Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1928, p. 2

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2 WII,.METTE LIFE July 20, 1928 1. Voellmer, Vattman; 2. Pearl And erson , B~ach ; 3. Ruth Byrne, ANNOUNCEMENT: DELIVERY SERVICE Owing to the · very large number of requests from patrons who at times find it inconvenient to come to our store, we have decided to inaugurate a delivery service. From this date on we will deliver free of charge all .orders of $1 .00 or over, and under $1 .00 a charge of ·1Oc will be made. This servtce will extend to the following towns : WILM ETTE K ENILWORTH WINNETKA GL ENCOE Our phone is Wilmette 2998 A NEW STORE will be opened by us at 512 Main Street, Evanston ( Evanshire Hotel Building at Hinman ) About August 1st We' ll be glad . to have you tell your Evanston friends about it. FOR SATURDAY.......... Fresh Peach Cake-Fresh Plum Cake in addition to our 1 hopping race, boys under eight years old : · · 1. Arthur Cicchini, Vattman; 2. Donald Large Crowd Attends Desptte Hoffman, Vattman; 3. Edward Kruesch, Village Green. ·Threats of Rain; LaureI lao-yard hopping race, girls under ten years old: ms econd 1. Dorothy Davis, Vattman; 2. 1\Iarce.lla Brouchhouser, "Vattman; 3. Josephme Vattman playgro'und, with a large Casto, Village Green. 30-yard hopping race, boys under ten lead over its nearest competitor, won years old: the annual inter-playground track 1. Walter von Reinsperg, Laurel ; 2. meet of the village playgrounds at Bob Kruesch, Village Green; 3. Edward Village Green \Vednesday afternoon. Cramer, Vattman. Laure! playground came second with Sta.nrling broad jump, girls eight y ears olrl: 164 points, coming \vithin 64 points. of 1. Dorothy DaYis, Vattman; 2. ::\Iarthe Vattman score which was 226 <:ia Smith, Vattman; 3. Betty Todd, points. The beach playground was Vattman. second with a score of 83 while 'the Stanrling broad jump, boys eight y ~:: ars old: Village Green finished fourth with a J. Frank Broad. Laurel; 2. harles score of 71. Soule, Beach; :.1. Edwin Cramer, Vattman. Despite the rain \Yhich threatened Standing broad jump, girls nine y ears to fall at every moment, one of the oh1: · largest crowds attending any village1. Jean Finlay!"on, Laurel; 2. Jn~ewide playground activity for this sea- phine Costo, VillagP Green ; 3. :\Jarson was present to watch the competi- c ella Brouchhouser, Vattman. Standing broad jump, boys nine years tion, according to Daniel U. Davis, old: director of recreation. Track and 1. Jack Rag~dale, Beach; 2. Walter field events \vere divided into two Yon Reinsperg, Laurel; 3. Gilbert H1 ffdivisions. the children under ten years man, Vattman. Stn.ncting broad jump, gil'ls ten years old: old competing with the junior class 1. Jane Brandt, Vattman; 2. Dorothy and the children from ten to fourteen Byrn e, Laurel; 3. ::\fargaret Baxton. Yillage Green. in the senior class. Standing hroad jump, boys ten years old: \Vinners in the Yarious events were: 1. Howard Hoffman. Vattman; 2. C'arl 40-yard dash under six years: ).ficht>lson, Village rrrt>en; 3. Tom Fin1. Yirginia Todd, Vattman playground; layson, Laurel; 4. ·william ·wade, Y:1.tt2. Graham Finlayson, Laure l; 3. John Brandt. Vattman. man. 40-yard dash, six years: Standing broad jump, · girls und r twe!Ye 1. Edward Kruesch, Village Green; 2. years old: Anna Santucci, Village Green: 3. Eileen 1. Virginia. Green, Vattman: 2. LuButler, Laurel; 4. Warren Peterson, cille Hoffman. Yattman; 3. Bes!'iie Cns\~attman. to, Village Green; 4. Florence Read, 40-yard dash, girls se\'en years old: Laurel. 