Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1928, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE . AUKUst 3, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 188UBD I'IUD.A T OP UCB WBBit LLOYD BOLL18TBK. IXC. ' UU-113' Central A,~e~, Wilmette. Dl. Qleaao oftlce : I N. KJchlpn A TeL St&te UJI b,. ·e. ........o.. . . .. ......................... wn.ette .... 8UBSCIUPTJOlf PaiCB .......... .. .. PM .A TB... All eommunleatJons must be a~mpanled t)y the DUDe and ad~ress ot the writer. ·· Artleles for publleaUon must reaeh the editor by ·Wedneeda.y noon to lnaure appearan~ In current issue. R·!!Oiutlons of condolen~ eards of thanks. obttuariM. notices of entertainments or otht>r affairs where an admltta.n~ charge Is published · ...-ill be cba.rg'e'd at ft«'Ul&r adYertlslng rates. For tnany year~ it wa~ belie,·ed .that manual. '..1r better. mu~·nbr . actiY"ty had nv legititna e place he st·heme L)i one ·s t>d Katie.. 1. \\"hen we at. /uscles e 1ded ~ amr1ar sd t t"\1. t"lnd Brat"·· wh ·ch w~~ n · man,· Years ' :-g-L·. the· curriculm.n ·co 1tained l\) tra "n · 1g · 1 t ~c a :' · t·r de,·dt .'tle t!. X c.. e\·~:1 a 'l y the head "·as The question frequently arises as to how long a man sh<;Htld remain acti,·ely engaged in busines- or in professional work. Sot~e bel ie,·e that a person .o ught tu retire ju~t as s.oon as he After can. just a · soon as he ha Retiri11g laid a~ide :uch an amount ui money as "-ill easily support him. Th ose \\·ho hold this belief appa re ntl y think that work i:- a curse. that t o earn one 's bread In· the 5weat ,f one 's brow : is mo~t u_r:plea::.ai;t and tu he stopved as early m lne as pu~~ible. There mu ::; t be n any ~ euple in ti1is world \\·ho. because cy are working in uncongenial occupa·uons or becau.:e theY are holdina their 0 no ~es c· clo~e t o the arindstone. are alwaYs luukino· iorward to tl~e daY " ·hen theY c~n n.-t"re. · · SHORE LINES SLEEPING LEAVES Tire s/ecpi1ig lca7.·es R11stlc ge11tl~/ O'i..'Cr our headsShad<n.t·s, the Legi01, of Sight, G11ard us from the q14.ict glou: Of the silent moo11. A fai11f brce:e stirsTire lcar:cs ar.c parted, .--! nd golde11 bars disba11d The mJsfic Legio11. The bree=e dies, ·..J 11d all agaiH is sti/1T ht: moo11 cau o11lj' see Tlzc slccpi,lg lea·;.:es. -Yakumaia. :\t last we have Yielded. Year - and intermittent urging~ sprinkled with dare· and threat -and, behold, we went it. Y t'fJ. actually capitulated la week barktd on our first extended cro · s-c oun tour. Vacation Reveries ------------------~------- t! t we narrc.."'W e h~a t.) 1 we l aYe real'zed a 1<. still realize . . >: '· ·~ : :: : 1~ e \l~·: ::: ~ 4 ,,. ..:> · . . .J\.- A.t the othe r extreme are -·thers who " ·a 1 work at the gc·od old bench. desk, ur C\)UI .e r just as lung as the,· can. They LYe h) desire to gin~ up. \\"e kn ow manY s. - . i 1en. They either like their work or hat retiring mea 1~ stagnation and · u 1seq e H weakeni.1g-. _ -\:;;k such a man when l e is going h · 5top \York and he will 2. 5Wer. "XeYer. _h ~t a:;; lung as f am able ~ (, wt:.rk. I :;;} a I keep 0!1 . ·~ X 1 t ~eldom ·t hapre 1s that a man b,· hard ".') k accut u a es a cot1petence and ~etire~. R H a ·ter ret"r1ng} e ·nd:;; :;;uddenh· and t oo a·e · ha he ca 1 ·~·t t-J · .· ,. l~i:;; leisure. He ~ 5 1c- ·c- e~rne 1;(1\\' ·t.; :;;pe 1d h ·s moneY """ ·ng hi1: _ ··.ea 5 re and profit~ H {: . 1 \'·- ;-" 1g- (·t ~ :aYe .1a e : "t 1 o~:::ible f or . :~,) ear 1 L -, ... ! (1 l5e .. :~ t-i5l re. Year:::. 