Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1928, p. 26

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1"-===scf:=of~="!wsI · J VOL. 1, NO. 29 Publishea weeklY, by the school chrldren of Wilmette unde~ aupervision of Wilmette Play.;round and Recreatio11 Board. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 3, 1948. UN·I 0 R L I FE LZo~~ls in a tournament starting next Monday, sponsored by the Wilmette Play·ground and Recreation board. Schedules are to be worked out in the nt"xt day or two and will provide .for competition in junivr division, ineluding all boys and girls under 15 years of age, and a senior division, including men and women 15 years of age and over. Competition will be confined to ma_tches. in singles. Winners will be determined on the basi~ of the best two out of three sets. Dudlev C. Stone is in direct charge of the tournament which will be held at the Village Green.-Kelly \Velter, Beach playground. were ahead at the seventh inning, 10 to 7. There were three on bases and there was a little boy up to bat. He hit the ball to the pitcher and he threw to second base and the second baseman missed it and three boys got home and that tied the score 10 to 10. The next bov made an out. As the score was tied we played an extra inning and the Village Green made three outs. Laurel was up. The bases got loaded. The next boy hit it way past right and that brought the boy on third base home, the score was 11 to 10 in Laurel's favor.-Jack Allworth, Laurel. Last Friday my brother and my sister and I went to Wisconsin. We left our house about 6:30 o'clock. The people whom we visited came in a car to take us out. We saw lots of sheep and cows and many other things on the way. \Vhen we were about two miles away from Army lake, the place where we were going to stay, there was a herd of cows in the middle of the road and "'e co~ldn't get through until they got out of the way. We honked our horn and they didn't even move but wh en '"e started to get out of the car the y went over to the pasture. \Ve made the trip in about two and one-half hours. As soon as we got there we had something to eat and then went to bed. They don't haYe daYlight saving time. The next morning \Ye got up about 6 o'clock. \\'i scon sin time, and 7 o'clock Chica ~ o time . The,· haYe a medium-sized cotta ge and o~· er Sunday they had seventeen people. There were only four rooms " ·hich had beds in them but some of them . lept out on the front porch. T he lake i about a mile long and ah 1.lt three-fourth s of a mile wide. EYer~·· morning all the children went to get the milk They had three chiidren. One wa s Helen. She \va s eleYen years old and Peggy was 6 year s Clld. \Vhen \Ye went we watched them milk the cows and they always said, "Here comes the hand of children to get the milk." Later on there came another hoy whose name was Jack. He was 14 Years old. That added one more to our band. We went along the road. vVe would look for stones to diYe after in the water. The lake " ·as about 20 Yards in front of the hou se. It was called Army take . I suppme it came from the Salvation army. It's about a half a block from us. The poor people go there. A certain number of people come and then after about two weeks thev have to go back where thev used to live and then some more people come for two \Yeeks. TheY also have one week for colored people. · My brother \Vatter caught a fish but it was about seven inches long and vou have to let it go if it isn't nine inches long. But he caught a black bass and it was about ten inches long but he gave it to a boy because it was his fishing line my brother was using. Tuesday we \vent across to Snake Island. at least that is what they called it. S.cottv and Walter rowed across and we ate onr lunch . there. \Vhcn we went back I rO\Yed. Thursdav we went home. \Ve started from Wisconsin at ten minutes till seven, Wisconsin time. We \\·c:-e in Wilmette at ten after ten Chica~o time We surelv did have lot s of fun and a nice time- in Wisconsin -Else vonReinsperg, Laurel Playground . Gives Account of Laurel Playground Team Interviews Police Tournament to Determine Defeats Green Ball Nine a Grand Vacation Chief and Learns Wilmette's Tennis Cham.ps Monday, July 23, Laurel had a game \iVilmette tennis champions in juveat Wisconsin Lake / t' s a Real Task nile and adutt classes wm be decided with the Village Green, at Laurel. They On Thursday, July 26, I summoned up ~11 of my courage and took my first interview. M v victim was Chief of Police Charles \V. Leggett. He has been Wilmette's chief of police for two years. Before that he was chief of police for Evanston for ten years, from 1915 to 1925. The interview was very interesting and this was what he told me. "A chief of poli~e is appointed each year. The fiscal year for \iVilmette being from May 1 to April JO. He is . ' appointed by the president of the Vii!age and confirmed by the trustees. The officers are appointed by the tru. tees and hold office until they misbehave. · "There are eighteen policemen and three of these are motorcvcle men. Painting Jars Proves They are em duty all hours: In fact, a Popular Occupation the key of the station is throvm a·w ay This week we ha\"" been painting so it is always open." jars. There are jars of all sizes, shapes I a . ked Chief Leggett if he had and colors. There are many pretty much trouhle with young people of ones. There are many green, yellow, \\"ilmette. He said: red ones, and just a few blue. "Last vear there were onh· two haYs ~fany children are finishing their -out of \Vilmette sent to tl;e Juvenile scrap boo!