WILM~TTE LIFE July Zl, 1928 Picture of Alfred Wolff Goe· Here This one should be easy to solve. Just place in· these spaces the faces of the two best known hardware men in town. 1119 Central Ave.- Wilmette 183 YOURS FOR Picture of Pictm·e of Shorty Newspapers Cigars Tobaccos "Everybody Knows Shorty" Magazines . Cigarettes Candies Erpest Grlffts Goes Here Goes Hm·e WOLFF-- GRIFFIS INC. SHORTY'S NEWS STAND at "L~~ T etminal HARDWARE NO GUESS WORK HERE Picf1o·e of Eating Here P1ctnre of )lath. Hoft'ma·n When folks receive a box of flowers from our greenhouses they know that 1st-They are fresh. } 2nd-They have been selected with care. 3rd-They are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Frtd Jfllltr Goes Here Goes Here ··...: { :<~o· -is a S'atisfying experience, due not only to good food. but proper surroundings. Clean linen, adequate light and space, minimum of noise, all serve to create an atmosphere that is not only compelling in itself, but serves to complete that sense of well-being initiated by excellent food. Pictu,re of ~llss lllller Goes He1·e WEST END FLORIST First Greenhouse on Gle.nview Road, West of Ridge MATH. HOFFMAN CENTRAL CAFETERIA. 113 3 Central Avenue. Wilmette In the Nelson Building Phone Wilmette 194 3 LET US HAVE A CHANCE TO SERVE YOU Groceries-Gen'l Merchandise-Hardware and Paint. Pictw·c of 11. E. UUS!'fht>r GocM Il crc This is Station l'ictur e of W. (:. Bf)'rH wG Radiola or Electrical Contractor BEYRER Goes Tl ere Reasonable Prices - Courteous Service announczng that this is the place to select your Your phone call receives the same prompt attention as a personal call. Crosley Wm. G. BEYRER B. E. BUSSCHER WILMEm491 RIDGE&: LAKE Everything Pich ·.re of 1131 Central A venue Wilmette 81 for the Picture of .Jatk l'. Slown Goett Here Automobile T be Largest Motor Repair Shop 111 Wilmette A COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE Pict1tre of A. B. Van Dtusen Goes He1·e Clarence· Edlngtr 0 JL { C 0 AL ... Koppt>r's c~·:::o } ~ Goes Here 1 ~t Regnlde Fuel 011 l~ COKE I WOOD .MOTORS SERVICE lncotp«at'd EDINGER 6 lOKI NEVER CLOSED 721 Main Strut Wilmette Phone 2600-260 I ESTAJ3LISHED 1907 Phonea Wilmette 641-642 -University 5035 -Winnetka 643