Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1928, p. 55

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- 1928 ) uly 13, 1928 II FOB RENT-BOOII8 WILMETTE 77 FOB. SALE-BOU8E8 LIFE 55 KIN day Park 42-ltc ~ ALE RM. e of Rd ., 2-1tc ~ E S & call Winn. 4-tfc BY 31. 2-ltp QUINLAN ES., Ph. 2-2tp DRY mette 2-ltp · 1M FOB 8A.LE-BOU8EBOLD GOODS FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS INemployed ; light and pleasant ; hot and cluding . porc~laln Ice box, en~mel cold running water ; garage space If 6 ROOM HOUSE-SUN AND SI.P.G. kitchen table and stove, rugs, dressers, desired. Phone .Wll. 776-M. 66L35-tfp pchs.; extra lav. on 1st fl.r.; gool loc. couch and odd pieces. 619-7th St., WilIn Winnet~a. H. W. heat; 2-car gar., mette, Ill. Ph. Wllmette 2060. FOR RENT-ROOM IN PRIV. HOME. small down payment, bal. like rent. 100L42-1tc East side. Young business man. Ph. Priced at $13,000 for quick sale direct Wilmette 2098. 66L42-ltc from owner. Tel. Winn. 1430 or 2300. BARGAIN - ·M AHOGANY DRESSER, 77LTN42-ltc cedar chest, Apex . washer, Simplex l'OB. RENT-APTS. t7 mangle, sectional book cases, cretonne hangings, spinet desk, tea wagon, full FOR SALE-VACANT sized bed with hair mattress. Ph. Wilmette 1234. 100L_ 42-ltc IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING 2-3-4-5-room apts. in the Lindencrest FOR SALE-ORIENTAL RUG, 19x13.2, Bldg. In-a-door beds, tile baths, $~00, great sacrifice. Also child's bed showers. Ready for immediate occu- EXCELLENT BUY IN 72 FT. WOODED & W:l.rdrobe; Colonial dining rm. fixpancy. lot on winding street. Last unimture. Tel. Winn. 2824. 100LTN42-ltc & proved lot in the blk. Near electric and . A ' · steam stations. Buy at $150 per ft. FOR SALE--1 COUCH AND PAD, 424 Linden ve. Wilmette 460 lTI) 'lt..\tiT lL _@_ (FJ green dresser, misc. pieces of green ---------6-7L_T_N_4o_-t_fc ~ 0 Jl\Yll.o @lilliiil~fc(Q)Iffi ~ ~@ 0 furniture, cheap. Call Wilmett~ 534. FOR RENT- FINE 4 AND 5 ROOM 100LTN42-ltc Wilmette 68 modern apt. Roll-away bed, Frigidaire, 340 Linden Ave. near transp. Low rent. Franklin 78L42-ltc FOR SALE-85 LB. CAP:ACITY ICE Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. · box. Good condition. Ph. Wilmette 67LTN38-tfc 3957 100LT42-ltp FROLIC FOR CHILDREN NatioDal Collete Prepariq for Aaaaal Midaummer Enat to Be HeW at "Craitie Lea" Jal7 23 A GOOD BUY · LIVE TYSON JNC JJ E A best 2-ltc UGH Vinn. 2-2tc FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette FOR INVESTMENT OR BUILDING, 1800. 67LTN33-tfc several 50 foot lots, located at Ridge Road and north of Washington Ave. 4 RM. APT. OR FOR SALE 8 RM. HSE. ; Priced below recent sales. See us today. 2 garages, all mod. improv., nr. transp. Reas. terms. Tel. Glencoe 331. 67LTN42-ltp AS Vinn. 2-1 tc i."EL. 2-ltp ~ 2 Rl\I. APT., INDIAN HILL :APTS., SUB- 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 273 let immed. until Oct. 1. Wlnn. 1800. 78L42-ltc 67LTN42-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPON5 ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN sible party in Deerfield. Lot 60xl36, 3 blocks to transp. Write Wilmette Life Humphr~y bldg., 544 Chestnut St. Call A-1.6. 78LTN12-tfc "rinn. 98. 67LTN42-ltc t8 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTS. 79 ACREAGE & ESTATES I \.KE ·den. )-4tp ,:AN'. t-ltc FOR RENT-AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for Immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE WINNECONNE, Kitchenette. Very large clos~ts. Call 12 miles northwest of Oshkosh, Wishotel (University 8700) or tenant eveconsin, 146 miles from Winnetka, sixty nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. acres at $400 per acre, facing south, as68LTN38-tfp suring a cool breeze off the lake when the warm winds blow. Or can sell 'JO l,OR RENT-FURN. HOUSES enough for nine or eighteen hole golf COUrf;e, LAKE AND DEEP CREEK FRONTAGE ~TS Owner Going to Europe 1 864. 