.. trated booklets of place· you~ most interested in, apply Ticket Agent. fll .Aalc cabotd &conul All·IUct»eNc Toar· eo Ycllowuot~c, c.lorcado, z i 0 " · Gt'CII4 AU Children Smile for Bemie Norio11al Parle·, c.Jifond4, Podfic Nordtwcu and ALulca. c ... ,o. · PbotograpJBuff $5 SIX . Regular Value $}~ Better Pictures - Better Valuea CHICAGO c£ BERNIE STUDio· 1623 Sherman Avenue Evanston NORTH WESTERN - ~-- Vice-President Charles G. Dawes has purchase~ an attractive riparian lot in Highland Park from Arthur Serra, according to an announcement by Baird and \¥arner, real estate brokers. Mr. Brackett of Baird and Warner was the broker. The property is described as lot 5 in owner's s.tibdivision of lot 68 69 and 139 in South Highland Park ' Addition to H'1g hl an d p ar k . Other recent real estate transa ctions negotiated by Baird and \i\T arner have been announced as follows: · The ten-room house at 2501 Colfax avenue, Evanston, was purchased by ' H. Johnson from E lmo C. Lo' ' C· Mr. Frost ""as broker· · Lot no· 32 in Deere Park addition to Highland Park was purchased by Fritz Helmold. The broker was Mr. Petree. -A fifteen-apartment building site on Washingtcn street, Evanston , was recently sold by Joe Ganzoff to Mary Anderson. Mr. Frost acted as broker. Lot . B in Deere Park Addition t o Highland Park was sold to Charle" Benson. C. F. Groerer was the broker. Lot 27 in Deere Park A.ddition ta Highland Park was recently purchased bY Carl L. Schmidt. Mr. Burke was b~oker. E. Sawyer Smith and wife have purchased lot no. 104 in Baird and Warner's Deere Park and are erecting a t~n-room house on this site· Mr. ~f cDaniel was the broker. Lot 23 in Baird and Warner's Deere Park Addition to Highland Park was purchased by Phillip A. Daniel son. Brokers were A. K. Smith and ~1r . Sommer. · Lot 83 in Baird and Warner's Deere Park Addition ta Highland Park was sold to C. A· Hemphill. Mr. Burke wa s broker. Tames C. Younglove has purcha srcl th~ ten-r.oom brick house of Engli sh Tudor style, at 840 Sheridan road. Glencoe, from Murray and Sinclair· Mr. Younglove also purchased a large lot adjoining in the rear. C. \V. 11artin was brqker. J. H· Lambert purchased from ~far~· V. Holmes the lot located at 2400 Deere Park Drive, north. in Highland Park. Mr Petree was broker. Lot no. 6 in Ravinia \Voodlands wa s sold to Carl R. Ahl and \Villiam A· Deason, who are building a very a·tractive home. A. K. Smith was IJroker in this deal. Henry Harft sold to R. S. Langley the eight-roo:m house located at 2464 Deere Park Drive, nort\ Highland Park. Mr. Petree was broker. Carl R. Ahl and William H· Deason have purchased lot no. 20 in Ravinia V..'oodlands and are contemplating the erection of an eight-room house of English design. A. K. Smith was broker. Veto Sanfilis has purchased lot no. 105 in Deere Park Addition to Highland Park. C. w. Martin and A. K. Smith were brokers. Veto Sanfilis has also purchased lot no. 21 in Skokie Ridge· C. W. Martin and Mr. A. K. Smith were brokers. H. C. Keel purchased from J. J. Sulliva n the lot located at 2548 Deere Park Dri \ e, north, in Highland Park. 11r. Petree was broker. . The Skokie Ridge Building corporation has purchased lots no· 78. 17, 76 and 38 in Skokie Ridge subdivision. which is located between Green BaY road and Dundee road, Glencoe, fro1~1 the Skokie Ridge syndicate and are building four very beautiful houses which they are to have ready for occup;J.ncy aro:und the first of the year. ·A. K. Smith was broker. + ~~ i · · (Opposite Postoflice) Phone University 8998 - -~ - --- - . The Reading circle met at the home of Mrs. Charles Roberts of 1014 Lake avenue on Monday of this week.

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