Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1928, p. 54

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S4 WILMETTE LIFE QUILTING ' July 13, 1928 i7 HELP WANTED-KALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS advertisements will be charged only General N otice __ Classified to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE I.. IFE, WINNETKA TALK or , GLENCOE ~EWS. 15 cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line in a'ny two papers. Rates-30 cents a line ln all three papers. MINIMUl\l CHARGE 90 cents. NO. SHORE i\GENT · Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% dis, c ount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. FOR WILKENSON Q'VILTS Made by the Wilkenson sisters of Llgoner, Ind. Makers of fine hand made com- G8 HELP WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE forts and quilted robes, plllows anji 9 RM. bed spreads~ On display at 175 Hazel WANTED-WHITE COUPLE. hse. ; gen. hswk., gardening, care of Ave., Glencoe, II). Will call at your autos, etc. Bederman, 221 Essex Rd., home by appointment. Winn. Tel. 2391. · 58LTN42-ltc MRS. SYLVAN HIRSHBERG 175 Hazel Ave. Phone Glencoe 373 41LTN42-2tc iOSJTUATION WANTED-FEMALE 4S REPAIRING AND REFINISHING WANTED-MAN FOR LAWN WORK IN Wilmette from three to tour one day each week. Phone · Highland Park 3385. 57L42-ltc · f Ot Jnsett tOnS· Classified D eadl rne .-cepted up I advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. WATCH REPAIRING DONE pert. Watches cleaned and Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. UA SILVER PLATING WANTED-BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Wlnn. BY EX1924. 60LTN34-tfc adjusted. Wilmette EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK BY 43L34-tfc day. N. S. refs. Ph. University 931. 60LTN42-ltp FOR SALE-AUTOS BOOKS FOR SALE-BOOK OF KNOWLEDGEIn good · condition. $25. Tel. Wlnn. 1199. 9LTN42-ltp §tt@JP)c IL@{O)IlK g 11 BUILDING AND CONTBACTIWG ILii~tt<eim CARPENTER AND GENERAl~ CONTRACTOR BARGAINS! A USED Iffi un eeoc. IS THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE 0 81-x 1927 Mast:!'r Coupe, Gold Seal Guarantee ........ . . . $1,275 26 Prouty Annex 1926 Two-door master sedan ... .. . . . . $800 EXP. SEAMSTRESS DESIRES WORK Winnetka 1125 by the day or week. Good refs. Ph. 1926 Buick 7-passenger sedan, big barWaukegan Oftlce Glen·;iew 48-J. 17LT42-ltp gain, has 4 new tires ............ $1,200 302 S. Genesse St. If you wlll leave your name and Waukegan 2087 phone number and what style car !0 GARDENING 51LTN29-tfc you prefer, we will be glad to notify you when we get one in. LANDSCAPE GARDENING; BLACK " J,OST AND FOUND LIBERAL TERMS son; manure. F. W. Kares. Tel. Wil. 891-Yl. 20LT39-4tp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOST-BLACK CHOW, MALE, ANS. TO the name "Charley Young." Winnetka !S ELECTRICAL REPAIRS dog license and vaccination tag on collar. Call Bederman, Winnetka 2391. CLOCK REPAIRING BY EXPERT. 55LTN42-1tc Clocks called for and delivered. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave1030 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON HELP WANTED-FEMALE 23L34-tfc ii8 nue. Phone Wilmette 6. Phone Wilmette 3750 OPEN EVENINGS WANTED-GIRL OF NEAT APPEARINSTRUCTION AND SUNDAYS ance. and pleasing personality to take 4LTN42-ltc DETECTIVE WORK, SECRET ~ER charge of books, show room, etc. vir'e, and the Science of Criminology 56LT 42 -1tc CLEAN-UP taught by experts In our school. For _G_I_R_L_O_R_W_O_M_A_N_F_O_R_H_S_W_K-.,-G_O_O_D particulars call between 6 and 9 :30 evecook. Afternoons. Tel. Winn. 1231SALE nings and all day Sunday. The Uni373 Elder Lane, Winnetka. 