1-tfc [ON an, . s. N. ant. ltp ·ltp rn. l!!! · IN 1 ~h. ltc Ltc FOR RENT-FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE., EXCLUSIVE :AGENTS east side Hubbard Woods, 3 baths, sunporches, large wooded lot, gar. Oil- 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 hot water heat. Wlll considP-r any 79LTN42-ltc period of rental up to a yr. lease, very ---------------------------------------attractive home at reas. rent. Available at any time. Days call Winnetka 2400. Evenings call Winnetka 2542. I SPECIALIZE IN 5 ACRE AND UP 70LTN 42-tfc tracts for highly restricted homes. Call F. H. Ward, Winnetka 2369 before FOR RENT-FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE., selecting your home site. 79LT42-ltp newly decorated. Screened porches, fenced in yard. Close to transp. and 8! SUMMER RESORTS lake. Ph. Winnetka 1028. ---------------70LTN42-ltc WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS COUNTY, COLO. FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED 6 Hotel GUNNISON $3 per day, American. Cottages for rm. house, screened porch. Close to light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swimtram1p. and lake. Reas. rent. Ph. ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis. Winnetka 1232. 70LTN42-ltc dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. P. Stitzer, l{gr. 82LTN33-14tp FOR SALE-HOUSES 44 FOR RENT-SUM~fER COTTAGE, furn. at Post Lake nr. Pelican Lake, north.' Wis. Good boating & fishing; nr. golf course. Tel. Winn. 2878. 82LTN42-L -! . o-WING TO DEATH IN F:AMILY, A new clapboard Colonial home in Glencoe must be sold. 6 rm!'l., 2-car garage, 98 WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES H. W. heat. Price $19,000. Easy terms. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED-SMALL 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 baths. In good location, between Wilmette and Winnetka. Will trade 3 or 6 apartment building in Edgewater, Winn. 1617 Winnetka 746 Elm Street well financed. Write Wilmette Life A77LTN42-ltc 62. 96LTN42-ltp HEINSEN REALTY ·CO. BUY A 5 ACRE TRACT .... p (I) · r· tc WANTED-A HOUSE. WILL EXchange choice residence vacant in HolMOST ATTRACTIVE SHINGLE, 6 !ywood, Fla. Will add cash. Write rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, din'Vilmete Life A-66. 96LTN42-ltc ing porch. all rooms and porches are large, water heat, landscaped lot, 2-car W :ANTED TO PURCHASE 7 OR 8 RM. garage and tool house, bargain, $18,500. house, preferably with 2 baths. Write Wilmette Life :A-65. 96LTN 12-ltc UNUSUAL OFFERING W. G. STACEY & CO. HUBBARD WOODS it : tp N h. tp ~ p ~ ~e fc Ph. Wilmette 308 D9 ANTIQUES 77LTN42-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------~--------- FOR SALE-ARTS AND ANTIQUESOld Pine · Trestle table. Old Penn. cabinet in walnut, also pine chests, FOR SALE- ALMOST NEW 6 RM. Maple beds, walnut chests of drawers house, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, lavatory, sun and mirrors. Am selllng out everyparlor, breakfast nook, kitchen & butthing at cost. Ph. Northbrook 161. ler's pn.ntry. H. W. heat with oil burn99LTN42-ltp E-r, Frigidaire. House is In wonderful condition. High, well wooded, land- GENUINE ANTIQUES SOLID scaped lot, 2-car garage. Price $18,500, cherry, maple, and mahogany desks, which is less than cost. For inspection chests, chairs, clocks and colored tel. Winn. 156. 77LTN42-ltc lamps. 2300 Sheffield :Ave., Chicago, Ill. Apt. 2A. 99LTN42-ltp 336 Linden Ave. (Contributed) Mrs. Caroline Crawford McLean and Miss Willmina Townes, both memben . of ·the Summer sc:hool fac ulty of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, are co-chairmen of the production and presentation of this year's "Children's Midsummer Frolic" to be held at 3:30 o'clock Mon qay, July 23, at ~'Craigie Lea," 459 Longwood avenue, Glencoe, the home of Mrs. Andrew MacLeish. Mrs. McLean of Fairhope, Ala., is widely known and admired for her valuable contributions to childhood education a~ an authority on "The Re lation of the Arts to Life apd Charac LIVING, DINING & BEDRM. FURNI- ter." She is a most scholarly and ture. Piano, couches & other furn. 419 brilliant lecturer and author present 100LTN42-ltc ing the various aspects of her choser~ Maple Ave., Winn. FOR SALE-ICE BOX AND S't'EEL · subject. She is a thorough CQild psy double day bed. Very reas. Ph. Wll- chologist having pad the inspiration of m'ttP. 2748. 100L42-ltc vears of close association with Col 101 WTD. TO BUY-HOUSEHOLD GDS. ·P arker, Dr. John Dewey and other famous educators and as a valued WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND member of the faculties of Columbia furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Croat Furni· university and of the National Kinder ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- garten and Elementary college. She is anston. Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-trc most original in the production and presentation of dramas .and festivals 110! FOR SALE-MISC. She arrang-ed and taught all the FOR SALE-BOY'S BICYCLE IN GOOD dances in "The Blue Bird" as pre condition, 26 inch wheel. $15. Wm. sented at the New Century theater in Schwall. 80 Uocust Rd., Winnetka, Ill.. 102LTN42-ltc New York. and co-operated with Wintbron Ames in the production of STEEL BOAT, 18x5, WITH OUTBOARD "Prunelt;" and "Snow White" at the motor, complete, $150. Will take radio or sm. roadster as part pay. Tel. Little theater. Among her published works which Winn. 2482. 102LTN42-ltc are regarded as authoritative are VIOLIN AND CASE, $15. METRONOME, "Rhythins of Childhood." "Dramatic $2. Ph. Kenilworth 4018. 102L42-ltc Games and Danc,es for Children" and ~'Choice Rhythms for Youthful Dane FOR SALE-LIFE MEMBERSHIP IN ers'. " Her latest work on "The Arts Breakers Beach and Golf Club. $500. Ph. Wilmette 2853. 102LTN 42-ltc in Child Education" will soon be off of the press. . tOt WANTED TO BUY-MISC. Miss Townes is a specialist in chtl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dren's .games and rhythms, and is a WANTED-CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. member of the .f~culty of th~ co.tl~ge 103LTN14-tfp and children's school. She ts gtVtn't Mrs. McLean valuable aid so that the tOf EXCHANGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frolic will be a culmination of work done in class room urojects in dr:-\matic art. children's literatu~e. as welt YOUR NORTH SHORE V AC:ANT OR small house for either of these 2 new as rhvthms. music and destgn ~nd brick homes of 4 & 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. clecoration. This gives it all a v1tal Price. $26,000. Ph. Winnetka 1300. educational value to the student .play104LTN42-ltc ers as welt as to those who ~re oresent on -Tulv 23J when this deli~htful ~n· · semble program ts gtven. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE A verv charming contribution is for new, with very liberal allowances made each summer to the pleasure of this weP.k only_ north shore children when the NaBROWN FURNITURE CO. 1567 Sherman Ave. Ph. Univ. 6300 tional Kindergarten and Element~ry 104LTN42-ltc college presents "The Children's Mtd~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ summer Frolic." lOi MISCELLANEOUS Mondav July 23, is the day and 3 :30 the h'our s~t for this year's enterHOME-MADE BREAD, PIES AND tainment when Mrs. Andrew Maccakes made to order. Ph. Wilmette Leish a trustee of the cotlege, again 4459. 1124 Greenleaf- Ave., Wilmette. witt ~elcome the children and older 105L42-ltp friends, as she clid two sum!llers ago, BREAKFAST AND EVENING DINNER at "Cr!li!!ie Lea," her beautiful GlenIn private family, 1124 Greenleaf Ave. coe home. Ph. Wilmette 4459. 105L42-1tp Last year the Frolic had the lovelv setting of lawn and gardens at Bluff Notice 18 hereby given that every Edge Hubbard Woods. the home of property owner in New Trier Township Mrs. 'Douglas Smith. The beauty and Is notified that Canada Thistles must be artistry of the plays presented there cut. Any person violating this law and allowing thistles to go to seed wlll be by the college st_lldents is s.till a happ,v memory of the s~mmer ttme a year prosecuted and fined. JOHN BALM'E4$, ago: ' .· Thistle Co1nmissioner. What could be more enticmg thaJ) the woodland setting for fairies, elves, brownies. and all the storv book aniBEQUESTS OF SCOUTS The will of the late Henry C. Ballou, mals, the bunnies, Brer Fox, and all prominent resident of Utica, N. Y., thf' other f.ilvorites! . Evervone 'is keen for a good ttme probated recently, iucluded a bequest of $20,000 to the Boy Scout movement t}le::;e lovelv s11mmer davs and an in that city. Enlargement of the work afternoon at "Craigie Lea" with its of the Boy Scouts is now immediately famous gardens. with the lake as a possible, according to William H. backg-round for the greensward staQ'e, Flood, scout executive. with the lilting son~ of wildwood hints and the story hook frirnds come to life, ensures a joyous time not to he missed and never t·) be forgotten. TRADE BARGAIN EXCHANGE KIMBALL'S

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