July Zl, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 31 ANNOUNCES TROTH James Keeley of Chicago announces the engagement of his daughte,r, Ruth, to Luther Hammond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther S. Hammond, formerly of lndian Hill. The wedding will take place shortly after Christmas. Announce Committees Gulld to Reaume Art Exhibitions on Oct. 1 for Wilmette Day; Beginning Oct. 1 with a luncheon at 120 Names on List which there will be a speaker related One hundred and twenty names are found on the list of .committees which are working on plans for 'Wilmette Day., The final list of committee members was completed this week and released by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce for publication. The chairman of . each of the following com. mittees is a member of the general Wilmette Day committee, and under the direction of J. M. Budinger. I. · General Chairma'n-J. M. Budinger. Baseball . E. A. Nord, chairman; Daniel Davis, and C. B. Blake. · Booths ,John H. Davies, chairman; C. A. Fleming, E. v. Holding, and Einar Holm-Han:;en. Children's Parade Frank A. Wilson, chairman; Leo Mickel, Henry Gates, Lloyd Hollister, William M. King, Dr. George D. Upsol), Daniel Davis, Mrs. J. B. Boddie, and Mr~. E. N. Simonds. Concessions . Joseph Shantz, chairman; C. B. Blake, Carl C. Renneckar, A. C. Pearson, D. E. Allen, C. H . Eldred, Dr. George A. Stone, S. C. Meyers, Thomas C. Thompson, and I". D. Anderson. Dance Walter Nelson, chairman; Joseph Schneider, Roy Pavlik, N. J. Mergenthaler, a.nd John Woodhead. Deeoratlons . Mike Portenhauser, chairman ; Thomas Hefoy, Albin Carlen, and Paul Kruppa. llo.nnlng D. E. Allen, chairman. (;losing Carl Sterner, chairm~n; R. M. Burn::;, Martin Jacobson, .A. C. Pearson, Paul Woelfel, and B. B. Udell. Finance Dan G. Stiles, chairman, and W. D. Leary. Grand Prize C. B. Blake, chairman; Joseph Shantz, W. B. Robinson, John Schneider, Lawrence Schildgen, W. J. McDowell, Paul P. Hardruan, Joseph J{utten, Fred 0. Nel~en, C. E. Welter, E. G. Petry, Louis C. Slmmel, Bernard Steiner, Lowell Beyrer, R. M. Evans, and Leo Mickel. Grounds A. C. Wolff, chairman; W. H. Zibble, and Hanz von Reinsperg. Lighting I.a wrence Schildgen, chairman. Parade John Hoffman, chairman; David Nelson, Frank Meier, A. B. VanDeusen, Fred L. Rice, and Joseph Kutten. Parking F. Coleman Burroughs, chairman, and Charles Leggett. Popularity Contest J. M. Carrico, chairman; Frank Wilson, A. S. VanDeusen, Philip Braun, John Schneider, A. C. Wolff, Louis Redke, Paul McNamee, E. C. Cazel, William Taylor, and A. C. Pearson. Prizes Lloyd Hollister, chairman; F. J . Budinger, Frank A. Wilson, and John Hoffman. · Program Irene I. Strickler, chairman; Daniel Davis, F. A. '\Vilson, J. M. Carrico, Lloyd Hollister, and John Hoffman. PubJiclty B. B. Udell, chainnan; E. W. Weber, and D. E. Allen. Ilaces F. J. Budinger, · chairman; Daniel Davis, Jack Slown, Paul Davey, Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Robert Gordon, Wilbur F. Merkle, Elmer Kropp, E. W. Weber, R. M. Johnston, Bernard Meyer, and E. C. Cazel. Refreshments Carl Renneckar, chairman; Paul BieRer, Leo Menghenelli, George Papantony, Evans Dalamagos, Sam Lulia!', E. C. Moeller, John Pappajohn, and Bouchikas Brothers. to the ope11ing exhibition,. whatever fC!rt;n. that wtll take, the senes of e~htbthons of art, sponsored by the Umversity guild, will be resume~ with the new season. This announcement is made by the chairman of the art commjttee, Mrs. Charles H. Dennis. The majority uf t}le display_s have been arranged for , she reports, and it is exp~ctec! that by another week .the complete serie~ will be ready for announcement. Th~ coming season's showing. will open the third ye l.r of exhibitions sponsored by the guild. They are hung in the ballroom of the Orrington hotel and are shown for periods of several weeks each. They include displays of the work of artists of Chicago aod vicinity and other places. Bob Prentiss, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. James Prentiss, 201 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, is now in Amsterdam, Holland. , He ' a n d one of his classmates are touring Eu. ope this summer. They expect to . ~tay for so!ne of the Olympic games. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL "TOREADOR" Cherry Custard and French Vanilla Otdttl Taken Ie~e Cream for Fcncy ·lee Cream Moulds SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. WILMETTE TASTE IT! One long~ cool sip of Bowman's Milk and you will understand its popularity among the fastidious housewives of Wilmette. For never have you tasted a sweeter~ fresher milk a milk so definitely superior in flavor. This deliciousness is the direct result of our extreme care in bringing it from farm to you. Bowman inspectors stand guard at every step. Modern methods and scientific control assure its reaching your table as rich, as sweet and as delicious as when taken from the cow. But taste it! Only by tasting can you know· how good Bowman's Milk really is. Telephone Wilmette 55 ·o r order from the courteous Bowman milkman who passes your door. It's a move you'll never regret. Miss Paisley Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball of Indian Hill, has returned , from _ Minneapolis where she was in the bridal party of one of her classmates. Paisley also has a house guest. -oMr. and Mrs. John E. Maclean of 924 Greenwood avenue are spending a short vacation in northern Wisconsin and will return the latter part of next week. -<r- BowMAN . DAIRY COMPANY M ·I LK Miss Dorothy Wheeler of Evanston, is visiting Miss Margaret Korrady of Kenilworth.