35 CARR ALL MAKES versity of Practical Detective Science If your dollar will buy more and Criminology. Suite 100. 800 North 56LT42-ltc transportation at any place in Clark St. 25LTN42-3tc Evanston, we want to know EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR COOKING & 2nd floor work, good ref. Tel. Winn. whE-re. WANTED- TUTORING BEGINNERS 2824. 56LTN42-1tc in Latin and Algebra. Ph. Wilmette '26 Chevrolet Sedan . .. . ....... .. ... $275 '26 Oakland Roadster ........... ... $425 848. 25LTN42-ltc '25 Oldsmobile Coupe ......... . .. .. . $300 ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAID WANTED-WHITE, EXP. IN '25 Oakland Coach ......... . ..... $350 30 LOANS second work. Ph. Glencoe 1247. '26 Oakland Sedan ... . . . . .... . ....... $550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - 56LTN42-ltc '25 Essex Coach ........... . ........ . . $250 '24 NaRh 7-Pass. Sedan ... . .... . ... : $295 WAN'fED-EXP. WHITE GIRL OVER '27 Pontiac Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $450 Ch 20. 2nd work and care of children. '24 Nash Sedan ... ........... .. .. . . . . $295 arles H. Brethold Ph. Kenilworth 1514. 56LTN42-ltc '24 .Jordan Sedan - ............ $325 1st and 2nd Mortgagea '26 Chevrolt>t Coupe ............... .. . $300 WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN. '25 Jewett Coach . . . . . . . . $400 545 Matn St., Wilmette Tel. 16 housework, 8mall family. Ph. WinALL CARS RECONDITIONED INSURANCE netka 1057. 56LTN42-ltc 30Ll'l-tfc Lake Shore Auto Sales SCHOOL GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE1010 CHICAGO AVE. work. Small family. Stay or go horne 4LTN42-ltc nights. Ph. Winnetka 722. 56LTN42-1tc ~:~kB~I~~ss. Screens-Storm Sash Gara&'ea-Porehee-Addltlona Expert Cabinet Work. 175% Highland Ave., Wll. Ph. Wll. 1171 11LTN24-ttc SILVER PLATING - HAVE YOUR EXP. · LAUNDRESS WANTS TUES., good old pieces renewed at a reasonWed. and Sat. Evanston refs. Ph. able price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Douglas 5988. 60LTN42-2tp Wilmette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 45A-L34-tfc WHITE WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ work, go out, N. S. refs. Ph. Wilmette I!O GENERAL REPAIRS , 1080. 60LTN42-ltp · EXP. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REposition as maid. Can furnish best modeling by a craftsman of rare abllrefs. Ph. Wilmette 776-R. 60LTN42-ltc tty. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. WASHING AND IRONING OR ROUGH 50L34-tfc dry. Will call for and del. Tel. Winn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 859. 60LTN42-2tc WINDOW 8HA.DB8 Gl YOUNG GIRL WANTS POSITION AS 2nd girl or mother's helper. Tel. Winn. Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hardware 1264. 60LTN42-ltc Canopies Rented WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. TEL. Awnings & Window Shades Whm. 2331. 60LTN42-ltp · l~'Z~~~~D~R~E~.~SS~M~A~K~I~N~G~~~~~. 8 1_'r_u_A_T_I_o_N_w_A_N_T_E_D_-_M_A_L_E 61 _ lHI&lf<O>llcdlN olffilluihwzCC<t»~ _ __ __ Winnetka Reliable Caretakers WILL IN YOUR ABSENCE TAKE care of your home, lawn, and garden. Ph. Winnetka 797 or 2759. . 61LTN40-4tp EXP. GARDENER AND HOUSEMAN. 75c an hour. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 61LTN42-ltc EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Wlnn. 2864. 61LTN34-tfc 8! SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COLORED COUPLE DESIRE POSITION with prlv. famlly as, cook, houseman, chauffeur and all around man. N. S. refs. Ph. Highland Pk. 1471. L. Durant. 