Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1928, p. 58

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58 WILMETTE 'LIFE 2G INSTRUCTION AUiUSt 3, 1928 &6 H~LP WANTED-FEMALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS COLLEGE GRADUATE TUTORS IN high school Latin, Greek, French, German, mathematics. Phone Wil. 1678 after Monday. 25L45-ltp 38 EXPERIENCED W~ITE GIRL FOR general 'houseworl(, no washing or cooking. Ref. $15. Ph. Wilmette 3405. , 56LTN45-ltc WHITE GIRL, MOTHER'S HELPER, stay nights, experience unnecessary. $8 per week. Ph. Winnetka 3213. 56LTN 45-1 tc WANTED- COMP. WHITE MAID FOR general houseworlt, excellent cook, good wages 2 in family. Ph. Winnetka 1859. 56LTN45-ltc ' GIRL, WHITE, PROTESTANT, GEN. hswk. Like children ; family of 4. Tel. Winn. 492. 56LTN 45-1 tc NEAT, WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK. Hofeld. Ph. Winnetka 2149. 56LTN45-1tc WANTED-'\\7 HITE GIRL, GENERAL housework or a mother's helper. Write Wilmette Life A-88. 56LTN45-ltc ;Ce _Classified advertisements will be General Not " to residents of the district from charged only Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. 26 cents a line in any two papers. Rates-ao cents a. line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHA :"~.G E 60 eents. Lt)ANS Charles H. Breth old 1st and 2nd Mortaage1 646 Main St., Wllme, t te INSURANCE , Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. LO% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our otHce at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Llncofn Ave., Winnetka. advertisements will be acto Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 6 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCvE NEWS. ·relephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Tel. I& 80L1'1-tfc . f Or Insert 10118-cepted · Classified Deadltne up MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at rea~:5onable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. 1614 Orringto'll Avl:, ~vanston Unlv. 8383 30LTN44-4tp McKENQ..~Y:··'i:iALTY CO. FOB SALE-AUTOS 4 FOR SALE-A UT9S ILii~itceiiD BARGAINS! A USED IffiUJllCK IS THE NEXT FALCON MOTORS GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK University 2127 5l9 Davis St. 4LT45-ltc Very latest Buick Model 47 Master Six 4 door Sedan ..... .. ........... $1,350.00 19U Master Six 4 door Sedan, like FOR SALE- CONVERTIBLE COUPE, new. Gold Seal guarantee. New 127 in. wheel base with Westinghouse tires ....... . . . . . ......... . . ... . . . $ 985 shock absorbers, spot light, spare tire, If you will leave your name and r ecently overhauled, good m echanical phone number and wh~t- -tyle car condition. Price $85. 1104 Greenleaf you prefer, we wtll glad to Ave. 4L45-ltc notify you when we g~t one ln. LIBERAL TERMS SACRIFICE IMMEDIATELY- 7 PASS. closed Cadillac, m odel 61. $450. Ph. vVinnetka 1284. 4LTN45 ltc -· ---------------FOR SALE- 1926 FOHD COUP E. NEW m otor a nd tires, $150. Write Wilmette 1030 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Life A-87. 4LTN45-ltp Phone Wilmette 3750 OPEN EVENINGS 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING AND SUNDAYS 4LTN45-ltc CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR WHITE GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEwork. Ph. Wil. 3821. 56L45-ltc JjADY WITH PRIVATE FUNDS WISHes to make good first and second mortgages. Second mortgages 4% com- ao SI1'U ATION W ANTED-FE~IALE 2 MARMON DEMONSTRATORS, MODmission. Quick service. Phone Wil. els 68 and 78. Like new. Big dis2108. 