2Yt ::::: · :-:r·a ed the da,· -l .. l ' . . . . e ·Y) c "! . ra"· :::-1 ·!:- ac:n·e \\·ork ::: c .:2,-e ~a.!\:e: ~-· e2.;-:. wLa. t('l do ~ Years ci numerous and done and ,_:nr_- m-.~ or · Our knowledge of things in general was en· riched to the extent that we11 never more worry about the high cost of tourist living, what with every farm house labeled as a tavern in which mine host is eager to put you up for a dollar or leu a night and throw in the breakfast and bathor vice versa. Competition in this respect is only slightly less keener than on Maxwell str-eet. :\nd then. the filling s.ta ion -- ior Chen·.-. oi .-\Jmo~t numerous enough o· sen~e as mile pos s. and with Bar-B-Q attached. cours~. That climb up the ledge at Devil's lake made us swear off further pb.i.landering with Lady Nicotine. At least until we had started the descent. The view from the heights may have been breatht.akin.g, bat we hadn't enough left to 611 the re· quirement. ' , - ,. - e ~- ... l : 2 ~ ~: :: ..: ·~:j ~j( ~~~--::-:.:::. '~.: : :: ~: ::. ~: : .. ~ . : ·,i,· ~ .. ~: ~~ t .. ~: -~· :~:. . :: : ~: e ~. ~::::~: ··-: :·:. ~;~:.~·.:c-: ::.,. : .:c- ·. e : :c- (::: ;~::: ~::::~c:- ~, - ~ :- . ~::·.~>--·. : ... :::. ::- ~:~:':e -. _::~:: :.:c- ·: - · e::-~ : :~: =-~:- ::lt'::c;:::lf!' r,t\'t fa T(::; :r (·!:~ :::c : 2:.-:::r:.. : c:::; ::·.::::. n ta:~w::::e :: ··: t:::m:. ciu hc.t 5"J~?t:r :~ C· ,···:::~ -:- :: : ::c ::t'c.r \· ca!:lp -.· on:· \;;.;. a~~-· :-~ ; a.::- c.s :·:1:- , ·. .- ~:: ~ ~-(': t : ..:. ~::c~ · \ :::a.; ~:-:.. ;::;~· . ·,,, =:c: a:: :~cc. ~ .\ . DeYil"s lake we _encountered c. 3·) wha~ a;.>prox·ma ed our chen_hed dre·a:;'! oi cc n. :.:~:-J:aJ .::::s. He rt'C i. ing . eace :u y ·z: c. 5:-·e:.cio:Js ea5 .cha:r. d a\! ·. g c:.t he n c corr c(."J. v,··i::: here aP.d thcrt" a kind y a so . :ci: o~ 5 wc. ~C: :c: r :::e .- cr5r-:r :::.: · ,e · .. , b- :' ' f !55:2:: ;:.·:.: ::- Yey:: ::-:e · . . c : n~; c:- .. . : J-~ e · \" .... :' : ~-~·:.: -~ :- . :=:=. . . :~~:: ·~:: :: :~: ':·:.: - .. .... ~·.:::c-:-- "' ......... " .......... .... .-1 1-alued Public Ser~~·arz t At the gate of a cemetery along the road to SteYens Point ~·e noted this bit of c.a.ndor expresse-d on a conspicuously placed signhoard: ··Exit Oc11." .... ::- :: ~··· -.~ : ., : ·,, ~:. ¥~: n·tll IJi~htr:·J ·/.: ~::~: ~-- ~ ·.:· :: ·:~:: :·. :::::~c-e : :: ~ ~· ~. ~ . : ~~ ~: ~ ~: ~ . \ :·. ~ .;, :- ~: ': .. ~: . ~,. ~~ : ~ :.~ ~ ~.. ~:. :~- . ~:. :: :: : . ;::;.-:::: :-: ·--: ·_::·.·.: ~~: .. >: ~ - - . \.' : ::: ~ . .... ... · · ~ . P- ,. .. · .. ~ . . ~ or : r.l ~t --.. -~ ~ : ....., -=~·::-...- ·: :; ~~ He Smokes Camels = ~~:::- ~.~ : :::·: :\ . ..:~. \"c- ::::..·,·c . -· : :· : :- t :' :; ~ : ~: .: :. ::: ~ ~:' '\'~· : :-- ~ : ~ :- ~:.: t:::. ~ ~ :::. :::--~·. ::: . ~-: : .~ r y - ·-~:-- . . ~:~-:.~!~~:~~~ ;· :-t.~t: ..:-::- :::z:. :: :~:-: F · ·.::- 3 t::.~ \.. ::~ . \\·t·1-.2YC (:~ '(' " \"~7't: :~·.....:.: "\· : ·.: ~:-c :-:: ~ 1.. · - - lrt:"t 1.. .'-'"' .... .. ~ .. '.. :::: . - t- : : ::;: .. ::::: ~ :: >::..: . . . . -:- ::,.': v:t:t~·-::. ~:;::.:-:. :-~::: ::~:::e · ::e c:-: : e. ~,: :::c , e:·· ~ ' . \. :: .~. : '-"". · . . ::~ e \. ::. . . ~: ·; ·~: t . w:1:: :-~ :':-:~:: . : t ::. ~ :· T~:L :::: :::·-:- :·.~,:::-t. ~- :- : :::: c:-:. . _. ~;. .: ~ : :-.:-C ,· ::::::·- . :·:- ·::: Sout.hern Chivalry ~-----------------~. ~ : - : - ;:- =~ 't" : :-. ::" ::- C" :".:.:: ::: ~c:·:~ ~t1 1~:~:~ - c:r~~ : :·. t ;' ::- ~ . :: : =-~ :: . : -:. . ::: ::" :~: ·,ll ~ ' : :c:. 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