~July ~3, 1928 WILMETTE L.IF .~ Telephone Wilmette 3700 fOVNTAIN 5QVARL · LVAN5TON Sparkling Glassware for Summer Illustrated at the right are pieces from a new Fostoria set . . . . beautifully designed, and of good blown glass. Priced below by the dozen. Goblets ........ $6.95 Sherbets . . . . . . . 6. 9 5 Low Sherbets ... 6.75 Fruit Cocktail ... $6.55 Ice Teas . . . . . . . 6.95 Footed Tumblers .. 6.75 d .· Crepe de Chine of pink, blue, yellow or white, makes summer dresses or lingerie. The colors fast. Orange Juice .... $6.55 Nut Cups .. · ·. . . 5·95 Finger Bowls . . . . 9· 75 erit and Dresses Plates to match are priced upwards from $4.50. gro ial olu Children's Dishes 25c each Children love dishes of their very own, decorated, as these are. with cunning juvenile designs. Cups, saucers, mugs, cereal plates· fruit dishes and pitchers are in the set. Each piece 2 5 c. Colored Goblets $6.95 They will add a festive touch to the most ordinary meal ! Choose from the group with the crystal bowls and the amber, blue, or green stems, or the ones entirely of orchid glass. 0 flowered Ceorgettes $1.95 Beautiful combinations of rose, gray, orchid, :>owder blue, and nile green are used in creating ~his beautifully patterned crepe. Suitable for tfternoon and evening frocks. First Floor 7 -Piece Ice Tea Sets $1.25 Set consists of a large clear glass jug and six glasses, with odd twisted bases, as illustrated. May be had in green or rose. The sippers are priced ·separate! y. Other sets up to $I 5· First Floor ~: lk 6 l' d , .ed ar, Pongee, $1.00 tas, dresses, smocks, etc., for both women , tan, blue, and rose. It is an ideal summer times without losing any of its original The Conover Will Wash Your Dishes and your Pots and Pans, too And now, the Conover will wash your kitchen utensils as well as your dishes-in very little time. A rack which slips easily into the machine · has been made especially for washing your pots and pans. Come in and get a floor plan of the Conover. It rolls back into a corner wheh not in use! Double Faced SATIN RIBBON 7c· .. 12c · Green and tan, white and lavender, green and pink, pink and white, and pink and lavender are the combinations in which this ribbon may be had. All "Lady Fair" ribbon, widths I and 1 ~. 7c, widths 2, 3, and 5· I 2c. Also at I 2c is plain blue and plain lavender Colonial lingerie ribbon. First Floor Laundry Cases, $1.85 A heavy khaki cover with a sturdy cardboard box fillu makes an excellent laundry mailing case. For your son or daughter away at camp or school, it is a most convenient way of sending laundry and other necessities back and forth. You can purchase new fillers and address cards whenner needed. Housefurnishinga Firat Floor One large compartment for potatotl and three smallu onea for other vegetables and fruita. Of color· enameled sheet mttal-built biah· and narrow so it fits conveniently into a small space. Many perfora· tions allow for plenty of air. Keeps your vegetables and fruit dry thue damp days. Houaefurniahinga Firar Floor Housefi.trnishings First Floor '·