Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 14

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WILMETTE LIFE August 10, 1928 J · rs AUGUST BUSINESS DRIVE Specials in All Departments Office Equipment First Floor Fountain Pens-a 3 dozen lot of standard makes. Price good while this lot lasts Velvet and Ticonderoga Pencils - Regularly 6oc per dozen. Now Sunday, August 12, 1928 Tenth Sunday After Trinity 9:45 a. m. .. .... .. ...... Sunday school Joseph Johnson, superintendent Sunday, August 19, the Rev. A. C. Mc- 11 :00 a. m . . . . .. ........ Morning worship Sermon : "Prayer and Its Answer" Kenny of the First Baptist church of Hartford, Conn., will preach. The Buli(Ung Campaign is under way at Sunday, August 26, the Rev. W. C. Gra- last. At a dinner last Friday eYening, ham of the United Church of Canada will the member8 of the church council, the ('hairman of the Building commlttee, the preach. Sunday school superintendent, and their wives planned the campaign. The imSunday, September 2, the Rev. Ray mediate goal is subscriptions to the Abrams of the Olivet Baptist church of amount of $25,000. The first pledges were West Chester, Pa.J will preach. · made by the COJUmittee itself and the amount pledged was $6,040. The balance The Rev. George D. Allison and son, Tom, of the membershiP will be appro_!!ched for will spend their vacation at Pelican lake, pledges in the near future and then if Wis., wh~re Mr. and Mrs. France, Mr. necessary friends of the congregation will and 1\frs. M. E. Reid, and Ardis, Mr. and be given the opportunity to aid. Mrs. R. C Redhead and family are also spending their Yacations. A New CltUrch Soelal will be held FriThere will be no \Vednesday evening day evening, August 10, in the church meetings during the minister's vacation. parlors. We are very fortunate in securThe Mxt prayer meeting will be held ing the Rev. F. W. Otterbein of the North Aul!ltin Lutheran church as our September 5. speaker for the occasion. Refreshments Sund:-~y, September 9, we will t·esume will be served by the ladies of the Buildfull church program. Sunday school at ing Campaign committee and special 9 :30, Morning worship at 11 o'clock, com- music will be furnished by the Sunday munion service. The first fall number school orchestra and friends secured by Members and of the calPndar will appear on Sep- Mrs. Gash, organist. friends are invited to attend this social. tember 9. A g_ood tim e is assured. Inasmuch as The Wilmette Bapti:::t chur('h is the this is the regular meeting night of the church of the lighted crosR at the corner Luther leagu e, we are asking all of the young people to cooperate in making this of Wilmette and Forest avenues. an unforgotten event. Sunday, August 12, the Rev. Charles T. Holman of the University of Chicago will preach. Baptist Church English Lutheran 45c I,ooo St. Augustine's Church Sunrlay, August 12, will be the Tenth Sunday after Trinity. 'J'here will be Holy Communion at 8 ·A. M. and Morning Pmyer with Address at 11 A. M. Gem Clips- -carton of 25c DeLu:n Ltdgtr Sheets-sizt 9/4x 1 1 '%. Regular price $1.15 per 100. Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . · Typnvrittr Paper-formerly 75C p~r re~!!! (soo sheet;). Now 1. reams ~t .· : : ~ .-: ·.·...·......···.·...· $1.00 $1.25 . -"k!few s-;;;~d Sheets-Railro;ad Manila, size 81ix I I. Per 1,ooo ··.·....··............ · · · · · · · · · · Webster's Multicopy Carbon Paper-si~e 8 yjx 1 1 or 8~XIJ. Regular $4.00 bons of 1 oo sheets. Now .... Standard Business Envelopu-size 6~. Regular $1.oo box of soo. Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . Argyle Box Filesformerly soc each. Now three for 55c $3.15 75c $1.25 Comml:'nclng next Sunday and during the .r~maming Sundays In August, the serviCes will be In charge of the Rev. F. R. Tromp, formerly a8sistant at St. Augustine's and now rector of the church Senlres nt'xt Sunday will be at the in Chicago Heights. regular hour:;;. Pastpr Empson will - -- - ·- - prl:'ach at 11 o'clock. Friends are invitert to attend au_v or all of our services . M r. and Mrs. H. A. Pope and "Worship in Wilmette." daughter, Isabelle, of 910 Lake avenue, with Miss Mary Pope of 904 Lake Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mohr and son. avenue, left last Sunday night to Harold, of 101 Sixth street, returned spend several weeks at Idaho Springs, last Saturday night from Janesville, Colo. Wis. where they spent two weeks. Dr. Go1llday of Columbus, Ohio, was the speaker at the United Lutheran mass meeting at Lon$ Lake yesterday. He spoke on "The Greatest Need of the Church Today." Jt was a splendid address and it Is to be regretted that more of our people did not avail themselves of the opportunitY of hearing Dr. Golliday. Thirteen were present from Wilmette. Athletic Equipment Second Floor GOLF HOSE SPECIALS Large assortment of goJf Variety of patterns in all Reduced ptr pair as hose. stzes. $2.25 at $1.75 $3.50 at $2.75 "Have you seen the new Kleen Heet?" "No, what is it r' 11 The latest in· oil burners." LINEN GOLF KNICKERS . Plain white from knickers reduced ...... "Does it cost much?" "No, fits your pocketbook." "Is it just another quiet burner?" "No, its quieter than that." "Is it quiet enough for my WARM AIR furnace?" "Yes, indeed, this Kleen Heet is the answer to the entire home heating problem." $3.25 to $2.50 $3.75 to $2.95 1L Checked knickers reduced from ............. . SPORT SWEATERS . Special t~ble of sweaters. Other substantial · rtductaons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2 off "That is why Winslow calls it the ASK ABOUT OTHER SPECIALS CHALLENGER'· ' I . Chandler's-630 Davis St. EVANSTON North Shore Factory Branch R. W. 705 Washington St. LAPHAM, Univtrsity 123 Wilmette 72-4 Mgr. Greenleaf 5120 Evanston, Ill.

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