WILMETT~ LIFE August 3, 1928 FATHER DIES Mr. and Mrs. Noble Gillett returned I, to Kenilworth Monday from their summer home in Ludington, Mich. They were called home unexpectedly on acIN RE MOSQUITOES count of the death of Mr. 'Gillett's Scat'es from the Grosse Point health Editor, WILMET'l'E LIFE: . father. center will be brought to the annual The public accepted the explanatiOn street fair of the Babies' Friendly so Mrs. Charles S. Dingee of 912 Lake of the "Mosquito Abatement" with · that Wilmette mothers may weigh avenue, her sister, Mrs. Stanley Gage, doubt. Anyone having common sense their babies and measure them. Pamand her brother, Edward Panushka, re- knows the drought of the spring rephlets on the proper ' feeding and .care Miss Eleanor Boldenweck of Chi- turned recently from a motor trip tarded the breeding of mosquitoes. of children will also be distribut~d. How could the "Mosquito Abatecago has been the houseguest of Miss through Estes park. The fair will be given August 18 on Lolita Bertling of 315 Washington avement" be expected to combat this -oWalnut street between Fifteenth and nue for the past few weeks. Miss AdeMrs. George H. Dorrman and her enemy with just a few motor trucks Sixteenth streets. The proceeds of the line Bolrlenweck has just returned daughter, Jane Ellen, of Salisbury, and a few dozen men. We suggest a fair will be divided between the House from a visit to Sodus, Mich. Md., are coming to visit Mrs. William few motor boats, several airplanes, and of Happiness in the stock yards dis-oHolmes of 622 Central avenue for a vacuum machinery be added to the trict, and the fund of the Babies' equipment in order to eliminate this M iss Ruth Shellman has been en- month. Friendly. pest properly. tertaining Miss Anne Lesever of Phil-oThe .money used by the Babies' adelphia in her home at 727 Elmwood We find the 1928 mosquito is quite Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Crush, 710 Friendly is for baby clothing and lay- avenue. Miss Lesever was a classmate Laurel avenue, left Tuesday morning different from his ancestors, lighting ettes which supply all local cases in of Miss Shellman's at Swarthmore col- for a three weeks' outing at Ephriam, upon his victim in a most ?ilent. m~n need of help, layettes for some cases lege. ner, possibly caused by hts· drmkmg Wis. at Cook County hospit~l, and to supply -o-omuch oil, and shell-shocked from free milk to some of the families needing Mrs. Charles A. Lemon and her two Mr. and M.rs. Lea J. Orr have just use of dynamite. it. daughters, Louise and Glidden Eliza- returned to their home at 1002 GreenThe dynamite method was instrubeth of Ludington, Mich., have been leaf avenue ·frori1 a vacation trip in the mental ·in killing many birds and other Mr. and ·Mrs. Dennis Wood Smith, visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Owens of North. wild life in the Skokie, which if we 337 Washington avenue, and thei·r 714 Elmwood avenue. · -oremember right was bought by the daughter, Marjorie, have returned to -o· Mr. and Mrs. L. Albert Ste·wart of Forest Preserve to promote "wild life." Wilmette from a month's motor trip Mrs. J, H. Prost of 511 Laurel ave- 1232 Greenwood avenue have returned Truly yours, to Yellowstone Park and many other nue returned Saturday from a trip to · from a camping trip 111 the north A. Burmeister. interesting points nearby. Glacier and Ranier National parks. woods. MORE ABOUT MOSQUITOES Northbrook, Ill., ] uly 18, 1928. Editor, \\in. METTE LrFE: I shall indeed appreciate the publication of the following in the next issue of your valued medium : The mosquito conditi?n o_ f the S_kokie and neighborhood sttes ts certamly to be deplored in view of the recent expenditures of the Mosquito Abatement organization on this work. Insofar as the Skokie itself is concerned, perhaps a few trillion have been eliminated from this mortal existencebut what are a few trillions compared to the many brethren still left to chew their way through the homes of the north shore residents? The many pounds of dynamite used in this work during the last couple of months have surely done wonders to lessen the population of some of our beautiful birds residing in the Skokie area; have perhaps made some headwav toward increasing the flow of water in the Skokie Ditch; and undoubtedly have caused much speculation as to whether Cicero had moved a few wards to our beautiful area, or that the wild and woolley West had really moved itself back to what we thought had become civilized. In the past several years, the writer can think of nothing proving itself more effective in the abolition of the mosquito reign of terror than those poor chaps who travel around all day with a tank of oil and kerosene on their backs, feeding our winged enemies a drink which would put the cheapest bootlegger to shame. This method has certainly proved itself effective and starting with the territory immediately surroundi'n g Ravinia park, One of the exclusive advantages of quality of the furnishings, table gradually spread over the entire north shore with unanimous acceptance. The Georgian is the delectable food appointments, exquisite service and To us, it would seem far more pracso wholesomely prepared, savory soft stringed music. The largest tical to widen, deepen and incre·a se the and appetizingly served. Each meal estate Manors do not enjoy anyflow speed of the Skokie Ditch by th~ is a pleasureable experience. where near such marvelous utilization of a tractor and plow or You have the widest choices ditch digger and at the same time emfoods as planned and preploy those aforementioned "sprayers" and prices on the a Ia carte pared by our chef. to keep working the residential disor tabled' bote menus. You tricts, than the method now used. We Arrange Fall Lease Now - - .will enjoy the refinement and believe the above suggestion will also tend to alleviate the present heavy drain on the local governmental treasury. Very truly yours, Jirah D. Cole, Jr., An Address of Distinction Northbrook, Ill. Copfltilbt, 19ZI b11 Tht Gtorfim Hottl The Club ch_ ampionship will be at stake in the play at the Wilmette Golf club Saturday, August 4. Other important events scheduled for this Saturday are the first round of the Roseman trophy and the semi-final round in the Cunningham trophy. Prize events for the various Classes wilt feature the play this Sunday. Mothers 'to Weigh Babies at Annual Fair for Friendly PLAY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Public Forum J A NOTED CHEF TO COOK YOUR FOOD .THE WAY You LIKE IT0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . 0. l ....................... IDht ~eorgian -EVANSTON- DAVIS AT HINMAN GREENLEAF -4100 NOW IN ITALIAN "The Private Life of Helen of Troy," by John Erskine has been translated into Italian . ........