WIL~ETTE .LIFE August 3, 1928 Chicago Men Purchase Lake Superior Islands Evanston to Have Unique Apartment Building SKOKIE CLUB A baths, hot water heat with oil · burner, 2 car garage attached and heated. Dr. L. B. Joslyn, head of the Joslyn clinic, ,Maywood, has purchase.d Oak island, one of the- Apostle island group in Lake Superior, containing 5,000 acres, which he \.vill ~mprove as a summer' estate and game pt:'eserve. 0. S. brand new 3 story brick Glidden, another Chicagoan, bought Otter island, another of the Apostle home consisting of 10 -containing 8,000 acres. Burt E. rooms, with 6 bedrooms, 3 · group, Steenson was broker. Overlooking Rental Clients are in the market Why not list your available rental property Ready for occupancy about September 1st. P·iee $55,000 Terms. NowYou · can select · of the best applicants by listing early WALTER P. SMITH & COMPANY 337 Park Ave. Tel. Glencoe Crosby & McKendry Evanston is shortly to have a new apartment building which will mark a new , departure in apartment construetion. This new apartment is being built by C. Fred · Stewart, Evanston builder, at 1316 Maple avenue, and will contain eighteen apartments. ':fhe work of construc_ tion is nearing completion and it is announced that it will be ready for occupancy October 1. The new building is being completed at a cpst of $325,000 which propably sets a new record for an eighteen apartment building. There will be six apartments of sev~ rooms and twelve of four rooms. The rental for the larger apartments is $300 and for the smaller -ones $150. In planning Thirteen Sixteen-that is the parpe by which the building will be known-the owner and architect concentrated to produce something diffe ·ent in the way of apartments and the result of their efforts is an apartment home of new and unusual features. The fact that the building which fronts 70 feet on Maple avenue and extends a full 200 feet to· the alley has only 18 apartments, gives hint that the builder has designed an apat:tment building which is not "just an apartment." The lot frontage is 100 fe~t. 702 PHO~E WINNETKA 566 CENTER STREET 2032 !JIIIfllffllflfflflllfllllllllflflflfiUJIIIIIIJIIIIIIInllflllllllllflllllllfllllflllllllflllllllllllllllllflfllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllll~ ilililliiiiiii Thirteen Sixteen will -provide all the features of a deluxe-the owner has cat:_efully avoided that much abused term-apartment and much besides. It is designed to create the atmos. phere of a high class hotel or country club with all of the advantages ofboth and at the same time permit the apartment dweller to enjov the home environment. The outstanding features of this new apartment briefly set down are: searc ing ··svs. { finding _ h } :-<~·· E- ;; ~ == 5 A FTFD weeks ~:u~i~~~:~~:~~er~~:a ~~~: home!" But it doesn't equal "- = th ;h 1 t e vestibule and a lobby which extends almost the full length of the buiiding. There will be, on the ·main floor, a maids' reception room and rooms for maids. There will be, also on the main floor, bachelor rooms. There ~ill be a large open air patio in which privacy is assured by a high brick wall ·on the south side of the building. Thet:e will be a spacious nine hole golf putting course on the north side of the building. · . There will be a smoking and loungmg room. There will be a bridge or ballroom - with a connecting community kitchen. ~ There will be two large garages to care for the cars of the tenants. This is attached to the building. The art of the architect has been de~lonstrated eff~c~ively on the extenor of the bmldmg as well as the ~ ~~ d7~~. ~hi~~ ~~~~s i~t;:n~e b1~ !fl~e ~n t~~ ~c ~ i~o~~ ~gp ~~ti~g ac~~/s eu :~d 0 interior. It is of English Gothic design. It is three stories high and· is constructed of steel, and light tan brick, with Bedford stone trim. Face brick has been used on all four sides: , The entrance is through a wide arched doorway. When completed the vestibule will be furnished with a desk, where a doorman will ~it. To the right of th~ vestibule is the maids' reception room and entrance to the maids' livin~ rooms; to the left are the bachelor rooms, which may be occupted by chauffeurs of the apartment dwellers. This arrClllgement enabies a complete separatign of the tenants from their helo. A door from the vestibule leads to the big lobby which is 12 feet wide. A wall fountain will be on one side ~nd pl~ns for artistic decoration of the lobby are being made. Leading off the lobby are the smoking and lounging room, the patio which will hav.e. a blue stone floor and many flowers and the bridge or ballroom .. A pa_ ssage on the north side of the building leads to the puttirr.g course which is bei!lg built by C. D. Wa~ staff. There is a passage, too, which leads to the garages so that it will be unnecessary for a tenant to go out of doors tQ enter the. garage. This first floor arrangement offers a clubby atmosphere and also the opportunity for a finer spirit of friendliness than is possible in the average apartment building. All of the tenants of the 18 apartments will enjoy the advantages of the units mentioned. The women may entertain their friends at bridge or dancing and have luncheon or dinner service from the community kitchen, while the men may do their own entertain- - the patio where everybody may get together. The apartments are entered by three stairways, all of which lead from the lobby. The apartments, it is pointed out, are the "last word" in design and con~tr_.!lction. If anything has been overlooked it would be difficult to discover. In each of the seven room apartments there are three bedrooms. And for every bedroom there is a tile bath and shower. The living rooms are large and have wood-burning fireplaces. There are built-in bookcases and other iricidentals of the living room. The smaller apartments have one bedroom and a bath and shower. Also they are equipped with inadoor beds, which will give the efficiency of an additional room. - -The clos~ts in all apartments are tedar lined. The concealed type of radiator is being installed. !.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;++ ~~:~:~~~~fi:~~~~~~i~~ ;~~~ -~~ = == + A ;5 ~ears ~~pe:~~e J W d k I + :; li I§ OKANSON . ENKS 513 Davis Street, Evanston 7 46 Elm Street, Winnetka AND .IIWWU.HIIMIIIWWUUIWIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIUIIIIIIUIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIWIIIIIUIIWIIIIIIIIII~ I!...~.~~ .~.~~::~ +~!: ++. ++ ······:~~~~ .!:.::~::... ~ ++ Greenleaf 1617 Winnetka 1617 INC. =. : : : f Property Managed Insurance-Loans S z R l ! : + + - ~ a es- enta S