1. Hildegarde Voeller, Vattman; 2. Pearl Standing broad jump, boys under twelYe Anderson, Beach; 3. Ruth Byrne, Laurel. year!'i old: 40-r~ rd dash, boys se\'en years old: 1. George Peterson, Village <1ref'n: 1. Bohby Lawrence,' Laurel; 2. Arthur 2. Jim Burdette, Vattman; 3. Frank Cicchini, Vattman; ~. Donald Hoffman, Hooper. Laurel. Yattman; 4. Jack Towles, Vattman. Standin.e- broad jump, girls tweln rtnd 40-yard dash, girls, eight years old: ovPr: 1. Dorothy Davis, Vattman; 2.. Betty 1. Else von Reinsperg-. Laurel: 2. 01iYe Todd, Vattman; 3. ::\Tarcia Smith, Vatt- Da\·i~. Yattman; 2. Kathlyn \Velter. man. Be::tch : 4. n.ose Tuscani, Village Grt>en. 40-yard dash, boys,' eight years old: Stanrling- broad jump, hoys twelw and 1. Charles Soule, Beach ; 2 Dick Xilles, ovt>r: Vattman; 3. Edwin Cramer, Vattman. 1. Hug-h ~axon, Beach; 2. Colin Fin.fO-yard dash, girls, nine years old: layf'on. Laurel ; 3. Vance Soule, Beach : 1. Josephine Costo, Village Green: 2. Albert Roemer, Village Green. :\farcella Brouchhouser, Vattman; 3. Jean 40-yard dash. girls ten years: Finlayson, Laurel. 1. .Tan(' Brandt, Vattmn.n; 2. Y'iola 40-yard dash. boys, nine years old: ·weeks, Village Green; 3. Dornthy Byrne, 1. Walter Von Reinsp rg, Laurel; 2. Lanrel. .Tack Ragsdale, Beach; 3. Bob Kruesch, 40-;\·arn dash. boys ten yt"ars: Village Green. 1. Tom FinlayMn, Laurel: 2. Billy Senior girls, playground ball throw: \Vaile, Vattman; 3. ' Da ,·id Ha:1.s, Vatt1. Else von Reinsperg, Laurel; 2. Kath- man. t>rine Burmingham, Laurel; 3. Kathlyn 40-yard d:1sh, girls undPr twelve year~: ·w elter, Beach. 1. Lucille Hoffman, Yattman: 2. J..ilSenior boy~ playground ball throw: lian Hoar. Beach; 3. Bessie C'osto, ViiI. Hugh Saxon, Beach ; 2. Colin F in- lage Green. Iayson, Laurel; 3. Dick Huck, Vattman. 40-yard dash, hoys under twelw years: Junior girls, playground ball throw: 1. Tom :\{cCann, Vat!tman; 2. Bob 1. ::\farcella Brouchh ouser, Vattman; 2. Hermanson, Beach; 3. Jim Burdette, J.ean Finlayson, Laurel; 3. E\·elyn Field, Yattman. \ attman. , 40-yard dash, girls twel ve and over: Junior boys, playgrou nd ball throw: 1. Else yon Reinsperg, Laurel ; 2. Oli\·e 1. Walter von Reinsperg, Laurel; 2. DaYis, Vattman; 3. Kath lyn Welter, Charles Soule, Beach; 3. Bob Kruesch Beach. Villagf.· Green. ' 40-yard d?.sh. boys twelve and over: 30-yard h opping race, girls under eight 1. Colin Fi nl ayson, Lau rel. VAmtAN WINS ANNUAL I ~~~:~:~. VJUAG£ TRACK MEET ~O~~~~ld w· s I I 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111· Apple Cake s I First Church of Ch~ist, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES- 11 A. M. . Wilmette, Ill. Wedntsday T tstimonial Meeting- S P. M. Sunday School Exercise 9:45 A. M. July 22, 1928 Subject: HTruth" Reading Room-116 J Wilmette Ae1enut HOURS : Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Wt~nesday 9 A. M. to 7 :45 P. M.: Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tht Bible and Works of' Mary Baker Eddy and all othtt authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowtd or purcht~~~d. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVI'I'BD TO ATrEND niB CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THB READING ROOII illlalllniiNIIIIIIIInniiiiiHIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1129 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2998 WILMETTE

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