<s or working on their Home. Of course. if I told all I kno·w baskets. The girls are practicing jack\Vilmette would be on my head, but stones while the smaller ones either on the average the youngsters of \\7il- make chains or cut out pictures. The mette are pretty well behaved." scrap books arc · very pretty and Mr. Leggett told me that they keep though there arc a few finished thev a separate record of each complaint. all have beautiful covers.-Gertrucie For instance, he showed me a book Goelz, \ illage Green playground. showing how manv stores had been' found open since Mav 1. There were New Spring Board Helps 32. He also told me that it is a policy F k h to use the Police department for reguun-see ers at t e Beach lation to keep people out of trouble. The new spring board has been built I asked Chief Leggett if they kept a in the water at the Wilmette beach record of the charges. He showed me for the n_eople to enjoy themselves. a big book. In it were entered the They do all sorts of diving and S\:vimname, the time of day. the date the ming. One of the rafts is by the divnativity, the charge, the complaint, the ing board so that the people can rest. officer. the disposition of the case, the The other raft is for the smaller chitfine. whether the person arrested is dren and that raft 'is between the divmarried or not, his occupation and ing board and the beach. Monday th.e the judge on the case. ' water was 68 degrees. Tuesday 1t He also showed me the dail t "·as 67 degrees.-Brucc Meador, How. Y rep?r · ard school sh~et. Each mornmg the men stgn · thts sheet. · Then everv fifteen m i n u t e s E __ N_J_O_Y_A -P -1 -CNIC throu~hout the day the men report. There are fourteen patrol hoxes in Laurel avenue children had a pic\Vilmette. If a man does not report nic on Saturday, July 21. at the \Viithe~· aiJow him fi,·e min~ttes and then mette beach All the gang attended. ~o out to find the trouble. The time about 15 in all. \Ve had lots of fun 1 going in swimming and playing water e~c 1 man reports is entered opposite polo. It rained about all afternoon l)ut lm; name. 0 · who cared. \Ve had on our bathing ne quest ton I asl.;ed Chief Leggett s'uits. This picnic lasted from 10:30 was whether or not he found his job o'clock to 5:30 o'clock. \Ve might have intere. ting. He said: "Y · another one next Saturdav because es. Yery. Tf it were just the crude everybody enjoyed this one.-Colin punishment of law hreal.;ers it would · be uninterestitu!. httt we so often haYe Finlayson, Laurel Playground. the chance of helping some one. \Ve Every morning Mrs. Fanckboner gets have many chances to do constructive the hig fla·g and fets everv child have work." Just then a gentleman entered. The a chance to pull it up. \Ve help her conYersation turned to reporters. I nut up the net and after the ne.t is up we haYe great fun. c;airl that the Junior Life reporters slid Thelm~ Weeks, back on th ir yohs duri11g the summer. Village Green playground Mr. Leggett saicl: . "You don't know reporters. If there n0-60 1R ever were pe~:ts. Thrse reporters! The 60-70 ~ other m;~n saicl. "Tf I had nw wav thev These figures show tl{e arrests... made woul<i all be in jaiL" · according to nationality: Here are some figures showing the American ....... . ........ 221 amount of arrests made according to Colored American .·... lfi ages: Gf'rman 4 Yf"RT!':- Franees Wins Praise for Swim Out to Gage's Pier About a week ago a group of . girls, abotlt six in all, swam to Gage's, about a mile distant, and back. Over two weeks ago Frances Riley \Yas the first girl to S\Yim to Gage's pier. :-\Yhat a day it was that she swam! If \\·as a ,·ery wavy day and the water kept bringing her to shore. That made the S\Yim much longer but as Frances was a bra,·e and fast swimmer she made it. Since then manY children have S\Htm to Gage's . But France s was the first and hra,·est. Alarguerite Gaston, Beach playground. Summer School Closes·, 300 Attended Classes \Vilmette summer school session. which has been attended by over 300 students. carne to an end Fridav. Classes were held for a six-week pe;iod at each of the four schools in the village-Howard, Central, Laurel and Logan. Aid in gettit)g ahead, making up back work. and a desire to keep busy during the summer are the principal reasons for boys and girls attending summer school. -Kelly \Vetter Village Green Kickball Team Defeats Vattmanites Satmday, July 21, the girls of Vattman playground and the girls of the Village Green playground played kickball. The Village Green \\·on 65 to 33. The players of the \ illage Green were Elsie Carlen, Bessie Costo. Frances Schmitz, Rose Toscani, Gertrude Goelz, Irene Falkenberg. Alfreda \\ eeks, Josephine Costo, Mary Ann ~fichelson. and ~1argaret Hermes. -~Iargaret Hermes, Village Green. Hl-'l() 20-~() Arrests53 }H) 30-41) 40-50 4!t .. 29 LIKES VILLAGE GREEN Among the parks that I ha ,.e attended the one that appealed to me most was the Villa ge Green because of the teacher, ~Irs. Fanckboner and because we are taught many interesting games. She taught us to make many hand"·ork things such as baskets. bags · and mats out of raffia, and doll making. \Ve haYe relay races in hopping and nmning.-~fary Ann ~fichelson, VilSaturday. July 14, at 10 o'clock the lage Green. Beach played the Village Green in kick hall. The score was close but Poli~h ............. ....... 2 Vattman park "·ent to Laurel and at the last inning we got ahead of (";mndian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 played a very good game. The score them. \Ve won, the score was 32 to 56. Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Swedes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 was 6 to 2. Vattman won. Alfreda Vveeks, Village Green play- J un.e Anderson, Beach playground. Jack Stein, Vattman playground ground

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