WILMETTE LIFE July 27, 1928 . Portrait. of Prominent Cbic:agoana Go on Tour The four portrait paintings of prominent Chicagoans which have recently been hung in the southwestern branch of the Chicago ·Chamber of Commerce, recently opened at Atlanta, Ga., will go on tour in other southe,rn cities, it is now planned. The portraits are of Dr. Frank G. Logan, Edward B. Butler, Benjamin F. Ferguson and George B. Harris. The Atlanta Georgian published the portrait of Mr. Ferguson, who it will be remembered left a million doJJars to Chicago, to be used in the erection of statuary to beautify its parks and boulevards. These four portraits were lent by the Art Institute from its permanent collection. Other paintings which were sent from Chicago at the same time consist of ."Ihe Luxembourg Gardens," by Fredenc Tellander, "Spanish Fishing Boat," by Arthur F. Ryder, and two landscapes by :Louis 0. Griffith, all Chicago artists. The purpose of establishing the Chicago br~nch in Atlanta is primarily one of good will with a view of establishing not only closer com"Much of the fatigue experienced mercial relations, but of spreading the by the average motorist is owing to gospel of good art as well. an unnecessary expenditure of energy in the act_..of handling his automobile Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cheseman of in traffic," says Charles M . . Hayes, Kenilworth have returned from their president of the Chicago Motor club. moto-r trip east and are living at the "There is plenty of available eviOrrington hotel in Evanston. They dence to substantiate this point. Take stopped at Providence, R. I., to see the case of curves, especially on a their son, Eugene, graduated from ;,trange highway. It is a driving Brown university, and vi;,ited the John error to approach a curve at high rate Carpenters of Kenilworth at their sum- of speed, and to overcome this the mer home it. l the Blue Ridge moun- driver is forced to apply his brakes tains of Virginia. suddenly, and at the same time put -oforth a great deal of strength to steer Mr. anci Mrs. George G. Moody of the car around the curve safely. There 124 Robsart road left Kenilworth may be many curves in the course of Monday morning for a vacation at a day's drive, and if the driver continues to approach the_ m at a high Point Lewsonia, Green Lake, Wis. rate of speed, he will ha\·e u;,ed up a great deal of energy by the end of the day. "Then there is the driver who thinks there is no necessity of shifting to second gear when descending a This hill, in spite of \\·arning signs. means that he will have to hold his car back with the brake3-another useless expenditure of strength. "Approaching at high speed any point where it is known in advance that a stop must be made is another Are You a Good Driver? Driving "Tricks" Read This and Find Out ·.s ave Energy and 'tGood driving is a matter not of technical excellence in shifting gears, Also Life of Car alone but of intelligence as well. Any one ~ay learn the actual han?ling of · .an automobile, but the good dnver has something more th~n just sureness of foot. ~nd hand, d~,strable though · those quahttes m~y be, says ~harles M. Hayes, prestdent of the Chtcago Motor club. "For example, at a boulevard a motorist may come to a stop, as is required by law, and then instantly force his way so aggressively that drivers of dozens of vehicles are compelled to slam on their brakes to avoid an accident. This is not good driving. "Courteous driving, the kind that gives way to the car climbing a steep hill; . to the less experienced driver; that stops to .let a bewildered pedestrian reach the other side; is good driving. It is the kind of driving that some few persons -v. ill never achieve." driving blu!1der that leaves the driver exhausted at the end of the day, as this practice requires ;,udden . and vigorous application of brakes, and, as a ·result, 111uscular fatigue. "There are many little drivin~ 'tricks,' which, if th~ motorist 1vill learn and practice, will not only con . . serve the driver's energy, but will al so lengthen the life of the car." 89 QUALITY SETS THE PACE FOR VOLUME Never tamperbaa with Top Quality - never experiment· inc with rubber aubetitutee at the buyer'· expense - alway· baildinc tires biacer and better to ttand the punishment of today'· hard traftie pind hu broqht to General the 1reAteat tales cain of any tire in the world - and with no original equipment salea to 1well the total. I . 7flra 30x4.50 ondyouownthe best· GENERAL When the Victory Six was announced ah months ago it was the talk of the town. It was a great car then; it is an even greater car now. It has stood the test. Each month has seen a substantial increase in Victory Six sales. Not because of what we have been saying for six months. Or hecauseofwhat we .say now. But because of what the Victory Six is. The snappiest; best looking, speediest car in Its class. A car you should try out-nowyourself at the wheel. Touring Car or Roadster, $99 ;; Coupe, $1 045·: 4-door Sedan, $1o9;; DeLuxe Sedan, $11Jo; DeLuxe 4-pa11enger Coupe, $1170; Sport Roadster, $1245; Sport Sedan, $129;-f. o. b. Detroit · Tire-up Fo· Vaeatlon,.,Pay Late· 58c a week for a 30x3 ~ General 81.17 a week for a 30x5.00 General 1.62 a week for a 30x6.00 General All other sizes in proportion Why "raid" vacation funds to buy the tires you need for a trouble-free trip? Put on Top Quality Generals now and pay as you .e njoy the uninterrupted, lower-cost mileage they give. Small payments, many weeks to pay, and you get tires that ·till will be good when vacation rolls around next year. No exorbitant extra chargee- our ·famous G T A C Payment Plan is fiiUIIleed by the General faetory. E11e11ton'· Leading Tir1 Stor1 QUALITY TIRE .IBOP 1942 W. RAILROAD AVENUE Esdul· DUtrfbutor Uont~td Sincerf Service Always C. M.. McDONALD 1o 1 9 E. Stt~tktl DAVIS STREET 2 University 6272 PHONES: UNIVERSITY 2 24, WILMETTE 24 / 11 ,, GENERALTniE CJhe VICTO ltY SIX BY · DODGE BROTHERS ALIO THIITAND.AilD SIX .875 TO .970 AND THIIINIORIIX · 1._, TO ·u?e It· tlae SECOND 1_, tlud ·alcu lu flf, · ;a.