62LTN42-ltp EXP. COUPLE WANT DAY WORK. N. s rfs. Ph. Greenleaf 5983. 62LTN42-ltp COL. CPL., COOK, CHAUF., HSE. MAN. Best ref. Oak. 0868. 62LTN42-ltp 84 ROOM MATES ----------------::WANTED-,VORKING WOMAN OR couple to share apt. Price rea.s. Ph. Wilmette 1183. 64L42-ltc 88 FOR RENT-ROOMS -------------FOR RENT-ROOM IN MOD. APT. IN Hubbard Woods, with priv. family. 1 blk. to trains. Refs. exchanged. Ph. Winnetka 3169. 66LTN42-ltc FOR RENT-LARGE ROOM, LIGHT housekeeping if desired. Gas stove & water in rm. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66L42-ltc I N<a>lfitlln §lhl«»re lElUliicllK CC(Q)mm]p)anny -------------------------------- · HUPMOBILE, 1928 MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES DEMONSTRATORS 6 CYLINDER SPORT MODEL ROAD· ~~n~~:~ra,b!:rv~~~s, quick, courteous, ster. 6 wire wheels. Beautiful car and pric(:d right. McKENDRY REALTY 8-cylinder Brougham. Fully equipped- 1614 Orrington Ave .. Evanston Unlv. 8383 3 trunks, etc.onAit.real buy as ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~o~L~T~N~3~5~-~ 7t~p car has disc onlywheel!', 800 miles _ Both of these cars cnrry our rt>gular new- 39 PETS car guarantee. ----------------GOULD C. DA & CO. FOR SALE-WII=tE-HAIRED TERRIER, 1 yr. old, $10. Leaving town. Ph. 736 Elm Rt. Ph. Winnetka 3090 Glencoe 889. 39LT~42-ltc CO. WANTED-HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO . a~sist with hswk., no washing or cook- FOR RENT--3 ROOMS. KITCHEN ing. Tel. Winn. 1331. 56LTN42-ltc priv., near transp. Ph. Glencoe 1008. 66LTN42-ltc WANTED-WIDTE GIRL FOR GEN. h!=!wk., 3 in fam . ; nice rm. & bath. RM. FOR RENT-NEAR TRANSP. 633 Tel. Glencoe 961. 56LTN42-ltc Park Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3566. '"1EN. HSWK. 3 IN FAMILY. TEL. 66L42-1tp ._. . · :i7 HELP WANTED-MALE -----------------HIGH-GRADE RAPIDLY EXPANDING l'C'::tl P!"tatP organization in Evanston HUP TOURING (' AR, 1923. GOOD FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL FEMALE wantl' amhitictu::;, energetic man to open tires, new ~parP., $65. T el. \Vinn. 2482. chow. 10 mo. old, r eaH. Ph. Wilmette and manage a North Shore branch of4LTN42-lt<' 3!!9'1. 39LTN42-ltc flee in 'Vinnf'tka to cover territory from FOR RENT-PLEASANT ROOM IN Keni!worth to Highland Park. Large Priv. homt>. 1240 Central Ave. Ph. adverti:.;ing allowance, unlimited coWilmette 3486. 66LTN42-ltp operation ln clMing deal!" 'and a sub~ou !"tantlal bonus on all North Shore sales FOR RENT PLEASANT, LARGE in arlilition to his own commissions room. Meals and garage if desired This Office will accept classified advertising to be run Rhould make thi~ an exceptional oppor1023 Main St. 66L42-ltp tunity. Address Wilmette Life A-67. in THE EVANSTON REVIEW .. reaching 16.000 fami57LTN42-ltc ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME. NEAR lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. transp. Gentleman pref. Ph. Wilmette SALESMAN WANTED-YOUNG MAN 4274. 66L40-tfc on Tuesday. to sell popular line of automobiles on North Shore. Permanent position. T~ARGE, COOL, PLEAS. FRONT ROOM Must havP high school educ. Write Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 nr. station. Tel. Winn. 415. Wilmette Life A-56. 57LTN40-tfc 66LTN42-ltc \ l iS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·winn. 1157. · 56LTN42-ltp LARGE, LIGHT, WELL-FURNISHEID rm., near lake and trains. Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN42-ltc . ROOM FOR RENT-CLEAN & COMfort. 1h blk. to transp. 722 Elm St. 66LTN42-ltp Rua Waat Ad Ia Evanstoa, too -

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