30LTN45-ltp CLERICAL WORK, GEN. OFFICE TYPcount. Will take trades. ing, billing, pay roll, switchboards, etc. Ph. Wilmette 3452 after 7 P. M. or 89 PETS North Shore Marn1on Co. before 8 A. M. Frances 'I'hurnes, 1539 1035 Davis St. University 6800 FOR SALE-18 MONTH OLD }tED Forest Ave., Wilmette. 60L45-ltp 4LTN45-ltc Chow dog; fine conQ., well mannered, ---------------~ $75. H. G. Gleason, 910 Chestnut a ve. WANTED-POSITION AS PRACTICAL Oakland Landau Sedan, purchas8d new T el. Wilmette 2357. 39LTN45-ltc nurse, or general housework in small 8 months ago ........... . . .. ... . .. $785 ~a RADIOS family. Mrs. Viola Da wson. Ph. Chevrolet Coupe, late '27 . . . ..... . .. 375 u Kenil. 2289. 60LTN45-lt<' RADIO SPECIALIST WANTED- BLANKETS, CURTAINS & DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. REPAIR, other laundry work to do. Will call service and construction. 962 Pine St. and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. Winn. 1892. 42T22-3tp 1924. 60LTN34-tfc 43 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING GOOD N«Dtrttlhl § lln«»r<e Iffi tUlllC~ .<Ceo>mmJP)!lJIUy GOOD USED CARS Chevrolet Sedan .. . . .. . . . ... . ... . ... $ 65 Willys Knight Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Buick Sedan ............ . ........... 200 Chandler Seda n ........... , ...... . .. . 275 Dodge Coupe .. ............... . . .. ... 575 Dodge Sedan . ... . , ........ . ....... . . 610 BuicK Sedan ....... ... . . .... ... ....... 750 Reo Dump Truck .. . . . ............ . . 345 Dodge* Ton Truck ............. . . .. 175 Dodge* Ton Truck . . .. . .... .. ... . . . !35 Dodge % Ton Truck .............. . .. 345 IFo JJ o IHrack<eir C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis St. DODGE MOTOR CARS Phone Wil. 224 4LTN45-ltc Screens-Storm Sash Garages-Porches-Additions JEWELRY REPAIRING AND RE WANTED-YOUNG MAN TO JOIN 1752 Highland Ave.,E~f.rt c~~~~~r~ffi modeling by a craftsman of rare abil= ~~h;:o ~~~~falm1\~!~ .·w~r.r:~titt:. o~h~o~~ t1LTN2 4·tfe ity. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette 365 . 64 L 45 _1tc ~~~========~=~~= mett~ Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 20 GARDENING 50L34 tfc Jo' OR RENT-ROOl\IS --------------~66 91 WINDOW SHADES ---------------SPACIOUS. WELL-ARRANGED FRONT ll Jf®®~ Garden & Beach Umbrellas room, private family. Excellent transp. Drapery Hardware Eal't side. Gentleman. Wil. 2436. ARE YOU'R BIG TREES Canopies Rented 66L45-ltc PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND AP,__PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI- E XPERIENCED WOMAN W AKTS TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED la unde rin g or cleaning by day. P h one AND REFINISHED BY OUR EXUniv. 8679. 60LTN4 5-ltp PERTS. CALL US AT UNIVERSITY 6300. 43LTN28-tfc WANTED- DAY WORK, LAUNDRY OR cleaning . Ph. Wilm ette 2398. 60L45-ltp WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXpert. Watches clean ed a nd adjusted. Paul Davey, J eweler, 1165 Wilmette WA SHIKG, IRONING AND CLEANI N G A venue. Phon e Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc by the da y. Good r ef. Ph. Unive r sity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2851. 60LT45-ltc 4uA SILVER PLATING 61 Sl'fl"ATION WAN1.'ED-lUALE SILVER !\bATING - JIA VE YOUR good old piec~s renewed at a reason- RELIABLE MAN DESIRES POSITION able price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 as chauffeur and gardener. Best r e fWilme tte Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. erences. Call Wil. 1759. 61LTN45-ltc 45A-L34.:tfc 64 ROO~l ~lA TES iO GENERAL REPAIRS LAU NDRESS FOR STEADY 3 days a week. Machin e. R ef. Ph. University 3002. 