Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1928, p. 25

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July 13, 1928 WILME.TTE LIFE SEVEN KllfD8-COUXT 'B·r ' There are several different klnda of weather that cause the c.hlldren at tile Laurel playground to stay away ;-each as the ral~y weatber we have had for the last few w~eks, which keeps the ebll· dren In the house, and In the hot weather ot course the children go to the, beach. But tn the cool weather there are man,. more children than In the rainy weather or In the hot weather.-Patsy Butler, Laurel Playground Story About a Boy, Enjoys Summer Clauea; Cites Achievements of Especially the Teacher Howard Eighth Graden His Mother and Dad, There is a pleasure In going to sumThe achievements of the SA.' Howard school at Howard school. The teach- class in their graduating year, aside Gold and a Robber mer er "Is willing to help you on your poor from their school work, are as follows: Once there lived in a little country a little boy and his mother and father. His father was a shepherd and took very good care Qf hi~ sheep and his mother took care of the · house. But usually the boy would go with his father. One day his mother got sick and he had to stay home. His father came home with a smile but he said, "Tomorrow I must go early," and they had their dinner and went to bed. The next morning he got up early and went to a special place in the hilts. The day before he had dug a hole and pac~ed the dirt on tightly. He took out the dirt and found three bags of gold and he was very glad to find them. He took one home and hid it. A robber ·came to their house and he waited there till evening. You might be sure he had a gun. Then night came and they had dinner and went to bed. The robber went in the house but the mother was awake and the robber ran out and you might be sure they didn't have any trouble with robbers again. -Original short story by Daphne Craig, Third Grade studies. Every individual gets the same chance of education. The time flies fast, but you do get a good education anyway. Mrs. Jones, our teacher, is giving us a chance to build up on oral compositions. Every day several pupils have to give a Current Event. Mrs. Jones wants us to be able to get up and say whatever we know and say it cor.r ectly. -Charles Taylor, Howard Summer school ROPE JUMPING CONTEST We are not so good in jumping; But we tried our best ; But we're surely up and coming When it comes to pets. In jumping rope we failed ; But it was fun at that; Next year, if the prize we've nailed Well-we'll eat our hat! -Bessie Costo, Village Green Playground HAD LOTS OF FUN Each. playground was represented by two seniors and juniors in our ropejumping contest and we all met at Vattman park yesterday. The contest began at 1 :30 o'clock. Miss Skidmore acted as judge. On account of two ties for first and third we do not know what girls were the winners at this time. We all had lots of fun and I hope that Vattman park won. -Lucille Hoffman, Vattman Park VATTl\IAN TRUIS BEACH The Vattman Park playground baseball team played the Beach team Monday, July 2, and won. The game was played at Vattman park. T~e final score was Vattman 10 and Beach 5. The Vattman Park and the Village Green teams are now tied .for first place, each having won one game and lost none. Our next gam~ will be against Laurel. -Dick Huck, Vattman Park LINDY IN FIREWORKS Last night I went to see some firecrackers go off. They bad skyrockets and tanks. Girls came out and ·danced. I saw Lindy in firecrackers. I also saw Governor AI Smith.-Claude McDermott We won the football, basketball, and baseball championships. We had the le~st tardiness In the whole buildt~g and probably the whole system. We had the most penmanship diplomas, and one of our classmates, Edna Sttles, won first prize In the Memorial Day . essay. We also won all three prizes In the Howard A FJ\IR WARNING Eighth grade Poem contest. Once there were four boys In a buildWe had a fine time during this, our ing playing tag. The boy who was "It" fell down and there was a board with a last year.-George Jones, Howard 8A nail In the board. And tile nail went In his hand. It was his right hand. so he GLORIOUS FOURTH had a bad time. So If I were ,-ou I On the Fourth of July I got up early would not play In a new butlding. and got dressed. I woke up mother ·to -James Chronis, Mls~ Smith's room get my fireworks. I got a cannon and firecrackers. A 2 o'clock we went to the VAT1'l\IAN WINS Evanston Golf club. I went in the races Monday, July 2, Vattman Park had Ita and came in fourth. They had a stand and gave things ·free. At 7 o'clock we first baseball game with the Beach playhad dinner and at 9 o'clock the fireworks ~ro!md. The game started at 2:30 o'clock. started. It was rainy and they were The pitcher for Vattman Park was Dick postponed till 10 o'clock.-Haldane Wil- Huck, the catcher David Hass. The son _ game was an. exciting one. Vattman won, 10 to 5.-Jack Stein, Vattma,n fark ACTIVE MR. TODD HEARS RECITAL Mr. Todd strolled Into our room this' morning and said to Mrs. Stalling: Last night mother and daddy -.nd "Gee, but my legs are tired this morn- brother and I went to the recital and ing. I went in every race there was. My heard my - sister play the plano. There wife and I won the three-legged race were thirty-two pupils to play and they and we won ten gallons of gas and five did very well. Their teacher Is MIBB gallons of oil."-Kelly Welter, Howard Elmer.-Barbara Brenner, Miss Smith's school roo~ FILL UP PUDDLES Today for the third time they are filling up the Village Green. Last year it was a regular lake; then ·they leveled it off pretty well. There were then a few puddles so they filled them up. Then there was a big puddle that is being filled up now.-Henry Hoffmeyer, Village Green Playground CASTLES OF SAND Every nice day after school I go to the beach and make castles by the lake. There are two rafters and two life lines. Two homes south of the beach is where we used to live. -Haldane Wilson, Fourth Grade I :tnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnnmnnumnunmnunmmlml~ I "ICIII". THI P"OOT WIU." llllmediate CLEARANCE ol aU ..Veb P·eseaeve· Su~n~ner Shoes Sbop Bul)' If you're bound for some summer resort or if you intend to remain in town you will be glad to supple· ment your wardrobe with smart Arch Preserver Foot· wear at these radically reduced prices. White and Colo·ed Shoes OniJ' Bot Weather Footweu Combining style and comfort with reduced prices. Shop early while the stock and size range is niore complete. §=_= · A Profita· ble Summer Every advantage of even the finest summer resort may be bad without foregoing the comforts of home. THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS now makes this even more attractive through a delightful summer course that tabs you into nature's beauties, into lovely gardc_n~ or to the forest, to paint with oil or to sketch with pencil or water color. Your appreciation of the loveliest season of the year will be keener in all the years to come, once you have learned to see its beauty with the eye of an artist. Summer School Now in Seasion Eveni~g am PRbmvt(l fl SHOE SHOP DOWNTOWN EVANSTON School 7!JO-g:JO THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER. Dittctot Carlson Building Tower, .Chu~b ..and Orrington T elepbone Greenleaf ·· 16 74 . · ~ 630 Church Street In The Carlson Building ,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiUI~

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