60LTN45-ltp pla ce ~· . rrr MONTH END SPECIAI<{S 25 Oakland Coach . ... .. ..... . . . .. .. . $350 '26 Oakland Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 55 . '2i Hupmoblle Sedan .......... ..... . 200 '24 Nash Sedan ... .. .. . ..... . ........ 296 '25 Essex Coach .. ........... . .. . . ... 226 '25 Ford Truck . ...................... 125 '24 Studebaker Sedan . .. . ....... . .... 350 '28 Oakland Coach Demonstrator, run 1,200 miles. Big discount. ALL CARS RECONDITIONED 2 FURN. CORNER RMS. HOUSEKEEPing if desired ; gar. Tel. Winn. 914. LOST--ON CENTRAL ST. BETWEEN 66LTN4~-ltp .A.uto Stadiitm and elevated, old-fashioned gold Pi. n with pendant, small pearl 1010 Chicago Ave. University 59 FOR RENT-PLEASANT FRONT ROOM setting. Valued as keepsake , from 4LTN45-ltc with single bed. 731 lOth St., Wit. LANDSCAPE COUNSELORS AND mother. Reward. Mrs. J. W. Shantz, 66LT45-2tp CONTRACTORS 1400 C~ntral St. Ph. Greenleaf 1360. 1~27 BABY RENAULT SPORT PHAE2016 Central St. Ph. Gr. 2930 ton . Complete equipment inclu. 6 disk 55L45-ltp TWO :QESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS IN 20LTN45-ltc wheels ; car painted canary yellow. east ~ide home. Single or suite. Ph. LOST-RED Thi s car brought over from France 6 CHOW DOG-SUNDAY Wit. 1940. 66LT45-1tc ELECTRICAL REPAIRS afternoon. Liberal reward. Tel. Winn. mos. agv. ·wonderful car for boy or 2:1 1789. girl attending school. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - ' 55LT45-ltc 67 FOR RENT-APTS. CLOCK REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Gould C. Davis & Co. HELP WAYTED-FEMALE Clocks called for and delivered. Paul l>tl 548 Lincoln St. · Tel. Winn. 3090 Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4LTN45-ltc nue. Phone Wilmette 6. · 23L34-tfc IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING HELP! 2-3-4-6-room apts. In the Llndencrest COOKS, GENERAL AND NURSE Bldg. In-a-door beds, tlle baths, maids, mothers' helpers, A-1 white showers. Ready for lmmedlate occuJ'OUI' couples, chauffeurs. These situations pancy. represent the North Shore's finest This Office will accept classified advertising to be run hQ.mes. IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT QUINLAN TYSON, INC. g·uaranteed by oldest and most reliable 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 famiagency on the North Shore. 6'1LTN40-tfc NO REGISTRATION FEE lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. FOR RENT - FINE 3 AND 4 ROOM on Tuesday. N. S. Employment Club modern apt. Roll-away bed, Frigidaire, 1618 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6130 near transp. Low rent. Frankltn EVANSTON Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Wlnn. 382. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 58LTN45-ltc 67LTN38-tfc 01ng as we as t ey should? This is the tin1e to lHiareo>ll~N' o!ffillunUlli<C<O).. . } a tt engtve th en1 Specta 26 Prouty Annex tion, such as watering by w'!~~~~::- b~~e tile and fertilization under :l0 2 S. Genesee St. Waukegan 2087 the sod. We are tn a po5tLTN29-tfc I~OST AND FOUND sition to do all such work. oil d · 11 ~ h Awnings & Window Shades FURNISHED ROOM. PRIV. BATH, gar., near lake and transp. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN45-ltc NICE, LARGE ROOM FOR 2 GIRLS. Near transp. 630 Park Ave., Wil. 66L45-ttc FURNISHED ROOMS ON EAST SIDE, near transp. 1124 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4459. 66L45-ltc Lake Shore Sales -------------------------- - LIVE & Baa Waat Ad Ia Bvaa1toa, too - -

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